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Futuristic Tricadia Characters |Apply Here|


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Tricadia Characters
Role-Play Thread Found Here

Please apply to join the role-play using this thread. All characters must be approved by the Game Master ( Plasma. Plasma. ) or the RP Admin(s) ( Netta Netta ) before you may RP on the main thread. If you are an existing player and wish to add a new character, post here. All new characters must be approved as well.

This Thread will be updated with Current Characters

Current Characters:
Jasiri O'vani (Played by Plasma. Plasma. )
Elijah Wenstoke (Played by Plasma. Plasma. )
Noen Mirthlisk (Played by Netta Netta )
Emlia Rotavele (Played by Netta Netta )


[If you wish to join, please fill out this form and post below! Thank you!]


Planet of Origin:




Relations, if any:


Appearance (Can use image and/or description):


Last edited:
Name: Jasiri O’vani

Planet of Origin: Amarath

Species: Amarathian

Age: 211 years

Gender: Female

Relations, if any: None

Occupation: Warrior

Appearance (Can use image and/or description): Jasiri is quite tall for her species at 5’2”. She has pale mint green fur with darker green stripes. She is quite skinny and agile, and has a very muscular build for her species. She is one of the stronger warriors, valued for her strength over her speed. She normally wears brown cloth as clothing, and fightings with a staff that is ornate with feathers, bones, and other natural objects. The Mirdite in her veins and globes glows a bright yellow color. She is on the heavier side, around 97 lbs.

Personality: Jasiri is very fiery Amarathian, and is outspoken in her ideas. She is fairly rude and sarcastic at times, even if she doesn’t mean it in a hostile manner. She can be quite snippy and bossy, and likes to be in charge of most situation. She carries a lot of personal pride with her, and has utmost confidence in herself to do the right thing and make the right choices. She is hard to gain the trust and friendship of, and will most likely not open up to anyone before she has had time to analyze what kind of person they are.

Backstory: Jasiri was born into a farming family, who pushed her to work on the farm starting at a young age. Unlike her other siblings, who had no problem completing their work Jasiri found herself among the very few Amarathians who complained about farming. She absolutely loathed farming, and would often be caught ignoring her responsibilities. Her mother and father, annoyed with Jasiri’s constant rebellious attitude, enlisted her into the Amarathian army, where Jasiri quickly learned her place. Although she is still quite rude and outspoken, Jasiri is no stranger to a militaristic life where work must be completed and orders followed.

Name: Elijah Wenstocke

Planet of Origin: Belhmgost

Species: Belhmgostian

Age: 23 years

Gender: Male

Relations, if any: None

Occupation: Aviator

Appearance (Can use image and/or description):


(Plus an extra set of arms as per the requirements of the species)

Personality: Elijah is a very charismatic character, flirting being one of his favorite pastimes next to drinking. He is very shallow and often does not think before he talks, hence the large amount of trouble he always finds himself in. He is very talkative and egotistical, always liking to think of himself on a higher ground than others. He also loves to have fun, and is most often found in the party scene. Despite this rambunctious attitude, Elijah is quite intelligent and caring, though he does not show these qualities to many people. Although an aviator by trade, he does a lot of hands-on hobbies, including mechanics and metal sculpting.

Backstory: Elijah, born of a bastard son of a shoemaker, had little to his name when he was younger. Unlike most of the Belhmgostians who were trained to work in factories and mines from a young age, Elijah worked under his father as an apprentice. Here he learned to become skillful in artisan trade, thus where his love for engineering and mechanics developed. When in his late teens, he presented a new invention of his to the Belhmgostian government, which they ultimately denied as a worthy invention. Depressed, he turned to the alcohol and party life that he still embraces, hiding his true feelings from the rest of the world. In light of his situation, he discovered the wonders of planes, in which he decided to pursue a career in aviation.
Name: Noen Mirthlisk

Planet of Origin: Gethram

Species: Gethrams

Age: 326

Gender: Male

Relations, if any: None

Occupation: Potion Tester

Appearance (Can use image or description): Noen is 6'4" and has the typical pale purple skin of Gethrams. His eyes are the shape of thin almonds, and are just as dark black as his hair. He keeps his hair in a messy cropped cut, the top longer and the rest an undercut. All along his body are the vein like markings of Gethrams, and on his chin he has a prominent stripe of dark purple. He has a long scar along his collarbone and tired bags under his eyes. He prefers to wear tighter clothing, not liking when a loose article of clothing will get caught on sharp edges. When in a land where it is much brighter than what he is used to, he wears a hood and goggles to block his face from the sun.

