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Realistic or Modern Total Drama Island Lore



Caught in a storm
"Map of The Island. Camp Wawanakwa is the campsite in which Total Drama Island takes place.Located in the main camp area are two cabins, one for each team and divided down the middle for boys and girls. a communal bathroom, an outhouse that also serves mainly as a confessional and the main lodge, where the campers would meet every day for their regular meals. Just west of the main camp site was the campfire pit, where elimination ceremonies were held. The only way onto the island was by boat or plane, normally coming to rest at the dock of shame. " (From Wiki)

The CampSite serves as both a attraction used for special events and also used as the campsite that performs the Campfire Ceremony, The Campfire Ceremony is a ceremony held in order for the losing team to vote one team member off the island, Then every participant (Excluding the one voted off the island) receives a marshmellow as a symbol of safety, and the empty handed contestant will leave the island and return home. This ceremony is tradition.

The Dock of Shame is the primary port to the island and serves as both the entrance and exit to the island. The losers will take a walk on the dock of shame and catch a boat out of the island and off the show. The Contestants will arrive at the dock of shame to be greeted by our host. Should anyone wish to leave early, they better be able to swim because the boat has left.

The Ampitheater Stage Serves as an attraction. In previous seasons of Total Drama Island, the stage was used for challenges involving acting, talent shows, fashion and a challenge involving contestants facing their own fears.


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