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One x One Trouvaille | Chico + Midnight


falling with style
Chico's OC:

Name: Rain Rowe

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://afashiony.com/wp-content/upl...ong-Blonde-Hair-And-Blue-Eyes-2015-2016-6.jpg

Rain stands at 5,2" with long, straight brown hair to her waist. Her eyes are light blue and she has pale skin. Her facial features could be described as, 'sweet,' and she has a slender figure without much muscle to speak of. She's the type of girl that looks like she'd crumple from one punch - which isn't far from the truth, to be honest. Her power lies more in her special abilities than her physical attributes.

Personality: Rain was a gentle, sensitive type of person who didn't like to take part in conflict if it could be avoided. She was naive, very clever academically but not so street-smart. After being mind-controlled, she was forced to be without emotion, and ruthless to achieve her goals - no matter the damage to herself, or those around her.

History: Rain grew up in a good home, with two parents who fought occasionally but always made up in the end. She was an only child, and a high achiever at school. She had few friends, but the two she did have were true ones. New York felt relatively safe with the heroes who'd sprouted all over the place, and she lived happily. However, nothing lasts forever and bad is always drawn to good. She discovered her powers on her 15th birthday, and accidents meant that word spread through the grapevine.

Six months later, her home was broken into by the Masked Woman, a radical mutant with an agenda against 'normals.' She was kidnapped and taken away without her parents ever waking, the voice of the Woman more than enough to take over free thought. At the Woman's large mansion of a residence in outer New York - who would suspect an unassuming wealthy middle-aged woman? - she was trained underground, along with nine other young mutants. The Woman's presence in their minds turned them into ruthless killers and skilled fighters with their abilities. Rain's first blood was her parents, as seemed to be the rule here.

Since then, the Masked Woman's taskteam has been causing terror in New York. They have murdered two high profile politicians as well as staged attacks at large gatherings. The public is afraid of the people in white masks and black clothes - and mutants no less, they say. Rain has been in the syndicate for eight months so far.

Powers: Rain has water control abilities. She requires movement of her body to control water or ice. She can both freeze and melt, but she cannot conjure water. Her abilities are not strong enough to control blood or plants; however, they're quite well-trained in water and ice use.
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Name: Charlotte Shriner

Age: 17

Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3

Charlotte has shoulder-length dark brown hair and brown eyes. She has a petite build and stands at 5’3”. She's always on the go and doesn't sleep much, so she always has a slightly messy/tired look to her.

Personality: Charlotte was a nice, obedient child and a good student until her parents died and she had to start taking care of herself. She has since become extremely independent and feels the need to watch out for her younger siblings. Although she tries to maintain her shy, nerdy good girl appearance at school, the change is noticeable. Her grades have slipped from stellar to average, and she looks less put together than when she had parents to take care of her. Since she works a lot in her free time and doesn’t hangs out often after school, Charlotte’s personal life remains mostly a mystery to even her closest friends. She tries to make time to do things like study or go to the movies a few times a week, but she has a habit of making up excuses or white lies so that no one finds out about her unfortunate living/family situation. She afraid of others trying to tell her how to live her life or feeling sorry for her; she just wants her friends to treat her the same way they always have.

History: Charlotte and her two younger siblings were orphaned when she was twelve, and they were sent to live in a children’s home. At fifteen, Charlotte ran away, and no one really came looking for her. She stayed with a family friend named Ron Thompson for a few months until he told her she needed to find somewhere else to stay while he was caring for his terminally ill wife. Ron paid a year’s rent on a tiny, one-room apartment for Charlotte a few miles from his own apartment, and she’s been living there ever since. She worked odd jobs for whoever was willing to pay her because she ad to support herself, and she is saving up to buy a place where she can live with her brother and sister once she’s old enough to be their legal guardian. It’s a bit of a far-fetched dream, but she refuses to give up on it.

