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Trials of Friendship (Twi and Paint)

Ian followed her and crawled down the stairs. Cooper woke and saw the kids. "Love the kids are on the loose." He said standing and shook his fur.
Amber kept crawling and left the house. She saw a snake and poked it. It lunged at her and it bit her wrist. She screamed.

Vi woke and heard the scream. She bolted out and howled.
Cooper followed and ian crawled out the door. Jason woke with a start and ran downstairs. Cooper growled and attacked the snake. Ian crawled to his sister and hugged her. Jason got them both up and ran inside. "IVY! AMBER GOT BIT BY A SNAKE! "
Ivy jumped up and ran down the stairs as quickly as she could. Ambers eyes were rolling into the back of her head. Ivy tried to suck the venom out of the wound and then said "Ots not working. Let's go to the hospital, NOW!" Vi growled and helped attack the snake.
He nodded and put amber and ian in their car seats. Then started the truck biting his lip. "Thats it. We are definitely moving after this!"

cooper grabbed the snake by the tail shaking it around and slammed it repeatedly on the ground.
Natasha came over and the snake managed to bite her as it died. She yelped and fell to the ground. Vi licked her baby girl over and over again. She didn't wake.

Amber was unconscious at this point and Ivy hadn't shed a tear.
Cooper ran over to natasha. He licked her and said"wake up baby girl! Cmon daddy and mommy are here!" Licking her again.

Jason drove to the hospital as fast as he could.

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