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Fandom Total Drama Island


Caught in a storm
*Claire holds up her megaphone*

" Hold up...Is this on? Oh it is? Ok then. *lights turn to Claire* Hello viewers! Today is the season 10 beginning of Total Drama Island, I'm your host Claire Santros because every other host is either fired or in jail. Today we're going to be joined by several contestants. Infact they should each be arriving on their boat any minute now. Unfortunately they cannot leave as the boat leaves immediately after they land. I'll be deciding the teams soon enough. Oops that should be the boat arriving just now! "

*Camera shifts left towards the dock entrance* a big boat appeared heading towards the dock with the contestants arriving. "Hello contestants who have wandered onto the show! I'm your host Claire Santros! It's wonderful to see everyone! How are you all? Why yes this island is abit bigger than previous seasons, expanded budget and all! Why don't you all introduce yourselves for the camera! Also I'm willing to take any questions!
Mentioned: SomebodyElse SomebodyElse (And everyone else)
Leah looked around, surprisingly annoyed she had to go to this Island, She reluctantly stepped off the boat and started to speak into the Camera, "Hello...My name's Leah...Leah Jordan.." She spoke in a broken manner, seemingly taking time to think every couple of words. "I...Uh...Don't wanna be here at all...But if i quit my parents will kick me out...So yeah...Be happy you don't have to deal with them..." she was attempting to add comedy to her introduction, but her uninterested voice sounded rather demanding and overbearing.

She looked back at the rest of the contestants, none of them seemed like people who would speak to someone like her, so she sighed in relief, Although still knowing that someone could approach her at any time. If someone other than that Chris wannabe talks to her, She'll escape by any means possible...The water seems the best option, But is she going to take the risk if it comes to it...

Anyway, She walked towards Claire, She may have been a bit too close, and quietly asked, "How long is this gonna last for...". She seemed to be showing that she's uninterested in the show from the get-go and obviously doesn't really care if that what get's her hated in internet forums once she becomes famous for being on a waste of time show like this, She'll just deal with the haters later...
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SomebodyElse SomebodyElse

Aaron glared at the host. "The name's Aaron. Aaron Jacobs. I'm a master survivalist, and i can beat any challenge you throw at me." He grinned, then walked over and stared at the area. "This will be easy.."
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse

Nate stared at his watch every two seconds, wondering when this whole thing would be over and he could return home hiding under the bed from the world. He only wanted to get on this show to fund his project, and since his parents wouldn't give money to a failure and no jobs would accept him...this was plan C. If only he realized how bad of a plan C he had...
He shook from the nervousness intensely almost as if he was having some sort of stroke, though really, he was kind of over-exaggerating. When the spotlight turned to him biting his fingers the nervousness multiplied threefold.
H-h-hello...I'm Nate..." he stuttered on his words almost as if he was told to.
Nothing else seemed to go Nate's way.
He tried smiling, but ended up looking more like a psycho.
He tried to shake hands with the host, but he tripped and fell.
He tried thanking the lifeguard by shaking hands with him, but...well he fell.

"W-w-when is this going to end..." he said tearfully to himself.
Ghost merrily got off of the boat. She wasn't running by any means, she didn't want to trip and fling herself into the water by accident, but there was definitely a spring in her step. Ah, she... wasn't too excited to be doing this at all, really, but she was glad to finally be off the boat with her feet on stable ground. There were so many other people, the only one of which she had payed any sort of attention to being the guy who introduced himself as a survivalist! Oh, definitely not because he was interesting, but because he seemed overly cocky. What did he think of himself? It wasn't like they were living in the wilderness or anything, knowing how to live off the land wasn't precisely part of the show. If they ever had to hunt for dinner, she would be sure to contact him first.

