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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul ❀ EDEN

OOC: Click the button to switch between the ghoul and disguise sides

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[script class=Eye on=init]
set X 1
[script class=Eye on=mouseenter]
if (eq "${X}" 1) (hide HumanEye)
if (eq "${X}" 1) (show GhoulingEye)
if (eq "${X}" 2) (show HumaningEye)
if (eq "${X}" 2) (hide GhoulEye)
[script class=Eye on=mouseleave]
if (eq "${X}" 1) (show HumanEye)
hide GhoulingEye
hide HumaningEye
if (eq "${X}" 2) (show GhoulEye)
[script class=Eye on=click]
if (eq "${X}" 1) (show Ghoulback) (show Humanback)
if (eq "${X}" 1) (hide Humanback) (hide Ghoulback)
if (eq "${X}" 1) (setText "Disguise" Species) (setText "Awaken RC" Species)
if (eq "${X}" 1) (set X 2) (set X 1)

[div class="Eye HumanEye"]pre-ghoul eye.jpg[/div][div class="Eye GhoulEye" style="display:none"]Tokyo-Ghoul-S3E1-Sasaki-Eye.png[/div][div class="Eye GhoulingEye" style="display:none"]ghoul eye gif.gif[/div][div class="Eye HumaningEye" style="display:none"]reverse gif eye.gif[/div]
[div class="Eye Species"]Awaken RC[/div]
[div class=Humanback]
Kojinu Koganiku
Paws Kojinu Koganiku Siren Impostor.JPGI found myself yawning as a delicious smell disturbed my sleep. I rolled around in the raincoat to get comfortable again, but the footsteps nearby were already audible, so I rolled till my belly was facing up and streched my arms and legs to the ceiling at the same time. Then I got up with another yawn and retreated my kagune just a bit to be able to slide the outfit back on, emerging my kagune into camouflage once more. I sniffed. There was no mistaking it. This was a smell I knew better than to attack, the CCG. I needed to make an escape, but that option was blocked as soon as the investigators reached the third floor down. Even my ukaku was unable to mask my sounds, I couldn't run, at most I could stay as quiet as possible and hope the wall of hardened RC cells would muffle my breathing.

There seemed to be only two investigators here today. There was a very skin and bones one with a smell as puzzling as they get, almost as if there was some kind of extra-delicious kagune hidden inside him, while the other was a pretty standard investigator whose hair style suggested he also just woke up . By what the skinny one was saying, an SSS ghoul would be needed to take down that duo, a rather worrysome thought. He suggested simply trying to shoot me, even was kind enough to reveal the number of bullets. The other one seemed to agree with the plan, but suddenly somehow realized my presence. He commanded his partner to guard the entrance, definitely not giving me any chance to make a run for it without engaging them. But I couln't engage them. But I had to. I couldn't. What if they attacked me? I couldn't. The more I thought about it, the worse I felt, like that time they put me in a crate in the ship, or when they fed me broculli. Just the thought made me want to puke, so I grabbed the quinque I was chewing on earlier, and slit the side of my arm. Focusing on the pain, I readied my ukaku and shot a stream of RC crystal feathers. To the investigators, there would have been no warning: I doubted they could see through my camouflage, which I mantained in my Ukaku attached to me, and since the metal lunchboxes or cars as they called them were hiding the lower part of my body, only the already flying towards them shards would be at all visible. Then again, my aim couldn't be anywhere near as good since I had to focus on the pain, and indeed a lot of my shards, maybe even the vast majority, ended up crashing into the parking lot's wall and floor, piercing into it or breaking and spilling the acid within, the very stomach acid that helped me digest the quinques I chewed. Well, it was a downgraded version of that, otherwise it would have melted my Ukaku, but it could probably still dull out a quinque where it melted and it definitely was forming holes in the parking lot. In the meantime, I took the opportunity to slid my helmet on, and licked my lips.

"Oh, oh! I know the answer!" I excitedly responded to the investigator's taunts. "Is it dinner?"

[/div][div class=Ghoulback style="display:none"]
Paws/Siren Impostor
[div class=floatright]kagune1.2.jpg[/div][div class=floatleft]kagune1.2 (2).jpg[/div]

I found myself yawning as a delicious smell disturbed my sleep. I rolled around in the raincoat to get comfortable again, but the footsteps nearby were already audible, so I rolled till my belly was facing up and streched my arms and legs to the ceiling at the same time. Then I got up with another yawn and retreated my kagune just a bit to be able to slide the outfit back on, emerging my kagune into camouflage once more. I sniffed. There was no mistaking it. This was a smell I knew better than to attack, the CCG. I needed to make an escape, but that option was blocked as soon as the investigators reached the third floor down. Even my ukaku was unable to mask my sounds, I couldn't run, at most I could stay as quiet as possible and hope the wall of hardened RC cells would muffle my breathing.

There seemed to be only two investigators here today. There was a very skin and bones one with a smell as puzzling as they get, almost as if there was some kind of extra-delicious kagune hidden inside him, while the other was a pretty standard investigator whose hair style suggested he also just woke up . By what the skinny one was saying, an SSS ghoul would be needed to take down that duo, a rather worrysome thought. He suggested simply trying to shoot me, even was kind enough to reveal the number of bullets. The other one seemed to agree with the plan, but suddenly somehow realized my presence. He commanded his partner to guard the entrance, definitely not giving me any chance to make a run for it without engaging them. But I couln't engage them. But I had to. I couldn't. What if they attacked me? I couldn't. The more I thought about it, the worse I felt, like that time they put me in a crate in the ship, or when they fed me broculli. Just the thought made me want to puke, so I grabbed the quinque I was chewing on earlier, and slit the side of my arm. Focusing on the pain, I readied my ukaku and shot a stream of RC crystal feathers. To the investigators, there would have been no warning: I doubted they could see through my camouflage, which I mantained in my Ukaku attached to me, and since the metal lunchboxes or cars as they called them were hiding the lower part of my body, only the already flying towards them shards would be at all visible. Then again, my aim couldn't be anywhere near as good since I had to focus on the pain, and indeed a lot of my shards, maybe even the vast majority, ended up crashing into the parking lot's wall and floor, piercing into it or breaking and spilling the acid within, the very stomach acid that helped me digest the quinques I chewed. Well, it was a downgraded version of that, otherwise it would have melted my Ukaku, but it could probably still dull out a quinque where it melted and it definitely was forming holes in the parking lot. In the meantime, I took the opportunity to slid my helmet on, and licked my lips.

