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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Trials by Fire - OOC

Simmone Verdi
  • N/A
Dr. Gerard Mort
  • Doctor

    Has CHILLS (maybe cursed?)
Gabriela Ronsard - Deceased - Villager
  • @Quiet Is Violent
Tabitha Pixie - Deceased - Villager
  • Teacher

Charles Dragunov -Deceased - Villager [/bg ]
  • Russian Carpenter

Joan Bodeville - Deceased - Villager
  • Has a dog

Raffael Meyerbleu
  • N/A
Timothy Schrödinger - Deceased - Mastermind
  • The Mastermind

    Space Face
Jonathan Feuerwehrman - Deceased -Villager
  • N/A
Troy Gomez - Deceased - Villager
  • Kinky Shinigami
Irina Issengard
  • Nun
Erwin Romero - Deceased - Investigator

  • @TsukikoMoon


Sasha Biscotti - Deceased - Villager
  • @DreamBeat
Brunhilde Rotterchild
  • Lady
Cynthia Glück -Deceased - Psychopath[/]bg
  • Awkward. Has a creepy smile.

Hugo Cienfuegos - Deceased - Villager
  • Spaniard

Diana - Deceased[/color]
  • Narrator.

  • Has daily walks.

    Sombra Arcana

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Suspect: Brunhilde Rotterchild


Day 1: Jailed by jailer Sasha - unable to do any action

No death
other than Hugo Cienfuegos who was killed by psychopath Cynthia

Day 3: Latin books stolen by Erwin - Latin spell books?

Erwin had foul smell after visiting her

Day 5: Gathering wood and have the stove - Witch stove?

Erwin's foul smell might be the plague? Witch's magic mentioned by Diana?

Extra: Nice to Diana and gives cookies, but did not visit Diana since her death and Diana's body is not found yet?

Red and Blue person:

Red person: Eats raw meat, no other info. (not simmone, since simmone ate muffins)

Blue person: Can tell who will die, Dr Mort who get chills?
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TsukikoMoon said:
Suspect: Brunhilde Rotterchild

Day 1: Jailed by jailer Sasha - unable to do any action

No death
other than Hugo Cienfuegos who was killed by psychopath Cynthia

Day 3: Latin books stolen by Erwin - Latin spell books?

Erwin had foul smell after visiting her

Day 5: Gathering wood and have the stove - Witch stove?

Erwin's foul smell might be the plague? Witch's magic mentioned by Diana?

Extra: Nice to Diana and gives cookies, but did not visit Diana since her death and Diana's body is not found yet?

Red and Blue person:

Red person: Eats raw meat, no other info. (not simmone, since simmone ate muffins)

Blue person: Can tell who will die, Dr Mort who get chills?
Brunhilde is definitely a suspect.

But what's a witch's stove? Maybe the wood is to help burn people? Maybe she has little voodoo dolls?

OH! That makes sense with Dr Mort, but I don't think he's evil. Maybe he just has premonitions or something.

The red person does not sound friendly however.
TsukikoMoon said:
Suspect: Brunhilde Rotterchild

Day 1: Jailed by jailer Sasha - unable to do any action

No death
other than Hugo Cienfuegos who was killed by psychopath Cynthia

Day 3: Latin books stolen by Erwin - Latin spell books?

Erwin had foul smell after visiting her

Day 5: Gathering wood and have the stove - Witch stove?

Erwin's foul smell might be the plague? Witch's magic mentioned by Diana?

Extra: Nice to Diana and gives cookies, but did not visit Diana since her death and Diana's body is not found yet?

Red and Blue person:

Red person: Eats raw meat, no other info. (not simmone, since simmone ate muffins)

Blue person: Can tell who will die, Dr Mort who get chills?
Omg, this is super detailed and very observant...i think you should be a detective!...or maybe you are the detective class?
[QUOTE="Le Nebula]Omg, this is super detailed and very observant...i think you should be a detective!...or maybe you are the detective class?

I love watching detective shows XDD

>>>Detective Conan fan from it started to show until now

There is always one and only truth!

TsukikoMoon said:
I love watching detective shows XDD
>>>Detective Conan fan from it started to show until now

There is always one and only truth!

Lupin the third did a cross over special with him so hes cool in my eyes
[QUOTE="Le Nebula]Lupin the third did a cross over special with him so hes cool in my eyes

I watched that movie too!

I watched each and every episode of the anime and every chapters of the manga

And also watched all the movies and the live actions of Detective Conan
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A little disappointed to find out I died during my time away.. Thanks for the game though. It's been fun xD

~ Sasha's Ghost
DreamBeat said:
A little disappointed to find out I died during my time away.. Thanks for the game though. It's been fun xD
~ Sasha's Ghost
Sorry T.T

You were trying to lynch me
A certain notebook was found with Erwin Romero

He had written about what he has found out these past few days.

> Day 1 - I saw Irina going to the bathroom, she seems like a normal person.

> Day 2 - I found out lots of bondage stuff, handcuffs, a gun and lots of kinky underwear. I also got a glimpse of what it seems to be a copy of the jail keys in Sasha's house.

> Day 3 - I entered the house of Brunhilde Rotterchild and saw a faint red glow from it. I also found lots of weird books in latin and weird things that I wouldn't see normally. The house had wolfsbane and garlic and other herbs.

> Day 4 - Gabriela Ronsard's house seems pretty normal. I see some creepy porcelain dolls, but that's it

> Day 5 - I tried to enter Simmon Verdi's house but was jailed by officer Sasha Biscotti and she died, right in front of me. I will visit Simmon's house again tomorrow.

> Day 6 -

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I have a new idea for an AG, but I will be taking a little rest of these games. I would like for someone to make a game on their own, so I could play as well. But let's see what happens.
[QUOTE="Sombra Arcana]I have a new idea for an AG, but I will be taking a little rest of these games. I would like for someone to make a game on their own, so I could play as well. But let's see what happens.


-=-=((I would try but I'm not as good as writing big long detailed posts like you do

xD , I'm not certain though...))=-=-
[QUOTE="Sombra Arcana]I have a new idea for an AG, but I will be taking a little rest of these games. I would like for someone to make a game on their own, so I could play as well. But let's see what happens.


-=-=((Turns out I actually am planning on making a RP like this with my own little spin on it (^U^)! So I was wondering if for the intro post could I gave a link to the first post here that describes what an AG is for people who don't know. I also plan on it being Highly based off of Town of Salem and this RP. So would it be okay with you if I have the link(to the first post that explains AGs) and make this RP ('

:) )?))=-=-

-=-=((It may not be up for a while considering the circumstances of me not having wifi (I'm going on a car trip very soon).))=-=-

Sombra had been missing since last Friday according to his status, he made a character in my RP but still did not start... I need more people in my RP T.T
TsukikoMoon said:
Sombra had been missing since last Friday according to his status, he made a character in my RP but still did not start... I need more people in my RP T.T
Sorry. My one group RP is enough on my plate for now. Being on vacation, I figured out, does not give me more time T.T I hope nothing bad happened to Sombra...
DreamBeat said:
Sorry. My one group RP is enough on my plate for now. Being on vacation, I figured out, does not give me more time T.T I hope nothing bad happened to Sombra...
It's okay, and yeah I hope nothing bad happened to him too.

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