"Hello, hello, uhm..." She hadn't heard the hostess say her name. Fuck. Well, no time to ask, time to start making things up, "Hello, Not-Chris, and the rest of the world!" Ghost grabbed the blond hostess's name to eagerly shake it, then waved happily at the camera, "I'm Ghost Noelle, it's nice to meetcha!" Her voice was very low for a woman's, low enough to be mistaken for a man. "I'm sure my parents are soooo happy to see me out of the house for once!" There was a bitter note to her otherwise cheerful voice. She didn't really want to be out of the house. In fact, she would much rather still be inside the house, playing a game or watching anime. But noooo, her parents wanted her to actually do something with her life. Whatever, if she was on this gameshow, she would at least try and win the thing.

She turned away from Claire to make way for whoever came through next. As fun as it sounded, she couldn't just stand there and talk to a camera all day. She supposed she could try and talk to some of the people around here, but there definitely weren't any text prompts or romance options in real life, so she didn't care to try getting to know them right off the bat. Maybe later she'd try talking to them, but for now that just wasn't happening.

SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
Aaron nodded at Ghost as she arrived, and shrugged. (Im awake at 11:30 pm help me)
[class=stoneBackground] width: 500px; height: 700px; margin: auto; background-image: url(https://bournemouthandpoole.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/color-salmon-new-light-salmon-pink-solid-color-background-image-of-color-salmon.png); background-size: 100%; background-position: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneBorder] width: 90%; height: 660px; margin: auto; border: 3px solid #FFC0CB; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneWrapper] width: calc(100% + 21px); overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneScroll] height: 660px; width: 100%; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; padding-right: 100px; [/class] [class=stoneCover] height: 660px; width: calc(100% + 17px); background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/af/29/2b/af292bf608d94ec756dce0cdd834f68f.jpg); background-size: 110%; background-position: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; [/class] [class=stoneCoverText] color: white; font-size: 0px; text-align: center; [/class] [class=stoneText] background: #FFC0CB; color: black; padding: 5px; margin-right: -17px; [/class]
[div class=stoneBackground][div class=stoneBorder][div class=stoneScroll][div class=stoneCover][div class=stoneCoverText]Header[/div][/div][div class=stoneText]Wesley GriffithsWesley was actually quite excited for this camp, seeing as he had signed himself up because it actually seemed pretty interesting. Yes, he already knew this was marked weird by his peers for wanting to participate in this stupid tv show. But Wesley never let other peoples opinion persuade him to do or not do something. His worry and anxiety didn't go that far. And so there he was, wind ruffling his hair on the boat, bag by his feet. The ride wasn't very long from the city to the island which was a good thing if he ever had a major panic attack and had to leave. Which hopefully, he wouldn't. His thought were interuppted by the host, Claire Santros, who was getting an introduction from all the contestants. From where he stood, everyone on the dock seemed rather... depressed? That seemed like the right word. Time to liven thing up!

Once the boat stopped, Wesley stepped off carrying his bag and took a large goofy smile with him. He had previously emailed Claire about the camp so he had an idea beforehand of what she was like. So far it seemed like there were only three contestants here, four if you included Wesley. He noticed the camera pan to him and waved to it. Seeing as TAD was a worldly famous show, he saw no reason to be anything but nice. Not that he had planned to be rude in secrecy. Most people didn't even think he had a single bad bone in his body. 'Angel Boy' as they would call him back home. "Hey everyone! I'm Wesley Griffiths, ah, but you can call me Wes. I'm seventeen and some of you probably know me from the Starbucks on Juniper Avenue." He finished his little introduction and stepped towards the small unsocial group. There was an air of awkwardness and that was no bueno! He turned to the nearest person, a contestant by the name of Ghost as he had previously heard. He couldn't really tell what gender they were but in this year and age, it didn't really matter. "Hey Ghost. I'm Wesley, it's nice to meet you." He stopped and reached out for a handshake, his smile still plastered there from the beginning. "Why'd ya come to the show? If you don't mind me asking~" His voice was very sweet and otherwise kind. Which came as quite a surprise for most seeing as his stature and not-smiling-face were so serious.
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Necromantic Necromantic
Aaron stared...no....he glared at Wesley as he walked off the boat and internally hoped he wouldn't be paired with him. He let out a low growl. He impatiently tapped his foot, waiting to be assigned cabins and get the hell out of the dock.
"Hey-o~!"Ghost cheerfully greeted as she waved eagerly at the survivalist when he nodded to her- oh, what did he say his name was? She hadn't heard him introduce himself, just like she hadn't heard the Hostess, so she had to clue what to call him. Wow, the whole not listening thing she'd been doing so far didn't seem to be going well for her, she would definitely need to try actually listening to the people when they introduced themselves. Given, he hadn't exactly said much to the camera, so she hadn't really had much to listen to. Still, she'd be careful to listen to everyone else as well as she listened to a good cutscene. Maybe Survivalist-Kun would be more interesting if he had a cutscene? Well, that aside, she would certainly need to know everyone's names.

