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(Tsiwentiio & Cole Anderson)


Kylie listened to what Jenny was saying about the movies and what they planned on seeing, she turned and asked Kylie "I'm not sure what movie yet" she simply said she replied to Kyle​

Message: Kyle

Don't worry they are going to see that new like teen romance movie, are you sure we don't have to see a horror movie and yes I'd love to cuddle :)

Kylie looked up from her phone and Jenny said that Kyle had texted her about the movies she responded then showed Kylie

Text: Kyle

Don't worry we won't bother you and Kylie so calm down
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Jon thinks a little time alone with Kylie would be awesome.

Text Kylie

Ok ya lets do the horror movie but tell them we are doing something else so we can cuddle. What is your next hour



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Kylie was excited to have time alone with Kyle, it had been a little while since they'd been on a real date​

Message: Kyle :)

I have Chemistry next, I do know that Jenny hates horror movies so I don't think we'll have to worry about them

A few minutes later the teacher let her class out early, so Kylie and a few of her friends headed to the library

Kylie looked online for times that the horror movie she wanted to see was playing​

Message: Kyle :)

So we can go to the 7:30 time or 9:00, I'm in the library right now got out of class early

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Jon looks at Matt and says look like class is almost over got to go to chem.

Jon feels his phone go off and knows it is Kylie and get a smile on his face then pulls it out and checks it then types back.

Text Kylie

I have that class also I will come to the library and we can hold hand to the class. We will talk about time of the movie in the next Chem see you there <3



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Kylie smiled at the message, she laughed a little, "he is such a dork, but I love him" she said to herself, she checked the time noticing that the bell was going to ring in a few minutes. Kylie started looking around through the book shelves. Kylie really liked to read, of course no one really knew that. Once the bell rang she waited a minute before going back to the table and grabbing her bag, and slowly started walking towards the door​
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Jon meeting her at the doors taking her hand and smiling at her. Jon hopes he was happy he could never tell. "So what time is the movie at?"



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Kylie smiled at him as they walked together to chemistry "either at 7:30 or 9:00" she kept looking down at their hands, it didn't seem real that they were together, she was beyond happy that it was​
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Jon looked at her and said "what do you see in me and what time do you think I am thinking about 9 o clock". Jon sees her looking down so much and asks "why do you keep looking down?" They continue to walk to class.



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"honestly, I just love being with you" she looked up at him, she felt relived telling him that, she got a little nervous just not knowing what he would say back, then she looked forward down the hallway "yeah the 9 o'clock is good"​
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Jon look at her and kisses her with all his heart. "I love you love babe" "are you ready for the movie?"



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"I love you too, and yes I am super excited" they got to the classroom, Kylie walked over and sat down at one of the lab benches she waited for him to sit down before asking " so what kinda horror movie do u wanna watch, the slasher one or the exorcist one?" She laughed a little knowing that he didn't really like horror movies much and that either way it would probably be funny to see him freaked out over the movie

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"Well you know me horror movies are not my thing so you can pick and do you think I kissed you to much or to often in public." Jon sat next to Kylie and then pulls out a note book so he looks like he is on task.



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"I just thought of something, my dad just got a new tv and sound system, he basically made like a home theater in the basement, if you want we could just watch a movie there, and I doesn't have to be a horror movie, it could be a Disney movie for all I care" noticing him get his notebook out she did the same, she wrote down a few things that were on the board before answering his other question "no, I like it when you kiss me, I don't really care if people see us or anything, does it bother you"​
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"Oh ya I forget that your dad is rich as hell well I mean we both are well off." Jon smiles at her and chuckles. But I don't want to move to fast we need to take it slow so that we will last long. "No I love kissing you, and your a good kisser too"



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Kylie smiled at him, she started writing down what the teacher was writing on the board. she looked back over at him, "what class do you have after this, I have gym"​
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Kyle said "I have weights so we might do the same stuff some of the days. "

As Kyle wrote down the stuff on the board. But then got lost in her eye for serval minutes.



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"We'll probably be on the track upstairs so I'll probably see you" noticing that the teacher was done, she put her head down on the desk​
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Kyle rubs her back " what's wrong, did I do something." Kyle is looking at her with emotion.



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Kylie turned her head to look at him "No you didn't do anything, I'm just a little tired" she looked at her phone noticing that the bell was going to ring soon "is it nap time yet " she said smiling​
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Kyle said "Good I thought I did something to make you mad at me." Kyle leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and said "just wait for tonight:)" bell rings and he gets up and waits for her.



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Kylie lazily got up and grabbed her stuff "I am taking a nice long nap once I get home" she laughed she held his hand as they walked out towards the gym "see you in there" she kissed him and walked into the locker room​
Kyle said" you better be ready for that movie tho. see you in there babe don't be too hot in your outfit:)." Kyle when in to the locker room and changed in to just a shirt and some sorts.
"see you once you change" He starts his jog around the track.



Kylie walked out of the locker room she scanned the gym for Kyle, she noticed him jogging around the track. She started running and caught up to him quickly, she slowed down and kissed him on the cheek and continued on running
(you should change up your pic everyone in awhile)

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Kyle saw her running up and then she kissed him on the check. Kyle thought maybe she does like me. Kyle said "They should ban those shorts for everyone else" because every guy in her was looking at her run. Kyle started to look kinda sad he thought they were a thing. He need to show that she was his.



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Kylie ran and made her way back to where Kyle was, she walked over to him, he did look sad, a part of it might be because of her outfit, Kylie knew that people were looking at her, she didn't care one bit, the only one she did care about was Kyle. She stood in front of him and wrapped her arms around him "hey what's wrong"​

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