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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul ❀ EDEN ❀ Characters


Ishiko Watanabe

Nickname/Alias: Ishi / Ulex

Age: 19

Species: Ghoul

Rank/Class: B~

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'7"

Appearance: When going out as a ghoul, Ishiko wears this mask, dark jeans, and a black hooded sweatshirt.

Personality: Ishiko is a pacifist in a world that has abandoned peace. She firmly believes that peace between humans and ghouls is not only possible, but inevitable. She takes the few humans that side with ghouls over their own kind as proof of this. Ishiko is not a fighter, and even if she was, she wouldn't. She doesn't like the idea of using violence to solve her problems, and would rather talk things through with someone else. She won't fight unless she has no other options.

Generally, Ishiko is a kind, friendly individual. She's an optimist, choosing to focus on the good in the world and the people around her instead of the bad and she likes seeing other people smile and be happy. She likes to help out at Eden wherever she can to make other people's lives easier.

Ishiko is a good actor, so much so that she's convinced herself that she was always a pacifist, that she's not like others of her kind who kill humans for fun. But behind the happy smiles and bright attitude is a fragile child clinging to her idealism to survive. Even the most gentle of animals will bite when cornered.

Likes: Human Food - She likes the lengths humans go to to make their food pretty, like designer cakes, the faces they add to pancakes, the umbrellas they add to their drinks.

Nature, Coffee Milk, Evergreen Flowers, Gardening


Her Ideals Being Called Into Question, Violence, Fighting, Arguments, Being Useless, Black Coffee


Algophobia - The Fear Of Pain. She's afraid of both physical and mental pain.

Bio: Ishiko wasn't raised like a ghoul, the second-worse sin ghoul parents can commit against a ghoul child (the first being cannibalizing them). She was never taught how to fight or how to defend herself. Neither was she taught on how to get food for herself, or how to avoid the CCG. Instead, her parents taught her how to blend in with humans during the day, and took turns going out to get food for her at night. She was pushed to hide her ghoul nature, promised that she would lead a more peaceful life if she spent all of it pretending to be something she wasn't than trying to be with her own kind.

She learned to tolerate the taste of human food, how to suppress her hunger, ignore that they smelled like food. She learned to co-exist with humans she never interacted with. Her parents taught her to keep up this façade until the day came when ghouls and humans could live together without fear and persecution. Then one day the CCG kicked their door in and tainted all the pretty ideals Ishiko's head had been filled with when her parents blood splattered the carpet. Her mother had shoved her in a closet behind the staircase, and Ishiko watched her parents fight the investigators that came from them through the slats. Then she watched them die.

Terrified that the CCG would come back for her, Ishiko refused to leave the closet. And because she never went hungry before, and she didn't know where or how her parents got food for her, this led to her cannibalizing the parts of her parents the CCG left behind. Ishiko the idealist couldn't deal with this reality, and so she convinced herself that everything that happened was her parents fault for betraying what they taught her. If they didn't fight, they would still be alive, and if they were still alive, she wouldn't have had to eat them. Without this twisted ideal, Ishiko would have lost her sanity. And so she clung to it, and kept clinging to it until the present.

Later, she would find out that the neighbor across from them had seen her father's red eyes for a brief second on her way back from work, right after he finished killing someone, and reported it to the CCG. The only reason Ishiko lived was because she was never let outside, so the neighbor didn't know she existed.

Ishiko learned how to be a ghoul the hard way, though most of the dark, murder-y things she did during that time she's blocked from memory, since it doesn't fit in with her ideals. She joined Eden when she turned eighteen.


Enhanced Durability - Being the child of a Rinkaku and a Koukaku user, Ishiko is harder to kill than most ghouls. She has enhanced regeneration, and can recover from wounds that would be fatal to others. While she doesn't have a Koukaku, she does have some of its properties. Her skin is harder to penetrate, acting as enhanced armor to protect the rest of her body.

Digestion - She can tolerate more human food than most.

Lying, Pretending, Negotiating


Unskilled - Because of her lack of skill with her kagune, it mostly only manifests if she's feeling a strong emotion (rage, despair, fear, etc.). She can manifest five tentacles that curl out from her back like a binkaku would. While this may trick her opponent into thinking her rinkaku has binkaku properties, it doesn't. It's still as soft and breakable as any other rinkaku.

Enhanced Pain - Her kagune is more sensitive to pain.

Doesn't Know How To Fight

Kagune/Quinque: Rinkaku

Misc. Abilities: She Knows How To Cook.
code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant

Boken Yuri

Nickname/Alias: Boken Kita
Age: 9
Species: Ghoul
Rank/Class: C+
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Underdeveloped
Height: 4 foot 5
Appearance: Standing on top of her bro with a duo of peace signs is Boken. The girl is just slightly taller than her sibling (not that she will mind how miniscule the difference is when it comes to her bragging about it), but shares his green eyes and darkish blond hair, even having the same short haircut. She never got the age of having a mask of her own, so she currently does not own one.

Personality: Boken is a happy and outgoing child, whose name (meaning adventure) is suitable for her curious wonderlust. She is cheerful and full of energy, which makes it really hard for her to stay put or hold back when she speaks, often seeming to endlessly speak for as long as someone is even present to listen. While she certainly is not the sharpest tool in the shed, she is endearing and hard-working, and has a very assertive personality and thus often ends up almost dragging her brother with her, as her generosity does not content itself with sharing her food or goods, but also the great experiences she comes across while exploring or "adventuring" through wherever she happens to be, as if a miniature version of the world that she so eagerly wishes to see, not just the city, but Japan as a whole, the abroad, the world.... She has a special place in her heart for all things foreign, an uncontainable fascination with that big world out there. In the mean time though, she'll have to content herself with home and enjoy her life with her cherished siblings and father. She is quite playful and at times will do or say things for the purpose of teasing them, but she is surprisingly more meek when around her older sister or her adoptive father, perhaps out of concern for them.
At times like those in particular, but in general as well, it truly stands out that she is, in fact, still a kid. In fact, she is rather childish and child-like, throwing tantrums and being needy, clinging and enoying things like bedtime stories and stuffed animals, one could not be faulted for thinking maybe she is younger one instead of her twin. However, one thing she isn't is a picky eater, give the conditions she grew up in even after her adoption. Not that these circumstances have eroded her open and naive mind, which rationalizes the world around her, as if reality itself was just a piece of the puzzle and her imagination was free to fill in the blanks. If she wants to believe something, she'll do so without a problem, subconsciously twisting every fact to perfectly match what she wants, unless she is hit with such a straight reality to the face that she absolutely can't deny it.

+Cute things in general
+food and playing with it
+foreign stuff
+her siblings

-when anyone hurts her siblings
-staying put
-white coats and suitcases
-small spaces
-using her kagune a lot
-when one of her siblings is down

-Her siblings being hurt

Bio: Named after the word for "adventure", Boken was born to the descendent of immigrant ghouls from Europe and a ghoul native to Tokyo trying his best to fit into it's human side. They would work at their human jobs, well father would, and mother home schooled them(though he would ignore anything involving another language. bleh. words.). every once and a while, they would both leave, at night, and come back with more food, and occasionally showed them the basics of what they would need to do if they came out hunting and taught them a little about their kagune's. Before long, the two children found themselves hidden away by their parents in an attempt to hide them from the persuing CCG.
Now integrated into their new family, but still holding out hope that one day their parents would return, Boken allowed herself to indulge in doing what she loved: Exploring and learning about the world around her. One day, she was given a couple of books on foreign languages and picture books with locations around the world, which she began to suck up in a flash, but there wasn't much she could learn from the books alone, so she would carry them around with her as she occasionally sneaked out into the city on her own or with her brother. At one point, she was strolling through a park with book in hand when she bumped into this old man playing checkers. After some traded apologies and small talk, the man ended up offering to teach Boken a few words. Boken was so grateful for this that she began sneaking to the park more often, and she would often run into the man again, and learn more and more words. Being at that age, she easily picked these up, but since this man was human, he would sometimes offer her food. In order to spend time with him more comfortably, she would at times agree to eat that food despite how disgusting it was to her. This, however, resulted in her body weakening and falling sick, not just due to the corrosion of the food itself, but also due to her decreasing immunity to her own toxin. After she recovered, she visited the park once again, but the man simply seemed to vanish. Boken was sad, but she ended up concluding the man had probably gone somewhere abroad to become a teacher or something.

+Toxic Kagune: Her main, and by some accounts, only advantage in this world is the potential of the toxin in her kagune. Powerful enough to harm, but generally non-deadly and a weapon that can be useful regardless of the user being generally physically weak.
+Multilingual: Her vocabulary is far from developed, but her early and persistant fascination with the foreign, steeming from her own mother, led to Boken being minimally able to communicate in at least three different languages, among which Japanese (her native tongue) and German.
+Flexible: She has a naturally very flexible body, and good reflexes as well.
+While her body's weakening prevents her from drawing out her kagune's full potential, on the risk of falling quite ill due to the reduced immunity to her own toxin, this has also made her very blood to be somewhat infected, which may discourage some from attempting to attack her.

-Child: In both mind and body, Boken is really just a child. She is naive, lacks knowledge and experience, and even if she is a ghoul she still has a pretty weak body.
-Lack of self-control: Curiosity killed the cat is a phrase that applies perfectly to Boken, except she is a ghoul not a cat. It's not just her curiosity, but many of her behaviors are things she either doesn't want to or has great difficulty at least in keeping in check, so she can easily end up walking right into danger or giving herself away.
-limited use of her kagune: Not only is she, as a child, pretty limited in terms of kagune, not even being able to draw out the full potential of her toxin, but the weakening of her body at one time causes it to where overexerting herslef in the use of her kagune will result in falling into a deeply sick state.

Kagune/Quinque: *Bikaku-she has a kagune similar to her sister's, a long segmented bikaku kagune with small spikes through it's length until it ends in a dual scorpion's tail. The kagune contains a strong venomous toxin. This toxin's effects will depend on where the toxin is injected into and in what amount, as well as for what duration. These effects are:
1st-Headaches and minor inching
2nd-Feelings of nausea and exhaustion
3rd-Numbness of the limbs and hallucinations
4th-Paralitic effect

At the present time, due to her young age, she is unable to fully use her kagune's toxin, as it would probably more than run her dry to attempt so. She can at most with intense effort us the 4th tier. Normally she is immune to her own poison, however if she attempts to eat human food it's possible the resistance will lower to the point where she can be affected by it.

Misc. Abilities:
*Quite flexible
code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant


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Hibiki (響) Kita (北)


Nickname/Alias: Echo, or Hibiki Kita. Kita

Age: 9

Species: ghoul

Rank/Class: C+

Gender: male

Sexuality: unknown.