Hm, the only person that Ghost had seen that seemed to be taller than her had come over to talk? Wes, that's what he said his name was. Her eyes lit up as she grasped the hand that he held out for her with both of hers, her grip perhaps a bit too right as she vigorously shook his hand. "Hi, hi, Wes! Yup, I'm Ghost!" She was just as cheerful as she had been when she greeted Not-Chris. Wes was definitely pretty, unlike the boy who called himself a survivalist, so she already liked him more than she did the wannabe survivalist. Huh, maybe there were romance options in real life, all she needed to do was figure out how to get on this guy's route and she'd be set for the entire gameshow.

"Oh, my parents suggested I do this. But they didn't force me to, like I probably made it seem on camera! I was just being over dramatic, really, I did this of my own volition!" Viewers liked cheerful, yet bitter characters, right? Or would it be better if she had tried a tsundere approach? The bitter person with a heart of gold was always well liked. Ah, but it'd be effort to be cold yet caring. "It seemed like something neat to do! I've never been on a gameshow before, so I figured I might as well try signing up! Oh, what about you, though? Why'd you sign up?"

jaylen jaylen
[class=stoneBackground] width: 500px; height: 700px; margin: auto; background-image: url(https://bournemouthandpoole.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/color-salmon-new-light-salmon-pink-solid-color-background-image-of-color-salmon.png); background-size: 100%; background-position: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneBorder] width: 90%; height: 660px; margin: auto; border: 3px solid #FFC0CB; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneWrapper] width: calc(100% + 21px); overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneScroll] height: 660px; width: 100%; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; padding-right: 100px; [/class] [class=stoneCover] height: 660px; width: calc(100% + 17px); background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/af/29/2b/af292bf608d94ec756dce0cdd834f68f.jpg); background-size: 110%; background-position: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; [/class] [class=stoneCoverText] color: white; font-size: 0px; text-align: center; [/class] [class=stoneText] background: #FFC0CB; color: black; padding: 5px; margin-right: -17px; [/class]
[div class=stoneBackground][div class=stoneBorder][div class=stoneScroll][div class=stoneCover][div class=stoneCoverText]Header[/div][/div][div class=stoneText]Wesley GriffithsWesley was immediately attracted to the boy before him. Ghost had a comforting and rather bubbly air about him that made Wes want to be around him more. Maybe they could be friends. Yah yeet brother. He thought, chuckling lightly to himself at the stupid thought. He placed his other hand on Ghosts and nodded to him. "I wanted a break from the city. This seemed like a fun thing to do so here I am!" He exclaimed, seemingly proud of himself for having thought of this idea. Well, I mean, he kinda was. At least here he would be aware from the constant stares of people with narrow minds. The city seemed to be full of them. Ever since he proved he could fight [despite hating it], nobody messed with him. They just judged him from afar which sucked just as much.

Wesley turned to look at the other three contestants. He hadn't caught their names since he came later. He noticed one of them, a gruff looking man that reminded him of a less beautiful elf, was glaring directly at him. He felt that familiar sense tangle of anxiety and uncertainty enter his belly and make it's way to his throat. Can't be showing that now can we Wessy? Yes, the boy talked to himself. Be it in his head or whispers under his breath. Hell, sometimes he even screamed at himself. Clearing his throat, Wesley removed his hands from Ghosts and turned towards the other contestants. They were within proximity of each other so from where he stood, they were all in view. "Hey guys! I didn't catch your names earlier. I'm Wesley, but you guys can call me Wes. Or whatever else you come up with I guess." He chuckled a bit and smiled at the group. He had a feeling they weren't really gonna be up for conversation but he figured he might as well try and be friendly.