"Oh, oh! I know the answer!" I excitedly responded to the investigator's taunts. "Is it dinner?"


Kojinu Koganiku/Paws/Siren Impostor
I found myself yawning as a delicious smell disturbed my sleep. I rolled around in the raincoat to get comfortable again, but the footsteps nearby were already audible, so I rolled till my belly was facing up and streched my arms and legs to the ceiling at the same time. Then I got up with another yawn and retreated my kagune just a bit to be able to slide the outfit back on, emerging my kagune into camouflage once more. I sniffed. There was no mistaking it. This was a smell I knew better than to attack, the CCG. I needed to make an escape, but that option was blocked as soon as the investigators reached the third floor down. Even my ukaku was unable to mask my sounds, I couldn't run, at most I could stay as quiet as possible and hope the wall of hardened RC cells would muffle my breathing.

There seemed to be only two investigators here today. There was a very skin and bones one with a smell as puzzling as they get, almost as if there was some kind of extra-delicious kagune hidden inside him, while the other was a pretty standard investigator whose hair style suggested he also just woke up . By what the skinny one was saying, an SSS ghoul would be needed to take down that duo, a rather worrysome thought. He suggested simply trying to shoot me, even was kind enough to reveal the number of bullets. The other one seemed to agree with the plan, but suddenly somehow realized my presence. He commanded his partner to guard the entrance, definitely not giving me any chance to make a run for it without engaging them. But I couln't engage them. But I had to. I couldn't. What if they attacked me? I couldn't. The more I thought about it, the worse I felt, like that time they put me in a crate in the ship, or when they fed me broculli. Just the thought made me want to puke, so I grabbed the quinque I was chewing on earlier, and slit the side of my arm. Focusing on the pain, I readied my ukaku and shot a stream of RC crystal feathers. To the investigators, there would have been no warning: I doubted they could see through my camouflage, which I mantained in my Ukaku attached to me, and since the metal lunchboxes or cars as they called them were hiding the lower part of my body, only the already flying towards them shards would be at all visible. Then again, my aim couldn't be anywhere near as good since I had to focus on the pain, and indeed a lot of my shards, maybe even the vast majority, ended up crashing into the parking lot's wall and floor, piercing into it or breaking and spilling the acid within, the very stomach acid that helped me digest the quinques I chewed. Well, it was a downgraded version of that, otherwise it would have melted my Ukaku, but it could probably still dull out a quinque where it melted and it definitely was forming holes in the parking lot. In the meantime, I took the opportunity to slid my helmet on, and licked my lips.

"Oh, oh! I know the answer!" I excitedly responded to the investigator's taunts. "Is it dinner?"

Interacting With: Arne Arne Necromantic Necromantic
Might Want to Read: Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse

Takahashi Katsuo
Location: CCG Branch Office, 11th Ward (Ota) to Crime Scene - Alleyway

Katsuo was unsurprised that he'd somehow missed the call for lunch break. While it seemed that everybody was too restless to be doing any work, he'd found himself deeply mired in old case files that needed further analysis, miscellaneous documents that required further verification for processing, and recent reports yet to be reviewed. Essentially, busywork. It kept his mind at ease, too occupied to give in to more frustrating questions of why Investigator Fujiwara was playing with little dolls in the office space and why Investigator Shirakawa was using his work desktop to fuel his increasingly apparent idol obsession. Yet Katsuo had not been expecting Kiro to return with a mission for their little squad; one look around and the hopelessness of their squad's situation already spoke well for itself.

Katsuo continued to ruminate over the presented photos of the crime scene, even as Guren and Kaito took their leave. Picking up this case was all well and good and since Kiro was Katsuo's superior, there were definitely no objections on his end regarding their visit to the crime scene, but...

Katsuo took care to power down his computer, ensuring that the files he had been working on all afternoon were saved properly, before quickly snatching up his briefcase and coat. He hurried after the departing members of his squad and caught up to Kiro in a few broad strides, soon falling into step alongside the older man.

"...Sir, I do have a few questions I was hoping you'd be able to answer. Judging from the photos, the bodies look to have been decomposing for a few days... Is there any particular reason that the bodies were not removed and sent immediately back for analysis and or funerary rites?"

Because the victims were known investigators affiliated with the commission, their disappearances should have immediately triggered an alarm. Moreover, it wasn't as if their bodies had been hidden or stowed away in a remote, hard-to-reach location: they had been left in plain sight within city bounds, so discovery should have been fairly quick. In his opinion, the handling of this appeared to be highly irregular. Whether or not there were complicating circumstances, however, he did not know.

"Also, sir, you mentioned that the higher ups believe it to be the doing of a group calling themselves Zeal. How exactly did we obtain this information? They don't appear to have left a calling card, after all."

Purity Purity


  • Akuro Kinoshita
    Sarcasm was always one of Akuro's favorite things in a person, Whether it be her prey with a witty set of final words or otherwise. The one she was speaking with as of current seemed to be drenched in the stuff. Whether or not that be intentional or just natural for the woman was beyond Akuro's concern. All she needed to know was this set of rules in order to gain her own decision on this.. corporation. Or maybe it would be better to call it a family business, whatever the case this establishment seemed to harbor good intentions with peculiar people.

    Better than the sad excuse for a ghoul gang in her home ward. Those thoughts faded to the background as an idle smile maintained itself upon her lips. Taking a moment to listen to what everyone had to say turned out quite beneficial. The green haired one was to remain idle, and the other staff were focused on the soaked male. A moment passed before the packet had met with her 'accomplice'. She shook her head, "I see why you don't like me obviously. Most people don't agree with my self-expression, specifically those who help me present it. Though I wouldn't call it casual murder, that implies I do it without purpose." She smirked at visions of a fresh kill, it had been at least a few weeks if not a couple months.

    She shook the appearance away now, "I don't kill strictly my dislikes either. My views of what I do just come across as twisted regardless" as the words left her mouth her eyes turned to the packet in the males lap. He didn't seem to be using it so she decided to pluck it away in one swift move, she skimmed past the whole plant bits. Floriculture never was her strong-suit, nor did she ever plan for it to be. "Ms. Murder, can't say I hate that one." Of course it wasn't in her top ten either.

    Strangely enough the rules didn't seem that out-of-line, they didn't even say you were forced to work in the flower shop. Which was A-Ok in Akuro's case. She simply replaced the packet with Hane afterwards. "So to sum up what would most clash with, Well, what I am known for. Is that you want minimal kills and stay under the radar." thoughtfulness melding with every word despite how thoughtless she may seem to be.