Height: 4'5

Appearance: bottom

Personality: Hibiki is relatively- very quiet and he follows his older sibling everywhere and anywhere. His patience and tolerance knows no bounds he goes along with anything she says. Anything. If she wants to go into a run-down, clearly dangerous building, he will follow, though, he will voice tinyy and small concerns about her safety. In turn, he's pretty indifferent in this manner, and being how tolerant he is, he is ready to go with anything. You say he should go outside? fine. Tell him to come with or die? alright. Threaten his sister? Oh hell no. Threaten her, and he's willing to fight, but also willing to just lay town to and take the hit. He's clingy. He clings to his sister him an emotional and literal lifeline. Just like any twin would, or should, he really does love his older twin, and Hates. Hates more than anything, seeing her get hurt. Emotionally, and physically; and would rather he get hurt instead if he can help it. He's the type who would do anything for her, even if that means sacrificing himself, or even letting her hurt him. That's just how he is. On another hand, he also can be a little shy around strangers, though once he gets to know people, he can be very trusting. Even though and has a hard time speaking his mind. Well, he can't speak his mind actually, not at all. Not unless it pertains to the safety of Boken. He care for his 'other sister to, but not as nearly as much. He just can't see the appeal to anyone who is mean to everyone all the time, even if she is a bit nice to them, he's never been good with aggressive people like her. He still cares though, they did grow up together after all. And he's never voiced his thoughts about her either. So, well actually that's normal.

-his sister(top)(Boken)
-his other sister
-adoptive father,

-(only a little) his other sister
-other/learning languges

-Boken being hurt

Bio: He grew up pretty normally for ghouls, in an apartment with his parents, who at least one of which had come from Europe, he didn't know and didn't really care. They would work at their human jobs, well father would, and mother home schooled them(though he would ignore anything involving another language. bleh. words.). every once and a while, they would both leave, at night, and come back with more food, and occasionally showed them the basics of what they would need to do if they came out hunting and taught them a little about their kagune's. One day though, when the twins were 4, they never came back. Hibiki and his sister waited, and waited, but no one came home. They got hungry, and even they were told against it, they went outside. A few weeks passed, and they were making do with what they had.

-Toxic Kagune: His main, and by some accounts, only advantage in this world is the potential of the toxin in his kagune. Powerful enough to harm, but generally non-deadly and a weapon that can be useful regardless of the user being generally physically weak.
-Speed, he has gotten decently good at running about, due to chasing after, and trying to keep up with his sister.
He's relatively flexible.

-He is still just a child, and is not very strong at all in that sense.
-His sister. Using Boken is an easy way to manipulate him.

Kagune/Quinque: Bikaku. It's shaped like a segmented, slightly spiky, scorpion tail.
The kagune contains a strong venomous toxin(that they themselves are immune to). This toxin's effects will depend on where the toxin is injected into and in what amount, as well as for what duration. These effects are:
1st-Headaches and minor inching
2nd-Feelings of nausea and exhaustion
3rd-Numbness of the limbs and hallucinations
4th-Paralitic effect

Misc. Abilities:

code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant
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  • Kaito Fujiwara


    • Name:
      "Kaito Fujiwara, nice to meet you! Nah, no formalities, go ahead and call me Kaito."
      Kaito Fujiwara

      "Some people call me White Death, I guess that's it!"
      White Death

      "I'm twenty-four!"

      "... Y-You don't believe me, either?!"

      "Ah... Human? Do I really look like a Ghoul?"

      "First Class Investigator!"
      First class investigator

      "Uhm... I'm only interested in men, but I've slept with a couple women in the past."
      Heteroromantic Bisexual

Akira Horiyama









Akira has pale skin and light brown hair that he slicks back while he's working. He often dresses professionally when at a clinical setting where he spends most of his day---a white lab coat over a blue dress shirt and brown slacks. The tie changes depending on his mood. Even in a casual setting, Akira likes to keep to a certain standard when it comes to his appearance. He rarely wears jeans if given a choice. When going out as a ghoul, Akira dons a white plague doctor mask--with typical beak-like features--, a long trench coat, a tall hat, and gloves

To patients, Akira is a kind, sympathetic doctor who is always willing to help those injured or diseased. To nurses, Akira is a strict, yet fair superior who knows how to draw the line between playful and professional. To his fiance, Akira is a good, hard working man.

That is the mask Akira Horiyama donned in order to survive in human society. However, the truth is he lacks empathy for others. He just fakes it very well. At the core of Akira's being is a selfish person. His number one priority is his own survival and his own interests. He mostly sees humans and ghouls from a clinical perspective. He doesn't pity people. Nor does he judge them, since he doesn't care enough to.

That's not to say he's incapable of feeling or directing emotions towards others. Anger. Jealousy. Disgust. Maybe even lust or possessiveness. However, it's all self-focused and kept under a lid unless it benefits him in some way. He feels little to no guilt about lying if it's to his own benefit. At the same time, Akira can speak with little to no consideration for others if being considerate doesn't benefit him.

Akira is observant, likes imitating others, and adapts well to change. He is self-disciplined and has incredible willpower--enough to work with human bodies and not go on a hunger rampage. He rarely acts on his actual emotions. Given how long he's built and kept up his persona, one could almost call him determined. Akira is passive aggressive. However, if prodded enough times, the beast within will emerge.

Akira is a prideful individual, especially in regards to his skills as a medical professional. He will treat people that come to his clinic (both humans and ghouls) not because he cares for them, but because not being able to do so is failure on his part. When presented to with a difficult medical problem Akira cannot help but try to solve it and can get a little bit stubborn if he doesn't get his way. Akira prides himself on his talents. He saves more lives as a doctor than he takes away as ghoul. However, it isn't as if Akira hates humans. Hating one's own food is a waste of time and detrimental to one's own survival.

Finally, Akira is a sadist. He likes tricking others and causing them emotional harm. He enjoys surgery and the act of cutting people up more often than he lets on.

The human body, research, coffee, ties, performing surgery, cleaning is scalpels, reading.

Incompetent nurses, nosy doves, human foods, dogs

Being discovered by the CCG. Dementia/going senile.

Ever since he was first abandoned by his ghoul parents and dropped into an orphanage, Akira has watched humans. He watched how they interacted, how they ate, how they thought, and strove to imitate them. It was about survival. However, it was also about fitting in--about trying to belong. Yet Akira couldn't consume human food and gagged up anything he ate. The matron took offense to that and Akira was often punished for not wanting to eat. Her dislike of him spread to the other children at the orphanage as well. From a young age, Akira had to learn to survive on his own. He had to dig up corpses if he wanted to eat. He had to learn to use his kagune if he wanted to hunt. He had to keep the fact that he was a ghoul a secret if he wanted to survive.

Then one day, Akira was adopted by the Horiyamas--a wealthy couple that owned a chain of hospitals in Japan. Akira's life took a different turn. He was given the best clothes and the best education (I won't say food because all human food tastes the same to him). Akira didn't intend to repeat what happened with the matron. He learned to fake eat very well. He studied hard to please his human parents...delving into human physiology so he could become the doctor they wanted him to be. However, it was also for himself. As a ghoul, Akira always had an interest in the human body. He wanted to know what made them so tasty. What about the human body made it edible to ghouls...and how to reproduce that.

After graduating medical school at the age of 23, Akira Horiyama went to work at one of his parent's hospitals for a couple of years before opening a clinic of his own. Naturally, he still eats as a ghoul. Bodies go disappearing from hospital morgues from time to time, amputated body parts don't go to waste, etc. However, Akira Horiyama acts cautiously. Rarely does he eats his own patients unless they are terminally ill. He preserves body parts donated to science and eats conservatively lest he gets caught. He even goes as far as to treat CCG officers if it means his cover won't be blown. Given that he's spent most of his life among humans, Akira feels no particular loyalty to his race.

Expansive medical expertise, observant, cautious, meticulous/detail-oriented, determined.

Lacks empathy for others, prideful, passive aggressive, holds grudges.

Koukaku. Akira's kagune is red in color and can take the form of a sword, a shield, or clawed gloves around his arms.

Misc. Abilities:
Akira can detach his kagune. He also has extensive knowledge of the human body and the ghoul body, so he knows the procedure to transplant kagunes to humans. He is also fairly strong since he's practiced carrying around his kagune for most of his life.


code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant

Ishiko Watanabe

Nickname/Alias: Ishi / Ulex

Age: 19

Species: Ghoul

Rank/Class: B~

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'7"

Appearance: When going out as a ghoul, Ishiko wears this mask, dark jeans, and a black hooded sweatshirt.

Personality: Ishiko is a pacifist in a world that has abandoned peace. She firmly believes that peace between humans and ghouls is not only possible, but inevitable. She takes the few humans that side with ghouls over their own kind as proof of this. Ishiko is not a fighter, and even if she was, she wouldn't. She doesn't like the idea of using violence to solve her problems, and would rather talk things through with someone else. She won't fight unless she has no other options.

Generally, Ishiko is a kind, friendly individual. She's an optimist, choosing to focus on the good in the world and the people around her instead of the bad and she likes seeing other people smile and be happy. She likes to help out at Eden wherever she can to make other people's lives easier.

Ishiko is a good actor, so much so that she's convinced herself that she was always a pacifist, that she's not like others of her kind who kill humans for fun. But behind the happy smiles and bright attitude is a fragile child clinging to her idealism to survive. Even the most gentle of animals will bite when cornered.

Likes: Human Food - She likes the lengths humans go to to make their food pretty, like designer cakes, the faces they add to pancakes, the umbrellas they add to their drinks.

Nature, Coffee Milk, Evergreen Flowers, Gardening


Her Ideals Being Called Into Question, Violence, Fighting, Arguments, Being Useless, Black Coffee


Algophobia - The Fear Of Pain. She's afraid of both physical and mental pain.

Bio: Ishiko wasn't raised like a ghoul, the second-worse sin ghoul parents can commit against a ghoul child (the first being cannibalizing them). She was never taught how to fight or how to defend herself. Neither was she taught on how to get food for herself, or how to avoid the CCG. Instead, her parents taught her how to blend in with humans during the day, and took turns going out to get food for her at night. She was pushed to hide her ghoul nature, promised that she would lead a more peaceful life if she spent all of it pretending to be something she wasn't than trying to be with her own kind.

