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Fantasy Trulane - A Fantasy RP

The next morning, Arryn's shoulder ache was gone, and she was curled up naked against Ferron's bare chest, still sleeping even as it neared mid day.
Ferron had been asleep for a while, but had recently found himself lying awake, something that never normally happened. He tried pinpointing exactly why he was up. Eventually, he settled on Arryn being his reason - he couldn't sleep because he stayed up thinking about her. When he thought of his, he looked down at Arryn and smiled softly, kissing the top of her head.
Arryn stirred a bit when he kissed her, and moved her head against his neck instinctually. She muttered, "You okay love?" Clearly still barely awake
"Oh, well thank you. I think I'm getting better at it," she said. Arryn moved so she laid next to him with her chin on his shoulder. "We should probably get going."
Ferron blushed just slightly as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Wouldn't want you to get lost." He said with a small smile.
Ferron smiled softly and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as they walked. They arrived back at the forge a bit later, and before entering, said, "I won't let Dask talk bad about you anymore. I shouldn't have let it happen at all, and I intend to make up for it."
Arryn blushed and smiled, appreciating the gesture. It kind of showed just how much he was claiming her as his. "Thank you. I wasn't upset about it, but thank you"
Ferron blushed slightly and smiled, entering the forge. Inside, Dask was sitting at his chair drinking from a bottle. "Well look who decided to show up, jolly as all hell. I know that face you're making son - I know what you two did. You ain't fooling anyone."
Arryn blushed, but instinctively jumped to defend her man. "Yeah, and how many bottles did you go through in the time we were gone?"
Dask hissed, "Watch it lady. You're treading on some mighty thin ice."

"Dask, calm down. Stop picking on Ar- Aludra.' He looked back at her to see if it was alright to use her real name.

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