    Taking a moment to rub the tip of one brown twin-tail she sat there allowing all the rules to work their way in. These were probably the tougher of the rules.. and more than likely the bad-cop who went with them. For such she needed to follow these ones mainly, "I think I could probably follow these. Is there a limit on how many people we can kill in any allotted time frame? Or is it just to restrict it to those no one pays attention to." She questioned in her own fascination. It might not be a bad idea for Akuro to try associating herself with these people, it could give some perks down the road.

    So now she sat and patiently awaited the response or for the others to speak.
    Mentions: Inconstant Inconstant Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
  • "You'd think by now that I would've learned not to play with fire if I don't wanna get hurt."

    Location: 11th Ward CCG CCG Branch Office
    Mood: censored
    Carrying: Emain Ablanch, like three guns
    Arne Arne Idea Idea

    Kaito chuckled at Guren's response. "Oh, I've taken down an S with only one bullet, I don't think an SSS with six would be a problem," Of course, taking down an S class Ghoul with one bullet had only been possible because she had been waiting for several hours with a sniper rifle, watching for the Ghoul to take her routine route, but that wasn't relevant, right? After all, she was just teasing Guren, not seriously considering charging head on into a fight with a Ghoul that dangerous.

    She hummed when Guren stopped talking mid sentence. Clearly, he had noticed something, given the sudden shift in his demeanor. She slowed her pace for a moment, moving behind him so that he was in the lead. His sense of smell had always enamored her, but it didn't seem appropriate to ask him about it- At least, Kaito didn't think that it would be socially acceptable to just ask him about his sense of smell. She didn't really care one way or another about whether or not other people thought it was strange, she just didn't want to bother him. He mattered, everyone else didn't.

    Kaito transfered her gun into her right hand and reached up to remove one of her hearing aids and turned it off. It didn't matter whether or not she could hear out of that ear; Once she started firing her gun, it'd echo in her hearing aids anyway and effectively deafen her. Removing one would merely save her from some of the pain of that echoing in her ears, while still allowing her to hear whenever it stopped ringing... If it didn't blow the microphone or amplifier, like it had on a couple other occasions. She was okay with risking that. Being deaf in one ear was better than increasing the likelihood of her dying a gruesome death.

    She looked up a tad when Guren was suddenly leaning down, close to her ear. Guard the entrance, keep the bitch from getting out. The only response he got from her was an affirmative grunt before she turned to head toward the entrance. The suitcase part of her Quinque fell away as she pressed the trigger to have it form into a weapon; a Warhammer almost the same height as her, which she swung up and onto her shoulder as she walked like it weighed nothing. It'd be best to have Emain Ablanch out, just in case she needed to fight up close.

    Kaito sure hoped that she didn't need to do that.

    She planted the Quinque on it's head beside her as she made it to the entrance way. She turned around, the ghost of a sadistic grin crossing her face. It'd been far too long since she'd actually gotten to hunt somebody. She flinched when she heard Guren's quinque slam into a car and send it flying into another one, though the unpleasant sound didn't dampen her mood.

    ... But a bunch of hardened RC feathers suddenly shooting in her direction almost did. She ended up retreating behind the wall of the entrance until the barrage had stopped, her gun clutched close to her chest. Fuck, a Ukaku. The same Kagune as her father, though she bet this pathetic skank wasn't half as dangerous as him. That idea didn't make her feel any better about fighting against Feathers McGee with a gun. When she heard the feathers stop colliding with the walls, she emerged-

    Were there... more holes being eaten into the walls where some of feathers had hit? Oh, so maybe this slut would actually be a challenge. Kaito's grin widened, a stark contrast to her partner's cold expression. How excited she felt in the face of danger was... frightening, at the very least. For whatever reason, she could couldn't seem to see where the Siren was, but judging from where the hardened RC cells had started shooting from, she had a guess.

    "Oh, ain't that a cute idea? Why don'tcha show yourself so we can discuss that matter, bitch?"

    She pointed her revolver and fired, not anticipating actually hitting anything. If she did, that would be great, but she was hoping to scare Siren and get her to move more than anything.

    "But I'm a pyromaniac and your veins are full of gas."

< Commission of Counter Ghoul Branch Office – Ota (11th Ward) >

As they walked out of the branch office, Kiro noted that the rain had died significantly, now only a light sprinkling under the gray skies of Tokyo. He supposed that it would help with the examination, even though a covering of some sort likely made the weather irrelevant. But if they had to do any immediate follow-up investigation, clarity of vision would be absolutely necessary to make sure they weren’t ambushed. Even with all of the CCG’s successes in the years past, many parts of Tokyo remained slightly… suspicious.

Katsuo began to ask questions, and Kiro smiled inwardly. He could always leave it to Katsuo to focus the group, in a way, with how single-mindedly devoted Katsuo was with any task at hand. Kiro, of course, had picked Katsuo for the squad like every other member, and knew of Katsuo’s history, his scores at the academy, his work ethic. And with the knowledge, Kiro had his guesses where Katsuo’s determination came from, but Kiro had always kept guesses to himself.

“Actually, I was thinking about those questions on my way back from HQ,” Kiro remarked as they walked down the many steps of the entrance to the 11th Ward Office.

“Why handle the bodies with such disrespect? Why not at least ask relatives for permission? Well, I checked the documents of each person present at the scene. Not a single one of them has close ties to anyone, and if they had parents, they don’t maintain a close relationship with them either. There’s likely no one outside of the CCG that knows any of them are dead.” Kiro sighed. He hadn’t really wanted to discuss the topic with anyone, but he felt like anyone had the right to know what he was about to say next.

“These kinds of squads are becoming increasingly common when new groups are formed under lesser ranking officers. I can’t say I agree with the big shots, but it certainly has its advantages. For one, we get to retrieve more info without possibly destroying or tainting anything in transfer. It also has a nice psychological effect, where investigators like us see the entire thing laid out in person. Martyrs, if you will. And even though it hasn’t been necessary with the current level of ghoul activity, the CCG, if the need arises, also has plenty of rather expendable squads at their disposal.” The current CCG was not the CCG that Kiro remembered before their rise to complete power. It was much colder, much more like an efficient, oiled machine rather than a force formed for the welfare of people.