Seeing the tearful boy, Wesley felt pretty bad and with a smile at Ghost, headed over and patted the guy on the shoulder. Perks of being tall. When speaking to the boy, his voice was soft and sweet. "Are you alright? There's no need to cry. You'll be okay man." He offered a kind smile and hoped the boy would feel better. Maybe they could let Wesley use the kitchen and he could make muffins for everyone? Food always makes people feel better. Though something warmer might be better... his mind raced with different food ideas. Heck, if they had the right stuff, he could even make everyone a coffee. I pray they have stuff for coffee. I need it.
Necromantic Necromantic @Cicada3301 Lame_Dude Lame_Dude Random42 Random42
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Aaron cleared his throat and his voice sounded much more experience than he looked. "Listen, man. I can tell that you won't make it far. Just saying." He circled him like a shark, until he returned to his original place. He stood at attention, military-like. He even was wearing a camo jacket.
mentioned: jaylen jaylen @Cicada3301
Leah was wrong, Wesley was walking from person to person and introducing himself, Soon he'd come to her... She wasn't gonna let that happen.

She started to sidestep around Wesley and Nate, and slowly but surely got near the survivalist, He probably had no interest in talking to her so she attempted to use him as a way to block Wesley's line of sight from including her. Soon she felt safe and quietly just stood there, waiting for the Chris-wannabe to sort them into cabins. It was boring, but it was sadly her only sane choice not including jumping off the docks, That would be her last resort...
Aaron just stood there, waiting. "My god....This will take a long time with him chatting." He sighed.
[class=stoneBackground] width: 500px; height: 700px; margin: auto; background-image: url(https://bournemouthandpoole.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/color-salmon-new-light-salmon-pink-solid-color-background-image-of-color-salmon.png); background-size: 100%; background-position: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneBorder] width: 90%; height: 660px; margin: auto; border: 3px solid #FFC0CB; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneWrapper] width: calc(100% + 21px); overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneScroll] height: 660px; width: 100%; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; padding-right: 100px; [/class] [class=stoneCover] height: 660px; width: calc(100% + 17px); background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/af/29/2b/af292bf608d94ec756dce0cdd834f68f.jpg); background-size: 110%; background-position: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; [/class] [class=stoneCoverText] color: white; font-size: 0px; text-align: center; [/class] [class=stoneText] background: #FFC0CB; color: black; padding: 5px; margin-right: -17px; [/class]
[div class=stoneBackground][div class=stoneBorder][div class=stoneScroll][div class=stoneCover][div class=stoneCoverText]Header[/div][/div][div class=stoneText]Wesley GriffithsWes simply stayed still until he had been circled and watched the camo man head back to his spot. He chuckled at what the guy said and placed his hands on his hips. "None of us are going to get kicked off so it doesn't really matter, camo man." He responded, clearly not taking the guy very seriously. He walked over to the man and gave hima hefty pat on the shoulder. "Look man, let's not get off on the wrong foot right now. You know nothing about me and I know nothing about you. Making assumptions is what can get you killed, but surely you know that?" His comment came out as a question. He was asserting himself to the guy and wanted it to be known that they could be friends if he kept an open mind. There was no reason to be getting on peoples bad side after all. Wesley removed his hand from the mans shoulder and slipped it into his pocket, putting the other out in front of him to shake hands. "Let's try an get along, alright?" His voice had shifted and was back to it's usual cheeriness. His eyes shifted to the rather small girl beside Camo Man and nodded at her, deciding to speak to her next after this guy.
@Cicada3301 Random42 Random42
