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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Rising Dawn

( xD I've got a change up that's sort of humorous.)

Reika pouted, squirming in the seat.

"This thing's too slow!" she complained. She puffed out her cheeks and, like the not-so-sane thing she was, she opened the door of car, stopped at a red light, and hopped out. She ran off, scenting the air for any signs of battle.
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I was a little confused by the last post. Did Hideki move from where he was and are the ghouls he was fighting still there, or did they follow him?
hurry up and join the fight clown lol also i'm going to create two half ghouls to violet's lost daughter and son
sorry for the semi god modding in the last post but i was left with nothing since la just auto snuck up and hit my char.
I didn't technically hit your character, just mentioned that she attacked, not hit you, sorry if it seems like godmoding, and I honestly just have a hard time reading and understanding your posts, : p

@Leo Radomir
Yeah. I was going to have Jason head off, but if the fighters were still there he wouldn't want to risk being seen.
Guys i probably have to withdraw from the roleplay. I just have to much going on around me and my laptop seriously hates me. I'm so sorry.
Hey, its a-ok. You can probably start up again when you have time. It was really fun to roleplay with your character.
Hey eveyone. I was planning on starting up a oleplay based on the InFamous game franchise so I posted it in the interest checks. Unfortunately I hven't gotten much traffic there, so I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in it.
arcaneSentinel said:
Hey eveyone. I was planning on starting up a oleplay based on the InFamous game franchise so I posted it in the interest checks. Unfortunately I hven't gotten much traffic there, so I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in it.
Dude, sign me up! I love that franchise so much!
I like all three equally. I love that in each game at least one new mechanic was added. First there was Electricity. Then Napalm and Ice. And now Smoke, Neon, and Video. I just wish that Wire and Glass weren't rejected as powers.
Concrete was pretty fun to use at the end, but I wish it could've been more useful, or have an entire new story to play through with it.
I really don't want to sound rude or impatient, but whatever happened to the reply from Aio for my last post?
replying for one reason on another seem to be an issue my chars are also in limbo so I feel u, hopefully things will pick up more i'd like to see this rp continue
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