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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Total Drama Island Character Sheets



Caught in a storm
Surfer Guy/Girl
Home Schooled
Jokester/Funny Guy/Girl
Academic Prodigy
Jershey Shore Reject
Indie Chick
Average Joe
Dumb Princess
Party Till No Tommorrow
Aspiring Musician
Survival Redneck

Some trope examples for people to help brainstorm, you don't have to use them.

Motivations: Reasons for participation/ sign up.

Feel free to add more info, I don't mind.
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[div class=background][div class=scrollbox][div class=imagebox][/div][div class=titleblock]basics.[/div][div class=textbox]name: wesley griffiths
age: seventeen [17]
gender: male
race: black/american
occupation: student & barista
role: teddy bear[/div]

[div class=titleblock]personality.[/div][div class=textbox]wesley is a lover of all things cute, small, pastel, and artsy. his whole persona and style screams "this is me. i'm different". while he may seem like a big scary guy, wesley has a heart of gold. he only ever wishes the best for people and has a bad tendency to give others chances they don't deserve. he carries an innocent feel to him, like a newborn puppy, but don't be fooled. this pup has a bite. wesley certainly isn't perfect. what he makes up in being a saint, he lacks in any sort of confidence. he's a very humble guy, mainly because he feels like he doesn't deserve the praise he may be receiving. he cannot for the life of him do presentations without almost fainting and his nerves always find a way to get the better of him. though having been born with some pretty bad anxiety, that makes sense. still, wesley is a tough guy. he doesn't give up and continues trying to do his best and push on. he hates the thought of letting someone down and will always do his absolute best to make them happy or proud. he's always a good shoulder to cry on and he's very loyal, to the point of being a taaaaad bit overprotective.[/div]

[div class=titleblock]history.[/div][div class=textbox]wesley didn't live a hard life really. his mom and dad divorced when he was ten but they still all felt like family. his dad was around a lot and his mom was a very supportive woman. well, his home life wasn't that hard. from a young age, wesley knew he was gay. he embraced it. the kids at school, however, didn't. wesley was bullied most of his elementary years for who he was, but he didn't stop being himself. what he lost in confidence, he gained in art. wesley made sure to always express himself in person the same way he would when painting. his mother always said he was a work of art waiting to be painted. and so he did. he dressed in his favorite pastel clothes, decorated his bag with all sorts of cute things, and didn't let himself collapse. if only the confidence his clothes and bag showed could sink into his skin. he did all this yet still walked with his head down, avoiding eye contact. at some point, his dad conviced him to join football. wesley was a natural at the sport and soon came to love it. the bullying stopped once they realized he could hold his own on the field and wesley ended up being more than the gay kid. he stopped walking with shame and hid his very little confidence away. when he signed up for TDA, he did so because he wanted to get away for a while. out of the city and into the wild.[/div]

[div class=gifbox][/div][div class=overlaytext]You're dope ![/div][div class=titleblock]others.[/div][div class=textbox]he's gay
stands at 6'2" - tall boi
fav color is salmon
skills include; being friends with everyone, handling disputes v well, getting out of things, dodging - v quick boi, making people look cute, painting & drawing, running, making good meals, speaks spanish

credits RI.a RI.a
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Name: Aaron Jacobs
Gender: Male
Appearance: 1537902221841.png
Motivations: Survival and free from City Life
Personality: Similar personality to any survivalist
Backstory: As a child. Aaron went camping a lot. Once, he was lost in a forest and survived for three days out there. This sparked his love for survival. He soon realized he hated the city life he was currently in. This caused him to sign up for TDA.
Likes: Weapons, preferred knifes that anything else, but he uses other weapons under the scenario where knifes are not present.
Dislikes: city life
Skills: Survival Tactics, Everything Survival
Name: Leah Jordan
Motivations: Reasons for participation/ sign up. Parents made her.
Personality: Shut-in
Backstory: locked herself in her room for most of her life, her parents got sick of it and they kicked down the door and forced her to go to camp
Likes: Cookies,Quiet, locks, TV and puns.
Dislikes: Skeleton keys, stale food, and Overdramatic people
Great riddle solver,
Surprisingly brave.
doesn’t care about anything
Great at ignoring everything.
Has the ability to lock herself in practically infinite places.
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“When in doubt, go to the library.”

Name: Bonnie Elise Joy

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Race: Nigerian-American

Appearance: Bonnie is petite and soft. She’s more on the fuller side in figure while her height is a measly 5’4. Bonnie posses a head full of dark brown curls. Her eyes are russet brown in color and she had clear, hazelnut skin. Her lips are full and a tad bit lighter than the rest of her body. She was full eyebrows and lashes that she manages religiously.

Occupation: Librarian

Motivations: She wants to open up her own library/cafè

Likes: Fantasy novels, Learning new things, Puzzles, Oversized sweaters, Cats, Honey lemon tea, Drawing, Rain

Dislikes: Sour things, Hot weather, Dogs, Cockroaches, Her hair (at times), Mornings

Skills: Problem solving, Making hard decisions, Rope types, Debating, Flower pressing, Trivia

Role: Cute Bookworm

Personality: Bonnie is someone who always has her head in a book. She loves to read and learn information while she does so. At times she’s like a walking walking encyclopedia. Bonnie is a trivia master, she knows different facts that others wouldn’t think twice about. There are moments when Bonnie starts to ramble or spout random information, it happens especially when she’s nervous. While she’s not an introvert Bonnie is a little shy around new people. Though with the right attitude and well placed jokes she’ll open right up.

