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One x One Two of a Kind Parted(DistoredxMayhem x Yoki) - Additional IC


Professionally Curious


We're Step-Siblings?!
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Home at last! Jonah had been waiting for this day for months now, the day he finally rid himself of that cramped dorm room and stuffy hallways, he'd always hated boarding school, he was overjoyed that he'd finally been allowed the privilege of changing schools to somewhere that didn't require he lived there...

His mother had originally enrolled him into boarding school after his father died, she said that it would be better for all of them...which he thought was stupid then, and he still did now, but he just blamed it on her grieving. He knew she'd married someone new, but Jonah had been away most of the time, he'd even been at school when the wedding was on...which caused him miss it. It would have been easy for him to have taken time off to come down, if his mother had bothered to even tell him when it was, or call his school and help him out, but of course she didn't... Whoever this guy was, she was probably too infatuated with him to bother with worrying about what her son was up to. Whatever, it wasn't a big deal anyway.

The teenager approached his porch, dragging his suitcase along behind him. Well, at least this place was still the same as always... Coming up to the front door, he sighed and grabbed the handle, he'd had a long journey, and all he wanted to do now was sit and relax for a bit... Well...maybe greet his family, but otherwise just sit and relax. The door clicked open and Jonah stepped foot inside, he didn't really care to look around at first, placing his suitcase by the door as he shut it. No one in the hallway...so...where were they all? The door was unlocked, which meant they had to be in, right? He could always try some of the other rooms.

Jonah headed into the living room, but there was nobody in there either, then he tried the snug, but...that was also empty. It did give him a clue though, since the television had been left on in that room, after that he made his way towards the kitchen, hopefully someone was actually around...
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Rachael had been left to her devices for a few hours, her dad and new step-mother had stepped out to go grocery shopping and run a few errands. She vaguely remembered them mentioning that she needed to keep a look out for someone- a visitor or something? Oh well, she was never the greatest listener to begin with, easily slipping into her own mind as it buzzed with random ideas and questions. It was probably a bad habit that she should try to rid herself of, but sometimes it came in handy, and she wasn't taking any initiative to try and do any 'self-improvement' mumbo jumbo. Plus, people like Einstein were known to have the same quality, so surely it couldn't be a bad trait to have.

Shaking her head to focus on the task at hand, she glanced around and tried to remember what she had been previously doing. She had a mission, now what was it- Oh! Right; she was going to start making dinner. One thing she knew for sure: she liked to cook. Not in that 'I'm-going-to-be-a-great-wife-someday' way, but in a 'I-might-decide-to-become-a-chef' way. Sighing and running a hand through her messy hair, she smiled goofily to herself and commenced the gathering of ingredients. She was going to make her famous garlic-parmesan broccoli, some pasta with fettuccine sauce, maybe even some salad? Sure, why not.

"What about dessert?" She asked herself aloud, a quirk of hers that occasionally earned her some odd looks when she just so happened to do it in public. Maybe talking to herself was something she should try to stop doi- "Oh, I know! Chocolate chip cookies." She cut her own train of thought off, exclaiming confidently as she continued to build the pile of food that was slowly growing in size on the island in the middle of the kitchen. It was at this moment that she could briefly hear the opening and closing of doors. Guessing that her parents merely came home early- her dad probably left his wallet- she shrugged it off and began to heat up some pans and prepped the broccoli so she could steam it.

Sensing a presence enter the vicinity, she smiled teasingly and turned around. "Back so early- Huh?" She blinked owlishly. Who was that, and why was he in her house?! "Um..." She shut her mouth, delving into her thoughts as she assessed the situation. What had her parents told her before they left? She felt as if the boy in front of her was tied into it somehow... "Oh, you must be her son!" She came to a conclusion, striking a fist into her open palm as if to visually prove that she had figured the enigma out. "J...Jonas- Jonah, right?" She asked, wiping her hands off with a dish rag before offering him her hand with a nervous grin taking over her features, realizing just how awkward the whole situation was. "I'm Rachael... You're new step-sister. Hi."