The day she turned sixteen, Charlotte put in job applications everywhere she could think of and soon got two part-time waitressing jobs that she would go to before and after school, as well as weekends. One day when she was walking home after an evening shift, a group of guys surrounded her and intended to steal any money she had to help them pay for drugs. Charlotte managed to convince them that she had no money but knew a kid from school who would give them drugs for free since he was trying to quit. Luckily, the deal worked out and the gang wanted her to set up more easy exchanges for them. They were in the buying and selling business, and Charlotte learned that her cut of the money was bringing in more than either of her waitressing jobs, but it was a little less stable. When she quit her evening job to start working in New York’s underworld, Charlotte decided she needed to disguise herself. She started with the basics— lots of wigs and clothing changes, but she recently started using her suit specially designed to appearance to its surroundings, hence her alias, Chameleon.

As time goes on, Charlotte is finding herself working with increasingly dangerous people, more serious than simple drug dealers. By day, she’s still a high school student and breakfast restaurant waitress, but by night she’s the Chameleon—a petty thief, informant, or trader for anyone willing to pay. She’s helped good guys and bad guys before, but she sticks to her limits. Most people still don’t know about her, but she has had a few run-ins with Spiderman before, enough to know that he’ll continue to be a problem for her unless she can figure out a way to get him out of the picture.

Special Abilities:

The Chameleon Suit:
Her lightweight body suit, created by family friend Ron and herself, was made to change color and even certain patterns/textured appearances when Charlotte adjusts the settings. The suit starts to shift colors automatically if she stands still for 30 seconds of more, but Charlotte has to change the settings manually if she thinks the color is off or wants something different. The suit has adhesive gloves and boots that allow her to climb walls and other surfaces. She has a few thin blades laced into the forearms of her sleeves in a way that they won’t cut her but are easily accessible. Her mask has adjustable lenses like binoculars and a small sealed pocket that looks like a decorative mouth.

Self-Defense/Basic Combat: Charlotte’s work doesn’t normally require combat, but she does have basic self-defense skills. She’s capable of delivering some punches and kicks—enough to make her look like she's serious.

Disguise: Before using the suit, Charlotte created several different looks with wigs and outfits that make her look like someone totally different from herself. She still uses these disguise techniques when necessary.

Strategy, Stealth, & Speed: After she started living on her own, Charlotte has become much more street smart. She has to think on her feet and adjust to solve problems quickly. Her speed, stealth, and adaptability are her greatest strengths. Charlotte is also more comfortable with lying than she possibly should be.


The Chameleon Suit:
The Chameleon suit offers a lot of flexibility and movement, but not much protection from bullets or other kinds of weapons. It’s durable but not meant for extreme temperatures or excessive water/fire damage. She also doesn’t have a lot of means to fix the suit if something goes wrong. She has limited space for technology in her apartment, so she has to take it to Ron if there’s a problem.

Physical: Charlotte is not normally in the best health condition since she has irregular eating and sleeping patterns. She was never built to be a fighter, and the little muscle she has comes from climbing and running. She doesn’t stand a chance against an experienced fighter or a powerful superhero/villain. If faced with one, her best shot would be running and hiding.

Weapons: She has a few knives and knows how to use them, but she’s far from an expert. She can shoot a gun but doesn’t own one and therefore doesn’t have much practice.

Familial: She would do anything to protect her siblings if they were in danger. This is why she does what she does in the first place. Similarly, she values her close friends since she doesn't have many.

Reputation/Disposable: The Chameleon isn’t famous in the NY underworld, but those who do know her see her as useful, yet not as a threat or someone to fear. Since she has values and limits, she doesn’t appear as tough or fearsome as many of the clients she deals with. The mask and suit do help her appear a bit more important than a high school girl would, but there isn’t anyone waiting at home for her so if something were to happen no one would really notice.

Voice: Like Spiderman, Charlotte’s alias is a more confident character than the girl herself. Her voice sounds more confident, smoother and a bit of a deeper tone that sounds a little different from everyday Charlotte, but it’s still her voice.

Spiderman: The web slinger often slows her down. She normally manages to slip away, but he could probably catch her if he really wanted to. Although Charlotte doesn’t know who he is, she knows that he won’t stop trying to stop her unless she gets him first.
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