“At any rate, the location’s been closed off to the public with relative ease. It’s not a very… public location.” Kiro opened the backseat door of one of the black cars the CCG had provided for their travel.

“Oh, the name of the ghoul group? Apparently, it was in the notes of someone on the squad. I don’t really know much else beyond that.” Kiro turned to look at the rest of the squad following him. They were missing a significant number of people, but that was fine. The scene itself didn’t have to be looked at by everyone. Besides which, if she’d followed his instructions, Himiko would be there already.

“If there’s any further questions, feel free to ask them on the ride there.” Kiro got into the front seat of one of the cars.

Yoshibara Restaurant -- Ota (11th Ward)


“If you’ll excuse me for a moment, Reiko-san, I shall return shortly.”

“Don’t take too long, Akira. Your food will get cold.”

Sometimes he pondered the possibility that his fiancé was knowingly torturing him. He didn’t think it likely. If she knew he was a ghoul, she’d be running for her life, not consent to marry him. He didn’t really know her stance on ghouls. In all the time they’d been together, it wasn’t a subject he’d ever brought up. Nor she. Humans didn’t like to talk about morbid topics.

Stepping into the nearest, empty bathroom, Akira wasn’t surprised to see that the waiter had descretely followed him. It wasn’t hard to recognize the scent of his own kind. Nor the deranged look in the ghoul’s eyes that it tried to hide while serving their table . Now that they were away from human gazes, the young man’s expression gave way to his true nature. Akira locked the door.

“It’s discourteous to eye what belongs to another. Do the ghouls in the 11th ward have no manners?”

“Aw, c’mon man. No harm in sharing is there? I’m sooo hungry. You’re the same as me, right?”

The same? Akira surveyed the younger ghoul before him distastefully. The pale complexion. The glassy, sunken eyes. It was clear the ghoul hadn’t eaten in a while—no doubt due to how stringent CCG has been of late. RC cell monitors and scanners have been placed in more and more public locations as the CCG grew in power. It was only a matter of time until they started requiring the use of such equipment in private businesses as well. Hospitals. Restaurants. Department stores. Running was futile in the long run, even for those that didn’t want to fight. The weak died. The strong survived—or starved. That’s all there was to it.

Pitying those who couldn’t make it in life wasn’t his style.

“Unfortunately, I’m not.”

“Hmmm, I think I recognize you. They call you Doctor, do they not?”

“They?” He wasn’t on CCG radar as far as he was aware.

“Ghouls.” There was a maniacal gleam in the waiter’s eyes. “They say you treat anyone—even CCG investigators. I hate them you know. They killed my friends. My family. Even my younger brother—ousted while at school and slaughtered like a rat.”

Bluish, spine-like tentacles erupted from the waiter’s lower back as the Rinkaku's kagune finally emerged. Six of them. “He was such an innocent boy. Never harmed anyone. Believed that coexistence was possible with humans. Yet they killed him. His so-called human friends betrayed him. Then the CCG killed him. They hunted my entire family.”

“What is your point?” It wasn’t as if Akira hadn’t heard sob stories like this before. The life of a ghoul was a tough one. If the kid couldn’t cut it, that wasn’t his problem.

“Whose side are you on?”

Side? "That's an easy enough question to answer." He removed his jacket, folded it, and set it to the side. From when he was born until now, there was only one side he’d ever truly been on. “I'm on my own side. Always have been.”

The strikes came in a flurry, swift and furious, as expected of the Rinkaku. Akira didn’t try blocking since he knew such and endeavor would be pointless. Instead, the pink haired doctor dodged, using as minimal movements as necessary to avoid the lances of blue that lunged at him, while acessing the Rinkaku’s speed.

“The CCG are our enemy! Humans are our enemy! Can’t you see that!? Ghouls need to band together to kill them all!”

Akira’s koukaku wrapped around both arms, encasing his forearms and fingers in crimson-clawed gloves even as he evaded the strikes, steadily backing away. Perhaps it was because he was good at watching others that he had an easy time predicting the attacks. Reading the patterns. Then again, those that lost their composure weren’t hard to read at all

“Traitors like you shouldn’t be allowed to live! I’ll eat her! I’ll eat you too! Then I’ll be strong enough to avenge everyone I care about!”

Catching one of the tentacles—much to the waiter’s surprise—Akira tugged, jerking the main body straight into his clawed hand. The fight was over in an instant—the five tentacles freezing as Akira’s armored fingers encircled the waiter’s beating heart. With ghouls, especially regenerative Rinkakus, it was better to go for the vital organs.

“You talk too much.” Sadist that he was, Akira took a moment to savor the fear in the waiter’s blackened eyes as he held the other ghoul’s life in his hand. Seeing the pain. The fear. It thrilled him in a way that made him never forget he was a ghoul. Then it was over. Crushing the heart within the cage of its own body, so as not to create too much of a mess, Akira removed his hand in a manner that would cause the least amount of bleeding.

Instinctively, he licked the blood off his fingers—a satisfied moan escaping his lips. Yes. This was what food ought taste like. Sad to say, with Reiko as his company for the night, Akira wasn’t prepared to store corpses. Nor did he desire the mental deterioration that came with eating his own kind. After all, it was through discipline that Akira had survived for as long as he had. The red kagune along his arms regressed back into his shoulder blade. With one last look of pity at the wasted corpse, he locked the dead body in one of the bathroom stalls, drew a a match from his pocket, and lit it on fire. No need to leave any evidence for the CCG. By the time the fire spread in enough to kick up the fire alarm, he’d be long gone anyway.

Washing his hands, Akira slipped the jacket back over his shoulders, before returning to his table where Reiko was finishing up her meal. She dabbed a napkin to her lips.

“Your food got cold.”

“My apologies,” It hardly mattered since he was the one paying for the garbage. Cold or hot it all tasted the same. Offering his fiancé a sheepish smile, Akira proceeded to finish his meal as well. The sooner it was done the quicker he could leave.

“It looks like the rain has stopped.”

Following his fiancé’s gaze, Akira glanced out the large window towards the darkened sky. No stars though. Not with Tokyo’s city lights. “Yes, it has.” What else was there to say? He looked back to the human who wore a contemplative expression on her face. He’d see it sometimes. That pensive look that showed she had a deeper side to her than flowers and shopping. “Is something wrong, Reiko-san?”

“No,” She met his gaze and smiled. “I just thought that everything has to end at some point.”