Bonnie has a tendency to get lost in her thoughts. She’s a deep thinker who enjoys debating or looking at things from a different point of view. Compassion is another one of her traits. Bonnie is always willing to help those in need. She doesn’t like seeing others in pain or suffering. Despite this she knows when it’s time to make tough decisions and pull herself together. She’s not a shrinking violet by any means. Bonnie is willing to stand up for herself and others.

Backstory: Bonnie comes from a middle class family of four. Her parents are both dentists and her little brother is currently in middle school. They are a close-knit bunch who are affectionate with one another without care. Bonnie was raised to value knowledge and hardwork. Her parents were strict yet they let their children express themselves freely. Because of this Bonnie and her brother are pretty open with their parents.

Other: Vision on Velma Dinkley, Has a Calico cat named Amina
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Name: Carmen Juarez
Gender: Female
Appearance: Hispanic with a short length of black hair she usually keeps tied back, and somewhat short-ish at 5'7", but full of fire, all the same. She has a fairly medium build, not weak necessarily, but nothing impressive in the physical category either, at least as far as strength and speed and stuff goes. She dresses in a t-shirt and jeans pretty much every day, except when her mom makes her dress up, and she wears the same charcoal jacket rather consistently. The jacket has a few grease stains here and there, but she likes them. She wears it with pride.

Motivations: To prove, once and for all, that brains beats brawn, any day. This is a matter of honor. That, and...she may or may not be here on a dare.

Carmen is a girl with a spring in her step and a fire in her eyes...when she's doing anything besides that one thing that she's supposed to be doing right now. She's flighty, sometimes, but she does love her a good project. Something meaty she can sink her teeth in and conquer--preferably better than you. On her own volition, she tends to spend time on things she's actually good at, but one thing's for sure, she can never say 'no' to a good challenge. She knows it might be the death of her. But yes, she'll do it. For honor.

Her biggest passion as of right now would have to be robotics, and probably just building things and science in general. Schoolwork gets boring, but give her an actual task, and she'll be math-ing until two in the morning. Basically, she likes to solve problems. Sometimes, she still overthinks things, but hey, why do something simple when you can do it spectacularly? Even when its spectacularly wrong? Also, she has a knack for the creative side of things and finds joy in just making fun designs. She also likes to draw and do other artsy things, but has particular feelings against oil painting.

All in all, Carmen's a pretty casual sort of person whose main goal is to not live a boring life. She can get intense when she wants to be, but she holds no hard feelings. Really, she respects someone she can carry a good argument with, but that doesn't mean she won't try to take you down. As far as friendships go, she's really not the most social of people (especially when she's busy), but she'll click with those who think something like her: nerds, builders, and doers alike.

Carmen had a fairly normal childhood, born the oldest of two in a middle-income house in the suburbs to Mexican-American parents who were nice enough. Growing up, she teased her little brother Alex a lot, but they get along pretty well, all in all. They played each other at video games which Carmen won some of the time and also made frequent game of capture the flag, which she lost way too often. Alex was always the athletic one.

High school found Carmen with a need to rethink her life, because much of it before that revolved either around Alex or her best friend Stacy, who moved out in sixth grade. She was pretty anti-social for the rest of middle school, so in high, she tried something new. She tried robotics club because it sounded fun, but boy, was she sold. She loved it, and soon after, came home excited wanting to make stuff out of real tools and got her dad to teach her everything he knew. She's now in her junior year. Her friends teased her about whether or not she make it on something like TDI, so she signed up, determined to hopefully not die.

- robotics
- making things
- drawing stuff
- a challenge
- games (board and video alike)
- being right
- anime
- finding people as crazy as she is
- cool explosions
- yelling at people in Spanish so they have no idea what she's saying
- pizza

- boredom
- being told what to do
- having no time to do all the things she wants to do
- romance movies
- strict people

- coming up with new ideas
- making contraptions
- math, science
- problem solving
- art
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Ghost Patricia Noelle



Gamer Otaku

At 6'1 in height, Ghost is quite tall for a chick. Not that you would know she's a woman unless you got her pants off, due to the fact that she looks more like a man, which she puts no effort into changing. An attractive man, at that, which has made her popular with men and women alike throughout the years. She has wavy, sandy blond hair and green eyes. She has a surprisingly muscular figure for somebody who probably hadn't left her room until she ended up on a game show, which comes from the fact that she was literally constantly reorganizing the furniture in her room because she'd get bored of the layout of her room. If you touch her chest there ain't no titty but she is bammin' slammin' bootylicious.

She wants to have one million dollars to spend on gacha games.