She learned to tolerate the taste of human food, how to suppress her hunger, ignore that they smelled like food. She learned to co-exist with humans she never interacted with. Her parents taught her to keep up this façade until the day came when ghouls and humans could live together without fear and persecution. Then one day the CCG kicked their door in and tainted all the pretty ideals Ishiko's head had been filled with when her parents blood splattered the carpet. Her mother had shoved her in a closet behind the staircase, and Ishiko watched her parents fight the investigators that came from them through the slats. Then she watched them die.

Terrified that the CCG would come back for her, Ishiko refused to leave the closet. And because she never went hungry before, and she didn't know where or how her parents got food for her, this led to her cannibalizing the parts of her parents the CCG left behind. Ishiko the idealist couldn't deal with this reality, and so she convinced herself that everything that happened was her parents fault for betraying what they taught her. If they didn't fight, they would still be alive, and if they were still alive, she wouldn't have had to eat them. Without this twisted ideal, Ishiko would have lost her sanity. And so she clung to it, and kept clinging to it until the present.

Later, she would find out that the neighbor across from them had seen her father's red eyes for a brief second on her way back from work, right after he finished killing someone, and reported it to the CCG. The only reason Ishiko lived was because she was never let outside, so the neighbor didn't know she existed.

Ishiko learned how to be a ghoul the hard way, though most of the dark, murder-y things she did during that time she's blocked from memory, since it doesn't fit in with her ideals. She joined Eden when she turned eighteen.


Enhanced Durability - Being the child of a Rinkaku and a Koukaku user, Ishiko is harder to kill than most ghouls. She has enhanced regeneration, and can recover from wounds that would be fatal to others. While she doesn't have a Koukaku, she does have some of its properties. Her skin is harder to penetrate, acting as enhanced armor to protect the rest of her body.

Digestion - She can tolerate more human food than most.

Lying, Pretending, Negotiating


Unskilled - Because of her lack of skill with her kagune, it mostly only manifests if she's feeling a strong emotion (rage, despair, fear, etc.). She can manifest five tentacles that curl out from her back like a binkaku would. While this may trick her opponent into thinking her rinkaku has binkaku properties, it doesn't. It's still as soft and breakable as any other rinkaku.

Enhanced Pain - Her kagune is more sensitive to pain.

Doesn't Know How To Fight

Kagune/Quinque: Rinkaku

Misc. Abilities: She Knows How To Cook.
code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant

Boken Yuri

Nickname/Alias: Boken Kita
Age: 9
Species: Ghoul
Rank/Class: C+
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Underdeveloped
Height: 4 foot 5
Appearance: Standing on top of her bro with a duo of peace signs is Boken. The girl is just slightly taller than her sibling (not that she will mind how miniscule the difference is when it comes to her bragging about it), but shares his green eyes and darkish blond hair, even having the same short haircut. She never got the age of having a mask of her own, so she currently does not own one.

Personality: Boken is a happy and outgoing child, whose name (meaning adventure) is suitable for her curious wonderlust. She is cheerful and full of energy, which makes it really hard for her to stay put or hold back when she speaks, often seeming to endlessly speak for as long as someone is even present to listen. While she certainly is not the sharpest tool in the shed, she is endearing and hard-working, and has a very assertive personality and thus often ends up almost dragging her brother with her, as her generosity does not content itself with sharing her food or goods, but also the great experiences she comes across while exploring or "adventuring" through wherever she happens to be, as if a miniature version of the world that she so eagerly wishes to see, not just the city, but Japan as a whole, the abroad, the world.... She has a special place in her heart for all things foreign, an uncontainable fascination with that big world out there. In the mean time though, she'll have to content herself with home and enjoy her life with her cherished siblings and father. She is quite playful and at times will do or say things for the purpose of teasing them, but she is surprisingly more meek when around her older sister or her adoptive father, perhaps out of concern for them.
At times like those in particular, but in general as well, it truly stands out that she is, in fact, still a kid. In fact, she is rather childish and child-like, throwing tantrums and being needy, clinging and enoying things like bedtime stories and stuffed animals, one could not be faulted for thinking maybe she is younger one instead of her twin. However, one thing she isn't is a picky eater, give the conditions she grew up in even after her adoption. Not that these circumstances have eroded her open and naive mind, which rationalizes the world around her, as if reality itself was just a piece of the puzzle and her imagination was free to fill in the blanks. If she wants to believe something, she'll do so without a problem, subconsciously twisting every fact to perfectly match what she wants, unless she is hit with such a straight reality to the face that she absolutely can't deny it.

+Cute things in general
+food and playing with it
+foreign stuff

-when anyone hurts her siblings
-staying put
-white coats and suitcases
-small spaces


Bio: Named after the word for "adventure", Boken was born to the descendent of immigrant ghouls from Europe. She and her twin both had a stern and attempted accelarated education from their parents, and sadly it was due to a correct guess. Before long, the two children found themselves hidden away by their parents in an attempt to hide them from the persuing CCG. (MISSING PART HERE)
Now integrated into their new family, but still holding out hope that one day their parents would return, Boken allowed herself to indulge in doing what she loved: Exploring and learning about the world around her. One day, she was given a couple of books on foreign languages and picture books with locations around the world, which she began to suck up in a flash, but there wasn't much she could learn from the books alone, so she would carry them around with her as she occasionally sneaked out into the city on her own or with her brother. At one point, she was strolling through a park with book in hand when she bumped into this old man playing checkers. After some traded apologies and small talk, the man ended up offering to teach Boken a few words. Boken was so grateful for this that she began sneaking to the park more often, and she would often run into the man again, and learn more and more words. Being at that age, she easily picked these up, but since this man was human, he would sometimes offer her food. In order to spend time with him more comfortably, she would at times agree to eat that food despite how disgusting it was to her. This, however, resulted in her body weakening and falling sick, not just due to the corrosion of the food itself, but also due to her decreasing immunity to her own toxin. After she recovered, she visited the park once again, but the man simply seemed to vanish. Boken was sad, but she ended up concluding the man had probably gone somewhere abroad to become a teacher or something.

+Toxic Kagune: Her main, and by some accounts, only advantage in this world is the potential of the toxin in her kagune. Powerful enough to harm, but generally non-deadly and a weapon that can be useful regardless of the user being generally physically weak.
+Multilingual: Her vocabulary is far from developed, but her early and persistant fascination with the foreign, steeming from her own mother, led to Boken being minimally able to communicate in at least three different languages, among which Japanese (her native tongue) and German.
+Flexible: She has a naturally very flexible body, and good reflexes as well.

-Child: In both mind and body, Boken is really just a child. She is naive, lacks knowledge and experience, and even if she is a ghoul she still has a pretty weak body.
-Lack of self-control: Curiosity killed the cat is a phrase that applies perfectly to Boken, except she is a ghoul not a cat. It's not just her curiosity, but many of her behaviors are things she either doesn't want to or has great difficulty at least in keeping in check, so she can easily end up walking right into danger or giving herself away.
-limited use of her kagune: Not only is she, as a child, pretty limited in terms of kagune, not even being able to draw out the full potential of her toxin, but the weakening of her body at one time causes it to where overexerting herslef in the use of her kagune will result in falling into a deeply sick state.

Kagune/Quinque: *Bikaku-she has a kagune similar to her sister's, a long segmented bikaku kagune with small spikes through it's length until it ends in a dual scorpion's tail. The kagune contains a strong venomous toxin. This toxin's effects will depend on where the toxin is injected into and in what amount, as well as for what duration. These effects are:
1st-Headaches and minor inching
2nd-Feelings of nausea and exhaustion
3rd-Numbness of the limbs and hallucinations
4th-Paralitic effect

At the present time, due to her young age, she is unable to fully use her kagune's toxin, as it would probably more than run her dry to attempt so. She can at most with intense effort us the 4th tier. Normally she is immune to her own poison, however if she attempts to eat human food it's possible the resistance will lower to the point where she can be affected by it.

Misc. Abilities:
code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant

Hibiki (響) "Yuri" (Kita (北) )



Age: 9

Species: ghoul

Rank/Class: C+

Gender: male

Sexuality: unknown.

Height: 4'2

Appearance: bottom

Personality: Hibiki is relatively- very quiet and he follows his older sibling everywhere and anywhere. His patience and tolerance knows no bounds he goes along with anything she says. Anything. If she wants to go into a run-down, clearly dangerous building, he will follow, though, he will voice tinyy and small concerns about her safety. In turn, he's pretty indifferent in this manner, and being how tolerant he is, he is ready to go with anything. You say he should go outside? fine. Tell him to come with or die? alright. Threaten his sister? Oh hell no. Threaten her, and he's willing to fight, but also willing to just lay town to and take the hit. He's clingy. He clings to his sister him an emotional and literal lifeline. Just like any twin would, or should, he really does love his older twin, and Hates. Hates more than anything, seeing her get hurt. Emotionally, and physically; and would rather he get hurt instead if he can help it. He's the type who would do anything for her, even if that means sacrificing himself, or even letting her hurt him. That's just how he is. On another hand, he also can be a little shy around strangers, though once he gets to know people, he can be very trusting. Even though and has a hard time speaking his mind. Well, he can't speak his mind actually, not at all. Not unless it pertains to the safety of Boken. He care for his 'other sister to, but not as nearly as much. He just can't see the appeal to anyone who is mean to everyone all the time, even if she is a bit nice to them, he's never been good with aggressive people like her. He still cares though, they did grow up together after all. And he's never voiced his thoughts about her either. So, well actually that's normal.

-his sister(top)(Boken)
-his other sister
-adoptive father,

-(only a little) his other sister
-other/learning languges

-Boken being hurt

Bio: He grew up pretty normally for ghouls, in an apartment with his parents, who at least one of which had come from Europe, he didn't know and didn't really care. They would work at their human jobs, well father would, and mother home schooled them(though he would ignore anything involving another language. bleh. words.). every once and a while, they would both leave, at night, and come back with more food, and occasionally showed them the basics of what they would need to do if they came out hunting and taught them a little about their kagune's. One day though, when the twins were 4, they never came back. Hibiki and his sister waited, and waited, but no one came home. They got hungry, and even they were told against it, they went outside. A few weeks passed and then were found by a man with his own child, and taken in. being that his kid was also at least part ghoul, and he literally walking in on them eating a decomposing corpse in some back alley. They got integrated into the man's family, and he did his best to keep up with Boken, in a literal manner. He became more clingy of her presence after their parents disappeared.

-Toxic Kagune: His main, and by some accounts, only advantage in this world is the potential of the toxin in his kagune. Powerful enough to harm, but generally non-deadly and a weapon that can be useful regardless of the user being generally physically weak.
-Speed, he has gotten decently good at running about, due to chasing after, and trying to keep up with his sister.
He's relatively flexible.

