Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

Point in favour of GM-lead RPs; you can quite neatly engineer natural introductions for late comers.
Other way of introducing late comers is having an open enter point for players to slip into the story with or without GM intervention. I have several point in my RP where players can simply slip into the action with out needing to bump into anyone. I think the more intimidating factor for late comers is needing to read all the pages or not knowing what's immediately relevant.

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Xenonia said:
There's... There's pretty much no other way to introduce your character. If you don't interact with somebody, you're basically setting yourself up to be ignored. Would you rather everyone do their own big long special intro that involves being half a world away from each other and nobody ever meets, they just jerk off in their own little section?
I know what you mean, but I am talking about the cliche of literally bumping into them, usually making them both fall, or something like that.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
I know what you mean, but I am talking about the cliche of literally bumping into them, usually making them both fall, or something like that.
My immediate reaction is to shove the other person off, have my character get up, flip person off, and continue about my plans. XP
Progress01 said:
I hate it when your whispering something to someone right next to you, and somebody 10 feet away mentions it. Or if you're character thinks of something. And somebody else's character suddenly reads their mind and knows it.
For the cat is a cat, who is a cat, and does things.... Catty.
Exactly. Well fucking said.

That irks me particularly in a fantasy battle situation with elemental weaknesses. The weakness changes, their use of magic changes.

Or those times when players take advantage of a weakness they shouldn't even be aware of. For example, in an RP I was in, a character took advantage of my character's blurred vision. There was no smoke, or poison, or anything that would have any indication of blurred vision, yet they just know
Something that's always bugged me is when characters have this rage/berserk/hulk SMASH/whatever mode and get so powerful in a short period of time that makes them unstoppable, but "they're really really weak when it wears off!". Now, this trope, written correctly and by itself, could be fine, except this power wears off the moment they're safe from harm, every. Single. Time.
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I dislike roleplays that have no plot. Now, I may like a pairing and want to roleplay them to fulfil another thing on my bucket list, but when there's no plot, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth to want them forcibly together. It's like trying to make Ken doll kiss Barbie because you just want some romance.

This is where I (sometimes) create roleplays I end up despising myself. After setting up with someone to execute a roleplay between so-and-so-character#1 and such-and-such-character#2, with a plot implemented, I usually get so absorbed into the plot that I forget the pairing I had in mind in the first place. I end up throwing in more recurring characters and realise a different pairing in the roleplay fit better, or it could be something so-and-so-character#1 said that put off such-and-such-character#2 so much (in game) the latter decided not to pursue a relationship with them. The two protagonists could end up solving whatever drove the story on and still each be single (or involved with someone else unexpected when plotting at first) in the end. See, I broke the initial idea of the roleplay! I am usually met with two reactions: the understandably annoyed partner, and the surprised but welcoming partner. The second is godsend - it's difficult to find someone who agrees that two characters don't mesh because of poor chemistry, which at times we only discover as we play the characters out. (I mean, that's why most breakups happen IRL, bro, but if you can't take that then ...)

Secondly would be meta-gamers, meta-roleplayers, fourth wall breakers - and whatever other names they come with. I'm all for writing bits and pieces of the character's thoughts, because I can truly immerse myself into playing them out in each post. What I abhor to the bones is when the other roleplayer decides to alter a facet of their character's personality to tailor them into someone who could get out of the bear trap my character so meticulously set.

Take for example this one time when I wrote something along the lines of: "he wondered if she realised that he was faking the limp in his walk, and that she was being directed to an impending doom". In the Character Sheet, and through the early stages of the roleplay, the girl was portrayed as a very naive and innocent lady who grew up in a typical "good girl home", who took the initiative to help even strangers, is oblivious and even careless, and always believed in the goodwill of people. And then, whoom!

In the next post, the girl suddenly "knew" that something wasn't right and that she wanted to leave. When my character tried to persuade her, she physically injured him like a pro and fled. 1) How the hell did she get that sudden knowledge (had it not been the way I wrote down my character's thoughts) and 2) how the bloody hell did she develop combat skills down under 10 seconds? My character was a trained assassin. I think he could have at least put up some resistance than be pounded into a mochi bulk.
So I guess that means I should also include this: auto-hitters. And how can I forget: creating a villain with no real purpose other than to search and destroy everything good in life from the moment he was born like a homing missile.

