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Fandom Total Drama Island

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[div class=stoneBackground][div class=stoneBorder][div class=stoneScroll][div class=stoneCover][div class=stoneCoverText]Header[/div][/div][div class=stoneText]Wesley GriffithsWesley just stared at the guy before him and then walked off. He seemed to have a few screws loose. He found his place beside Ghost, the only person who seemed to enjoy being around him, and waited for the teams to be announced. I hope I'm with Ghost. And luckily enough, he was. Wesley turned to the guy with a big smile and grabbed one of his hands. "We're on the same team! This is gonna be great." He chirped, moving to grab his belongings and start heading to the cabins. They stopped and waited, however, for two late contestants. No, make that three. Guess Claire wasn't as together as Chris had been but oh well.

Wesley kept in pace with Ghost though he didn't talk much. The cabins seemed better than before, though still not grand. Well, it is a camp after all. Wesley stopped walking and turned to face the Carmen girl, who seemed to be blind to the big things. "Er, I'm right in front of you Carmen. " He chuckled, offering the smile to the girl before he kept walking. There seemed to be two cabins, one for the Vipers and one for the Raccoons. "Co-ed cabins, huh? Neat." He walked into one and set his things down on one of the bottom bunks, claiming it as his own. He stopped and stretched out his body before sitting down on the bed. "This is gonna be a fun couple of weeks, dontcha think?" He asked the team, a goofy smile plastered on his face.
BlossomingRosebud BlossomingRosebud Necromantic Necromantic
//Okay, gotcha!

Mentions: Wesley, Ghost, Nate
Tagging: jaylen jaylen

||Carmen Juarez||

"Ha, right..." The guy, whom she would soon figure out to be Wesley, smiled at her and walked off. Carmen sighed. Fiddlesticks. Everyone's going to wonder where her head's at, huh? Not that it mattered to her. She shrugged and wiped the grease from her hands off on her shirt, following behind into the cabin.

So, it was co-ed, apparently. That'll sure be interesting. Maybe--she really didn't know (no camping and precious little sleeping over experience here). Didn't matter none to Carmen, though, as she was kind of around boys a lot, like in the robotics club, for instance. It was half and half at the moment, although someone might have to look twice for Ghost, as her name apparently was. (Carmen questioned her parent's life choices, but hey, she wouldn't judge. At least it's interesting)

"Yep, totes," Carmen responded dryly to Wesley's comment before following it with a more genuine grin. She never was that good with people, on a grand scale of things. Being social was kind of just boring...and stressful. However, she had to admit, it did feel a little different here. Sure, she was on camera, but hey, just think, she'll never have to see these people again after this. Might as well cut loose a little.

She took a quick look around the cabin. Was it airtight? Not a chance. "Yeah, I'm sure the rats don't bite too bad at night." She glanced back at her current cabin mates with a mischievous grin, even though her eyes instinctively drifted slightly to the bunk beds behind them while she said it. That one bed looked crooked. She could fix that...
A talent show. People were gathered here at the amphitheater, a well designed wooden arch with a stage and roof. High quality wooden benches infront with a space between separating the benches from ones on the right side and on the left side.
"Ok you all are ready for your first challenge. A talent show. You will all take the most amazing thing you all can do and you will all do it here at the amphitheater."
"By the way? How's our amphitheater? Pretty nice huh? No? Oh I'm rambling now. Teens these days always in a rush. Then you'll be in college and then be forced to have a job. Then your life will suck. But I'm not even that old. Huh weird."
Anyways....The team with the most points will win today's challenge... So you on team 1 can head over to the left benches and the team 2 can head over to the right benches to discuss ideas. When you're team is ready tell me.
"We'll have our viewers vote to see who wins."
Tagging: Ghost, Nate, Wesley

||Carmen Juarez||

On the outside, Carmen nodded. On the inside, she groaned. A talent show? Really? That was just so...flashy. Yeah, that was it. Flashy. Sure, she didn't know the show well, so she might expect some surprises, but she kind of hoped for a first challenge with something more...like...well...something she could use her wits and actually beat them at. She knew exactly how talent shows went. They went to the prettiest girl and handsomest guy who could sing or dance or whatever. Sure, they always said you could do anything, but did that actually ever win? Sorry kid, no one wants to see your magic tricks. Not really.

She headed over to the right benches at Claire's request, trying all the while to think about what she would actually do. Of course, she wasn't going to just give up, no matter how bad she hated the challenge! She just had to do something amazing, that's all. But what could she do that people would actually want to see?

Carmen turned to her teammates and ventured to start the conversation. She hoped, however, that one of them would be better suited for this idea than she was. "Well, this sucks," she groaned, half to herself. "Sorry guys, but I can't sing. In short, I can build stuff and I can draw. What about you?"

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