Leaning over the table, Reiko pressed her lips to his.

code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant

Underground Parking Garage, Setagya (12th Ward)

Newly found dagger quinque spinning in his right hand, Yuji sat in an old revolving chair—one leg casually across the other—as he watched the events on the third floor from the safety of the security camera room. It wasn’t terribly difficult to get the cameras up and running again. They hadn’t been broken to begin with. Just turned off and unused. The entire underground parking garage was supposedly abandoned. But, if that were the case, why were there cars? Questions. Questions. Surely people hadn’t become so complacently wealthy that they simply left their cars in abandoned parking lots. Unless the cars themselves have been abandoned. Broken. Discarded.

A fitting place for the Siren Imposter to make its nest.

Yuji didn’t know the entirety of Siren’s history, but he’d done some research—enough to know that the CCG made use of her before she went wild. A ghoul to hunt ghouls. Really. Yuji wasn’t sure how the two First Classes planned to lure out the doggie with insults and bullets. Flies were attracted to honey. Animals as well. Of course, Yuji was a much lower rank investigator and had much less experiences with ghouls than they did, so it wasn’t really his place to say anything.

He was the one that was supposed to be learning from them.

Yuji turned up the volume. Fighting really wasn’t his shtick (unless he had to of course). He was impulsive at times, but he wasn’t stupid. Against an S-ranked ghoul, he’d be more of a nuisance than anything if he jumped into the fray where the two First Classes were fighting. He might even get some unjust flack for trying to steal credit. Yuji rolled his eyes. He’d known Guren was gunning for the Siren Imposter for quite a while, since he’d been stealing glances at the guy’s notes for his own pet project. The fact that the red-haired First Class was alone with his partner meant that the Siren Imposter wasn’t a Squad 36 mission. It was personal one.

To rise in the ranks. To get a pay raise. To bring ghouls to justice. To protect the people.

Yuji didn’t know Guren or Kaito’s reasons for going after the Siren Imposter. But that didn’t change the fact that he too was a member of Squad 36. Nor did he want to see either of his coworkers/superior officers dead. Therefore, upon noticing Guren’s car parked outside the entrance of the parking lot, Yuji decided he would help out his squad-mates the best way he could. And the best way he could at the moment was to survey the area, keep an eye on the battlefield, and secure an escape route in the event that it was needed. He’d already put a sign outside the parking lot (first floor) saying ‘CCG Investigation In Progress. Do NOT Enter’ to ward away stray idiots like himself from wandering in out of curiosity and getting killed. Collateral damage wasn’t a problem for ghouls, since they didn’t have much of a reputation from the start beyond being monsters that ate humans. However, depending on the circumstances, such things could ruin a CCG investigator’s career.

Or result in a ton of paperwork.

Not that CCG reputation was all that great to begin with.

Pulling out his phone with his left hand, Yuji sent a text to Associate Special Class Nishihara while keeping an eye on the monitors:

‘Rank 3 Hachimaru here. Day off is going well. Doc says I can remove the stitches in a couple of days. First Class Guren and First Class Kaito have made contact with the Siren Imposter in Ward 12. Will keep you updated~’

Purity Purity

Was he tattling on his fellow investigators? Probably. However, in the event that the worse came to worst it was good to have an Associate Special Class as backup. At the very least, if none of them returned alive, Nishihara would know where to look.

“See? And Natsu-chan thought I was irresponsible.”

After a moment of thought, Yuji sent another text. However, this one was to Spectacles—the most reliable member of their squad and the one Yuji most expected to be hard at work. Rain or shine. Paperwork or ghoul-hunting. It was always the one with glasses you could count on to know what they were doing:

‘Heya. It’s Yuji. How are things at work?’
hosaki hosaki

Idea Idea , Arne Arne , Necromantic Necromantic

  • Akuro Kinoshita
    Tapping her foot against her leg had grown boring, waiting in silence for the responses of those in the shop around her had done the same. The flame of intrigue that she held prior had crackled down to a mere ember of it's former self. Heaving a heavy sigh she brought two fingers up to her forehead for a moment, then spotting a napkin on the table that centered itself between the meeting that was currently being held. So of course she decided to do something with it, and what better to do with free paper than some origami.

    Her fingers worked diligently and within a matter of moments a perfectly constructed Origami lotus rested on the table. She let off a small smile at her work before standing and bowing to Sori, "I'd like to thank you for holding me in your company for the short while it's lasted. I'll return in the future if it turns out to be necessary." She spoke gently and nodded to the other members in a way of dismissal. Making her way towards the exit she noticed two other males were nearby the counter, one smelled of human food. The other was, the lapdog of the lazy woman. She smiled and moved over to him, however he'd noticed her before she had begun to speak.

    "Can I help you?" He spoke aloud to her and she merely looked at him with a small smile. "Your organization wants to help people right? Well i'm sure you're seen the news and all, I've heard on the town that a ghoul going by Siren has been hiding out in an old parking garage. Do with that what you will" She spoke simply before passing him by and exiting the establishment. She could've sworn he said something else but she couldn't hear it past the door closing behind her and the muffled sound of the doors bells.

    From here the rain seemed to have lightened up, a small smile came to her lips as she reached into her pocket and lifted the Harajuku mask to her face. Situating the two straps around her ears she had decided that it would be ideal to hunt around now, that itch had come back after all and when that was the case. Well you would just need to scratch it. The punctuation on the mask began to change from a question mark, to an exclamation mark as she made her way atop the roof of a building. Now was the time to spot her next target, and to make her claim on said prey. So she began to make her way from building to building, peering downwards to check for any tasty morsels along with looking around herself for any fellow hunters.
    Mentions: Inconstant Inconstant Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak hosaki hosaki S n o w S n o w
Be sure to scroll!

Saitō Hideaki(斉藤秀明)

Location: 12th Ward, Near Kerin's
Interactions: Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse
Status: Healthy - Hungry

Oh, how long it has been for dear old Hideaki. He's spent the last month undercover since the CCG had leads on him, constantly on the run. He'd even went as far as to quit his job and abandon his apartment. The man just needed to lay low, to be honest. So, going to one of the more 'nightlife' shopping districts was his best bet. Plan of attack? Walk around, take shortcuts. Eventually, some stupid human's gotta have the same idea. If he can't do that, then, he'll just run around in the shadows with his mask on. Hopefully somewhere cornered off, he'd hate for there to just be a path of escape.

