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Fantasy Trapped in the Mystlands - Weird Science/Zombie RP

He watched the back of the of the woman's red head as she'd left the room. Lukas could not help but snicker to himself when she called him 'evil' and 'stupid'. A smug smile appeared on his face when he thought about those words. Does he really appear that way? He chuckled to himself but stopped to turn around and stare back at the corpse wearing the odd white apparel.

Lukas wasn't going to leave this place without ammo or fight more of those abominations with a bloody table leg. He needed more to survive and handing a gun to a fellow victim only helped their chances slightly. He The dark knight began to scour the room, looking for anything that was even remotely useful for his plight. May it be a weapon, ammo or medical supplies, he needs something to protect himself with. He can't fight without a loaded gun.

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(The dark knight...batman reference?)

Camillé returned to the main room, sighing heavily. What ever compelled her to be so kind? She scrubbed her hands over her face. She sits herself down on a stool and awaits him, idly twirling the fire poker with a deadly, practiced grace.
In the cupboards, Lukas manages to find a box of shotgun shells containing 32 shells and a box of magazines for a carbine containing 3 magazines of 12 rounds each.

He also manages to find a tin of small fishes similar to sardines and a can of breadcakes. He also finds several bottles full of a blue liquid which smell like sterilizing agents and are probably embalming fluids.

Outside, the wind howls. The shutters continue to hit against the windows. Despite this, the rain has let up and the thunder has subsided.

In the parlor, right before Camille's eyes, the Journeyman emerged again wearing a cheery smile.

"Cheerio, my dear! Looks like you've armed yourself! Excellent! I knew you were quick on the draw so to speak."

@Rui, @NeoLeaf
Camillé had the poker pointed at the Journeyman's jugular before even she realized it. She stumbled back a bit in surprise, yet the weapon remained poised to pierce.

"What are those creatures?!" She demanded, putting pressure on the pointy bar.
The Journeyman was highly amused by this futile gesture of aggression, and this played across his face.

"They're the dead reanimated. Be wary of them, the spell that has taken possession of their faculties cares only for bloodshed."
She grimaced, "So those are the guards? The little soldiers? The undead? What do you expect us to do, hm?" She removed the poker, albeit hesitantly.
The Journeyman went to the window and looked out.

"The first thing you need you need to do is make your way to the town of Morham. Just follow the road and you'll find your way there. About half a mile up the way, you'll see a farmhouse on the left-hand side of the road. It seems like a good place to rest, and you'll need more ammunition and food than you can find here."

He turned back to her. "Once you get into Morham, I need you to find an artifact that will be key in opening the stasis chamber I'm trapped in. The only hitch is, I have no idea where Bel has hidden it. It could be anywhere in Morham. But I'm almost certain it's there."

"He said it so himself," Lukas emerged into the yellow light of the main room carrying his loaded shotgun with one hand and the oak table leg from with the other one.

Using some torn cloth from the corpses, he made a rough scarf of some sort where he kept the consumables that he'd found in the house and wore it over his neck like a necklace. The small cardboard box that carried the rounds for the firearm has been strapped on his leg with more torn cloth. He admits that it's shabby, but it's better than having both of his hands full and didn't feel like whining about it.

"If he can keep his promise is another story,
Rotkäppchen." With a heavy footstep he stopped walking and stood close to the fire poker that the red headed woman sheathed against the enigmatic brown man.

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She wrinkled her nose in disgust. "German? Disgusting!" She frowned heavily, "it is a disgrace to language." She pouted, but none the less, curled into his side like he was her shield. Camillé glanced back to the Journeyman.

"You'd best keep your promise, little man." She advised, her face stony.
The Journeyman looked on unamused.

"You'd better get moving up the road. The rain isn't going to let up for another few hours. Trust me, I know." He leaned on his umbrella.

"Remember what I told you. I'll see you down the road, lady and gent." Said the Journeyman with a small smile.

With that, he vanished again in thin air.
Camillé sighed heavily.

"Do you have any qualms with nudity?" She said, glancing up at her traveling companion, "because I may need to shed another layer, and I'm afraid my chemise may not cover enough to suit modesty." She huffed, "and I refuse to travel in sodden garments."

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"I don't mind the nudity but I fear it has it's own consequences."

Lukas tapped his metallic finger against the surface of his right gauntlet thinking for a moment for himself and sucking his lips. The man thought seriously about this. If the french woman were to go outside and travel nude the rain would prove to be very problematic in the long run. The red head could catch a cold or fever for being out to long under the freezing rain and rough winds - in the worst case of scenerio she would develope pneumonia. How does he know this? He stopped tapping his finger, pointed his eyes at the dark ceiling and shrugged his shoulders.

The dark knight turned his body around, keeping his his lips still in his mouth and tried to look for a quick way to brace the weather outside. Ah wait, what about the strange stick that the brown man is holding? In the cemetery the staff's mushroom shaped surface blocked the rain and had kept the man dry - for the most part at least.

Brun vandraren, Do you have another such device?" Lukas pointed at the journeyman's umbrella.

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By the time Lukas had asked this question, the Journeyman had vanished again. However, his umbrella occupied the spot where he once was, propped against the wall.
Camillé smiled "Good! You won't have to see me naked!" She happily grabbed the umbrella and made for the door, poker in hand. "Shall we?"