-He is still just a child, and is not very strong at all in that sense.
-His sister. Using Boken is an easy way to manipulate him.

Kagune/Quinque: Bikaku. It's shaped like a segmented, slightly spiky, scorpion tail.
The kagune contains a strong venomous toxin(that they themselves are immune to). This toxin's effects will depend on where the toxin is injected into and in what amount, as well as for what duration. These effects are:
1st-Headaches and minor inching
2nd-Feelings of nausea and exhaustion
3rd-Numbness of the limbs and hallucinations
4th-Paralitic effect

Misc. Abilities:

code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant

They're all accepted! :)


Himiko "Eastwind" Otsuki


Himiko was born to two ‘loving, obnoxiously wealthy parents who spoiled (her) to no end’ (in the subject’s own words). While staying in their summer home in Italy, an attack by ghouls in Sicily left many- including her parents- dead. Unable to speak fluent Italian and suddenly unsure of who was ghoul and who was human, Himiko apparently continued to live on in her own in their little villa for eight months, only venturing out to buy groceries and other essential items with her parents’ credit card. She was only discovered when her mother’s grieving friend called the villa from Japan and Himiko picked up on the other end.

Himiko was flown back to Japan as per her Japanese residency and enrolled into the academy. At first she did rather poorly, as she, once again quoted, “still wasn’t entirely certain that she couldn’t get her old life back”. Apparently she realized her precarious situation when she received almost nothing for her inheritance, and has since become a strong (but unreliable) addition to Squad 36.


Species: Human

Age: Approx. 21

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 115 lb.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual(?)


Himiko Otsuki has been described by her peers as, and we quote, “a sixteen-year-old girl trapped in the body of a 21-year-old woman. She has neither the patience nor the mindset to deal with the mundanities of the world, which includes shuffling papers, digging through evidence lockers, and exterminating particularly boring(?) ghouls.”

Addendum: Otsuki frequently adopts the nickname of ‘Mom’, as she dotes on her peers like a mother hen- before “immediately turning around and cashing her entire paycheck on candy.” Whether this hinders her ability in the field is up to question.

INTERVIEWER: “Otsuki-san. What would you say you ‘like’?”

OTSUKI: “Umm… I don’t, like, really know what you mean. Like, in general?”

INTERVIEWER: “Yes. It can be anything.”

OTSUKI: “Mm-hmm… okay, then that would have to be candy. And shopping and cute skirts and killing ghouls and stuff like that. Oh, oh! (claps hands) And flowers! Flowers are so beautiful. And tea! That should be it, I think.”

INTERVIEWER: “As for dislikes?”

OTSUKI: “Oh, that’s easy. Socks and sandals. I wanna kill anyone who thinks that’s okay, because it’s really not. Snakes and lizards are super creepy. And, [OTSUKI becomes agitated] and I really FUCKING hate it when people call that white stuff they sell in candy stores ‘white chocolate’, because it’s not chocolate! It has no coco beans, or whatever, it’s just cream and sugar-“[sic.] (The rest of the transcript is considered irrelevant to the proposed question.)

Addendum: It should be noted that Himiko Otsuki also has a fear of spiders, feral dogs, Japan-born citizens who can speak Italian, statues, ghouls in formal outfits, and white birds, though she has admitted to none of these phobias- with the exception of the statues (reason given: “They’re creepy as hell, aren’t they, sweetie?”)

Himiko is a quick thinker who keeps calm in the heat of battle. She has been observed to become more ‘logical, like an actual commander’ during a combat situation, as opposed to her normally flippant nature. Her high agility and ability with her quinques is impressive, as is her ability to hold a volatile team together.

Himiko lacks physical strength, and relies heavily on speed to get around. She is also very fragile in terms of taking damage and can be likened to a glass cannon. As such, she fares poorly in sustained frontline battle, as opposed to taking on an opponent one-on-one.

Her attitude towards ghoul investigation and the exterminating process is sometimes unacceptably crude. Exposure to her when concerning new investigators may become a problem, as this attitude has been observed to be infectious.

Dual fans. These are designed to look inconspicuous, but are extremely sharp and bladed on both ends. A press of button on one of the fans can expel a pink-colored fluid ‘energy fabric’ from the edge of the fan, which will slice through most ghoul skin with ease. The energy fabric remains attached to the fan for the duration of the attack, but can only be sustained for ~3.56 seconds at a time before requiring a cooldown of ~2.5 seconds and is therefore used in brief ‘flashes’. The ‘energy fabric’ is an experimental design taken from a flame-type ukaku kagune.

<Misc. Abilities>
Brewing tea, vocal impressions of others, and (quoted) ‘fashion sense’.

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Yuji Hachimaru


Nickname/Alias: Mister Duplicity

Age: 25

Species: Human

Rank/Class: Second Class, Rank 3 Investigator.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5’9’’

Personality: Easy-going, impulsive, and carefree. That sums up Yuji’s personality quite nicely. He doesn’t let the words or opinion of others bother him and acts in a way that he thinks is best to solve the case. Or in a way that’s most enjoyable to him. Yuji doesn’t work well with authority and is most effective when left to his own devices. He won’t outwardly oppose his superiors or anything. He’ll just do things behind their backs and deal with the consequences later. He is an optimist and an idealist, believing that everything will work out in the end if he sets his mind to it.

Yuji is a pacifist. He doesn’t like to fight and would rather talk his way out of problems. An endless stream of words, similar to what one would expect from a salesman. Or a con man. Despite being brought into the CCG, Yuji dislikes blood, violence, etc. Can’t really stomach the sight of it so leaves much of those things to the more hardcore investigators (though he plays the part of the bad cop well enough when he has to). Nor does he harbor any profound hatred for ghouls. In fact, he finds their mentality quite fascinating and wants to uncover their secrets. All their secrets. He believes the best way to find a criminal is to delve into their mind and walk in their shoes…which is why he’s perfected certain arts such as lying, lock picking, thieving, etc.

To that end, Yuji is great at undercover work.

Though, the truth is, Yuji just loves mysteries. That’s what he lives for. He finds great satisfaction in uncovering plots and foiling evil masterminds (though more often than not, he’s dealing with regular street thugs). He likes matching wits with others and can get a bit competitive when he finds someone worth matching wits with. Or his deductive skills are being questioned. Otherwise, he’s rather lazy and undisciplined—requiring copious amounts of rewards and motivation to do work (or things he considers work). Even then, he still complains. Yuji lacks ambition and is perfectly content with being a rank 3 lackey if it means less stress.


Before being conscripted into the CCG, he was a criminal, imprisoned for assaulting a CCG investigator . Before being a criminal he was the bodyguard of a wealthy business owner. Before being the bodyguard of said business owner, he was freelance detective tasked with the case of finding a young girl’s father.

Yuji Hachimaru was well known, in certain circles, as an extremely…odd…PI. His track record wasn’t great. He failed more cases than he solved. However, the ones he did solve were the ones many detectives and officers had given up on as a dead end. His actual skills are hard to gauge due to his lack of ambition and carefree personality. His grades in school had been average. Not spectacular, but not bad. Both his parents were regular office workers—and now happily retired. The only thing he has going for him is that his mother is Italian (and used to be a part of the mafia, but that’s a whole ‘nother can of beans that has nothing to do with him).

Yuji lived a regular life as a Japanese student then, upon graduating high school, started his own little one-man detective agency in a small office he’d rented—taking on whatever cases interested in him. He’d never even interacted with ghouls until his run in with the CCG investigator.

For the next year or so, Yuji Hachimaru would spend his life in prison.

To be honest, it wasn’t so bad. Free food. Friendly chats/wrestling matches with inmates. He even learned a bit of karate from his giant of a cell mate. Though, to be honest, a good portion of his time in prison was spent reading—whatever he could get his hands on. Then, one day, the CCG investigator he’d assaulted visited him with a proposition. Join the newly formed Squad 36, do some community service by helping to catch a couple of ghouls, and he would be freed of all charges. Not only that, he might even get paid for his work.

Yuji couldn’t say he liked how CCG handled things very much, but he agreed nonetheless. Before officially joining Squad 36, Yuji was forced into a 6-month accelerated crash course of everything a regular investigator should’ve learned at the academy. His trainer/supervisor, the CCG Investigator that invited him, was brutal. Yuji was almost grateful when he was handed over to Associate Special Class, Nishihara Kiro, except for the fact that he wouldn’t get to see the lovely Investigator Natsumi Katasugi as much anymore. Ah well. His new squad mates were amusing in their own way.

Currently, he’s taken an interest in a certain doctor.

Likes: Teasing people, mysteries, pretty girls, reading, chatting with people, playing with hand cuffs, puzzle games (crossword puzzles, rubik’s cubes, sodoku, all kinds really)

Dislikes: Blood, violence, excessive torture, bitter foods, hard work.

Strengths: Smart, good at undercover work, decent shot with Q-bullet pistol, good hand-eye coordination, handles knives/daggers well, picks things up quickly when taught.

Weakness: human-level physique/limitations, low endurance, tendency to do things on his own.

Quique: He's not even allowed to have one yet.

Misc Abilities: pick-pocketing, misdirection, prestidigitation, puzzle-solving, hacking, making excuses.


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Ikiru Nomichi








A genuine albino who studies online by day, and delivers justice by night. Has the atmosphere of an eccentric both in and out of costume.

Ikiru Nomichi is without a doubt, a teenager, and one dead in the middle of her rebellious phase at that.

She spends the most of her time locked up in her room, and any time out of it pursuing the weird, dangerous hobby that he's called 'Knight'. She's quick to get into an argument and slow to give up on her stance. At the same time, she's about as socially competent as you'd expect a chuunibyou shut-in to be; Not at all. Conversations are a competition and the way to win it is to have the loudest voice. If she were human, she'd definitely be the sort of lived solely off of cup noodles and potato chips, but she isn't so she lives off of canned coffee and dried meat instead.

That is at least assuming you are talking about Ikiru and not Knight. As the B-Rank Ghoul Knight, she is a paragon of justice inspired by half-watched episodes of tokusatsu dramas and poorly translated comics. Fight evil, protect the meek and deliver one-liners both positive and negative in surplus. Her persona of a self-styled hero is the type to never argue, dole out advice at every turn, never tell a lie and always tell kids to brush their teeth and be in be before nine. Though, the effect tends to be damaged when she'd speaking those works at 3 am.

A contrasting pair of personalities to be sure, and it's likely that more than one of them is an act. Both, perhaps, built to fill an emptiness that it's just a bit too early for her to bring herself to recognize, let alone face.