Aaron grabbed Wesley's wrist and spun him around, putting his foot on Wesley's back in a position to break someones arm. He did this when he went to put his hand on his shoulder. "Leave me alone and you're fine. Do the opposite, and you better run for your life." He let go of him.
[class=stoneBackground] width: 500px; height: 700px; margin: auto; background-image: url(https://bournemouthandpoole.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/color-salmon-new-light-salmon-pink-solid-color-background-image-of-color-salmon.png); background-size: 100%; background-position: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneBorder] width: 90%; height: 660px; margin: auto; border: 3px solid #FFC0CB; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneWrapper] width: calc(100% + 21px); overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=stoneScroll] height: 660px; width: 100%; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; padding-right: 100px; [/class] [class=stoneCover] height: 660px; width: calc(100% + 17px); background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/af/29/2b/af292bf608d94ec756dce0cdd834f68f.jpg); background-size: 110%; background-position: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; [/class] [class=stoneCoverText] color: white; font-size: 0px; text-align: center; [/class] [class=stoneText] background: #FFC0CB; color: black; padding: 5px; margin-right: -17px; [/class]
[div class=stoneBackground][div class=stoneBorder][div class=stoneScroll][div class=stoneCover][div class=stoneCoverText]Header[/div][/div][div class=stoneText]Wesley GriffithsHe wasn't really intmidated but maybe he should've been. The idea was shrugged off and Wesley stood up, eyeing the man down. Wesley had the height advantage and the muscle needed for any good fight. This guys seemed like he had been through an apocolypse so that was a bit unnerving. Wesley slipped his hands into his pockets and kept his composure. Starting anything with this guy could be bad news for him and he'd have to learn more about the guy beforehand if that were to go down. Welsey decided it'd be best to back off for now and took a giant step backwards. "Gotcha Cap'n." He responded, his gaze then turning to the girl beside him. She seemed pretty nervous and shaken up. Poor thing... "Hey, you alright? I didn't catch your name either." His voice was as soft as if he were speaking to a baby, afriad he might frighten her away. She reminded him of a small, scared puppy.
@Cicada3301 Random42 Random42
"Oh so you want some more, eh? I'll bloody give it to ya!" He easily picked up Wesley and walked over to the dock and dropped him in to the lake and walked back to his original position. He sighed. "Some people can be extremely annoying," He muttered to himself. (Sorry if i went off the rail with that one. I just wanted to do that cause why not i guess.)
Haven walked off the ship.
"Well I guess I arrived. To this show...at this island. Oh well. The goth said quite bored.
Well I suppose I'll introduce myself. I am Haven. I don't care about winning or losing. I'm here for my own reasons.
Hello there other people." She said in a monotone voice. She looked around quickly getting bored of the island.
"Okay well you guys are here now for 8 weeks. No leaving. The rules are simple. The contestants will be split into two teams, each day I will have the teams compete in one or more challenges. These challenges will earn team points. At the end of each week the winning will get a reward and the losing team will get punished in a unimaginable way! Rewards can vary from a advantage in the next challenge, excellent food, fun events set up, or even being able to force me to do a challenge of your choosing, within legal reason. Punishments can vary from having to do chores, having to eat terrible food, physical challenges, or having the other team chose the punishment."

Now I know you guys have your stuff and so we'll be heading to the cabins soon so you can drop off your stuff. Then we'll have a meal and immediately head into a challenge, and when that's up...It'll probably be dark and we'll have a special ceremony.

Cabins will be separated by gender so girls will have one cabin and guys will have another.
Alright with no time to waste let's decide teams and head to the cabins.
Leah! Team 1. Ghost! Team 2.
Aaron Team 1. Wesley! Team 2.
Haven! Team 1. Nate! Team 2.
Carmen Team 1. Alex Team 2.

Team 1 will be The Wild Racoons, Team 2 will be the Vexing Vipers.