Personality: Noen has a strong distaste for social interaction, even for a Gethram. He prefers to be alone and rarely puts his trust in others. Valuing himself more than anyone else, Noen does what's best for himself in the long run, even if it means leaving others behind. He has mild sadistic tendencies, as it makes him feel more powerful than others. Because of his frail stature, he uses his wit to gain an advantage over anyone he deems to be competition. His potion testing also gives him an advantage, as he's built up an immunity to most. However, despite Noen having an outwardly harsh personality, he saves room for those he forms a close bond with. To those he values, he will go to great lengths to protect. While he is rude and sarcastic, Noen finds it exhausting to argue. Only if he is repeatedly provoked will he lash out. He seems rather lazy at first glance, but beneath that exterior is someone who is observant and sharp minded.

Backstory: Noen grew up in a fashion similar to most Gethrams. His family consisted of him and his parents, and once he was old enough to take care of himself, he jumped at the opportunity. While he cares for his family, Noen appreciates the alone time he gets. His parents never agreed with his interest in different effects from fungi, nor did some other Gethrams for a while. He never found himself in too much trouble because of it, but he did create a reputation of being careless and lazy. When it came to finding a job, it was hardly a question to become a potion tester. It seemed like an easy job, and Noen could get away with his experimentation without much attention. When it came to deciding on going to a Gethram school or the Tricadian University, he knew he wanted to go to Tricadia. One, it was a better way for him to gain an advantage over others, and two, it was an opportunity to explore.

Name: Emlia Rotavele

Planet of Origin: Xanovu

Species: Xanovu

Age: 97

Gender: Female

Relations, if any: None

Occupation: Weapon Forger/Merchant

Appearance (Can use image or description): Emlia is 5'2" and has light blue skin with dark blue patterns. She has long brown hair that reaches her waist, though when underwater she keeps it wrapped in various braids to keep it out of the way. All of her fins are thin along her body, and the ones on her head are long and flop back along her head. They are a brilliant gradient of blue and purple, with darker splotches of color in scatter places, similar to freckles. She has a round face with toned arms and legs, making it easy for her to lift heavy objects. There are stripes of dark blue down her cheeks from her eyes, and a circle on her forehead.

Personality: Emlia has a charming side to her that allows her to quickly gain others' trust. Like most Xanovu, Emlia is skilled at lying to get the compromise she wants. Behind her sweet smile is a much more manipulative girl who knows what she wants and intends to get it. Being a weapon forger, Emlia is tougher than she looks and refuses to let others walk over her. She has an unpleasable curiosity for new weapons, preferably if they're shiny and sharp. Despite being a liar, Emlia can be very blunt if it means she'd take the upper hand. She dislikes arguments, and will try to gain everyone's trust in order to avoid them, even if she doesn't mean to keep their trust. She doesn't quite understand sarcasm, and it tends to go right over her head.

Backstory: Emlia grew up in a large coral home, her father raising her and five other siblings by himself when their mother passed away while giving birth to Emlia. Because she grew up with five older brothers and was raised to by just her father, Emlia grew to be strong and independent very quickly. While she was doted in and protected by them, she very much had to defend herself when it came to sibling rivalry and irritation. Once she was old enough to get a job, Emlia leapt at the chance to leave the house for extended periods of time. While she loves her family, the opportunity to get away every now and then was a breath of fresh air. She has a knack for weapon forgery, and enjoys the constant bustle of the marketplace.

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