Tokusatsu Dramas.
Western Culture.
The noises of the city.
Alt Rock.

Soap Operas.
Nu Metal.

Meeting her Father.
'Falling to Evil'.

"Survival of the Fittest, dear."

A sentiment of the sort of person who clearly defines the difference between "Parent" and "Caregiver", and the last words that Ikiru Nomichi remembers hearing from her father. A strong believer of philosophies such as "Adversity builds character", Ikiru's father abandoned her not long after she was able to walk and talk. She'd call it devastating, but at such a young age you adapt quickly. To recognize abnormality requires one to first recognize normality, and Ikiru was burdened with no such luggage.

With tooth and claw, she carved herself a place in the world.

For her first few years, she killed randomly and sparingly. Only ever when she felt hunger would she emerge from whatever apartment or home she was squatting in, and go on the hunt. But on an instinctual level, she knew that was just surviving, not living. She lacked purpose, so to say. So she was quick to concoct one. Her father, even if she hardly remembered him, was a figure that it was only natural for her to resent. And, just as naturally, one that she wanted to oppose. She'd gathered, over the years, that he was a Ghoul. Not merely as a species but to the core of his being. A tried and true predator of the highest degree, and best ways to oppose such a being were clear; Climb higher up the food chain, or position herself as a fundamental opposite. And as it happened, there was one perfect existence that did both flawlessly. The CCG. Specifically, Doves. The Hunters of Hunters and Protectors of the Prey, as she saw it.

So she fashioned herself not as a Ghoul, but an Investigator. Her Kagune went neglected and she trained herself in the arts of classical combat. Rather than killing at random, she'd hunt the Hunters. Nightly patrols of both training and justice, sweeping in to attack the unsuspecting Ghoul and save the unappreciative prey. At some point, she came into the possession of a stolen cache of the CCG's Qs Steel and fashioned herself the identity of 'Knight', a Ghoul of Justice who stands for the weak and against the cruel.

Or at least, she'd have both others and herself believe.

Has a lot of specific, unusual skills. Especially for a 15-year-old. She's very handy, especially with metalwork, knows her way around western swordplay, and can cook human food for some reason. The internet really is a blessing, huh? She's also quite the natural learner in general, as evidenced by her teaching herself metalwork, of all things.

Because she educates herself through the internet, she only ever learns things she's interested in. So, beyond the basics, math and language are beyond her. More poignantly, she's completely unable to control the formation of her Kagune. Perhaps because of this, she fights as a Human. Her signature outfit, sword and shield are all made of Qs steel, but they can hardly compare to an actual Quinque or Kagune in both hardness and versatility.

Koukaku - Ikiru has a particularly poor control over her Kagune, so she's only able to form it into an unrefined mass that spills out from and over her shoulder. It has no real offense use in the state that it's in, but tends to harden around her neck and over her heart, so it provides a decent defensive advantage to make up for it. Peculiarly, it shows the ability to 'self-cannibalize', pulling RC Cells from the rest of Ikiru's body to further harden in expand. Naturally, she has as little control over this as the rest of her Kagune, and it only ever activates in response to strong physical trauma, out of an instinctual reflex to defend herself. It is white in color.

Ikiru is the owner of a set of armor, a sword and a shield composed of Qs steel. Collectively, they form her 'mask', the identity of Knight. They do a decent job, but can't be compared to a genuine Quinque or Kagune in any of their uses. The armor and shield can only be used to deflect, rather than block, any attack that isn't coming from a low-level Ukaku, and the sword can only strike at exposed flesh and other weak points.

Because of her... Hobbies as Knight, most of her food comes from other Ghouls, but not to the degree where she's begun develop a Kakuja.

Her father is an SS Class Ghoul known by the moniker of 'Librarian'. He is a Ukaku wielder.

code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant
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Mae Sugiyama

File Accessed
Lil' Vampire



Rank 2 Investigator


Homosexual for... reasons

4'6ft (142cm)
74lbs (34kg)
Mae is a short obviously, holding a rather delicate-appearing frame being on the smaller side of life. Her dirty blonde hair is kept short, and is typically covering one eye. Even in combat her hair seemed to conceal her eye which isn't necessarily a bad thing in her case, due to scarring being an issues. That will be touched on later thought. Her skin is ghostly pale, which could give off the possibility of her being malnourished or even sickly, but this couldn't be more in the wrong. She is simply a pale girl based on genetics, her muscle doesn't show up but it expresses itself in more ways than not. Ironically she could probably beat half the other investigators in an arm-wrestling match.

Based on her hairstyle it could be inferred that she keeps it cut to an emo-bob style and gets it thinned, this is just because her hair is thick and knots in your hair tend to hurt when being stressed. Half-visible most of the time is a pair of watercolor, light red eyes. They seem to hide most things, however it is said that the eyes are the window to the soul. Past this Mae has scars on multiple parts of her body from her past, though she does well to keep all of them hidden. Though that isn't hard since most are on her back, they vary in range and depth but it is known she has thirty of them on her back alone.

Coming to her front side she has one scar that makes a crescent moon around her right eye though as to how this came to be is still unknown. Along the lines of clothing, Mae tends to wear few colors with little differentiation in her outfits. Of course she'll wear the classic investigator get up, though she does wear gloves when in this outfit. Or she'll wear an oversized sweater and a skirt, if she looks odd then she's fine having people think such of her. When fighting she doesn't worry about blood getting on her clothes, it's bound to happen in her line of.. expertise.

Mae is known as the Lil' Vampire, which people have assumed to be linked to her tendencies to enjoy the dark and neutrality towards blood. She's a bit mysterious overall, since she seems to be different than others. When she laughs at a joke there's always that little tick that puts her as different from other people, this doesn't stop her though. She is decently social and expresses a genuine interest in the opinions of others, if she finds value in the person. On the topic of death, she isn't fearful, rather she knows it will come but does her best to prevent it. This makes her an extremely cautious and perceptive individual.

Though when the red-tinted glasses of anger cover her eyes she does happen to go a bit reckless, despite this being an exceptionally rare occassion. As such she isn't quick to anger. She is better in the regards of calming people down then getting herself worked up, which makes her a typically calm person. Otherwise such capabilities would be much harder for her to obtain. Which enables her to adapt her personality to best suit a situation, making her the good and bad cop when she needs to act the part.

Meat, Specifically fish.
Latte Art
Mythology, She could honestly be considered a mythology buff when it comes to random pantheons.

Baseball (Mainly the Bats)
Koukaku Users

Loosing Everything.
Contracting an Incurable Ailment.

Attempting to Reconnect
Mae grew up in your standard home, a quaint little two bedroom two bathroom apartment. Her father and mother worked until late at night, her father being a business man and her mother as a bartender as she heard. She was happy in her family, a growing relationship with each of the three members. However she never met her grandparents, nor did her family have the same hair-color as her. Allot of family friends came over until late in the night, clients for the business firm or other friends that they'd met through work. After a little while their home was upgraded to a larger apartment with an absolutely beautiful view to the city outside, flashing neon lights had been the source of Mae's amazement while her parents were talking with people.

A week after they'd gotten used to this new apartment on the thirtieth floor a housewarming party had been thrown, her family was always the open and cheerful one. She was off by her lonesome staring out the window as the situation happened, screaming from the kitchen had caused Mae to turn around and notice the situation unfolding. A ghoul had apparently gotten in and was eating one of the other members of the party-goers, people frantically tried to escape but Mae was frozen in fear behind the couch. The ghoul had seen her and shuffled towards her with it's koukaku extended and ready, however he knew she couldn't fight back being a young child. She had moved to try and escape him but her arm had been grasped and pulled her back to him.

The smell of booze thick on his breath he spoke to her by the window, "Don't cry. If you do Mommy and Daddy will get hurt" as he lifted his koukaku to her face and carved the moon of that night, beside her eye. The blood dribbled down and she could do nothing to stop it except tear up and bite her tongue, afraid for her parents. As he finished and pulled his arm back he smirked, a plan to take her life there was made and he was going to go through with it. In her next few moments she witnessed the man she'd know as her father tackling the ghoul, but being as boozed up as the ghoul was they broke through the window and down the thirty levels of the house. Despite the ghoul being at the bottom there wasn't a possibility for either to survive, human or not the fall was too high.

At the funeral for what remained of her fathers body she was told by her "Mother" of her adoption, and how they had been incapable of producing a child themselves so they had gained her as a member of their family. Mae was already heartbroken by her fathers unfortunate demise so she was almost happy to accept that. Growing a bit more she had been transferred into the care of another man, a bitter old man. Who could relate to her story as he had lost his wife to a ghoul, she grew quickly from here and chose to attend the academy. By taking an honors cirriculum she graduated in one year and has now been placed on a team with other investigators, from here who knows what's in store for her?

Connection Terminated
Speedy for a human, making her harder to hit.
Capable of strong attacks

Takes hits harder than others, causing a necessity for much more caution.
Mistrusting of others, unless she's known them for a bit.
Can get caught up in rage during battle.

Tarutarosu (タルタロス):
The quinque which Mae uses is created from the Kakuhou of a Bikaku ghoul. More specifically it had been extracted from an S~ class ghoul with a rather high rc count, roughly 4000, by the name of REDACTED. The quinque itself takes the form of a light chainsaw, the blade is more than capable of slashing through even koukaku. The specifics of the design show a skull being cracked open at the jaws, this is where the blade for the chainsaw comes from and Mae is shown to use this Quinque in a dangerously skilled manner.

Misc. Abilities:
Can Sew, and often does.
Very flexible
Good Photographer

Misc. Info:
If she is put into critical condition it's possible she may need to undergo a kakuhou transplant surgery, or she may out right die.
Yuji Hachimaru


Nickname/Alias: Mister Duplicity

Age: 25

Species: Human

Second Class, Rank 3 Investigator.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5’9’’

Personality: Easy-going, impulsive, and carefree. That sums up Yuji’s personality quite nicely. He doesn’t let the words or opinion of others bother him and acts in a way that he thinks is best to solve the case. Or in a way that’s most enjoyable to him. Yuji doesn’t work well with authority and is most effective when left to his own devices. He won’t outwardly oppose his superiors or anything. He’ll just do things behind their backs and deal with the consequences later. He is an optimist and an idealist, believing that everything will work out in the end if he sets his mind to it.

Yuji is a pacifist. He doesn’t like to fight and would rather talk his way out of problems. An endless stream of words, similar to what one would expect from a salesman. Or a con man. Despite being brought into the CCG, Yuji dislikes blood, violence, etc. Can’t really stomach the sight of it so leaves much of those things to the more hardcore investigators (though he plays the part of the bad cop well enough when he has to). Nor does he harbor any profound hatred for ghouls. In fact, he finds their mentality quite fascinating and wants to uncover their secrets. All their secrets. He believes the best way to find a criminal is to delve into their mind and walk in their shoes…which is why he’s perfected certain arts such as lying, lock picking, thieving, etc.

