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Realistic or Modern Trapped (on an Island) (animal-human Hybreed rp)

"You have not.. eaten mice before?" Suburu questioned, completely serious. He was the type to do anything for survival, so when he was in the circus, he only ate the prey he caught. That way, he was less of a burden to those who took him in; that was the way his parents taught him. Thinking back on it, Suburu never did have any luxuries, and he was perfectly content sticking that way. No technology, rags for clothes, not a piece of cooked food, and no bed. He preferred being simple, for he never wanted to get caught up in riches, and now, he would be best suited for his new environment. If anyone was to survive this island, it was Suburu. Guessing the rain was not going to hold up anytime soon, the male became restless to find any more warmth than that of which the blanket gave him. "We must.. go find shelter."

@Safety Hammer @Kira Times
Valefar said:
"You have not.. eaten mice before?" Suburu questioned, completely serious. He was the type to do anything for survival, so when he was in the circus, he only ate the prey he caught. That way, he was less of a burden to those who took him in; that was the way his parents taught him. Thinking back on it, Suburu never did have any luxuries, and he was perfectly content sticking that way. No technology, rags for clothes, not a piece of cooked food, and no bed. He preferred being simple, for he never wanted to get caught up in riches, and now, he would be best suited for his new environment. If anyone was to survive this island, it was Suburu. Guessing the rain was not going to hold up anytime soon, the male became restless to find any more warmth than that of which the blanket gave him. "We must.. go find shelter."
@Safety Hammer @Kira Times
"Okay.. just promise that you won't eat me please." Adam said, still a little scared.
Nixon shook his head "Never! Why would anyone want to eat mice! Ever had cake? That's is delicious! If we had that we would be fine...I would be fine at least." he said the word we again. Like he was talking about more than one person. He turned sullen again and started staring at the ground sadly "I want some cake...Even if I have to share it into three pieces." he wanted to go back home to his cozy bed and execute whoever did this to him. If this was suppose to teach him a lesson it wasn't helping....he didn't even know the lesson he was supposed to be learning right now!

@Valefar @Safety Hammer
Alexander whimpered lightly before standing up. He didn't like the bird-man, but Kairi seemed nice enough. He stood underneath the wings, wincing whenever thunder sounded. He was terrified of his surroundings.
With pursed lips, Suburu began thinking about committing to his words. He didn't have much of a taste for cats, and it would be improper of him to turn his back on someone who offered him warmth. "I promissse," he stated, giving Adam a light pat on this head. At Nixon's words, he tilted his head to the side. "Cake?" He repeated, unaware that such a word existed. "Explain it to.. me while we walk," the male ordered, starting to tread down the non-existent path of the forest.

@Safety Hammer @Kira Times
"What if I don't want to walk?" he mumbled but followed behind him anyway. The only reason was because he didn't want to be alone at this time. After he was kidnapped he was going to keep his guard up as much as possible. "Well...Cake is a sweet desert food that tastes like heaven and has cream and stuff on it. Frosting sometimes too! But frosting usually tastes disgusting by itself." he made a face. He almost tripped but being a cat he easily got his balance back and smiled at his own amazingness.

@Valefar @Safety Hammer
Aquarion smiled at both of them while they were under his wings, while Xander had a distrusting look towards him Aquarian and Kairi had that neutral look towards him he just couldn't help himself from smiling. "Ok onwards deeper into the forest to find more stranded ones...and Kairi please call me by name and not bird boy please~" he said as he followed the directions the crow gave him directions.

talking to: @Quiet Is Violent @FireMaiden mention: @Safety Hammer @Valefar @Kira Times @TheAnimeRabbit
"I don't.. underssstand," the male admitted, hardly being able to imagine what icing is. Even with the blanket, Suburu's body began to shiver to generate heat. Being cold-blooded was by far the worst thing about him, and he knew that very well. Now, he just wanted to find shelter, some place where he could be warm. He turned his head back once again, making it seem as if there were no bones in his neck, and spoke, "Are you.. coming, Adam?"