Donning his leather jacket and umbrella before leaving, the route started down at the beginning of the shopping district, passing a variety of shops and the like. A secondary reason why Hideaki was even around here was that he even caught wind of prostitution hanging about, although he never learned where exactly. Wandering, searching for women selling their bodies, was one of his goals at the moment. Hide might even eat her, no experience in that ballpark yet. Began to even wonder if it was anything like the internet?

After spending a few hours in this district, going into shops, buying little things to not seem suspicious, he started getting restless. These people were too damn safe! Eventually, he decided to rush the plan a little bit, taking a turn just before he passed the clothing shop, into an alleyway. Purposefully, he slowed down, tucking his hands into his pockets and maintaining posture. He sniffed a little bit, hoping to catch the scent of a human or a homeless. Unfortunately, the smell of rain and garbage didn't get much luck.

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Location: 12th Ward, Near Kerin's
Interactions: Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse
Status: Healthy - Hungry

Oh, how long it has been for dear old Hideaki. He's spent the last month undercover since the CCG had leads on him, constantly on the run. He'd even went as far as to quit his job and abandon his apartment. The man just needed to lay low, to be honest. So, going to one of the more 'nightlife' shopping districts was his best bet. Plan of attack? Walk around, take shortcuts. Eventually, some stupid human's gotta have the same idea. If he can't do that, then, he'll just run around in the shadows with his mask on. Hopefully somewhere cornered off, he'd hate for there to just be a path of escape.

Donning his leather jacket and umbrella before leaving, the route started down at the beginning of the shopping district, passing a variety of shops and the like. A secondary reason why Hideaki was even around here was that he even caught wind of prostitution hanging about, although he never learned where exactly. Wandering, searching for women selling their bodies, was one of his goals at the moment. Hide might even eat her, no experience in that ballpark yet. Began to even wonder if it was anything like the internet?

After spending a few hours in this district, going into shops, buying little things to not seem suspicious, he started getting restless. These people were too damn safe! Eventually, he decided to rush the plan a little bit, taking a turn just before he passed the clothing shop, into an alleyway. Purposefully, he slowed down, tucking his hands into his pockets and maintaining posture. He sniffed a little bit, hoping to catch the scent of a human or a homeless. Unfortunately, the smell of rain and garbage didn't get much luck.
Akuro Kinoshita
The radius nearby the flower shop hadn't given up much of a harvest so she simply went further out. Her footsteps were light and her body landed easily atop the room of the clothing store, Looking about she couldn't notice any dim-witted humans. Or to give them some credits, she couldn't see any that weren't in at least a coupling. The partnership exercise was smart, and no she wasn't refering to relationships, to the effort of a kindergartner the 'Buddy system' seemed to help humans keep from getting picked off in this world. The gentle drizzle of rain pelted her hair slightly, leaving spots of darkness where it impacted.

The mask she wore quickly changed it's punctuation to an ellipsis, three periods, and she watched the area around her. Eyes looking through the street, the desire to kill just grew again and her eyes grew a tad restless with the area. No one in this area was careless either, and to make it worse.. killing a group would probably piss of Miss Sunshine and Lollipops back at Eden. "Tsk.." A short-lived sound of annoyance came out in a sharp note and pierced the gently-falling spray of water. The groups were larger still, if there was one human then at least two more would be nearby. The shops with large glass windows and street-lights didn't help that either, killing under the cover of darkness only worked without the nosy pest intervening.

Turning she intended to move away but quickly saw a figure evade the streets and enter the alleyway, given the minimal she could see of them they seemed to be on their own. The umbrella could draw suspicion if it was found alone in the alley so she'd need to dispose of that, of course given the scene that wouldn't be hard either. A small smirk crossed her lips as she walked to the edge of the building and peered down to the slower moving figure, they seemed to calm for the situation they may soon find their way into.

So she decided to pursue, silently she used a single rinkaku tentacle to move down into the alleyways. It dissipated into nothingness as quickly as it had appeared, now leaving Akuro standing on the ground of the alleyway without much contention or noise. Her eyes looked towards the figure who slowly gained distance from her, clearing her throat with a forced cough she attempted to draw their attention. Those at the end of the alleyway wouldn't be able to hear or see this, "Why are you walking down an alleyway this dark by yourself? Or did you mean to gain attention." She spoke without the need for caution. Both eyes looked towards the figure, the kakugan having filled her eyes. Leaving her sclera dark and her iris blood red with veins escaping towards her eyelids.
Mentions: krekireftw krekireftw

Saitō Hideaki(斉藤秀明)

Location: 12th Ward, Near Kerin's
Interactions: Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse
Status: Healthy - Hungry

Hideaki's mind wandered quite a bit at these moments. Besides the thought of hunger, murder, and lust that naturally flowed through his mind, he continued to think about the Ghoul politics that went on. Did the majority of ghouls really trust the humans? He would've thought otherwise, of course, but he was raised amongst an anti-human environment. To never trust or believe a word they say. To only use them to his own personal benefit. If cows were sentient and understood that humans were evil, wanting to consume them, would they run away or continue to trust them? It doesn't make any natural sense to try and bring equity into the world amongst your predators. Especially if they were so powerful, especially if you've created a system to oppress that exact predator. Why trust in them now?

Hide continued his way down the alleyway, second-guessing himself if he really wanted to murder someone. Granted, he was going to do it anyway for survival, but did he want too? He hasn't given any of them a chance, to begin with, not to mention he's been murdering them for fun for the past decade or so. Should his trust truly be given to them? Realizing his back and forth second-guessing, he shook his head a bit, clearing his mind of any empathy. It should be remembered, they're the reason he's in this mess right. Now. No mercy or pity should be given to them.

Hearing the feet land on the ground, he stood still and continued to face forward, waiting for something else with it. Hideaki knew that there was someone behind him, most likely a Ghoul, so he waited for some kind of talking. Maybe a message. It was somewhat suspenseful, of course. He could still die, but he was willing to take his chances.

"Well," he started, turning around to see the girl behind him. Of course, she was a Ghoul, the kakugan a tell-tale sign. Of course, unless this was some kind of edgy adolescent. Hide smiled, doing his best to be polite and avoid confrontation. "Most likely the same reason you're here. I've been hungry, and it's been... a decent while. I do like to avoid confrontation with other Ghouls. Maybe we should wish each other good luck and be on our way." He suggested, doing his best to not be condescending. Something came to his mind last minute though. "I've got a question, though. Are you one of those human-sympathizers that join those peace protests? Last thing the scum need is an ally." His nonaggressive stance stood strong. He did, however, close his umbrella and throw it to the side, proceeding to roll his shoulders. Just in case she was a killer. "Though I should mention Miss, I'm most likely misjudging you by your size. Wouldn't be the last time a small woman surprised me..." His tone wasn't exactly fitting to the situation.

