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Trials of Friendship (Twi and Paint)

Nichole said"juan just stop hurting the animals already!" Cooper snarled and went to check on his mate. Nichole helped juan up and sighed treating his wounds.
Cooper whined and whimpered. Nichole bit her lip and picked up violet. "Dont worry girl. Cooper you get ivy inside and keep watch over the house!"

Cooper nodded and ran to the barn.
Nichole drove to the ranch and heard cooper barking. She parked and opened the doors helping violet and indigo out quickly.

Cooper said"dont worry son we're coming to get you!" Nichole grabbed some rope and whistled for venom.
Nichole said"cmon vemom one of the puppies fell in the well. When I tell you to pull pull us up please ok?" Tying the rope to his briddle thingy. Then lowered herself holding a flashlight. "Im coming kiku bark please sweetie!"
(Thanks ^^)

Nichole said"I gotcha dont worry!" Hanging upside down and gently picked him up with great care. Then turned right side up holding him close. "Venom pull up!" Cooper whined pacing.

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