@Safety Hammer @Kira Times
Valefar said:
"I don't.. underssstand," the male admitted, hardly being able to imagine what icing is. Even with the blanket, Suburu's body began to shiver to generate heat. Being cold-blooded was by far the worst thing about him, and he knew that very well. Now, he just wanted to find shelter, some place where he could be warm. He turned his head back once again, making it seem as if there were no bones in his neck, and spoke, "Are you.. coming, Adam?"
@Safety Hammer @Kira Times
Adam closed his eyes, and his ears flattened.

"P-Please don't do that..."
hey guys uhh can someone sum up what happend for me please i didnt have wifi for most of today and yesterday just i know how to get back in to it)
Suburu raised an eyebrow in confusion, his head turning back into its proper state after doing so. It was the first bit of emotion he had shown since he arrived- in fact, since forever. He questioned, trying to piece the sentence together, "Don't do.. what?"

( sorry for the late response! I wanted to wait for @Kira Times to get back before doing anything )

@Safety Hammer
Valefar said:
Suburu raised an eyebrow in confusion, his head turning back into its proper state after doing so. It was the first bit of emotion he had shown since he arrived- in fact, since forever. He questioned, trying to piece the sentence together, "Don't do.. what?"

( sorry for the late response! I wanted to wait for @Kira Times to get back before doing anything )

@Safety Hammer
"Turn your neck like that. It's scary." Adam said, covering his eyes.
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"It'sss not my.. fault I'm.. flexible," (wink wink) he replied, not entirely understanding how what he did was frightening. Sure, no one in the circus could move like him, but there were still contortionists. The practice was envied, seeing how those who participated in the activity could easily fascinate and bewilder a crowd. He made a mental note to refrain from doing any of his other tricks around the group in the future, as those are much more complex and- to them- terrifying. The male held the blanket given to him around himself, his body now shivering rapidly. Noticing how he is now, it wouldn't be too much to imagine the male being beyond restless. Wanting to get to warmth, he treaded back over to Adam, grabbing his wrist to pull him forward. "Come on.."

@Safety Hammer @Kira Times
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Valefar said:
"It'sss not my.. fault I'm.. flexible," (wink wink) he replied, not entirely understanding how what he did was frightening. Sure, no one in the circus could move like him, but there were still contortionists. The practice was envied, seeing how those who participated in the activity could easily fascinate and bewilder a crowd. He made a mental note to refrain from doing any of his other tricks around the group in the future, as those are much more complex and- to them- terrifying. The male held the blanket given to him around himself, his body now shivering rapidly. Noticing how he is now, it wouldn't be too much to imagine the male being beyond restless. Wanting to get to warmth, he treaded back over to Adam, grabbing his wrist to pull him forward. "Come on.."
@Safety Hammer @Kira Times
"P-please don't eat me.. I-I don't taste good.." The neko said. He was terrified right now. He was on a stormy island, being led away by a snake man, and was might be eaten.

"I'll give you my pillow? I just... like to be alive..."
The male ignored any comment that came from Adam, not understanding where he was getting at. Was he really that horrifying? He already made the promise to not eat him; however, the concern he had for the fear shown to him was thrown to the side as he realized something important, "Your body.." He said aloud, letting his thoughts turn into words. His grip on Adam's wrist loosened up, but he managed to intertwine his hand with the neko's. Suburu muttered to himself, "Warm.." His eyes lit up, an idea popping into his mind. Using little strength, he pulled Adam into his own body, then picking the boy up to carry him wedding-style. The blanket he had was now covering the neko he forcefully took, seeing how he couldn't hold it himself. With the slowpoke now in his arms, he continued down the path, eagerly looking for a shelter.

