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Fandom Ultimate Despairbear OOC

Hey! I saw your reply and I have mine started, but it's late and I didn't get the best sleep last night so I'm probably gonna end up crashing before I can finish it. I'll post it tomorrow morning once it's done, that alright?

Also oml I was looking up some of Komaeda's sprites just for appearance reference and this popped up on the google page, I'm so done XDXD438-4385687_nagito-komaeda-sprite-edit-png-download-nagito-komaeda.png
XD It's alright! I get it, sometimes you just don't know what else to add. It happens, especially since there's just a simple introduction scene going on there meanwhile Yumi and Fuyu are having a little conflict, which can get more wordy anyway
XD I think Fuyuhiko's love language at this point in his life, instead of being things like physical touch or gift giving, is sending body guards out for people he gives a shit about lmao
LMAOOO I can totally see that.

Also I think it'd be hilarious if after Clover and Komaeda's conversation ends and they both start to walk off, Komaeda's luck just like instantly turns on him, and so Clover is like "Maybe I should walk him to class" XD
Hey! Very last minute, but starting tomorrow I'm gonna be offline for 3-4 days. My friend invited me on a small trip with them, so I'm gonna give my attention to that versus staying on my laptop the entire time lol. I'll try to finish a roleplay reply today, but if I don't, I'll continue on Friday/Saturday when I'm back online :)

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