Approaching the kitchen, Jonah heard clanking and footsteps as someone moved around inside. Maybe it was his mother? Or her new husband...who knew... It had to be one of the two right? Either way he'd probably just get a 'hey' and then leave to go do something else since they'd most likely be busy with other things. Okay, so maybe sometimes he did wish that his mother made more time for him, but he wouldn't complain. Right now being given the chance to leave boarding school and live at home again was really enough for him, hopefully things would improve from there. He really hoped that his new step-father wasn't an awful guy, he didn't feel like dealing with some guy who just didn't want to listen to anyone else, or who shouted twenty four seven... It had always been a worry with his mother finding a new husband, after all...he didn't know what people would be like...but he supposed he was being irrational...

As he peered into the kitchen the person he saw caused him to stop and panic for a moment, wait...did he have the wrong house or something?! Had he just walked into a stranger's?! Who was this girl in the kitchen? She was rather short, brown hair...he couldn't tell the colour of her eyes...but...he'd never seen her before! Dammit! If he'd just walked into someone else's house that was going to be so embarrassing! Jonah was going to walk out, maybe exit the house and then call his mother to see what the address was for definite, but the girl seemed to catch him in his tracks and started speaking to him... There was no escape then...

At first he thought she was going to shout at him to get out or something, but she didn't instead she stopped for a second and tried to work out his name... So...she'd been warned of him, but his mother had told him nothing about her? What? It made no sense... Sometimes it was really annoying when his mother 'forgot' to tell him very important things, like the fact that he had a step sister now! The boy deemed that as rather important!

"Oh, hey..." His facial expression seemed rather calm, but it was obvious that there was a tiny bit of shock mixed in there. He took the girl's hand and shook it, staring down at her. Step-sister...so her name was Rachael, and she was his new step-sister... Well, at least he wasn't alone in the house with just adults, right? Whilst she was quite small, she sounded and looked to be around his age, they could probably get along decently. There weren't many people that didn't find something to talk about with Jonah, or sometimes he just sat there with people and didn't say anything at all, sometimes you just needed to sit with someone and have their presence in the room. "Sorry, for the shock, no one told me about you..." His voice was mostly calm, but just slightly uneasy, she seemed nice and rather enthusiastic, but he liked to be told of the family that he was getting before randomly meeting them in his home. "Honestly, I thought I'd walked into the wrong house or something."

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Rachael couldn't help but laugh at the boy's unease. She felt a bit bad for doing so, but she knew all to well how it felt to expect one person only to be met with someone else. "It's no problem, sorry that you had to find out this way. It seems our parents are rather forgetful." She smiled pleasantly, grasping his hand softly to shake it before letting go. He sure had soft hands for a boy- how strange. Oh, she should apologize for laughing. "And I don't mean to make fun of you by laughing like I just did, it's just that I remembered something. One time I had accidentally got into a stranger's car, thinking it was my dad's; what a surprise it was for both of us. I nearly died of embarrassment." She trailed off, face becoming red as she remembered the scarring encounter. The man she had ended up in a car with had been rather creepy. She had never gotten out of a vehicle as fast as she did that day.

It's easy to joke about it now, but it was terrifying when it was actually happening. Whoops, back to reality, there's a boy in front of you in need of assistance. "I was just about to make dinner, but if you want, I can show you to our room." She offered, turning the heat of the stove to low so she doesn't end up burning the house down while getting to know her new sibling. What a weird word, she's never associated it with anyone before, so it was alien to her and felt strange to even label Jonah as such. "I should probably warn you, I'm sure the last thing you want to be doing is sharing a room with me- even I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy, I know I can be tiresome- but our room is rather spacious! Dad and, um, mom had given us the master bedroom since they knew we'd want more space, but we only get a bunk bed so as to give us extra room for storage." She elaborated, taking a pause when calling her dad's wife mom. She hasn't done it yet, so this was the first time acknowledging the new woman in her life as mother out loud.