Hideaki's mind wandered quite a bit at these moments. Besides the thought of hunger, murder, and lust that naturally flowed through his mind, he continued to think about the Ghoul politics that went on. Did the majority of ghouls really trust the humans? He would've thought otherwise, of course, but he was raised amongst an anti-human environment. To never trust or believe a word they say. To only use them to his own personal benefit. If cows were sentient and understood that humans were evil, wanting to consume them, would they run away or continue to trust them? It doesn't make any natural sense to try and bring equity into the world amongst your predators. Especially if they were so powerful, especially if you've created a system to oppress that exact predator. Why trust in them now?

Hide continued his way down the alleyway, second-guessing himself if he really wanted to murder someone. Granted, he was going to do it anyway for survival, but did he want too? He hasn't given any of them a chance, to begin with, not to mention he's been murdering them for fun for the past decade or so. Should his trust truly be given to them? Realizing his back and forth second-guessing, he shook his head a bit, clearing his mind of any empathy. It should be remembered, they're the reason he's in this mess right. Now. No mercy or pity should be given to them.

Hearing the feet land on the ground, he stood still and continued to face forward, waiting for something else with it. Hideaki knew that there was someone behind him, most likely a Ghoul, so he waited for some kind of talking. Maybe a message. It was somewhat suspenseful, of course. He could still die, but he was willing to take his chances.

"Well," he started, turning around to see the girl behind him. Of course, she was a Ghoul, the kakugan a tell-tale sign. Of course, unless this was some kind of edgy adolescent. Hide smiled, doing his best to be polite and avoid confrontation. "Most likely the same reason you're here. I've been hungry, and it's been... a decent while. I do like to avoid confrontation with other Ghouls. Maybe we should wish each other good luck and be on our way." He suggested, doing his best to not be condescending. Something came to his mind last minute though. "I've got a question, though. Are you one of those human-sympathizers that join those peace protests? Last thing the scum need is an ally." His nonaggressive stance stood strong. He did, however, close his umbrella and throw it to the side, proceeding to roll his shoulders. Just in case she was a killer. "Though I should mention Miss, I'm most likely misjudging you by your size. Wouldn't be the last time a small woman surprised me..." His tone wasn't exactly fitting to the situation.
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CCG Branch Office – Ota (11th Ward)]
Interacting with: Kaito ( Necromantic Necromantic ); Siren-Impersonator ( Idea Idea )
Guren didn't even think twice before moving his hammer, his years of instinct guiding him into using the large head of the quinque - expanded to cover most of his body during the brief time of the movement, as a testimony to his skill in controlling his quinque - towards the incoming projectiles that, while hard to smell for some reason, could be heard cutting the air as they progressed towards his and Kaito's position. Ukaku, huh? This is totally going to suck. He couldn't help but complain inwardly, clearly bothered by how hard catching this specific ghoul was going to be while inwardly thanking himself for putting Kaito in the entrance - God knew he totally couldn't follow a specially fast ukaku otherwise.

It didn't take long for his bother to become genuine worry, though, since as soon as the projectiles started to hit his hammer he could pretty much feel the highly acidic content of the projectiles desperately trying to devour his hammer, unconsciously triggering him into checking Kaito's position to confirm his safety - something that he managed to do in a split second, much to his relief - and consciously forcing him to change his plans to try to develop a strategy to fight the now away more dangerous in his eyes Siren..

Before he could even think of a strategy, though, the taunting voice of the ghoul did the favor of providing him a target, as in spite of how terribly slippery this specific ghoul was - going as far as hiding their godamned smell - it still couldn't completely escape from Guren's superhuman hearing, instantly giving away their current - for Guren highly doubted the ghoul would stay still for him to locate it - position as soon as it opened its mouth. The reaction was, of course, instant, as Guren instinctively threw two of his Scorpions - conveniently held under his left sleeve - towards the taunting voice, hoping to at least delay it for a second as he leaped his way towards the general area where he guessed it was going to be.


  • Ishikawa Touma

    Touma quietly listened to the other two. He had no particular input on the matter, nor anything to add to the conversation. They seemed to be doing fine conversation wise, and any questions he had had already been voiced and answered. Well everything that could be answered right then. He ran a hand through his white hair as the walked, still thinking to himself. Following in suit with the other members he stepped into the car as well, buckling his seat-belt, being careful of the mouse in his breast pocket. He continued to quietly listen to the two of them of course, though his thoughts wandered slightly as he thought about the case, the reasons behind it, and what the point could be. He was drawing a blank, but he hoped that this investigation for fill in some of the gaps that he currently had in his mind on the case. It would also be great is he could clear out whatever incorrect theories he probably had, and was able to fine-tune some of the others.

    Mentions: Mice. always the mice.
    Purity Purity Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse
OOC: Click the button to switch between the ghoul and disguise sides

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[script class=Eye on=init]
set X 1
[script class=Eye on=mouseenter]
if (eq "${X}" 1) (hide HumanEye)
if (eq "${X}" 1) (show GhoulingEye)
if (eq "${X}" 2) (show HumaningEye)
if (eq "${X}" 2) (hide GhoulEye)
[script class=Eye on=mouseleave]
if (eq "${X}" 1) (show HumanEye)
hide GhoulingEye
hide HumaningEye
if (eq "${X}" 2) (show GhoulEye)
[script class=Eye on=click]
if (eq "${X}" 1) (show Ghoulback) (show Humanback)
if (eq "${X}" 1) (hide Humanback) (hide Ghoulback)
if (eq "${X}" 1) (setText "Disguise" Species) (setText "Awaken RC" Species)
if (eq "${X}" 1) (set X 2) (set X 1)

