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Realistic or Modern Trapped (on an Island) (animal-human Hybreed rp)

Kiari was just listening now, since she wanted to know more about the scientist too. The earliest thing she could remember was waking up in a cage with other girls who were barley dressed. She snapped put of her memory, and focused on listening.
Ashley woke up in a cage. It was closed with a lock, and she got angry immediately.

Where am I! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" She kept being angry for what appeared to be no reason other than she's trapped. She felt around herself, she was in a tight cage. So tight she had to make many uncomfortable bends in order to fit. "Get. Me. OUT!"
Valefar said:
"I am.. fine," he mutters, his teeth gritting afterwards. Suburu looked back up at the neko, and although his face was blank, a fire burned in his eyes. Trying to compose himself failed, so he decided that distracting his mind would be best. "Tell me.. more about the.. ssscientistsss."
@Safety Hammer @FireMaiden
"I don't know anything besides the fact that they work for the US."

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