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(Tsiwentiio & Cole Anderson)

(Are you on the cheerleading team?)


Kyle loved when she wrapped her arms around him. He told her to wrap her legs around him and then he would carry her. While he was carrying her he said "I am not mad I love those shorts they look fine as hell, but every guy also thinks that and i am worried that i am going to lose you" Kyle started to cheer up since she was on him pretty much.

(Yeah, I'll have her be captain)


"Your not going to lose me, I love you and only you, so please don't worry" she smiled at him running her fingers through his hair "where are you taking me" she kept her eyes on him​
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Kyle said "To infinite and beyond" he smiled "I am talking you to the weights room so we can life because we both need muscle" He puts her down gently and then opens the door to the weight room and they walk in.



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As they walked into the the weight room Kylie fixed her hair putting it up in a bun, she went and sat on one of the yoga balls in the corner she rolled back on the ball so she was now on her back "Am I doing it right" she laughed at herself, she had terrible upper body strength she was a lot better at leg exercises​
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Kyle smiles at her and tickles her stomach. "Yes yes you are totally haha" he chuckles. Here let me help you.



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Kylie laughed, and got up and stood by one of the benches " are you going first or am I" once he was close enough to her she grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to her, before she could say something she heard some familiar voices, she turned and noticed some of the guys she used to hang out with walk in, she turned back and faced Kyle hoping they wouldn't recognize her. One of them came over to her "What's up kylie" he leaned over "party at my dad's house tonight, all nighter" he whispered to her then walked off

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Kyle said "hey man what about this party?" Then he turned to Kylie and said "what were you about to say to me?" Kyle looks pissd and said "you can go first."



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"I was just going to ask how much you normally lift" she noticed him get mad, she put her hands on his face forcing him to look at her " hey, don't let them bother you, their parties aren't even worth calling parties, remember our movie date" she smiled at him "I'll go first but no laughing if I mess up"​
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Kyle smiled and kissed her when she got on the bench "ok i will not laugh at you and you won't mess up babe" Kyle is spotting her and asks "are you excited for our date? We have not gone on one in a while and who were those people?"



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Kylie waited till she was finished with her set before answering, "I'm super excited, Oh my god I don't even know what i'm going to wear or how to do my hair" she laughed and turned her head and looked over at the guys then looked up at Kyle "I used to hang out with them all the time, I actually dated one of them, it didn't last long and it was a few years ago now, My arms feel like Jell-o"​
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Kylie "I don't care what you wear or if you have makeup on or anything on" he smiled and laughed. "Did the relationship mean anything to you?" And Kyle starts to fell her arms and then massages them. " my turn I guess"



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"Thanks babe" she smiled at him and stood up and kissed him, she moved over so he could get on the bench "I'm still gonna look nice for tonight though, umm not really no, it was kinda a forced into a relationship type of thing" She looked at the clock "We don't have too much longer till the bell rings"

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"Let me get a last rep in then you can go and change" Kyle finish and he heads to the locker room. "Are you gonna wear yoga pants :) " once he changes he goes out and waits for her outside of the locker room. To walk to the lockers.



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Kylie went into the locker room and changed, she also touched up her makeup and fixed her hair a little bit. She walked out and went towards Kyle "Maybe I will Maybe I won't" she teased him and they walked down the hallway "I have study hall next, I'll probably just be in the library what do u have" she said as they reached her locker​
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Kyle takes her hand and says "I am a teacher aid so I can do what ever after i do the stuff the teacher wants me too." Kyle looks at Kylie and ask "why do you keep teasing me?" Jenny shows up ask "so what movie are you love birds gonna see tonight.?" Kyle looks as Kylie and then back at her and then back at Kylie.



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"Because I lik.." Mid sentence Jenny shows up to and of course wanted to know their plans "we are going to see the new like alien sci-fi movie" Kylie looks at Kyle, making sure he agrees with her "why would you want to see that, especially because the two of you will probably just be making out the entire time, anyway we are getting out nails done at 4 and you are coming with us" Jenny argued back, knowing they had their next class together Jenny grabbed Kylie's hand and started to walk down the hallway "I'll see you after" she yelled to Kyle before they got too far​
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Kyle yells back "I will come to the library when I am done helping the teacher, text me." Kyle turns to Matt and they go to the next class together he ask "Matt why do you not date Jenny?"



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Jenny must have been in a big rush to get to the library, she practically pulled Kylie the whole way. Instead of actually going to the library Jenny lead her outside to the parking lot. There was a small group of people standing by her car, "We are all skipping the rest of the day, and hanging out with them" Jenny pointed to the guys, Kylie looked back at the school, "No I'm good" she said to her, Jenny kept her grip on Kylie's hand​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.b5e12c7f7a511a4222e40d4bcb230afa.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87728" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.b5e12c7f7a511a4222e40d4bcb230afa.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kyle got in to class and helped the teacher make copies. When he got do with that he headed to the library and did not see Kylie in there so he pulled out his phone and texted her.

Text Kylie

Where are you at? I thought you were going to be in the library.



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After a few minutes Jenny left, Kylie slowly made her way back towards the library, once she got there she check her phone noticing that Kyle had texted her, she found him quickly, "hey, sorry I took so long"​
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Kyle looks at her and asks "what took you so long?" Kyle kinda had a confused face on.



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"I had to deal with Jenny" she hugged him "thank god school is almost over " she smiled up at him​
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Kyle looks at her and says "I agree and what are your plans after school?"



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