"No reason to stay here." Lukas nodded in agreement afterwards.

He kicked the wooden door open of the small cottage-like structure and stuck his head out of the entrance to scan the area. To be honest the lighting in this strange place is very poor, the knee high mist makes the ground hard to observe and the raindrops are falling beyond count thus blanketing the horizon in a dark grey yet transparent veil. Lukas walked out of the small structure and walked with caution. The muddy Earth under his heavy feet swelled around his feet and with every step left a deep footprint on the ground.

Thumb. Lukas stopped and felt the earth under the mist reacting differently. The mist clouds seemed to have let up and revealed a road heading away from the house and the cemetery on top of the hill. Lukas tapped the point of the shotgun against the ground and later brushed the small wet rock grains. This road seems reassuring.

"Eh," Lukas stopped to to look back at the house and glanced at it's entrance.

"How far away is this farmstead again? Half a mile?" Lukas glanced at the road pondering what a 'mile' is.

She looked puzzled, "A mile? I believe you mean a kilometer." She corrected, "I do not know what this...mile is." She purses her lips, "The weather is quite poor, no?" She wiggled her feet, letting the mud drop from her boots. "Disgusting..."

"Never heard of the term 'kilometer' either. Mile..." Lukas repeated the last word a number of times quietly to himself.

"Maybe it's a derivative to the lantmill? How many aln would that be? Eh... What ever the case may be I doubt it would be farther than a skogsmill... Let's press on." With that Lukas began to tread forward on top of the road.

Mildly enjoying the somewhat harder surface in contrast to the slogging wet muck that surrounds it. He looked over to his companion, stretched a small smile across his face and lightly shook his head. He's going to have to get used to her tongue wont he? With mixed feelings the two traveled into the cold wet night.

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A few hours into the journey, Camillé began to violently shiver. Her skin was rosy pink and covered in goosebumps. Her teeth chattered with casenettes and her limbs felt numb and weighty.

"P-please, let us stop...rest...g-get a fire g-g-going..." She stammered, her wide eyes looking to him for confirmation.

"We should be getting close by now," Lukas noticed the ill state of the red head.

"I'm pretty sure we walked around hundreds of steps if not over a thousand, we should be getting a visual any moment now."

The longer they travel out here the worst it's getting for the both of them. Lukas would rather have stayed back at the cottage for the night, even if it had two corpses and no running water. At least that blasted place had light and a fireplace to keep them warm and to help them feel secure. The man can already feel his shoulders and knees getting heavier. The rain water seeped through his armor and made it to the surface of his skin inside the suit. The French woman's talk of stopping and setting up a camp fire is sheer madness. Neither of them have the equipment to even start a fire, it's raining, the area is completely wet and if they stay out here for too long their weapons will get wet.

"Just," Lukas glanced at the woman with a serious expression on his face.

"Just hold out a little longer."

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She sighed, knowing he was right,

"Okay, I'll do my best." She shivered again, and wrapped her arms tightly around herself.
A lonely farmhouse...

As the duo contemplated ceasing their seemingly fruitless journey, a structure finally emerged from the mist. It was a farmhouse, and seemingly a nice one in the Georgian style. The mailbox at the end of the dirt drive read "Abbott." Somewhere off in the distance, a dog barked in response to the howl of a coyote. The rain slackened a degree, as they found themselves standing under the sheltering arms of the large oaks.

The driveway led up, then forked off in three directions. The central prong went straight to the front door of the farmhouse and the veranda. The left prong forked off towards what appeared to be a stable and the right path tapered off to a small footpath then disappeared into the neighboring wheat fields.

The barking intensified, and was answered by a loud, inhuman scream. The heroes were compelled to walk a bit faster.
Camillé was practically running towards the farmhouse, knocking frantically, then awaiting the knight, her fingertips begining to turn blue. She silently prayed, clasping her frigid hands together.

"Let there be others...let there be warmth..."

"Helig drägg." Lukas hissed under his breath after having heard the loud inhuman cry. A soft explosion ignited in his inside his chest and energy began to surge throughout his body. He broke the steady walking pace that he had been going for the majority of the way and rushed towards the front door of the residency. The french girl, arrived quicker to the door and began to bash her arms against it.

Lukas crouched his torso as he ran and charge towards the door with his right shoulder out. Filled with the temporary adrenaline boost he had recieved from the disturbing cry and pressured by a degree of tension he bit his teeth and continued to accelerate. He was afraid of what might happen to them if they were to stay out here longer and hurried to the door.

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A barren room...

Upon entering the room, Camille and Lukas saw not but a weathered, plank floor devoid of furniture. The furniture was stacked against some of the windows and the back door.

On the windows, wooden boards had been nailed up. Curiously, there were also scattered medical supplies here. A poster clung to the wall, depicting a corpse's hand coming out of the ground with a caption reading: The Amalgam Ministry of Health reminds you to kill them twice! Make double-sure or be a ghoul!

The house was cold, no fire had been lit in the fireplace for a while, but it had a somewhat anxious air about the place which made Camille and Lukas feel as if they were not alone. A staircase led up from the living room to the second story. Past that was a dilapidated kitchen.
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