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Fantasy Trapped in the Mystlands - Weird Science/Zombie RP

"Hurry! Onwards!" Camillé grasped a cloak from the soiled mess of ripped fabric, which had luckily been saved from her wrath. She pulled it up, shielding her face from the harsh weather. She began the trek towards safety, taking stock.

Prissy proper woman, odd armor woman, scary knight man, psychotic trapped man...

This is hopeless; even worse than my...

She abruptly stopped walking. For an inkling of a second, she thought she recalled leading around a similar bunch...

"My imagination, it is running away." She murmured, to no one imparticular, and continued her muddy path, as sheets of rain continue pouring down.
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A Dim Parlor

The small building that the party happened upon was blighted, roof sagging, with several wheeled contraptions abandoned out front. The weathered sign was too cracked to read.

Upon entering the main room of the building, the party was greeted by a dingy room with red carpet, brown plank walls, and a single, flickering yellow lightbulb for light and heat. The wind howled through the building and somewhere a shutter was banging against a window. A desk, like a circulation desk, lay on one side of the room and on the other an assortment of sofas and armchairs. A low groaning could be heard emanating from deeper in the building. A hallway at the north of the room split off into two directions.

Once Lukas got inside the building he let the overdressed woman climb out of his arms and walk by herself.

The dark knight was captivated by the light bulb and fell silent and the room's 'yellowish' appearance. He could hear the howling winds, blowing their currents through the structure's many thin sleek openings and felt bothered. He scraped his muddy boots on the red carpet, looked at the furniture placed around the building and back at the other strangers that have also made it here.

The moment he had entered he couldn't shake off an eerie feeling. Where they alone? For a moment the wind seemed to have died off and a new type of sound came from somewhere within the house. Lukas turned his attention away from the door and slowly looked around himself for the source of the sound. He listened as light raindrops drummed outside the woodwork and the low winds brushing against the building. The knight casually turned his attention towards the hall and heard a low sound coming from the depths of it's dark hallway.

"That's not the wind." He said.

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"That's not the wind."

The sentence set shivers down Genevieve's spine. What could possibly be in the house with them? Suddenly, she realized it just wasn't the armored man's sentence chilling her. Her gown was soaked, chilling Genevieve to the bone. She shuddered, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We need to get out of these wet clothes." Genevieve said softly, almost to herself. "Oh and sir? Th-thank you for helping me."
Examining the room more closely, the group would find that the fireplace at the far side of the room could be operated by the use of a lever (it was a gas fireplace). The moaning from the other room intensified.
Camillé listened, eyes narrowing.

"I think it's getting closer..." She murmured.

She drew closer to the fireplace, finding a fire poker, sharpened to a point; cast iron and deadly. She braced the weapon, and watched.

"Anyone care to go first?"

She asked, looking back at the group.
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When Camillé reached the hallway at the far end of the room, it split off in opposite directions. To the west, a dark wood door rested slightly ajar, giving her a glance into the room beyond, which had white tile floors and bright lighting.

To the east, the door was closed. Scratching noises and groaning could be heard from the room beyond. The door was held shut with a chair placed against it. An over-under shotgun laid against the door frame.
Camillé stuck the poker through her belt, snatching the shotgun quickly.

"What is this?" She asked, spinning it. She figured it was some sort of gun...like an elongated revolver?

"But where do the bullets go?" She wondered aloud.

Lukas bowed his head in response to the overdressed woman he had helped carry into the building.

His eyes observed the red head as she began to walk across the room towards the fireplace. The odd woman grabbed the fire poker and had started to sharpen it. From his view point it looked funny seeing a woman sharpen a fire poker for seemingly no explicit reason until she got up and turned to face the dark hallway and asked if any of them wanted to go down the hallway. Lukas looked at her arm that's holding the fire poker, then her expressionless face and he couldn't help but shrug. She has something to protect herself with while the rest of them don't - well, Lukas has his armor.

The woman then rushed down the hallway to see whatever it was that made the unnatural sound. He turned his attention away from the hallway and looked down towards the table. He pushed the circular table down so that it could lay on it's sides and observed the legs of the table. He grabbed one of the legs and began tapping at it's smooth wooden surface. It's oak wood. Then he walked around the table while holding the exposed legs, placed his chest on the leg that he was holding and forced his weight against it.

Crackle - Crack - Snap!

He fell on the floor and the table swayed from side to side after what that man had done. The black knight rose to his and stared at the table leg that he was now holding in his right hand. Slowly he had swung the leg aimlessly around and then tried to adjust his arm to the table leg's weight and form. The blunt at the end of the table leg will do just fine as a club and it's sleek body is perfect for swinging. The leg will probably last a number of hits before breaking and Lukas decided to break another leg just in case that were to happen.

"This place is very unsettling..." he mused not sure if he was thinking out loud or talking to the other strangers in the room.

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Camillé smiled encouragingly at the knight.

