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Transformers G1 (Love and war rp)


Three Thousand Club
During the fight between the decepticons and autobots, a never intended love was forged when a loyal decepticon that follows Lord Megatron's orders has to take care of a human on his own. At first the two were wary of each other, but the war helped the two draw more closer to each other. But who is the decepticon? And who is the human that the decepticon fell in love with?
ok) death looked around curiously due to Lord megatron sending him to a unknown location that they had no data on, death vented lightly as he started to look for what megatron wanted him to bring back to base.
There was a human sitting on a boulder from the ground, thinking to herself while playing the violin not knowing someone was there. She let her hands move about while singing, letting the bow glide across the violin to play sweet music

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