To that end, Yuji is great at undercover work.

Though, the truth is, Yuji just loves mysteries. That’s what he lives for. He finds great satisfaction in uncovering plots and foiling evil masterminds (though more often than not, he’s dealing with regular street thugs). He likes matching wits with others and can get a bit competitive when he finds someone worth matching wits with. Or his deductive skills are being questioned. Otherwise, he’s rather lazy and undisciplined—requiring copious amounts of rewards and motivation to do work (or things he considers work). Even then, he still complains. Yuji lacks ambition and is perfectly content with being a rank 3 lackey if it means less stress.


Before being conscripted into the CCG, he was a criminal, imprisoned for assaulting a CCG investigator . Before being a criminal he was the bodyguard of a wealthy business owner. Before being the bodyguard of said business owner, he was freelance detective tasked with the case of finding a young girl’s father.

Yuji Hachimaru was well known, in certain circles, as an extremely…odd…PI. His track record wasn’t great. He failed more cases than he solved. However, the ones he did solve were the ones many detectives and officers had given up on as a dead end. His actual skills are hard to gauge due to his lack of ambition and carefree personality. His grades in school had been average. Not spectacular, but not bad. Both his parents were regular office workers—and now happily retired. The only thing he has going for him is that his mother is Italian (and used to be a part of the mafia, but that’s a whole ‘nother can of beans that has nothing to do with him).

Yuji lived a regular life as a Japanese student then, upon graduating high school, started his own little one-man detective agency in a small office he’d rented—taking on whatever cases interested in him. He’d never even interacted with ghouls until his run in with the CCG investigator.

For the next year or so, Yuji Hachimaru would spend his life in prison.

To be honest, it wasn’t so bad. Free food. Friendly chats/wrestling matches with inmates. He even learned a bit of karate from his giant of a cell mate. Though, to be honest, a good portion of his time in prison was spent reading—whatever he could get his hands on. Then, one day, the CCG investigator he’d assaulted visited him with a proposition. Join the newly formed Squad 36, do some community service by helping to catch a couple of ghouls, and he would be freed of all charges. Not only that, he might even get paid for his work.

Yuji couldn’t say he liked how CCG handled things very much, but he agreed nonetheless. Before officially joining Squad 36, Yuji was forced into a 6-month accelerated crash course of everything a regular investigator should’ve learned at the academy. His trainer/supervisor, the CCG Investigator that invited him, was brutal. Yuji was almost grateful when he was handed over to Associate Special Class, Nishihara Kiro, except for the fact that he wouldn’t get to see the lovely Investigator Natsumi Katasugi as much anymore. Ah well. His new squad mates were amusing in their own way.

Currently, he’s taken an interest in a certain doctor.

Teasing people, mysteries, pretty girls, reading, chatting with people, playing with hand cuffs, puzzle games (crossword puzzles, rubik’s cubes, sodoku, all kinds really)

Dislikes: Blood, violence, excessive torture, bitter foods, hard work.

Strengths: Smart, good at undercover work, decent shot with Q-bullet pistol, good hand-eye coordination, handles knives/daggers well, picks things up quickly when taught.

human-level physique/limitations, low endurance, tendency to do things on his own.

Quique: He's not even allowed to have one yet.

Misc Abilities: pick-pocketing, misdirection, prestidigitation, puzzle-solving, hacking, making excuses.

Ikiru Nomichi

Nickname/Alias: Knight

Age: 15

Species: Ghoul

Rank/Class: B

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 4'10"

Appearance: A genuine albino who studies online by day, and delivers justice by night. Has the atmosphere of an eccentric both in and out of costume.


Tokusatsu Dramas.
Western Culture.
The noises of the city.
Alt Rock.

Soap Operas.
Nu Metal.



Strengths: Has a lot of specific, unusual skills. Especially for a 15-year-old. She's very handy, especially with metalwork, knows her way around western swordplay, and can cook human food for some reason. The internet really is a blessing, huh?

Weaknesses: Because she educates herself through the internet, she only ever learns things she's interested in. So, beyond the basics, math and language are beyond her. More poignantly, she's completely unable to control the formation of her Kagune. Perhaps because of this, she fights as a Human. Her signature outfit, sword and shield are all made of Qs steel, but they can hardly compare to an actual Quinque or Kagune in both hardness and versatility.

Kagune/Quinque: Koukaku - Ikiru has a particularly poor control over her Kagune, so she's only able to form it into an unrefined mass that spills out from and over her shoulder. It has no real offense use in the state that it's in, but tends to harden around her neck and over her heart, so it provides a decent defensive advantage to make up for it. Peculiarly, it shows the ability to 'self-cannibalize', pulling RC Cells from the rest of Ikiru's body to further harden in expand. Naturally, she has as little control over this as the rest of her Kagune, and it only ever activates in response to strong physical trauma, out of an instinctual reflex to defend herself. It is white in color.

Misc. Abilities: Equipment rather than Abilities, Ikiru is the owner of a set of armor, a sword and a shield composed of Qs steel. Collectively, they form her 'mask', the identity of Knight. They do a decent job, but can't be compared to a genuine Quinque or Kagune in any of their uses. The armor and shield can only be used to deflect, rather than block, any attack that isn't coming from a low-level Ukaku, and the sword can only strike at exposed flesh and other weak points.

code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant
Mae Sugiyama

File Accessed
Lil' Vampire



Rank 2 Investigator


Homosexual for... reasons

4'6ft (142cm)
74lbs (34kg)
Mae is a short obviously, holding a rather delicate-appearing frame being on the smaller side of life. Her dirty blonde hair is kept short, and is typically covering one eye. Even in combat her hair seemed to conceal her eye which isn't necessarily a bad thing in her case, due to scarring being an issues. That will be touched on later thought. Her skin is ghostly pale, which could give off the possibility of her being malnourished or even sickly, but this couldn't be more in the wrong. She is simply a pale girl based on genetics, her muscle doesn't show up but it expresses itself in more ways than not. Ironically she could probably beat half the other investigators in an arm-wrestling match.

Based on her hairstyle it could be inferred that she keeps it cut to an emo-bob style and gets it thinned, this is just because her hair is thick and knots in your hair tend to hurt when being stressed. Half-visible most of the time is a pair of watercolor, light red eyes. They seem to hide most things, however it is said that the eyes are the window to the soul. Past this Mae has scars on multiple parts of her body from her past, though she does well to keep all of them hidden. Though that isn't hard since most are on her back, they vary in range and depth but it is known she has thirty of them on her back alone.

Coming to her front side she has one scar that makes a crescent moon around her right eye though as to how this came to be is still unknown. Along the lines of clothing, Mae tends to wear few colors with little differentiation in her outfits. Of course she'll wear the classic investigator get up, though she does wear gloves when in this outfit. Or she'll wear an oversized sweater and a skirt, if she looks odd then she's fine having people think such of her. When fighting she doesn't worry about blood getting on her clothes, it's bound to happen in her line of.. expertise.

Mae is known as the Lil' Vampire, which people have assumed to be linked to her tendencies to enjoy the dark and neutrality towards blood. She's a bit mysterious overall, since she seems to be different than others. When she laughs at a joke there's always that little tick that puts her as different from other people, this doesn't stop her though. She is decently social and expresses a genuine interest in the opinions of others, if she finds value in the person. On the topic of death, she isn't fearful, rather she knows it will come but does her best to prevent it. This makes her an extremely cautious and perceptive individual.

Though when the red-tinted glasses of anger cover her eyes she does happen to go a bit reckless, despite this being an exceptionally rare occassion. As such she isn't quick to anger. She is better in the regards of calming people down then getting herself worked up, which makes her a typically calm person. Otherwise such capabilities would be much harder for her to obtain. Which enables her to adapt her personality to best suit a situation, making her the good and bad cop when she needs to act the part.

Meat, Specifically fish.
Latte Art
Mythology, She could honestly be considered a mythology buff when it comes to random pantheons.

Baseball (Mainly the Bats)
Koukaku Users

Loosing Everything.
Contracting an Incurable Ailment.

Attempting to Reconnect
Mae grew up in your standard home, a quaint little two bedroom two bathroom apartment. Her father and mother worked until late at night, her father being a business man and her mother as a bartender as she heard. She was happy in her family, a growing relationship with each of the three members. However she never met her grandparents, nor did her family have the same hair-color as her. Allot of family friends came over until late in the night, clients for the business firm or other friends that they'd met through work. After a little while their home was upgraded to a larger apartment with an absolutely beautiful view to the city outside, flashing neon lights had been the source of Mae's amazement while her parents were talking with people.

A week after they'd gotten used to this new apartment on the thirtieth floor a housewarming party had been thrown, her family was always the open and cheerful one. She was off by her lonesome staring out the window as the situation happened, screaming from the kitchen had caused Mae to turn around and notice the situation unfolding. A ghoul had apparently gotten in and was eating one of the other members of the party-goers, people frantically tried to escape but Mae was frozen in fear behind the couch. The ghoul had seen her and shuffled towards her with it's koukaku extended and ready, however he knew she couldn't fight back being a young child. She had moved to try and escape him but her arm had been grasped and pulled her back to him.

The smell of booze thick on his breath he spoke to her by the window, "Don't cry. If you do Mommy and Daddy will get hurt" as he lifted his koukaku to her face and carved the moon of that night, beside her eye. The blood dribbled down and she could do nothing to stop it except tear up and bite her tongue, afraid for her parents. As he finished and pulled his arm back he smirked, a plan to take her life there was made and he was going to go through with it. In her next few moments she witnessed the man she'd know as her father tackling the ghoul, but being as boozed up as the ghoul was they broke through the window and down the thirty levels of the house. Despite the ghoul being at the bottom there wasn't a possibility for either to survive, human or not the fall was too high.

At the funeral for what remained of her fathers body she was told by her "Mother" of her adoption, and how they had been incapable of producing a child themselves so they had gained her as a member of their family. Mae was already heartbroken by her fathers unfortunate demise so she was almost happy to accept that. Growing a bit more she had been transferred into the care of another man, a bitter old man. Who could relate to her story as he had lost his wife to a ghoul, she grew quickly from here and chose to attend the academy. By taking an honors cirriculum she graduated in one year and has now been placed on a team with other investigators, from here who knows what's in store for her?