Rachael ducked her head slightly as she passed by Jonah, leading him through the big house. It was probably pretty average in size to most, but it was the biggest house she's ever lived in, so she would refer to it as so. Rachael silently recalled Jonah's features. Fluffy black hair and piercing eyes, she was a bit intimidated in all honesty. He had matured physically much better than she had, more elegant and chiseled than she had with her short stature and round face. Hopefully he didn't find her repulsive. Sure, she was very upbeat and friendly, but she was also pretty self-conscious, so she couldn't help but fidget and discreetly try to polish herself up as they ventured down the halls.

Once they made it to the room, she opened it for him and allowed him to step in first. Seeing that he had quite a few bags, she decided to help him out. With a lop-sided grin, she tucked some unruly hair behind her ear and offered a hand out. "Here, I can take some of those bags. Your shoulders must be killing you." She felt like that was possibly the most awkward string of words to ever have left her mouth, but maybe it was just the first-time-meeting-someone jitters that made her overly aware of herself and her actions. Either way, this all was at least going much more smoothly than when she first met Jonah's mom. Rachael's hands had been shaking so much in nervousness that she spilled her drink all over the floor. Wow, it seemed she had accumulated a long line of embarrassing moments. Must be a talent of hers by now.


"Yeah. Forgetful..." Jonah replied with a nod, it wasn't like this was anything new to him, he was used to his mother always 'forgetting' to tell him certain details, so it wasn't a big deal. The boy hadn't thought that she was laughing at him directly at all, but it seemed like Rachael felt the need to tell him anyway, "Oh, no, really. It's fine, I didn't think you were." Just as he'd said that, he heard her start to talk about a rather interesting and peculiar event. He raised an eyebrow and couldn't help put smile slightly, well...that was quite the accident. "Sounds pretty dangerous to be honest, you should probably watch what you're doing next time." Jonah had never heard a story like that from anyone before, but it sounded like something he would have done when he was younger, he'd often walked around without thinking, if a car had looked like his own he might have absent-mindedly opened the door and gotten in.

The room smelled of food, what exactly he couldn't tell, but if food was involved then he was there. Were their parents not home yet or something? He was going to ask about it when Rachael started to talk about their room. Wait...
their? As in...they were sharing? Yeah...of course they were, this house wasn't a four bedroom, they didn't have another bedroom to put Rachael in... Jonah might have sighed if it had been two years ago that he was told this, but he was used to sharing a room with many people, so it didn't really seem like that bad of a thing...but...one thing he'd never done was share a room with someone of the opposite sex... Well, it'd have to work somehow right? If she got uncomfortable with him in there or anything he could easily go sleep downstairs in the snug, it wouldn't be an issue.

"Ah, don't worry about it." Jonah waved her off when she was talking about them sharing a room and how he probably wouldn't want to do that, "If mom didn't tell you, I went to boarding school, I've shared rooms with plenty of different people... I doubt you'll get as rowdy as some of them." He was sort of immune to whatever people did in his own room now, he hadn't had proper personal space all to himself in years, so he really didn't mind, whatever was thrown at him during their time sharing a room with be easy compared to some of the room mates he had had, he could go on for hours about what they did...

He'd grabbed his bags and followed Rachael up the stairs, honestly he didn't think that she'd offer to help him or anything... He was mostly alright, but it was nice to have someone ask for once.
"Thanks." He smiled, taking one of his bags off of his shoulder and passing it over to her, "It's really appreciated." Maybe his shoulder did hurt a little...now that the weight was off of it he could feel the ache start to set it...well...he guessed that was what he got for carrying all of this stuff around all day... Maybe he should have thought about that earlier...



Rachael had always wondered what boarding school was like. She never liked public school- everyone was so superficial and unmotivated. Sure, there had been the odd starry-eyed teen she'd happen to cross paths with. They'd have passions akin to her own, but sooner or later they'd either give up or move on to bigger and better places while she was stuck with kids she never really felt connected to. She had friends of course, but not a group that she could connect with on a deep level. They were all pretty keen on focusing on themselves and boys, two things she wasn't highly interested in, so often times she'd just keep her mouth shut until she got home and would then proceed to debate and discuss with her father to keep her intellectual side stimulated.

