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Fandom Trying to Fit In is Difficult with a Monkey Tail


Jounouchi was excited. It was the first day back to school from the summer break and he was entering a new grade. He couldn't wait to see people he knew from previous years and possibly meet new ones in his new classes. Hurrying around his room he put everything school related into his bag before running downstairs to greet his mother who from the smell was preparing breakfast for him. He sat down at the table after setting his backpack at his feet next to the chair.

Jounouchi lived at home with his mom outside of the city. They liked living a more natural life and it also helped her and the guy she used to be married to raise Jounouchi without too many witnesses. The man who would be his adoptive father had died when Jounouchi was young while hunting bear. They didn't find much but the bones and the tattered clothing. Despite never really receiving any martial arts training Jounouchi had grown up entertaining himself by chopping down trees for his mother with his bare hands and now that he was older, he could use his ki to do it a lot more effortlessly.

Sitting down at the three person table in the kitchen he smiled over at his mom as he eagerly awaited his meal.

"Morning mom," he said to her.

"Good morning sweety. It's almost ready. Honestly with your abilities I don't know why you need to be in such a rush to get to school. You could fly your way there instead of taking that silly bus."

Jounouchi made his best effort not to role his eyes at her bringing up this topic of conversation again.

"I told ya ma. I'm trying ot fit in with the other kids. I don't wanna stand out and look like a freak by flying the whole way there and landing while everyone is staring at me."

Handing him his breakfast which was a sunny side up egg on a slice of homemade toast and a glass of orange juice she looked down at him before ruffling his hair.

"One of these days someone will find out you aren't a normal boy and they just might enjoy that about you. What are you going to do when that happens? Especially if its a girl?"

Taking a bite of his food he muttered with a full mouth "Probably have a heart attack and wonder if I'm dreaming."

Finishing his meal he gave her a kiss on the cheek before picking up his bag and running out the door. He waited til he was a safe distance from the house before rocketing into the sky. Landing just outside of town he landed at a run and made it to the school bus stop nearest him.

Tyrell-Chan Tyrell-Chan
Salrey slowly stretches asleep in her bed. Sprouta(salrey's older sister) blows an air horn. The noise startles Salrey causing her to fall out of bed with her blanket landing on top of her. Salrey peeks her head out looks at Sprouta and gives a disapproving look. "Don't give me that look. Someone had to wake you up. It just happens to be me. Salrey gives her sister the finger. Sprouta just shrugs and leaves.

Salrey slowly pulls herself up. She makes her bed. Salrey walks in to the bathroom. She looks in the mirror. She shakes her head fixing her hair.

Salrey heads downstairs to the kitchen and sits down at the table where she sees her older brother, Keles. "Morning Salrey." Salrey gulps the plate of food in front of her in just under a few seconds. Keles looks at Salrey as she quickly eats. Due to Salrey eating fast she got the hiccups.

After she finishes eating she puts her plate in the sink and heads to the bathroom to get ready. Salrey looks in the mirror ounce again this time looking at the scar on her left cheek. She gently runs her fingers under over it feeling it's shape. She remembers how she got it. A while ago she was in a fight with a boy. It wasn't causes by said person. Salrey fell on rocks and the cut up her face leaving the scar. Looking back Salrey realized she got in many fights because of that reason she had to transfer schools. Salrey didn't know why she fought so many or got in so many fights. It Salrey's opinion it was never her fault. Regardless a fight is a fight. Salrey slapped herself snapping her back to reality. She squeezed toothpaste on her toothbrush and began brushing. After a minute of brushing she rinses her toothbrush and puts it away.
She heads back into her room and throws on her clothes. Once dressed she takes a look at herself. She looks around her room for all the books she needs. She eventually finds them, all and puts them in her bag. It is however kind of a tight fit but she manges to fit them all in. Salrey takes a moment to think if she has forgotten anything. She thinks she has everything she needs.

