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Fandom Total Drama Island Roleplay

(Gah, sorry, I quit getting alerts xp) Greg had a bit of a difficulty swimming to the socks but made it, struggling to get herself up with little upper body strength. Not bothering to ask for help, she used parts of the dock as a ladder and eventually stood, wringing out her hair.

Lottie was already there with a serene smile and the only thing wet was her shoes. She had gotten a ride from the friendly shark, but didn't bother to mention it to the others. Most because she forgot.

Luke, being a triathlon runner, swam easily to the dock and climbed on no problem. To add to it, he took off his shirt as he hated the wet fabric clinging to him. His smirk turned into a flirty smile at any lady who caught his eye.

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"That makes 6! 4 more to go! Wendy what were they doing up there?!" Michelle asks. 
"That's 9 right? I thought I had 10 contestants?" Michelle says
Wendy turned her head around to look at the lady who she assumed was in charge of things. "I...ummm... I have no clue. I do hope they come out eventually." Wendy was being fidgety. The thought of losing four people even before they started was crazy. They couldn't really do that right? Of course it wasn't as if she cared for them, but if they were that nonchalant about putting 4 lives in danger then they wouldn't hesitate with hers either. Wendy was liking this game more and more.
Tomato fixed his glasses as he stepped away from from Alex and put on a self-satisfied smirk "Oh please, No matter what this thing is still on TV" he stated before spinning around "There's no way they'd ultimately put our lives in danger, even though they put the interns at risk."

"There was that guy that ended up in a full body cast." Alex stated

"Well that was-"

"And the several contestants that needed their stomachs pumped after ingesting several cocktails of maggot-roach clavinet."

"Your making that up!"

"Season 1" Alex said as he fiddled with his scarf "Then there's the kid that got lost on the plane and went mentally insane and threw himself into a volcano"

"You're making this up!"

"Electrocution, explosions, mauled by wild animals, being abandoned on an island with a masked, chainsaw murderer with a hook-"

Tomato just scratched the back of his head nervously as Alex went through an entire mental list of horrors.
Nichole cuts in on the two boys conversation. "And don't forget being trapped and almost abandoned under a large oil can in Heller."
"Alright!" Cried Tomato "I get the stupid picture."

Alex just watched in confusion as Tomato stormed off to the other side of the boardwalk while muttering angry words.
Nichole just stares as the kid storms off. "Honestly he shouldn't have signed up if he didn't know what was going on." Nichole says to the other boy.
"Oh, but he did know what he was signing up for," Alex said as he formed two peace signs with his fingers that he raised above his head "he just didn't BELIEVE it."

Alex then began singing numerically.
Wendy turned to look at the boy as he stormed off. There was a small part of her that felt bad for the guy, but the rest of her just felt annoyed. There was only one place for cry babies, kindergarten. However, remaining true to her act, Wendy walked over to the guy who walked away and spoke to him softly. "Hey...Are you...Are you okay?"

"Get away from me," Tomato said "I just need time to think this through. Form a plan of attack and then execute like the hyper sect from Thresh issue #675."

Tomato stood up and put a hand to his chin in angered thought.
"Yeah I can't believe they would actually put us in danger for the sake of entertainment either." Wendy was a bit taken aback by him dismissing her so quickly, but you win some and you lose some right? Although she tried to be a bit understanding of what he has going through, it was hard to keep her anger in check.
"Not that they'd put us in danger," Tomato admitted "I'm thinking more about how honest and open they are about it even though we're on constant surveillance. TV industries have been putting people in danger for generations, but usually they always try to hold the faรงade of care. Not here, we mean nothing to the producers of this series."
Wendy thought about this for a second. His comment did have some truth in it, but she didn't think that they were worthless to the producers. "Not really. Without us there's no show. Without a show, they're nothing. They know that so they make us feel powerless in order to control us." Wendy was mostly rambling in hopes that what came out of her mouth made sense. Like the producers she was nothing without the people around her, so she had to play her cards well.
Tomato sneezed, but wiped it away before continuing "That's just it, the whole point of the show is that WE are the powerless ones." Tomato sighed before checking his watch "And if that idiot over there in the dark clothes is speaking even a lick of truth, then that means we're all easily replaceable. What with the legion of teens trying to get in as well."
"That kid better get out of the plane before it hits water." Michelle says as she watches the plane continue to plummet to the water. Chef had jumped out minutes ago and was now climbing up on the docks.
Hannah, had been in the middle of talking to the plane flyer and then she looked at were they were and laughed, "I guess I should get going! Bye maybe i'll talk to you some other time." She looked out of the plane and then waved to everyone on the dock, "Hey guys, sorry im late!" She screamed, and the next thing she knew, she had jumped out of the plane did two mid-air summer salts and landed in a pencil dive, she broke the surface of the water and flipped her hair back. Not like the cool people in the movies though just a side sweep and then did the breast stroke over to the dock.

She pulled herself up off the dock and, looked around. "Sorry im late everyone, i got into a conversation." She said politely as she looked around at everybody, she was surprised at how many cute people there were. Then she put her mind back on track "So, should we be going?"
"Finally!" Michelle says with a smile. "Now I can be the cause of your pain ad suffering! Aiden, Axel, Greg, Hannah and Tomako, your all on team Pilled Penguins! Nichole, Wendy, Tycho, Luke, and Charolette,

Your all on team Omega Ostritchs." Michelle says to the newly teamed teens. "Go get with your team! Penguins on the edge of the dock, Ostritchs in the middle of the dock."
"Umm.... well i guess i don't have to move then!" Hannah said in surprise, as everybody formed groups. She looked around and then she saw Aiden, "Well at least there's one good thing about this group, well i guess about this island!" She said in surprise realizing she had been grouped with most of the guys on the island, she thought to herself is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Tomato grimaced before pointing at Alex "You cannot put me on the same team with-"

Tomato was cut off as Alex ran full speed towards him giggling like a madman. He rugby tackled him.

The two tumbled over to the Penguin's side of the boardwalk. Before Tomato could get back up, Alex placed a foot on his back and raised his arms in triumph.


"Can my team just agree to vote this guy off now to save me the trouble!?!" Tomato whined
Hannah walked up to, the two guys who were over on her side of the dock, "Who are you guys?" She asked in a polite and welled mannered tone, hopping that maybe, this "Alex" was interesting. "Would it not be mean to separate friends?" She cooed in a calm sweet voice before looking funny at the guy shouting pointless things.
"Yes I can my veggie named contestant. It's my show, not yours." Michelle answers to tomato as he lays on the dock with Alex on top. "Now get up lazy bones! Once eveyone gets settled and on their side of the dock, I'll announce your first challenge!"
Alex raised his arms to his side's as Tomato slowly got up.

"I am Axle Grey, although I prefer being called Alex due to casualty." He said before back flipping off Tomato. He landed as Tomato got back to his feet.

"Crummy show," he muttered before eyeing the girl "I'm Tomato, Tomato Minami. And I demand that you help me vote this psychopath off before he ruins our chances of winning!"

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