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Fandom [Tokyo Ghoul] Glassy Sky


Cloud Based Inspiration Facilitator
Here we can Talk Plot 'n Shit ^^

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This is gonna be interesting

Just to get some posts up we could RP With just the two of us for a bit...

Maybe say they're both early to work?


MiyaTheNeko said:
Sure thing! :3 who should post first?
I got it ^^ I just made a second character real quick...

I'm hanging out with a friend, tho... So I'll post later ^^
MiyaTheNeko said:
xD that should work, I think the only other thing I would need to add is occupation and what you do with the nightclub if anything x3
Sounds good ^-^
MiyaTheNeko said:
Alright xD
Good luck with that :3

I am so lucky...

She accepted my apology, and I guess we're friends again...

Maybe next year won't be complete hell... xD​
TheWhiteScarf said:
>.> good idea!! xD
Tbh don't see how you ship them though xD from what I can tell, so far they pretty much hate each other. I mean Asato is trying to act cool but... xD
MiyaTheNeko said:
Tbh don't see how you ship them though xD from what I can tell, so far they pretty much hate each other. I mean Asato is trying to act cool but... xD
Well... I don't really see Shii, and Asato really hitting off, plus I think you hate my guy, since he very loud and can get pretty obnoxious. Also, I feel Asato and Ukii can be a cute couple
Thetas is too tired for this... Thetas also really wants to get high... Thetas could also really use some coffee... Or some sleep. So, Thetas is gonna go either pass out on the couch on the way to get coffee, or lay down on the floor and dream abou pretty fucking unicorns.... But that's completely up to himmm.......
Thetas said:
Thetas is too tired for this... Thetas also really wants to get high... Thetas could also really use some coffee... Or some sleep. So, Thetas is gonna go either pass out on the couch on the way to get coffee, or lay down on the floor and dream abou pretty fucking unicorns.... But that's completely up to himmm.......
Thetas said:
Thetas is too tired for this... Thetas also really wants to get high... Thetas could also really use some coffee... Or some sleep. So, Thetas is gonna go either pass out on the couch on the way to get coffee, or lay down on the floor and dream abou pretty fucking unicorns.... But that's completely up to himmm.......
I can't believe I typed that xD I stayed up like 3 Hours after that too... Wow.
@Thetas @TheWhiteScarf

I dunno.... I mean if Asato and Ukii don't work out yc would allways have a chance! And here is the thing, there could always be some drama in there too... *nudge* if youre picking up what I'm putting down.


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