Connection Terminated
Speedy for a human, making her harder to hit.
Capable of strong attacks

Takes hits harder than others, causing a necessity for much more caution.
Mistrusting of others, unless she's known them for a bit.
Can get caught up in rage during battle.

Tarutarosu (タルタロス):
The quinque which Mae uses is created from the Kakuhou of a Bikaku ghoul. More specifically it had been extracted from an S~ class ghoul with a rather high rc count, roughly 4000, by the name of REDACTED. The quinque itself takes the form of a light chainsaw, the blade is more than capable of slashing through even koukaku. The specifics of the design show a skull being cracked open at the jaws, this is where the blade for the chainsaw comes from and Mae is shown to use this Quinque in a dangerously skilled manner.

Misc. Abilities:
Can Sew, and often does.
Very flexible
Good Photographer

Misc. Info:
If she is put into critical condition it's possible she may need to undergo a kakuhou transplant surgery, or she may out right die.

All accepted!

Aoki Haruto








Haruto's fragile constitution is reflected by his appearance; he looks pale and sickly with dark circles and thin chapped lips. During times of hunger, when his healing factor is slower than normal, his lips are often bloody from his habit of picking at them. Though he dresses in a prim and proper way, favoring button ups and turtleneck sweaters, his uncut bangs and ear piercing mark him as an unsavory character to mainstream Japanese society. Unlike most ghouls who adopt signature masks to identify themselves as they conduct their activities, he wears a plain black cold mask, a baseball cap, and a hoodie to conceal his identity. Hence, his killings of his fellow ghouls has largely flown under the radar. Often, humans mistake him to be a common human criminal because of his attire.

Haruto appears to be a distant but polite and self-effacing young man. To some, however, his politeness can be off-putting because it comes off as another way for him to distance himself. Further interactions are likely to be uncomfortable because one gets the sense that Haruto doesn't really seem to exist, in that no matter what other people say or how other people treat him he defers to them completely. He possesses little to no sense of self, to the point that even an outright insult spoken to his face will garner a blank stare, or even agreement. His neighbors suspect that he possesses some sort of mental deficiency that prevents him from working a normal job. Unless spoken to, he speaks little.

Any talk regarding ghouls, however, will bring out the turmoil that stirs beneath his placid exterior. He possesses a strong opinion regarding the "rightness" and "wrongness" of the current relationship between humans and ghouls -- and that opinion is that ghouls who eat human flesh should be exterminated. However, he only hunts down ghouls who kill humans, and can passively tolerate ghouls who eat corpses not made by their own doing. It would be incorrect to say that he supports the CCG, since he thinks their suppression of human free speech is inhumane, but he does support their ghoul extermination activities.

-- Yes, Haruto possesses little to no sympathy for ghouls as a whole. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he thinks ghouls to be pitiable, on the same level as beasts. This mentality extends to his treatment of his own person. In times of hunger, he is willing to do anything in order to stem the impulse to consume human flesh, even auto-cannibalize (despite the counter productiveness of such an act). He keeps a regular stock of human food to consume, if only to distract and weaken his own instincts.

In other areas of life, Haruto is lackadaisical, floating in and out of the crowd without purpose. In his spare time, he can often be found day dreaming (though that glassy eyed look might just be fatigue). At work, he is industrious and detail-oriented, largely because he does not wish to burden his fellow workers or his boss. His personal life is far more disorganized: his own hole-in-the-wall apartment is piled high with trash and random discarded scribblings made during less lucid moments, and he frequently misplaces his possessions.

- Coffee
- The smell of fruits, particularly strawberries
- Watching the city lights
- Children's cartoons
- His night cleaning jobs

- The smell of blood
- Walking the streets at night
- The sound of children laughing
- The sound of gossiping housewives

- Ghouls
- Losing control, eating human flesh
- Dying
- Being caught by the CCG

"In the end, they'd never intended to hide the truth. They'd only wished for you to live with some semblance of normality."

Young Haruto thought he was no different from a human child. He looked like a human after all, and though he was homeschooled, they watched the same cartoons, loved the same hamburger steak. In time, Haruto began to realize that some things were off. He didn't seem to need to eat as much as his playground friends ("fast metabolism," they said) and when his friends gave him snacks to eat, he threw them up ("stomach flu," they said). His friends' suspicions were assuaged by the gifts of snacks he brought them when he'd "recovered" and he himself forgot about these small peculiarities when they all played cops and robbers together. He was always the fastest.

They worked as morticians, but Haruto didn't know what morticians were. He only knew that every few weeks, their family could afford hamburger steak and it was delicious. But as Haruto grew older, he wondered why it was that he could only eat meat and nothing else; why when he said he was hungry, his parents would tell him to stay home and lock the apartment up tight; why the people walking around all smelled like hamburger steak. Looking back, it was a pitiable existence. Maybe, somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that he and they were what all humans feared. He'd just refused to acknowledge it.

The truth was forced upon him when he was ten, in undesirable circumstances. In a rushed arrangement, he was sent away to live with his aunt in another city; perhaps they knew their time was up because they had packed all of his favorite games and movies and given him their teary goodbyes. His mother gave him her favorite watch. For a week, he received no contact from them, until he finally learned from his aunt that they'd been killed by Doves who'd tracked them down for a series of missing corpse cases.

Doves? Why would they suspect Mom and Dad? His aunt had been shocked that Haruto was unaware of his ghoulish nature, enough to attempt to prove the plainness of the fact. A slash of the fruit knife, and the wound closed up immediately. A bite or sip of any human food was unbearable, save for coffee and water. And lastly, human meat smelled appealing: raw or cooked, he would find himself salivating. The truth was disgusting. He dry heaved for days despite not having anything to throw up and refused to eat. Even force feeding him was no good, as he merely forced himself to vomit afterwards. His aunt would tie his hands up and though this method finally allowed his body to take in some nutrition, both his heart and his mind despaired.

Training in hunting and combat became a must. While Haruto found himself breaking down every time his aunt attempted to show him how to lure humans into secluded areas, he found that he could tolerate killing and eating other ghouls who'd attempted to disturb their hunting grounds. It didn't feel as... wrong. Ghouls could eat other ghouls, his aunt had said, but there was a risk that came with it. He didn't care. Anything was better than eating human flesh.

When he was eighteen, he moved out of his aunt's home and got multiple night jobs: cleaning for schools and office buildings, monitoring as security, the like. The lack of people around made it easier for him control his hunger, and the low barrier of entry and sparse hours meant he could organize his schedule around feeding days. He began actively stalking down ghouls, those who killed for pleasure being at the top of his list. It has been nine years since.

- Enhanced regenerative ability due to his kagune
- Light on his feet, quick reflexes
- Possesses a prevailing hatred for his own kind, so he attacks threatening ghouls ruthlessly
- Aggressive in combat
- Patient and methodical, often stalking his targets for days before making his move

- Experiences dizziness after exertion due to malnutrition; he will only eat ghoul meat (which he only comes across rarely) and when he does eat, half of the time he pukes it up. From time to time, he'll also attempt to consume human food despite the negative effects it has on his body.
- Low stamina, see above; he typically attempts to overwhelm his enemy from the very beginning before closing in for the kill
- He is easily provoked to fear and anxiety.
- Sometimes takes on more than he can handle
- In any incident involving a human civilian, he always prioritizes the safety of the human first.

Rinkaku. He can manifest anywhere from between one to four tentacles. He can also split those tentacles into small hairlike strands to penetrate the enemy, but these are quite fragile and easily broken.

Misc. Abilities:
He has a near encyclopedic knowledge of the alleyways of the 12th and 13th wards. Accustomed to running away at any threat of CCG presence, he has also taught himself an enhanced form of parkour aided by his ghoul abilities.
For some reason, likely genetic, he has found himself unaffected by the consumption of other ghouls' RC cells.

code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant
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Takahashi Katsuo




2nd Class, Rank 2




Katsuo looks to be the reliable type in both his fashion choices and his manner of comportment. He dresses smartly, if not in a rather non-descript, 'Japanese government worker' way. A tie is a must on the job, but the color has to be blue, gray, or black for him. His suits are off the rack, so some suits are tight around the shoulders due to the higher than average muscle and bone mass he's accumulated there from physical training, while larger sizes make him look boxy. There's just no winning with off-the-rack suits -- not that the man himself particularly minds, since they are cheaper.

Katsuo is a stern man, the receiver of many 'You must be fun at a party' comments. Sometimes he wishes he weren't such a bore, but then again, what can you do? Occasionally he may try to tell a joke, but his reputation precedes him; half of the time the joke flies over his colleagues' heads because of his perpetually serious face. He is a man of habit and this trait of his has only intensified with his enrollment into the CCG. After all, with the irregular work hours and high stress, one must have some semblance of routine to anchor themselves. In the mornings, you can often find him at the coffee shop near his apartment, sipping a nice cup of tea and reading the daily paper. Once every few weeks, he visits the local florist to browse their new inventory.

Aside from the small pleasures that he occasionally partakes in, much of Katsuo's life is taken up by his job at the CCG. He is a workaholic of the highest caliber, not even to be deterred by the sensitive nature of CCG documents which prohibit him from taking paperwork home with him. He follows the news religiously in order to get wind of any irregularities that might indicate ghoul activity and often asks after his neighbors for any rumors that might have escaped official notice. The Internet has also been a good monitor for the general ebb and flow of the ghoul community. Let it be known that Takahashi Katsuo is a man of determination.

In interpersonal relationships, Katsuo is guarded and slow to trust others. Though this has yet been proven to be a problem in his work, he is unlikely to think of his colleagues as his friends or even as his comrades. If things were to go wrong in an operation, nine times of ten he'll be withdrawing or following protocol, regardless of whether or not somebody else were to be in dire need of aid or rescue. Likewise, he doesn't expect such courtesies from his colleagues. After all, every one of them should have been prepared for death the moment they crossed the Academy doors with their certifications in hand. His views could be interpreted as cold and unfeeling, but they come from a good place; he thinks that impartiality during crises is more likely to keep people alive than not in the end.

- Potted plants, especially flowering plants
- Green tea
- Meat skewers
- Sitting in the park at night

- Cut flowers
- Aquariums, zoos, parks during the daytime, playgrounds
- Being in pictures
- Text messaging

- His mother
- Being a disappointment
- Love (or rather, the loss of control and reason that sometimes comes with it)

Katsuo's early life was the picture of the perfect modern family: a hardworking businessman for a father, a loving housewife for a mother, and a healthy, diligent boy for their son. Because his father frequently came home late from work, Katsuo rarely saw him during the week, but instead spent most of his time with his mother, a sensitive and caring woman. During the weekends, the three of them would go on family excursions -- sometimes to the amusement park, sometimes to the zoo. This dream lasted for the first eleven years of Katsuo's life, before an event ripped away the blinds that had kept him in blissful ignorance.

