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Transgender Boy x Transgender Girl

Ryan found an available lab table and sat down. Attempting to make conversation, he asked the other guy, "So, uh, what's your name?"
"My name's Henry." He already knew her name so he didn't bother asking. The teacher walked in after he'd made sure everyone was in the lab room with their group. He began handing out sheets explaining the experiment they were going to do today, as he did so he was reading off the sheet to the class.
The teacher read the assignment to the class, which Ryan immediately knew he would hate doing. It sounded like the assignment would require a lot of interaction between him and his partner, which Ryan was quite nervous about.

When the teacher was done reading, he told the class to get started, so Ryan began collecting the materials they would need. Once that was done, they would need to wait ten minutes for the solution to heat up. In the meantime, there wasn't all that much to do.

Knowing that he didn't have many other options, Ryan decided to attempt conversation with Henry. "Uh, hi," he said with an uncomfortable smile.

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