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Fandom Trying to Fit In is Difficult with a Monkey Tail

When he looks up and sees her he smiles as he steps up to walk along side of her.

"Hey," he greets. "Ya ready for tonight? Do you have to ask your family for permission first? I don't want you to get into trouble."

As they walked out to the sidewalk he followed her, letting her take the lead but following along side of her.
When she hears you talk she looks at you. Salrey waves hi to you. She nods at your question. Then she listens to you asking if she need premission. She shrugs after thinking about it.
Returning her wave with one of his own and a smile as well

"Maybe we should play it safe and head to your house first? I wouldn't want your parents to get worried when they don't know where you're at and you haven't come home from school yet. You can lead the way there."

He gives her a friendly smile and lets her take the lead but doesn't wait long to follow.
Salrey rolls her eyes and shrugs. After a while we arive at her house. She opens the door.
Standing at the doorway upon their arrival, he watches as she enters the house. The manners he was raised with however forbid him from just entering into another's house without being invited in so he waits with an anxious smile on his face.
I open the door. You see to older saiyans. 1 boy and one girl. Keles: Hey Salrey. Sprouta just rolls her eyes. Keles looks at you. Keles: Well. Who is this. Sprouta also looks over at you obviously not really caring.
Waving from the doorway with a nervous smile Jounouchi greets the two of them.

"Hello to you both. My name is Jounouchi. I'm an acquaintance of Salrey's from school. It's a pleasure to meet the both of you. I invited Salrey over to my house today but wanted to stop here first and ensure that it would be alright with her family.....you guys before doing so. Figured it would be rude not to."

Rubbing the back of his head he looked between the two of the other saiyans as he stood in front of the doorway outside of the house. He still would not enter unless invited.
Keles waves at you as Sprouta roles her eyes.

"Hello. My name is Keles. I am Sal's older brother." I blush as he uses my nickname.
Keles guestures to Sprouta. "This is Sprouta" He whispers to you. "She hates everyone."
"Thanks for asking first."

"I have no problems with it." Says Keles.
"I do not care what my sister does." Says Sprouta.
"Guess that's an okay." Says Keles.
Jounouchi's anxiety fades once Keles approaches and introduces himself and the other sibling and thanks him for being so polite. Genuinely smiling he sees Salrey blush briefly before turning his eyes back to Keles.

"Thank you Keles and Sprouta," he replies before looking over to Salrey. "Let me know when you're ready to go. I'll wait."
"Ya. Whatever." Says Sprouta.
"Don't mind her. She is a 'b'. Says Keles.
Salrey nods and runs upstairs to her room.
"So how did you manage to interact with Salrey? She isn't a very social person. She is quite the opposite. In fact she doesn't seem neutral as she normally is."
Joun does his best to hold back a chuckle at Keles' and Sprouta's interaction. Joun turns to see Salrey make her way upstairs before Keles speaks again. Turning back to him at his question Joun thinks back on the day for a moment before responding.

"I just did most of the talking and did my best to word everything so that she could respond with a nod. Did my best not to take her silence and icy stares personal either," he added with a chuckle.
"Well then. Congrats on interacting with Sal. You can kind of guess how she usually is around people. You experienced it first after all." States Keles.
"All this shiza is boring the absolute crap out of me. Screw this. I'm gone." Sprouta says as she gets up and leaves.
Meanwhile at that point Salrey comes rushing down the stairs and trips over the last step falling flat on her face. She blushes and gets back up. She dusts herself off and smiles at you.
With a smirk he replies to Keles with a "Thanks," before Sprouta speaks out and leaves.

As soon as Salrey begins rushing down the stairs his attention immediately returns to her. Moving quickly over towards her side he gives her a nervous smile.

"Are you alright?"

When she nods he asks another.

"You ready to go?"
Returning her smile with one of his own he walks over to the door and opens it, offering to let her go first. Turning back towards Keles Joun waves back towards him.

"I promise to return her in just as good of condition as she is now!"

Leaning in he whispers to her.

"You look lovely by the way. Ready for take-off?"
Keles waves back at the young boy as Salrey walks out through the door first.
"Good." Responds Keles. "I trust you with her. If anything happens I will hunt you down." He jokes.
Salrey blushes and smiles at his statement. She then nods in response to his question.
Taking off slowly so as to be a little more of a gentlemen Joun levitates a few feet off the ground and turns back to her. Looking down towards her he gives her a smile.

"You get much chance to fly in the city?"
I fly up. I tilt my hand to say sort of. I smile. I then fly up beside you. I lightly jab you in the shoulder.
Smiling he begins to move further up into the sky before leveling out and flying towards his house. The entire time he ensures that he keeps pace with her, not flying ahead or falling behind.

"If you start to feel tired cause you don't get much practice just let me know. I can either land and give ya a break or hold your hand to help you. This is how I get to school every day so I guess I get to use this skill more."

Holding out his hands to his sides like he's the shape of a jet he keeps his hand open incase she decides to take it. He makes sure to check on her every few seconds to ensure that she's not tiring out and that she's keeping up.
She follows along beside you while letting her arms rest at her sides. She opens her mouth and licks at the air being careful as to not let you see.
When you begin talking to her she rolls her eyes. Then she blushes and turns her head away from you to hide her blush. When the blush subsides she returns to her natrul composure.
She looks at your hand. She smiles but then she ignores it.
Arriving at his house a few minutes later he stops in the air as if standing on the wind before dropping towards the ground and gently touching down upon the grass. Upon doing so he looks up towards her to watch her as she follows. Once she lands he knocks on the door before entering the nearby house.

"Mom! I'm home! And we have company!"

Stepping in from the doorway he ushers Salrey inside before closing the door behind them. As he does so his mom enters the room to see him with a girl and she lets out an excited squeal.

"My boy finally has a girlfriend! I'm so happy for you honey!"

She rushes forwards to greet and look over Salrey. This time it's Joun who blushes.

"Mom we just met today. Try not to get so excited alright?"
I land down immediately after him. I glance around the area before looking back at him.
I listen to him announce our presence. As he ushers me I enter right behind him.
I watch listen to his mother speak. As she mentions girlfriend I look away and blush clearing being embarrassed.
I then watch the exchange between them. I then wave hello.
Nodding towards Joun she steps forward with a smile towards Salrey.

"A pleasure to meet you dear. I do hope you'll stay for dinner?"

Joun pipes up, "We're gonna go study some school work mom."

As he spoke he unshouldered both of their bags and smiled towards Salrey, signaling for her to follow him.
I just keep watching not really doing anything. I smile back at him slightly.
I smile at his mother being a tad sad hiding it behind my grin.
I nod is response to his talk of school work.
As I see him signal i follow immediately behind him.
Leading her up to his room he sits on his bed indian style and puts his books in a pile with all the classes they share together at the top of the pile. Smiling up towards her as she joined him in the room he pats the bed to invite her to sit down as well.

"What would you like to work on first?"

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