[div class="Eye HumanEye"]pre-ghoul eye.jpg[/div][div class="Eye GhoulEye" style="display:none"]Tokyo-Ghoul-S3E1-Sasaki-Eye.png[/div][div class="Eye GhoulingEye" style="display:none"]ghoul eye gif.gif[/div][div class="Eye HumaningEye" style="display:none"]reverse gif eye.gif[/div]
[div class="Eye Species"]Awaken RC[/div]
[div class=Humanback]
Kojinu Koganiku
Paws Kojinu Koganiku Siren Impostor.JPGThe pair of investigators certainly understood how to play this game. Sure they had a diss or two, but they didn't hesitate to immediately fire what ranged weapons they had at me. In a split-second decision I took the bullets to the kagune and leaped out of the way of the two quinques, which planted themselves on the wall that was just behind me, a good decision it turned out to be, as right after that a hammer came smashing the location I was just standing out. If I had stayed and deflected them instead of blocking, he would have at least shattered most of my ukaku. Now I stood on top of the car, just barely in reach of the thrown quinques. The problem that resulted from this was pretty obvious, now that I was on top of the metal lunchboxes I was no longer fully covered by my Kagune. On the other hand, this was a decent increase in mobility, as I was no longer impaired by the metallic lunchboxes. Still, I couldn't just let go of a good addition to my collection, so I leaped and grabbed the two quinques planted on the wall, risking getting hit in the process, but that was fine. As I reached the other end of the lunchboxes, I once more pulled out the quinque I had just been chewing and stabbed myself a little below the shoulder. With the pain clouding my mind I gazed at the investigators and fired more of my ukaku at them, already visibly salivating behind my helmet, a sort of "mask" that left only my mouth exposed. My drooling, sharp-teethed and hungry mouth. I knew I was dangerous. That said, I also knew I was pushing my luck in how I was fighting at the moment.

I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even I knew I couldn't sustain just hurling ukaku shards at them indefinitely. Because of the quinque hole under my arm my left hand was a little hindered, but at least the right one was still good to go. I lowerd my body a little, then stomped the ground behind to gain impulse to move forward: I needed to take a closer, more direct approach. With just two of them maybe I had a decent chance, but even I had to admit I was a bit out of my element. While killing these white coats would be better overall, I had to move to the exit and accept that escaping was a fine outcome as well. My hideout was lost either way, though perhaps this wsn't the time to worry about that. For now I held the advantage, for while they had the numbers, I an ukaku's speed, a ghoul's power and a few tricks up my sleeve that they were probably yet to figure out.

"You'll pay for waking me up with your blood, wimps!" I threatened.

[/div][div class=Ghoulback style="display:none"]
Paws/Siren Impostor
[div class=floatright]kagune1.2 (2).jpg[/div][div class=floatleft]kagune1.2.jpg[/div]

The pair of investigators certainly understood how to play this game. Sure they had a diss or two, but they didn't hesitate to immediately fire what ranged weapons they had at me. In a split-second decision I took the bullets to the kagune and leaped out of the way of the two quinques, which planted themselves on the wall that was just behind me, a good decision it turned out to be, as right after that a hammer came smashing the location I was just standing out. If I had stayed and deflected them instead of blocking, he would have at least shattered most of my ukaku. Now I stood on top of the car, just barely in reach of the thrown quinques. The problem that resulted from this was pretty obvious, now that I was on top of the metal lunchboxes I was no longer fully covered by my Kagune. On the other hand, this was a decent increase in mobility, as I was no longer impaired by the metallic lunchboxes. Still, I couldn't just let go of a good addition to my collection, so I leaped and grabbed the two quinques planted on the wall, risking getting hit in the process, but that was fine. As I reached the other end of the lunchboxes, I once more pulled out the quinque I had just been chewing and stabbed myself a little below the shoulder. With the pain clouding my mind I gazed at the investigators and fired more of my ukaku at them, already visibly salivating behind my helmet, a sort of "mask" that left only my mouth exposed. My drooling, sharp-teethed and hungry mouth. I knew I was dangerous. That said, I also knew I was pushing my luck in how I was fighting at the moment.

I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even I knew I couldn't sustain just hurling ukaku shards at them indefinitely. Because of the quinque hole under my arm my left hand was a little hindered, but at least the right one was still good to go. I lowerd my body a little, then stomped the ground behind to gain impulse to move forward: I needed to take a closer, more direct approach. With just two of them maybe I had a decent chance, but even I had to admit I was a bit out of my element. While killing these white coats would be better overall, I had to move to the exit and accept that escaping was a fine outcome as well. My hideout was lost either way, though perhaps this wsn't the time to worry about that. For now I held the advantage, for while they had the numbers, I an ukaku's speed, a ghoul's power and a few tricks up my sleeve that they were probably yet to figure out.

"You'll pay for waking me up with your blood, wimps!" I threatened.


Kojinu Koganiku/Paws/Siren Impostor
The pair of investigators certainly understood how to play this game. Sure they had a diss or two, but they didn't hesitate to immediately fire what ranged weapons they had at me. In a split-second decision I took the bullets to the kagune and leaped out of the way of the two quinques, which planted themselves on the wall that was just behind me, a good decision it turned out to be, as right after that a hammer came smashing the location I was just standing out. If I had stayed and deflected them instead of blocking, he would have at least shattered most of my ukaku. Now I stood on top of the car, just barely in reach of the thrown quinques. The problem that resulted from this was pretty obvious, now that I was on top of the metal lunchboxes I was no longer fully covered by my Kagune. On the other hand, this was a decent increase in mobility, as I was no longer impaired by the metallic lunchboxes. Still, I couldn't just let go of a good addition to my collection, so I leaped and grabbed the two quinques planted on the wall, risking getting hit in the process, but that was fine. As I reached the other end of the lunchboxes, I once more pulled out the quinque I had just been chewing and stabbed myself a little below the shoulder. With the pain clouding my mind I gazed at the investigators and fired more of my ukaku at them, already visibly salivating behind my helmet, a sort of "mask" that left only my mouth exposed. My drooling, sharp-teethed and hungry mouth. I knew I was dangerous. That said, I also knew I was pushing my luck in how I was fighting at the moment.

I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even I knew I couldn't sustain just hurling ukaku shards at them indefinitely. Because of the quinque hole under my arm my left hand was a little hindered, but at least the right one was still good to go. I lowerd my body a little, then stomped the ground behind to gain impulse to move forward: I needed to take a closer, more direct approach. With just two of them maybe I had a decent chance, but even I had to admit I was a bit out of my element. While killing these white coats would be better overall, I had to move to the exit and accept that escaping was a fine outcome as well. My hideout was lost either way, though perhaps this wsn't the time to worry about that. For now I held the advantage, for while they had the numbers, I an ukaku's speed, a ghoul's power and a few tricks up my sleeve that they were probably yet to figure out.

"You'll pay for waking me up with your blood, wimps!" I threatened.

Interacting With: Arne Arne Necromantic Necromantic
Might Want to Read: Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

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