Salrey takes a look at her alarm clock and sees she still has some time till she needs to leave. Salrey pulls out her phone and begins checking a few things like weather and such. She shortly gets bored with her phone and puts it back in her pocket. She decides to exercise a bit. Since she has nothing to better to do. While exercising she sees her clock and thinks on no. She grabs her backpack and puts in on rushes outside to the bus stop and makes it just in time as the bus pulls up. She exhales in relief. She hops on the bus and takes a seat. She lays back and glances out the window. She gets lost in thought as she look at the scenery of the city.

(More text than I as use to but I tried my best)
GreatSaiyaman31 GreatSaiyaman31


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Watching the scenery speed past him as he waited for his stop his attention is most fervently grabbed by the entrance of a girl around his age onto the bus. She appeared attractive to him but it wasn't just that. There was something different about her than the other females on the bus. Watching her as she boarded he came to the realization was that he could feel her battle power and it was making his Saiyan blood boil for a challenge.

Tring to think back he could remember the last time he had even been involved in a fight with someone else but it was hardly a challenge. One of his classmates had decided to attempt to bully him. Jounouchi had promised his mother that he wouldn't fight with the humans he went to school with because he could allegedly seriously hurt or kill them if he wasn't cautious enough. Due to the fact that he wouldn't even raise a fist against the boy initially the male teenager had managed to get a hold on Jounouchi and had attempted to shove him into a locker. Pushing off of the lockers on either side of his he ends up on the floor instead of in the locker after sending the bully into the lockers behind him.

Of course as a result of this situation he got in trouble as well as the actual bully since it had happened on school grounds. When he had gotten home that night he had apologized to his mother profusely but he didn't really have to defend himself much from classmates anyway since then. After seeing that bully get knocked out most of the other kids wouldn't even bother with him and tended to cut him a wide berth as if he would attack at any second without any provocation.

Sighing, he made it to his homeroom and sat down in an empty seat. Setting his bag down he waited for home room to start so they could get roll call over with and go about their regular classes.


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When Salrey sat down on the bus she go a weird feeling. She looked away from the window and glanced around everyone else on the bus until her eyes landed on Jounouchi. She stared at him for a bit then went back to looking out the windows resting her head on the glass. Salrey begins thinking to herself about the energy she just felt. It was higher than anyone else on the bus. This boy seemed to stand out from the rest due to his energy alone.

Salrey could remember this one fight she go into that got pretty out of hand. She was standing near lockers until some people approached her. They decided to make fun of her. To this day Salrey still isn't sure what the reason for the teasing was but it hardly bothers her anymore. At the time Salrey tried to ignore them best she could but just like everyone else in the world she had a limit. Eventually she couldn't take anymore so she suckered punch one of them in the face. After she punched one the other 2 came after her. Just like like the other one she was able to take the other 2 down. It wasn't much of a fight it was over after Salrey landed just 3 blows.

Unfortunately Salrey punched one so hard in the face that his nose started to bleed. Of course Salrey got in trouble. Salrey tried to explain that it wasn't her fault but of course she was made to seem like that bad guy. Salrey is convinced it wasn't her fault after all she was pushed to her own limit. Unfortunately Salrey is mute so explaining was difficult. So she got suspended for 3 days. Shortly after that she transferred to the new school is currently attending.

After getting inside the building she made her way to her homeroom. When she entered she recognized the boy she saw on the bus. She took a seat far away from you. She put her backpack down and layed back it her chair exhaling.
As she walked in he looked up to see her and gave her a polite smile and a wave.

"What were the chances that they would be in the same homeroom," he thought to himself.

Watching her to her seat his attention snapped forward when the teacher walked in and began the class. She began with some introductory rules and introducing herself, followed by taking attendance. Finally she went over some of the more basic ground rules of the school before the bell rang signalling them to move onto their next classes.

He wondered as he walked out into the hallway how many classes they might have together. He wasn't a creeper and didn't want to just stare at her all day. In fact judging from the energy he had felt emanating off of her he might want to spar with her some day but first things were first. He would have to introduce himself if he wanted to seem like a normal gentleman. Clearing the thought from his mind he made his way to his next classroom and sat down in the first empty seat that he liked and waited. If she walked into this classroom as well he would make sure to go out of his way to introduce himself to her before it began. If not, he would probably see her at lunch since they were in the same grade.
When Salrey was waved at she turned her head in the opposite direction.