@Safety Hammer @Kira Times
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Valefar said:
The male ignored any comment that came from Adam, not understanding where he was getting at. Was he really that horrifying? He already made the promise to not eat him; however, the concern he had for the fear shown to him was thrown to the side as he realized something important, "Your body.." He said aloud, letting his thoughts turn into words. His grip on Adam's wrist loosened up, but he managed to intertwine his hand with the neko's. Suburu muttered to himself, "Warm.." His eyes lit up, an idea popping into his mind. Using little strength, he pulled Adam into his own body, then picking the boy up to carry him wedding-style. The blanket he had was now covering the neko he forcefully took, seeing how he couldn't hold it himself. With the slowpoke now in his arms, he continued down the path, eagerly looking for a shelter.
@Safety Hammer @Kira Times
Although rather shocked, he didn't mind being carried. He looked up at Suburu. The snake man wasn't bad looking. He was actually kinda cute. Adam purred, before he nuzzled up against his chest.
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Suburu stopped in his tracks almost immediately. Was that purring he heard? The only cats he had ever had the opportunity of meeting were large, ferocious beasts, so the innocence of the neko surprised him. He was not use to such proximity or at least not in this fashion; though, he was sure to get use to it if it meant not freezing to death. The male glanced down at the Adam, trying to get over how adorable he was acting. Beginning to walk again, he finally found shelter of sorts, a cave hidden beneath the trees. Suburu set the neko down, looking around for the things he needed to start a fire.

@Safety Hammer @Kira Times
Valefar said:
Suburu stopped in his tracks almost immediately. Was that purring he heard? The only cats he had ever had the opportunity of meeting were large, ferocious beasts, so the innocence of the neko surprised him. He was not use to such proximity or at least not in this fashion; though, he was sure to get use to it if it meant not freezing to death. The male glanced down at the Adam, trying to get over how adorable he was acting. Beginning to walk again, he finally found shelter of sorts, a cave hidden beneath the trees. Suburu set the neko down, looking around for the things he needed to start a fire.
@Safety Hammer @Kira Times
Adam, being set on the ground, immediately reverted beck to curling up in his blanket and sleeping.
"Shelter!" exclaimed Nixon as he ran towards the cave quickly "A mansion or something would of been better but if you're in this situation you take what you can get!" Nixon was basically making himself comfortable but he sighed "It's still freezing cold....Hey Suburu! What do we do?" his survival skills were extremely low...like really low. He didn't even know how to hunt! Everything he has ever eaten has been served to him on a plate so you couldn't blame him for being dumb about that stuff.

@Safety Hammer @Valefar (I'm pretty sure this pairing might kill me. It's just way too cute.)
"h-huh ?" yui mumbled sitting up from the tree she had been placed at she put her hand up to her head feeling a peace if clothing over her gash. she looked around for someone anyone she knew there were others but were?

"I'll.. make a fire," he announced, the moss he needed for the kindling in his arm now being in his hands. Even if the group he was in seemed rather helpless out in the wild, he would do his best to help them. That was a job left up to him, or at least, he believed it was; really, he was happy to be of use to anyone, and he could tell that those around him would be just as helpful as time passed. Seeing how his shirt was flammable, he figured it'd be best to use the clothing for when the future fire got larger. He did, however, kneel down, untying both of his shoes. Stealing the shoelace from one, he grabbed the rest of what he needed and began treading inside of the cave. "You are catsss. Can't you.. sssee in the.. dark?" He inquired, although clearly not caring too much for he continued venturing through the entrance of said cave. Whether the others could or couldn't, the male could see perfectly fine, so when he reached the very back of the cave- which wasn't very far, it was rather close to the entrance-, he began to set up shop. Taking the flexible branch he gathered earlier, he connected his shoelace to it to create a miniature bow. He was lucky enough to find a piece of circular wood with a natural triangle-like carving in the middle, and he set that piece of wood down, placing his tindernest over it. Looping the connected shoelace around the spindle stick- a regular tree branch- once, he put one end of the spindle in the V-shaped notch in his fire board, and he then stacked the socket on the top end of the spindle. Suburu began sawing the bow rapidly back and forth, holding the curved, wooden part of the bow in his dominant left-hand. Continuing to saw, he created an ember where the spindle meets the fire board; gathering up said ember, he managed to get it onto a piece of scrap wood and soon dropped it into his tindernest. The male blew on his tindernest as he gradually added the increasingly larger pieces of dry wood he picked up before; like he thought earlier, he took off his shirt, getting the fire to be even greater with the sacrifice, and now, his bare, slightly toned chest (I can't write "toned chest" without laughing) was shown. As if it were magic, the boy had made a successful fire, and he set aside the items he used for future use. If the nekos weren't already in, Suburu stepped out to get 'em. "Warmth.. inssside."

@Safety Hammer @Kira Times

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