Speaking of character creation ... there's also the no point in getting to know you through interaction type where the player/mun has already listed out every interesting thing about their character, including personality quirks and secrets that could have been a surprise in-game. I already "know" you, so why should I bother getting to know you when I could be crafting some "coincidental interests" that make us look like The Perfect Partners? See what I mean. As long as crucial information pertinent to the plot (rather than character development) is clarified, I'm happy with the CS. Anything more and it usually becomes joykill.

Sometimes, I make my characters flirtatious, or even intentionally write them in such a way that the characters seem to be showing romantic interest in a certain character. And maybe my characters were intrigued but it doesn't last, or it was a pretence to lower the other character's guard. What puts me off is when that happens, the player immediately magnified that little moment of half-hearted flirting into the beginning of a relationship (they fantasize about) when I meant it as plot fuel. I don't know how I can categorise it; desperate for romance, maybe? It's a joke on me, though, since I usually write a plot idea and give it a romantic, "Would They Or Won't They?" voice in my introductions.

I make goofy characters sometimes. People come in different walks of life. So some of my characters have happy childhood as well (this is especially true if I'm joining one of those Highschool RP). I'm sorry if you find them boring. Also, if you hate one of my side characters because they're the butt joke to lighten things up and their POV sounds "silly", you might as well have a problem with me, because being too srs bsns every post is costly to my soul, senpai.

Lastly, throwing in posts that in no way continue from my last one and are simply out of the blue, especially posts that do no more than glorify their character and make their 'screentime' be all "OMG! +1". I won't nope out of the room based on that, but you can slap money on the counter that you lost a huge fraction of my zeal in the roleplay.
Making backstory where it shouldn't be. If your characters have never met, they'll slowly have to learn all those traits and characteristics of the other character. They don't know their life story automatically.
I haven't looked through the pages to see if this has been said, buuuut... My biggest pet peeves are writers who call themselves detailed, but use only simple language, striving for quantity instead of quality. And it's mainly the little things too.

For example: put instead of placed; red or blue instead of vermilion and scarlet, sapphire and cobalt; also the constant use of BE-verbs (is, are, were, was, etc.) instead of using an active tone, but that may just be me getting all picky. The words get and got kind of piss me off for some reason, too.

I mean, it's perfectly fine OOC, but I don't understand the point in calling oneself a detailed RPer if one doesn't strive for richness and imagery with almost every sentence. Again, I'm probably getting picky, but reading this sort of RP just takes away all of my inspiration to write.
I think we all have a few.

I hate Meta-playing, but honestly it hasn't been that big of a problem here, granted I currently have one character in particular it would effect. My sister and fellow roleplayer also has a character it would effect in the same roleplay and I think we're purposely keeping our friends in the dark about the "Situation" in order to keep meta-playing from happening(Along with a nice little shock when they put the pieces together ;) ).

Back on track.

I also can't stand characters who never miss, and are never hit. There has been a time where a character of mine has been involved in a fight where the other tried to determine my character's response to his mind games when realistically, it is not in the character's realm of reactions to respond in the way he did. The theme was fear (No, Kylesar, not DDASPETAMI :P ), and fear had created the character I was using almost literally. His responses to his deepest fears would never be what the other roleplayer wanted them to be.

I don't like it when you break my characters.

Oh, what else?

Oh yes.


I HATE Passive Players. Please, don't wait for our characters to approach yours out of the blue! I mean, my characters are all busy doing something else - maybe I'd engage you if they weren't, but they are, so I can't! You have to engage the plot - like everyone else is! Please! Honestly, if you're sitting in a library down the road, I'm not gonna have my character walk down there and ask you to join the plot when he or she is currently busy working the plot out. Usually, that plot determines whether a city burns to the ground or not. ...It's been a common theme these days.

Like, seriously, I have managed to take a character who is literally an embodiment of hate, anger, and mood-swinging teenage angst and made him engage others and involve himself. He pretty much hates everything and I still got him involved with the other characters, who he also hates. If I can do that with this thing that'd rather be at home, you can do it with your slightly quiet, slightly-asocial character.

Two things for me. The first is not really the rp itself, but rather the person writing it. If you can't structure your sentences to make coherent sense, and begin all your sentences with "and then he...", go home. you don't belong here. For me, there is a minimum height to ride the rp train, and it is Freshman English. I don't expect you to be great, but i do expect you to be above-average.