Ghost, despite being an unrepentant otaku who would prefer to spend her days indoors, is high energy. Her parents think she had ADHD, but there's no official diagnosis on that. She's extremely friendly, to the point where she doesn't seem to realize when somebody doesn't like her or she's making someone uncomfortable. Of course, she does realize these things... She's just shockingly shallow when it comes to real-life people. She would care much more about what the other contestants thought about her if they were attractive 2D men. She hasn't seen anime anime/video game boys in the camp, so she has yet to take much interest in them other than finding the shorter ones cute. Captain Jack Sparrow is kinda hot though.

She's the type to try and apply video game logic to real life, and be shocked when it doesn't quite work out the way she thought it would. Eat something poisonous because she's seen that work out in a game? Sure. Jump off something high and break both her legs because you're fine in games? She did it once, and quickly learned from that experience.


Video Games
Cute things, which generally means anything shorter than her. Yes, this includes people.
Hugging people

Physical labour

Eidetic memory, she can remember anything she sees/reads
She's absurdly strong. Like, punch a brick wall and the wall is dented strong.
She thinks she's a good chef, but she's definitely not. She's a complete shit chef, don't eat her cooking.
Being mistaken for male
Sleeping for 14 hours
Due to extensive hours translating Japan-exclusive cames, she can read and write in Japanese. She can't speak it or understand it out loud, though, so it's not actually all that useful of a skill. She does it for her Husbandos, though.
Iron stomach. Her food tastes toxic, but she thinks it's fine. Bitch can eat anything.
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sorri I forgot about this thread before I posted in the official

Nate Armani


Straight the last time he checked


A hacking gamer with no social experience.

Brown. With a passion.
The clothes he likes to wear are mostly brown, and he has brown hair and brown eyes to top it off. His hair is usually ruffled since he doesn't really take care of his appearance much. He has bagged eyes since most of the time he's just staring at his computer. He's always in a hunch-backed stance. He's not all that tall, only about 170cm. His clothes are quite disheveled, but if he cared about his appearance all that much, he would have taken plastic surgery.

Well, money is a motivation. He only wants the money to fund his new top secret project that he's doing, and no, you won't find out. (It's top secret for a reason.)

Online, he's a monster. He's always competitive in every game he plays. It's not his fault that he spent his life practicing a video game. (Well, it is.) But when you take that online mask off, you'd find a timid and nervous short boy who frequents biting his fingers. He doesn't like himself very much, so he lives his life almost like he has a grudge against himself. He finds social interaction with other people bearable, but exhausting for his brain. He's not all that strong, so Nate doesn't imagine that he'll be close to winning at any strength competition. But his mind works with a talent, almost. He loved psychology and he would have majored if he really cared about school. Oddly enough, though, Nate really likes acting. He's been passionate about it for a long while, and if he sets himself in the right mindset, he can pretend to be the calm and composed version of himself that he usually isn't.


Nate never adjusted to a school environment. He never enjoyed the interaction with classmates all that much. He's been taken to many therapists, which is a part of the reason of his interest in the subject, but none of them knew how to fix and shape him into an ordinary human being. He found a talent with computers because his dad was a famous programmer. So, since he wasn't all that ordinary except from computers, he ran away from home. Living on his own was a hard period of his life, but he was eventually picked up by some major companies and asked to review their firewalls. Of course, he instantly broke through them, and he continued to live a luxurious life in the comfort of the small, lonely apartment he had. But, for some reason, the few thousands the companies gave him was not enough. He wanted more for his secret project. And, well, you can figure out what he did next..


The Internet
Biting his fingers


Social Interaction
Anything to do with strength
His Height

Adept at electronics or technology. He can manipulate them to his will with the right tools.
Acting. He can lie to others easily, if he has the right motivation.
Cracking codes. His experience in code has taught him a lot.
Name: Alex Cook/Cookie
Gender: Male
Motivations: Wants the money to fund his home studio
Personality: Alex is a surprisingly outgoing kid who wants to be a successful musician. People like Ed Sheeran and groups like Imagine Dragons are his role models, and he hopes to one day play at Rockefeller.
Backstory: When he was about 4, his parents signed him up for piano classes, and since then he’s learned to play guitar, saxophone, French horn, and violin. He currently uses GarageBand to make his songs and upload them to YouTube and soundcloud, but he’s hoping to win so he can change that.
Other people
Literally anything that has more than four legs
Music, talking to people, keeping secrets
Ash (ley) Caron

Male (Loves to be Female)

Age: 18

Total Drama Island OC.jpg
Ash wants to be able to start their own Fashion Company

Girly Guy / Vlogger

Ash started getting into fashion around the age of 8, and since then has found crossdressing and cosplaying so much fun. Ash has made various clothes and cosplays and has vlogged them at different conventions and studios. They started to catch traction around the time he was 15 and he started to get commissions for both of the items. The "Girly" aspect of their personality started around 11 when they joined their schools sewing club and hung around only girls. He eventually picked up the traits and manners of Girls and eventually let them teach him about fashion and makeup and everything a girl would need to know.


  • Makeup
  • Girl talk
  • Making clothes/costumes
  • Cosplaying at conventions


  • People trying to force them to be "Normal"
  • Dressing like a guy
  • Heights
  • Snakes


  • Fashion
  • Voiceacting
  • Acting
  • Sewing

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