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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul : Monochrome Silhouettes

Prizzy Kriyze] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18042-birdfeathers/ said:
@BirdFeathers[/URL] You wouldn't mind making Kaori a little older, would you? I mean... There's currently 7 years between her and Issei.
Huh, really? I thought Issei was 22.
He changed Issei's age because he isn't Arima level of good or a god-tier character. He's just lazy AF

Lionheart said:
Huh, really? I thought Issei was 22.
@Kabo[/URL], that was @Nenma Takashi's character. I yelled at him for being 19 and a special rank investigator. Issei always has been 26 years old.
Too many oopsies today... First I walk straight into a tree I can see, then I think it's dinner and make pasta for breakfast THEN I mistake your character for somebody else's. Today is gonna be great!

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