Second, i 100% cannot stand the "Woe-is-Me" characters. I get it, tragic backstory is rp 101, but if instead of character growth you decide to write only about how much your life sucks and how all the bad things that happen to you make you sad, we won't be rping together. ever. never ever. never ever for ever never. I'd rather try to befriend the "Distant Loner".
I just dislike unrealistic roleplays that are done by people who are honestly fantasizing about something but haven't bothered to do their research to get anything accurate. I think often times those who romanticize things (as you said), probably do it because they haven't done the research and they don't appreciate the actual seriousness of the situation which brings a deeper, more interesting and complex drama. I have seen RPs that revolve around mental illness that are very good and very fascinating, but they are usually led by me (I have my Bachelors in Psychology). They aren't my favorite type but with good, detailed roleplayers, and complex well thought out characters.

There is only one genre of roleplay though that I usually don't like (I love most genres, especially ones that have good stories), and that is boarding high school with vampires and demons and ridiculously overused cliched and Mary Sue characters. Usually these characters are unrealistic for their age and are in no way complex, developed, or interesting. Very face value and shallow.

And the solution to auto-hitters, make it an RP rule "No auto-hitting". That is why rules are very important for a high quality, detailed roleplay!
Ugh, finally! People who understand my struggles as an aspiring master roleplayer.

I hate:

  • Furries. (Check out my postings in the Personal Discussion tab to understand my rage.)
  • Anime pictures in a serious setting.
  • Characters with an overly tragic bio. (Ex: My dad died from drug overdose, my sister died in a car accident, feel sorry for me!)
  • My Little Pony.
  • People who believe OP is a good thing.
  • People who use OP characters in a strictly non-OP roleplay.
  • People who insist that their character is the best thing since sliced bread.
  • Rule breakers...
  • Impolite roleplayers.
  • Childish roleplayers.

I could go on but I think I vented enough..
Role-players who spread their negativity like a plague, ultimately ruining it for everybody.
[QUOTE="Wastes Storyteller]Ugh, finally! People who understand my struggles as an aspiring master roleplayer.
I hate:

  • Furries. (Check out my postings in the Personal Discussion tab to understand my rage.)
  • Anime pictures in a serious setting.
  • Characters with an overly tragic bio. (Ex: My dad died from drug overdose, my sister died in a car accident, feel sorry for me!)
  • My Little Pony.
  • People who believe OP is a good thing.
  • People who use OP characters in a strictly non-OP roleplay.
  • People who insist that their character is the best thing since sliced bread.
  • Rule breakers...
  • Impolite roleplayers.
  • Childish roleplayers.

I could go on but I think I vented enough..

I'm just curious why you say no anime pictures in a serious setting. Why can't anime be serious?
[QUOTE="Wastes Storyteller]What I meant like chibi anime in like a zombie roleplay.

That is a weapon... of sorts..

Ah okay

Yea I do agree. It just seemed you were saying anime in general which I'd disagree with because I've seen some really serious anime styles.
Atom said:
Ah okay
Yea I do agree. It just seemed you were saying anime in general which I'd disagree with because I've seen some really serious anime styles.
I have too. I just do not like having anime pictures for characters in certain roleplays.
[QUOTE="Wastes Storyteller]
That is a weapon... of sorts..

Caster's Fate/Stay Night Rulebreaker. A magical weapon made for blablabla read the wiki.
[QUOTE="Wastes Storyteller]I have too. I just do not like having anime pictures for characters in certain roleplays.

I agree with that. There are some roleplays where big-eyed anime or even serious anime is just so out of place. Then there is some roleplays where big-eyed anime is fine, and then roleplays where serious anime of CG pictures work better. I feel it is up to the RPM to decide which fits their visions for the roleplay best.
Blatantly copying anime characters and not even hiding it, up to and including using gifs of said characters on EVERY. SINGLE. POST.

I hate it soo much, there are no perfect couples in the world-none. I hate when my roleplaying partner doesn't want drama or fighting because damnit i don't want to live in 'la la love land' all the time.

If we're doing a modern love story where they fell in love at first sight. Lets talk about their first apartment, muse A might have a very bad tendency to leave hair in the bathroom which could drive muse B insane. Lets have them argue about that, small. But cute and fun. Or get stressed out about finances, jealousy over their same sex friends. Come on lets treat this like a real couple with real day to day issues!
For me it has to be plotting. I hate it when I'm in the middle of an RP and I have to play and plot and create every character just so the plot can move and then the other person only replies with their character doing nothing. I want an rp where I can go to and chat with the other person about what's going to happen. It usually leads to me getting bored of the rp and me not being as excited to write it anymore considering that I'm the only one who's doing anything.

Don't even get me started on the whole magical school thing. Usually those don't go anywhere and end up with everyone forgetting the plot and just jerking their characters into having a four page long romance with no real plot.

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