Rachael never really knew her mother, it had always just been her and her dad, so the two were very close. She had been pretty apprehensive when she first found out that he had met someone- it had only been the two of them for so long, and she wasn't sure if she was okay with someone else joining the picture. It wasn't until she noticed how happy her dad was anytime he got to see this new love interest that she knew it was for the best. Plus, she was a junior now, and she needed someone to take care of him while she was in college. Really, everything had turned out alright.

"They couldn't have been all that bad." She chuckled, turning her attention back to him after she set his bags down by the bed. She noticed him slightly flinch as the aching set in, and sighed softly with a sympathetic smile on her face. "I can heat up a sack of cherry pits if you'd like? I know, sounds strange, it's a common remedy in the south though. It's really just a pillow of dried cherry pits. They heat up well and feel like a heating pad- great for soothing sore muscles." She explained, taking the rest of his bags from him and settling them in place next to the others. Perhaps while he rested, she and him could chat as she made dinner. "Oh, and if you're wondering about where those two are: they went out to run errands. They should be back by the time I finish cooking." She quickly added, realizing he might be curious about where his mother had been this whole time.

"If you want, you can either just hang out in here or keep me company in the kitchen- or you can wander- whatever you want really. Mi casa es su casa, right? I think that's how that goes... Except this time it's literal... A-anyways! Don't wait up on me, I just have to go keep an eye on that food." She sputtered out, making her way towards the door once she had completed making a fool of herself. To ease up the awkward tension she felt starting to build up, she beamed at him awaiting his response. Maybe if she seemed confident and at ease, he'd begin to reciprocate those same feelings and start to feel more at home.


"Oh trust me. If you met them, you wouldn't be saying that." Jonah replied, rubbing his shoulder. People thought that kids in boarding school were well behaved and perfect, but that wasn't the case. It was like taking a group of school kids out on a trip and letting them all sleep in the same area, madness... Only that was all year around. Your friends never left, it was a permanent slumber party, plus the school was your home. Things got vandalised, people ran around the hallways at night, there were parties at the weekends, well, depending on whether someone had done something that made one of the staff annoyed at them all... Then they'd usually just all hang out quietly and play video games. Honestly, apart from the curfew (which no one listened to), it wasn't all that bad having others around all the time. You became a lot closer with people than at public schools, since you could never really go anywhere but back to your room they became almost like a mini family. Of course there were fights between people, and people disliked each other, but everyone was a lot more open with how they felt about each other as well. Which was a good thing in his opinion... You were always there for the people you needed to be there for, and when someone was struggling with something, whether it be school work or family issues, there was always someone around to talk to.

Still...at the end of the day a lot of his friends had a family who called and checked up on them, and who they could go back to during holidays... He just wished he'd had that too. During his time at boarding school he'd only been home a handful of times...most times during holidays he'd stayed at his friends, his parents didn't mind, but when they couldn't have him...he'd stayed at school... When most people are visiting family, school becomes rather lonely....

"Huh?" He turned his attention back to Rachael, forgetting about his school for the moment, "Ah, I mean it's okay. It'll go away after awhile, I think I'll be alright. Thanks though." Cherry pits, he'd never heard of that one before, interesting. Well, if it worked, you might as well take advantage of it. Jonah rolled his shoulders back, wincing slightly, yeah...it ached, but it'd go away soon enough. The topic was changed quickly to their parents though, so they were running errands? Fair enough. "Yeah, mom probably forgot the time I was coming home." He rolled his eyes jokingly. Sure he was disappointed that his mother wasn't here for when he came back, but at least there was someone.

Rachael seemed slightly awkward, and Jonah thought it was sweet, at least she was friendly and not someone who would immediately draw a line between them. Her side, his side kind of thing.
"I mean, if you don't mind, I think I'll come downstairs." He replied, moving towards the door as well, "I can sort all this out later, and I guess I'd like to see our...parents when they get home as well." Wow. That felt weird... Parents. He hadn't said that in quite some time, and he'd certainly never shared them with a sibling. "If I stay up here I'll probably end up falling asleep or something."


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