Salrey places her head on her right hand staring off into space.

As soon as the teacher entered the room Salrey returned to reality. Shortly after the teacher began talking Salrey was ignoring her. Salrey was more focused with playing with a pen. She was jingling it up and down and keeping her eyes on it. When the bell rang Salrey stopped playing with her pen. Salrey leaves shortly after you do.

As Salrey was walking she thinks about who that boy that waved at her was. However he wasn't like any normal person. He had a weird energy unlike any average person. Maybe he was a fighter of some sort. Regardless Salrey didn't want to start another fight and have to transfer again. No doubt she would be made out to be the bad guy all over again. That is just to much form Salrey to deal with especially at this point in time considering she just transferred. He was kind of odd. As Salrey walked to her class she tried to forget about him. As she walked into the classroom she saw him and thought ''Damb.'' Like before she sits down in a chair far away from you. She sighed and turned her head to avoid looking in your direction.
Seeing her walk in he notices that she avoids making any type of eye contact like she's trying to ignore his existence. Ignoring that himself he got up and walked over to her, deciding to be as polite as possible. Perhaps he had somehow given her a bad first impression?

"Excuse me Miss. I just wanted to introduce myself since it seems we'll be in some of the same classes together. My name is Jounouchi Haruhara. I just wanted to say hi before class began. Sorry if I seemed like a creeper staring at you earlier. I just get vibes when I meet people for the first time and the one I'm getting from you is definitely different than I'm getting from anyone else in school. Sorry again if I'm just bugging you."
Salrey sighs and rolls her eyes. She wants nothing to do with this odd boy. She looks down while shifting her eyes back and forth. Salrey eventually realizes she will have no choice but to interact with this boy so she lifts her head and reluctantly looks at you as she hears as you being to speak.

As you talk to her she looks at you listening to you closely as you talk to her. Salrey takes out a piece of paper and writes on it. -My name is Salrey. Hi then, I guess. A creeper? I just do not like people. Vibes? From me? Wow you sure have a habit of talking quite a bit to new people don't you? I do get of an interesting energy from you if I do say so myself. You stand out from the rest. So whatever. I don't really know.- Salrey shrugs at the conversation.
Taking the piece of paper and reading it he smiles as nicely as he can at her.

"Thank you for at least responding Salrey. It's nice to meet you," with that he returned to his seat as the teacher arrived and class began.

Doing his best to pay attention to what the teacher was saying he did his best to keep up with taking down notes and listening to what she had to say. While he was struggling to do so he kept thinking of the very short conversation he managed to have with Salrey and couldn't get rid of the smile on his face. He was happy he at least got to talk to one classmate today.
Salrey keeps her eyes glued o him as he carefully reads the piece of paper she wrote.

She shrugs at his response as a way of acknowledging that she heard him. She watches him as he walks to his seat like an eagle stalking its prey.

As she sees him sit down she begins to play with her pen. Salrey tries to multitask listening, fiddling with her pen and jotting down notes all at once. Salrey was thinking of the discussion she had with the odd boy. She sighed is annoyance of what happend. the talk she had seemed to make her even more annoyed somehow. She didn't understand how but it just did.
As the day goes by, he muddles through taking notes and listening to lectures but meanwhile in his head he can't stop thinking about this girl named Salrey that has a strange and powerful energy to her. She just feels different to him than the other people in his class and it gives him an odd sense of familiarity towards her that he shouldn't have because they have never met before.

When the bell rings for lunch he packs up his things and carries his bag with him to the cafeteria. Maybe he could seek her out at lunch possibly and see if he could get her to "talk" a little more? His curiosity was piqued but he had to think up some kind of discussion topic otherwise he imagined he would be nothing but an annoyance to her and it would be really awkward.
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As the day continues she keeps to herself doing her own thing while continuing to multitask. Salrey goes through her mind trying to think of why the boys energy is separate from everyone's else. He just gives her a weird feeling. Even though his energy is strange it has a familiar feeling. It is weird but it reminds her of her brother and sister. There must be a good reason for that.

