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Multiple Settings Ultimate story Omniverse: the hero fanclub.

Lisa works at the local sandwich shop, making submarine sandwiches for people on the daily. She has to deal with customer service life and it can be emotionally exhausting. However, she does have one thing to look forward to at the end of the day.

The Heroes fan club.

Every day she rides her bike from work to the local library where it is held.

She meets Elizabeth there as she finishes up her job as the librarian’s assistant and receives the key for the club room that they rent using a cash pool that they all put together.

Soon after, alice shows up with a smile on her face and an ice cream cone (usually on her way from university) Elizabeth always has to remind her to finish it up before she enters because food isn’t allowed in the library, but she’s usually already halfway in the door and has to finish it inside anyway. At least the librarian doesnt mind it so long as she doesnt show up with something incredibly messy. Its amazing that Alice somehow keeps her figure eating all that junk, but she apparently works out every day to keep the fat off.

Last to show up is always Rachel. She walks from high school to get here everyday and is always exhausted. The others have tried to tell her to get a bike like Lisa, but she keeps ‘forgetting’ to.

All together they make up one club, but they’ve recently been trying to find more members. Where technically they are the hero club, they mainly talk about captain Strong because they are attracted to him. If they had more members to talk about other heroes, or a hero is more prevalent on their mind, they will talk about them more, but who knows when that will happen.

Their club meetings tend to last a few hours then they do their assigned tasks when its over.

What are these tasks? Why, trying to get information on the heroes discreetly and trying to get close to them.

Lisa organizes the task and roughs people up if need be. Rachel is the lookout, she looks for hero’s doing their work and tries to get ahold of them when they are done. Elizabeth collects information, using methods that may or may not be ethical and could barely be considered legal at times. while Alice usually tries to stay at home and do her homework (though when she is around she normally just flirts with the heroes if Rachel gets their attention.

Then the day ends and they all go home and rest thinking about the heroes they saw. When they day starts up again.

Today is just another ordinary day to them. They dont know this yet, but its the day their Idol, Captain Strong, has died.
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It had been a long day at work for Lisa. She'd been particularly busy today, as there had been an unexpected influx of customers and she was the one who had to deal with them, as some of her coworkers hadn't shown up at work for some reason. She was a bit more tired than usual, but still looked up to meeting with the rest at the library.

She rode her bicycle through the streets, making her way to the library. She parked her bicycle and wiped a bit of sweat from her forehead, before noticing Elizabeth and waving to her.
Lisa smiled as she trotted up to her friend. Were there any news she wanted to tell her? Elizabeth wasn't usually this enthusiastic. "Hi Elizabeth!" She said, slightly out of breath. "Any news?" She asked a bit excitedly. Maybe Captain Strong had stopped another robbery.
Almost as if on cue, Alice shows up in jogging gear with a mostly finished ice cream cone in hand, “hey, whats up you two?”, she looks to Elizabeth, “you seem happy today, any good news?”
Lisa frowned slightly, remembering the usual lateness of Rachel in particular, before turning to greet Alice with another smile. "Hello Alice. Elizabeth here says she won't talk until we're all here." She said, mock-glaring at Elizabeth. "At least give us a small clue!"
“Big news that no one else seems to have caught on to. But I wanna wait till everyone is here, where the heck is Rachel anyway?”
“Im here!”

The others hear panting from a distance away, “Im just... so tired.”, she runs down the street and collapses in a heap on the ground, tripping and falling on her face, “ow...” she looks up and sees Alice with her ice cream, “can I have some?”

“No, but I can bring you some tomorrow. Now hurry up, Liz has news”

“Okay...”, she gets up and pitifully runs to the others, “Im sorry... Im late... got detention... for being dumb...” she pants in between breaths, “teacher thought... I was insulting her... with my answers...” *gasp*
“Alright alright, huddle!” She sits on the ground criss cross.
“What I have for you is something I can’t believe I never saw before, something I can’t believe no one has noticed before, something that completely changes everything we know about captain Strong.”
Alice’s eyes widen as she sits on the ground, “what is it?”, she licks at her ice cream

Rachel gladly sits on the ground, “is it another shirtless picture?”, she drools a little
"Rachel, keep your composture!" Lisa said, as she sat down with the rest of them- she would be lying if she said that she wasn't also excited though. "Do tell!" She turned to Elizabeth excitedly.
Liz smacks Rachel upside the head “no creep. Captain Strong has a sidekick.” She pulls out three pictures of John and Captain Strong fighting together. “A nameless sidekick that for some reason nobody knows about.”
“Oof”, rachel blushes a little, “heheheheheheheheheh”

“He has a what now?”, Alice looks at one of the old photos, “woah...”, I wonder how long theyve been working together.”

“I guess it makes sense”, Rachel says, “I mean captain strong is so compassionate!”
"Nobody has heard about him?" Lisa asked, eyeing the photos. "No-body? At all?" She said as she looked up to Elizabeth with a grin. "What do you think it's his name?"
“He’s so cute!”, Rachel says, “Im gonna call him strong jr.”

Alice just rolls her eyes at rachel, and licks her icecream
“No idea” Liz replies, “but as far as i’ve seen he’s only gone on three outings with Strong, odd for a sidekick to only come out and fight three times.”
“That is odd”, Alice says. She finishes her icecream, “what kind of things did he help Captain strong with exactly?”
“He helped him stop a bank robbery, fight that weird bumble bee guy nobody cares about, and, I don’t really know what he did the third time, there were no dates.” Liz tells them
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“How old are the photos?”, Alice asks, “he already looks like he’s around my age if not older”

“Im totally adding him to my list of hotties”, Rachel smiles sheepishly, “I hope I get to meet him one day!”

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