Smarter than he looks. Good.

She silently waved him over, and handed him the gun.

"I don't know how to use it...but I think it may be useful?" She whispered, eyes darting towards the door at every sound.

The red head fazed from the darkness of the hallway and emerged back into the yellow lit room, holding a fire arm of sorts and wearing a cocky looking smile on her face. She her eyes pointed into Lukas's, waved quietly at him and walked towards him with the weapon. Standing maybe a dzen centimeters away, the red head looked down towards the weapon and extended the firearm towards the man's chest.

"I don't know how to use it...but I think it may be useful?" She spoke in a quiet voice and turned her attention towards the noise.

Lukas observed the firearm. A hot tingling feeling stirred in the back of his head and a stream erupted inside his head. He knows how to operate such a fire arm. Lukas looked back at the red head and the fire arm. He pointed the weapon's wooden butt towards his chest and placed a hand over the metallic double barrel.


With a soft clack he opened it's backside and could see two bullets imbedded within the fire arm. It's loaded. He threw back the barrel and with a loud snap readied it in his arms. A wave of relief had swept over him when he found out that the weapon was double-barreled. Why? Why does he feel at ease with such a weapon? Why does he know how to operate it? Why is he clad in armor? Who was he? What was he?

Lukas sucked his lower lip and gave the overdressed woman one of the legs from the table. The moans and the scratching sounds are getting too loud... It might be time to face whatever or whoever are making that noise. He walked next to the red headed woman, held the odd fire arm in front of him and glared at the dark hallway. The bad news is that he only has those two bullets that are inside the gun, meaning he will have to resort in using the table leg and melee.

"Are you ready,
Frenchman?" Lukas asked with a serious tone in his germanic voice.

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"Excuse you," Camillé hissed, "I. am. A. French. LADY!" She clarified, and with that, she removed the chair and slammed open the door. Her face drained of color and she stared in horror and disbelief.

"God in heaven...demons have risen and awoken the dead..." She muttered, a hand cupped over her mouth, for she knew she'd scream if she left her slack jaw unchecked. She backed up, as if trying to make herself disappear into the knight's broad chest.
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The room she had opened was a fairly large room that was strewn with chairs. At the far northern end, a coffin sat on a raised platform with dead or dying flowers clustered around it. More noteworthy was; however, how the coffin jolted up and down, and more immediately threatening were the three reanimated corpses moving towards Camille at a sluggish pace.

These corpses were perhaps a few weeks old, but gave off no putrid odor and no form of decay, but rather their skin was wantonly pale and their irises blazed a demonic red color.

"You're mine!" The first monster choked out between raspy coughs as it reached for her throat.
Camillé muttered a prayer, and jabbed the fire-poker outwards, jamming it through the eye socket of the first advancing corpse. She winced at the sickening sound it made. She grimaced and started forwards, leaving the protective chest plate of the knight. She made sure the first was down, before going for the second.

"You're mine!" The first monster choked out between raspy coughs as it reached for the red head's throat.

Lukas couldn't do anything due to the other opponents and the fact that firing his gun near them would have caused some collateral damage on the two. He watched momentarily as the woman had lightly struggled with the assailant and won by impaling it's head with the fire poker.

At the same time that woman knelt down to make sure of her foe's death Lukas was breaking out from his shock from the sick human abominations that limped and sluggishly dragged themselves towards the two. His eyes widened in horror and a spark erupted in his chest - Fear.

BAM! "Rauuuuuuuu-" Splut! Thud.

BAM! Splat! Thud.

The two other assailants were blown away by the impact of the weapon, with their heads reduced to nothing but a sick red stain on the walls of the hallway. The black knight felt covered in cold sweat and could feel his grip tightening more around the gun. his eyes darted at the Frenchman, a slight relief uplifted his frightened feeling when he saw that the woman hadn't been harmed by the weapon or by those... things. He opened the firearm, tilted it and with a powerful shake dropped the empty metallic shells onto the ground. He heard two soft clinkering sounds on the grounds and had moved beside to the woman.

"Let's close that blasted door!"

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Camillé's ears were ringing horribly. She held her head in her hands, wincing as her vision blurred. The gunshot was awfully loud, and right next to her. Dark black blood had splattered on her cheek. She ignored it for now, stumbling over to the knight.

"The door...? Close it!" She said, perhaps a bit too loudly, considering she could hardly hear herself.

He had rushed clumsily down the hallway thanks to his armor , desperately grabbed the edge of the ruined door and quickly had closed it shut. He threw his back against the door and looked to see what was in front of him. A heavy looking door made from dark wood seemed to 'stare' back him, almost as though this inanimate object was mocking him and laughing in silence. Why did he feel so irritated the second he had laid eyes on the door?