Salrey snaps back to reality when she hears the bell ring for lunch. Salrey smiles as class ends. Salrey picks up her stuff and leaves. She scans for that boy. Shesees him then stares at him for a while. During lunch she gets her lunch and sits at a table all alone. She begins to get lost in her own thoughts while eating. She decides to stop thinking about the boy. Thinking about him just bothers her head.
After making it through the line for his lunch he looks around for Salrey hoping that the two of them could talk to each other. He wanted to learn more about her and hopefully she would feel the same. He was still new to socializing with other people his age so he was nervous. He lived in a remote location so as to be free to practice with his powers. He had used them since he was little to do stuff for his mom like gathering firewood. He had gotten pretty good at it over the years, using the light from his hands to cut down the trees into piles of lumber and firewood. At this point he might as well be considered a handyman with as many times as he'd helped his mom fix the house when something happened.

Finally finding her he approaches her table where she is sitting alone. Smiling nervously down towards her as she's sitting he feels the need to be overly polite for some reason.

"Can I please join you?"
Salrey absent mindlessly eats her lunch at a slow pace while thinking to herself. She focuses on simple things. Nothing particular. Just basic things.

When she hers the boy talk she nearly falls off her chair. She sighs and gives him a menacing glare. She nods clearly seeming to be annoyed.
(Sorry this one is short)
"Sorry for startling you. Figured I would be hard to miss Salrey," he replied apologetically before sitting down across from her at the table.

Looking down at his food so as not to annoy her he picks up his utensils and begins to eat, doing his best to make as little noise as possible since she already seems rather perturbed. Once he finishes he looks up to her as he uses his napkin to wipe his mouth.

"That wasn't too bad. Nothing compared to mom's cooking but ya can live off it. Speaking of would you like to come over my house one night and have dinner with my mom and I? I assure you her cooking is far better than here at the school."
Salrey glares at him as he sits down then averts her gaze away from him as she continues to eat.
Despite trying to not make much noise Salrey seems to feel uncomfortable. Every once and a while she takes a look at the boy then back to her food. She repeats this process every so often.
Salrey freezes and looks surprised. She looks away for a moment then stares at you and nods.
Smiling when he sees her nod he holds back on the enthusiasm not wanting to make her regret her decision. He whispers his next words to her, not wanting to alarm any of their classmates.

"Do you know how to fly? It's a lot quicker to get there if you do. I can walk you to the edge of town and then fly you either way if that will be alright?"
Salrey listens to him speak. She listens to his question about flight. After he asks her she glances around makin sure that no one was listening. After she glanced around she looked back at the boy and nodded.
After hearing his 2nd statement she shrugged as if saying whatever,
Smiling at her nodding he is happy to hear she at least knows ki manipulation well enough to fly. He would take it easy on her however incase she wasn't used to going super speed.

"I'll see ya after school then, if that's alright? We can have dinner and if you like we can work on homework together and if ya have enough energy after that we can spar if you like?"
She nods at the boy agreeing with him. She gives a slight smile with nearly no emotion. After that she goes back to what she was doing and averting her gaze.
The rest of the day his head is in the clouds, mindlessly taking down notes as the teachers drone on while thinking about flying with another Saiyan. A female Saiyan! Sure she seemed a little apathetic about it but he was certain that with enough persistence he could worm his way into getting her to giving him one genuine smile.

Finally at the end of the school day he waits for her outside of the main entrance to the school anxiously.
For the rest of the day Salrey continues being absolutely bored out of her mind. Salrey decides to hang out in her own mind ingoring the rest of the world. After all Salrey pretty much hates almost every single person there is. Salrey keeps a neutral face plastered on her face.

At the end of the day Salrey slowly shuffles towards the entrance of the school.

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