These will your teams. If you're ready we'll be heading the cabins now!
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Sadly, Alex got off the boat. He had loved the ride there, as he had had time to practice his music. Seeing all the cameras and who he assumed was the host, he slung his guitar around to his back and put his other stuff on the ground for a minute. โ€œUh, hello?โ€ he called, โ€œMy nameโ€™s Alex Cook, but a lot of people call me Cookie.โ€

SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
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||Carmen Juarez||

Mentions: SomebodyElse SomebodyElse , everybody else

Okay, just a minute. Just one more. She had this. Screwdriver gripped between her teeth, she lay on her back, her face set towards the rusty old gear drive, oily and dripping with something she honestly had no clue as to its identity. It was just gross. The door to the engine room was open now, its "Keep Out" sign unheeded. But honestly, Carmen Diego Juarez did not even care.

This was such a horrible engine. On the boat coming in, she heard the noises, and against her better judgment, she was curious. So, she slipped down there. It wasn't like the lock was that hard to break. She just needed to fix this thing, or else, the mechanic inside of her was going to go mad.

There! She screwed a bolt back on. The gunk was cleaned out and in a random bucket, but she wasn't dealing with that. That was not her job. The only thing left now was to test the engine again and see if it still made noises. And thus, she slipped her way back to the deck, and realized something. Nobody was here. Well, crap.

She jumped off the boat and onto the island, finding a small gathering and the host saying something about teams. Instinctively, she ran up to the group, her hair limp with oil that was not of the natural kind. She stared at the host, Claire, and held out a greasy hand for her to shake.

"Yeah, ummm...this is Carmen. Carmen Juarez. Do I have to check in or something?"

Did she know how this worked? Nope. She hardly even saw the original show. It better not be stupid, though. Or else, she would never forgive her friends for daring her to go on this thing. However, if their facilities were as bad as that boat, she might already have words.
The new contestants introduced themselves to which Claire waved them over.

"Welcome Alex, Carmen! Alex you will be on team 1 and Carmen, you will be on team 2.

We're heading to the cabins briefly where you all can drop your stuff off. Then we'll be heading to the cafeteria. We'll have some barbeque.
Alright here we are at the cabins! There are two of them. One for each team, over to the right is the cafeteria! Don't take too long!"

The cabins were pretty typical cabins you'd see at a camp. Made of wood. While the budget allowed for a better cabin than previous seasons, they weren't exactly classy or high quality either. Just jumped from the cheap dead old cabins to a standard cabin.
Mentions: Ghost, Nate, Wesley
Tagging: Necromantic Necromantic , Lame_Dude Lame_Dude , jaylen jaylen

||Carmen Juarez||

Team 2? Carmen blinked a second or two at the announcement, feeling unfortunately lost but soon enough getting the picture. Those were their cabins, then? Well, they looked...interesting. Kind of crappy, to be honest. Thus, it was in this moment that Carmen remembered with great apprehension that she had never actually been camping before in her life, and this looked a heck of a lot like camping. Well, she did play in the woods behind their house with her brother a lot growing up, did that count?

No, nope. She got this. She took a deep breath and remembered her resolve. It didn't matter what got put in front of her. She could figure it out. Brains are better than brawn, Carmen. Brains are better...

She remembered her position and walked towards the people who were apparently her team. Yeah, she didn't know their names. Should she have tried to learn that on the boat? "Yo. Carmen," she pointed to herself in case they missed her introduction before, as she mentally sized them up. So, this mildly excited blonde chick in a hoodie, and a nervous-looking guy in brown. Brilliant. Wait a second... "Uh, shouldn't there be another member? The other guys have four." She mentally counted the faces she saw on the boat. "Yeah! That guy...that...umm..." Darn it, names. "The one in the pink sweatshirt? Where is he?"

//I'm making assumptions that Wesley is still in the lake...
(I didn't get to throw him in, according to the GM and Wesley. Sadly.)
Total Drama Island OC.jpg
Ashley Caron
Ashley stepped off the boat and instantly took a selfie to post on social media. "So little bars but this is still amazing." she said as she stepped off the boat. "I'm Ashley Caron, Vlogger and designer." She said happily as she walked down the dock towards Clair. "Wow... this place is looking so much better than every other season..."
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse

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