Pulling himself off from the door that had spawned the abominations and walked towards the opposite door. He hesitated to grab it's knob but his irritated feeling had bothered him enough to take the action. With a sharp wooden creak he slowly opened the door and watched his arm carefully as he opened the entrance to the next room. The floor was tiled, the colors of the walls and ceiling where very bright in contrast to everything else here.

"This looks good." His heart seemed to flutter as he tread inside the room.

On the table that occupied the center of the room, a dead body lay, probably in the process of embalming. The head had been surgically severed from the body, which was tied down with leather restraints.

In the corner, a man wearing a white coat sat slumped over dead, the barrel of a lever-action cavalry carbine protruding from his mouth and down to the stock of the weapon resting on the floor. It was likely the cause for the hole in the back of his head and the bloodstains on the walls behind him. On the far side of the room was a coal furnace dying down to embers and a row of cabinets.
The red haired woman took this in cautiously.

"I doubt that one will come back..." She said, gesturing to the embalmed corpse. She sighed, resting in the doorframe. She was oddly sore, and her midsection rather achy.

"Let's not falter behind," Lukas gently tapped the back of the red head's left shoulder with his armored arm.

"The last thing I want is to die being torn by those rabid... Things."

The black knight tread slowly into the room and tried to observe it. A foul and bitter smell penetrated his nose as he walked more into the center of the room eyeing at the strapped and headless corpse. It's skin looked dry and wilted but it is still preserving the majority of the individual's pigment and small hairs. Upon closer inspection of the rotten mass a sharp sting erupted from the back of his head and made Lukas grab the sides of his head. An array of quick images flew right passed his eyes, mostly blurry and hardly different from washed images. The sharp pain spark again within the back of his head, irritated he grabbed the edges of the table and held himself above the corpse.

"Aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuugh..." He groaned as the pain subsided and his head had cooled down. He backed away from the table and breathed manually through his nose. His breathing motions could be seen and the way he exhaled air was too loud.

"What was that?" He placed three fingers over on the right side of his helmet. He tapped it for some time and then gave up coming with an explanation.

With a loud wet sneezing sound Lukas walked over to the corpses wearing a dirty white apparel and examined it's carbine.

Camillé watched this with morbid facination. Was he dying? Seizing up? Was he possessed?

He seemed to be fine after a wet sneezing sort of noise. She approached him from behind,

"Are you alright?" She asked softly, frowning at him in concern, her eyebrows knit tightly together in worry.

"I'm not sure." Silence befell the room.

Lukas paused to take the firearm from the corpse's skeletal hand. Pressing one hand against it's chest, he then simultaneously ripped the weapon from it's leathery hands and backed off. He carefully placed the empty double barreled shot gun on the floor and held the newly acquired fire arm in both of hands. Again that little tingly feeling reemerged from the back of his head, spreading a confidence within him as he slowly flipped the gun around from side to side and had reassured him that he's compatible with it. He stopped flipping the short rifle for a moment and continued to answer the red headed woman.

"I am certain that I'm trying to remember who Lukas Lebenhaupt is. Who I am - was." the man detached the magazine of the carbine to see the state of the ammunition so that the gun wouldn't have any problems firing.

"But my mind is still unclear." He paused to reattach the magazine back to the gun.
KA-CHUNK! Lukas played around with the firearms odd 'number-eight-shaped' trigger of the small carbine.

"The only thing I sort of
'know' about myself thus far is that I can fight with these kinds of weapons."

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She frowned, and removed the mask from her garter.

"I can't recall what this means. I know I wore it," she said quietly, "and I killed." She said, gesturing to the various weapon sheathes sewn into her outfit.

"With knives, I'd assume." She sighed, rubbing her temples.

"Why, why can't we recall?"
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"Psh!" Lukas blew air through his teeth.

"Just because your undergarments have some sheaths patched in it doesn't mean that you know of what you've done. For all we know they were used as alternative armor or to conceal weapons for spies." Lukas paused and turned his head around to look over his shoulder and returned a long glance to the red head.

"I don't even know if I have killed or not but it's likely that I have." He returned his gaze towards the double barreled firearm and grabbed it with one hand while on the other hand he grabbed the carbine. The knight slowly rose from his knees and turned around to face the odd woman. He stretched his dark plated left arm and presented to her the carbine rifle. The gun's dark wooden body lightly reflected the white light from the room, excreting an benevolent aura that held a promise and maybe even hope.

"Killer or not. I don't think we deserve to die here."

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She nodded curtly, "No, I won't die in such a place as this. No, no." She hesitantly took the weapon, and pursed her lips.

"I misjudged you, Monsieur. You are not as evil, nor stupid as I first deemed you...Many apologies for my rudeness." She curtseyed with a practiced grace.

"On the chance that we do not survive this, or cannot leave, or in any case, really, I do hope we can be friends." She says, with seeming sincerity. She then turned on her heel. "Now let's leave this room. That body is beginning to disturb me. This whole place gives me an unshakable sense of disquiet." With that, she left the room.
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