That night, Katsuo returned home early from a school field trip and entered the house, ready to announce his return. He'd expected his father and mother to welcome him back warmly and gesture him to the dinner table, like they did everyday. What he was surprised to hear were the sounds of an argument coming from upstairs -- ugly noises of discord within what he thought was a happy family life. Crying, pleading, shattering glass and then the slam of a door. Silence. It was the day he learned that his father did not love his mother as he had always believed, and that his father had been having multiple affairs with other women. They showed it on the TV all the time, but it was never pleasant. He didn't tell his parents of what he had heard, and if they knew he knew, they never let on.

Life went on as normal, but something fundamental had changed -- every interaction between them that had once been loving was now false. The boy wondered how they could feign it so naturally, and his confidence in them began to crumble. As a child, he had been naturally quiet and withdrawn, only opening up to his parents who were his whole world; now he began to close himself off even from them. If they noticed this change, they did not say.

At the end of his elementary school years, his father stopped coming home early during the weekends.

During Katsuo's junior high school years, his mother became increasingly strict on him. High school exams were coming up and she wanted him to excel both academically and athletically. She pushed him to be at the top of his class and expected him to attend judo lessons daily. It wasn't as if he liked judo or studying in particular, but he quietly complied. In the spring, he was enrolled into the first high school of his mother's choice yet he felt little joy at the occasion. By contrast, his mother was elated; her son's success was, to her, proof to the neighbors that their family was still perfect. Katsuo was the physical manifestation of the bond between her and her husband and she had raised the boy to be great -- with this, she hoped that her beloved would become faithful to her again. It was a delusion of desperation.

The second event that altered the trajectory of his life occurred during his second year in high school. The morning he woke up, his father was not sitting at the breakfast table, reading the paper and sipping his usual cup of tea. His mother was sitting at the couch her eyes red with exhaustion; she had been waiting there since last night. "He'll come home… he'll come home soon…" she muttered, wringing her hands in anxiety. At every ring of the phone, she jumped up to pick up the receiver. Katsuo didn't go to school that day because eventually the people in the white trench coats came to ask some questions. They bowed as they offered their condolences. Sometimes, in a slip of the tongue, they referred to his father as "the victim". Apparently, they initially had some trouble identifying the mangled corpse in the hotel bed. Luckily, the victim's identification card had been left on the night stand, so their search for the family members hadn't been difficult.

Neither of them cried at the funeral. Afterwards, Katsuo's mother hugged him with a figure that seemed fragile enough to blow into ash with a puff of the wind. "It was a ghoul that killed your father. They haven't caught her yet." There was an unspoken expectation there and a subtle coldness; it was then that Katsuo realized his place in her life, not as a son but as a way to reach the heart of a man who didn't love her -- who could no longer love her. He would become the instrument through which she would exact her revenge. If he succeeded, he would have killed the woman who'd permanently broken their home. If he died in the effort, she would be freed from the Takahashi name at the cost of his flesh.

When he graduated high school, he enrolled into the CCG Academy. Four years of grueling training, and he would be ready to fulfill his purpose.

- Highly adaptive
- Good combat instinct, honed by his years of experience in judo
- Team player, quick to anticipate his comrades' cues and needs
- Quick reflexes

- Overly cautious, tendency to be pushed to the defensive
- Inexperienced in fighting ghouls, as he is only a recent graduate of the academy
- Limited range with melee quinque
- Reliant on his team mates

Kagune/Quinque: A B-Ranked quinque of the bikaku type, officially named Ogawa 1/4 for the ghoul from which the kakuhou was extracted from. However, Katsuo hates that name because it reminds him of how it was once part of a being who, by all intents and purposes, moved through society as a human. He has since privately renamed it to Higanbana. It is a straight, single-edged blade fitted with a square guard.

Misc. Abilities:
Secretly a paperwork processor in human form. He used to serve on his high school's student council as the president, so he is used to bureaucracy and the headaches that usually come along with it.

code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant
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Aoki Haruto








Haruto's fragile constitution is reflected by his appearance; he looks pale and sickly with dark circles and thin chapped lips. During times of hunger, when his healing factor is slower than normal, his lips are often bloody from his habit of picking at them. Though he dresses in a prim and proper way, favoring button ups and turtleneck sweaters, his uncut bangs and ear piercing mark him as an unsavory character to mainstream Japanese society. Unlike most ghouls who adopt signature masks to identify themselves as they conduct their activities, he wears a plain black cold mask, a baseball cap, and a hoodie to conceal his identity. Hence, his killings of his fellow Ghouls has largely flown under the radar. Often, humans mistake him to be a common human criminal because of his attire.

Haruto appears to be a distant but polite and self-effacing young man. To some, however, his politeness can be off-putting because it comes off as another way for him to distance himself. Further interactions are likely to be uncomfortable because one gets the sense that Haruto doesn't really seem to exist, in that no matter what other people say or how other people treat him he defers to them completely. He possesses little to no sense of self, to the point that even an outright insult spoken to his face will garner a blank stare, or even agreement. His neighbors suspect that he possesses some sort of mental deficiency that prevents him from working a normal job. Unless spoken to, he speaks little.

Any talk regarding ghouls, however, will bring out the turmoil that stirs beneath his placid exterior. He possesses a strong opinion regarding the "rightness" and "wrongness" of the current relationship between humans and ghouls -- and that opinion is that ghouls who eat human flesh should be exterminated. However, he only hunts down ghouls who kill humans, and can passively tolerate ghouls who eat corpses not made by their own doing. It would be incorrect to say that he supports the CCG, since he thinks their suppression of human free speech is inhumane, but he does support their ghoul extermination activities.

-- Yes, Haruto possesses little to no sympathy for ghouls as a whole. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he thinks ghouls to be pitiable, on the same level as beasts. This mentality extends to his treatment of his own person. In times of hunger, he is willing to do anything in order to stem the impulse to consume human flesh, even auto-cannibalize (despite the counter productiveness of such an act). He keeps a regular stock of human food to consume, if only to distract and weaken his own instincts.

In other areas of life, Haruto is lackadaisical, floating in and out of the crowd without purpose. In his spare time, he can often be found day dreaming (though that glassy eyed look might just be fatigue). At work, he is industrious and detail-oriented, largely because he does not wish to burden his fellow workers or his boss. His personal life is far more disorganized: his own hole-in-the-wall apartment is piled high with trash and random discarded scribblings made during less lucid moments, and he frequently misplaces his possessions.

- Coffee
- The smell of fruits, particularly strawberries
- Watching the city lights
- Children's cartoons
- His night cleaning jobs

- The smell of blood
- Walking the streets at night
- The sound of children laughing
- The sound of gossiping housewives

- Ghouls
- Losing control, eating human flesh
- Dying
- Being caught by the CCG

"In the end, they'd never intended to hide the truth. They'd only wished for you to live with some semblance of normality."

Young Haruto thought he was no different from a human child. He looked like a human after all, and though he was homeschooled, they watched the same cartoons, loved the same hamburger steak. In time, Haruto began to realize that some things were off. He didn't seem to need to eat as much as his playground friends ("fast metabolism," they said) and when his friends gave him snacks to eat, he threw them up ("stomach flu," they said). His friends' suspicions were assuaged by the gifts of snacks he brought them when he'd "recovered" and he himself forgot about these small peculiarities when they all played cops and robbers together. He was always the fastest.

They worked as morticians, but Haruto didn't know what morticians were. He only knew that every few weeks, their family could afford hamburger steak and it was delicious. But as Haruto grew older, he wondered why it was that he could only eat meat and nothing else; why when he said he was hungry, his parents would tell him to stay home and lock the apartment up tight; why the people walking around all smelled like hamburger steak. Looking back, it was a pitiable existence. Maybe, somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that he and they were what all humans feared. He'd just refused to acknowledge it.

The truth was forced upon him when he was ten, in undesirable circumstances. In a rushed arrangement, he was sent away to live with his aunt in another city; perhaps they knew their time was up because they had packed all of his favorite games and movies and given him their teary goodbyes. His mother gave him her favorite watch. For a week, he received no contact from them, until he finally learned from his aunt that they'd been killed by Doves who'd tracked them down for a series of missing corpse cases.

Doves? Why would they suspect Mom and Dad? His aunt had been shocked that Haruto was unaware of his ghoulish nature, enough to attempt to prove the plainness of the fact. A slash of the fruit knife, and the wound closed up immediately. A bite or sip of any human food was unbearable, save for coffee and water. And lastly, human meat smelled appealing: raw or cooked, he would find himself salivating. The truth was disgusting. He dry heaved for days despite not having anything to throw up and refused to eat. Even force feeding him was no good, as he merely forced himself to vomit afterwards. His aunt would tie his hands up and though this method finally allowed his body to take in some nutrition, both his heart and his mind despaired.

Training in hunting and combat became a must. While Haruto found himself breaking down every time his aunt attempted to show him how to lure humans into secluded areas, he found that he could tolerate killing and eating other ghouls who'd attempted to disturb their hunting grounds. It didn't feel as... wrong. Ghouls could eat other ghouls, his aunt had said, but there was a risk that came with it. He didn't care. Anything was better than eating human flesh.

When he was eighteen, he moved out of his aunt's home and got multiple night jobs: cleaning for schools and office buildings, monitoring as security, the like. The lack of people around made it easier for him control his hunger, and the low barrier of entry and sparse hours meant he could organize his schedule around feeding days. He began actively stalking down ghouls, those who killed for pleasure being at the top of his list. It has been nine years since.

- Enhanced regenerative ability due to his kagune
- Light on his feet, quick reflexes
- Possesses a prevailing hatred for his own kind, so he attacks threatening ghouls ruthlessly
- Aggressive in combat
- Patient and methodical, often stalking his targets for days before making his move

- Experiences dizziness after exertion due to malnutrition; he will only eat ghoul meat (which he only comes across rarely) and when he does eat, half of the time he pukes it up. From time to time, he'll also attempt to consume human food despite the negative effects it has on his body.
- Low stamina, see above; he typically attempts to overwhelm his enemy from the very beginning before closing in for the kill
- He is easily provoked to fear and anxiety.
- Sometimes takes on more than he can handle
- In any incident involving a human civilian, he always prioritizes the safety of the human first.

Rinkaku. He can manifest anywhere from between one to four tentacles. He can also split those tentacles into small hairlike strands to penetrate the enemy, but these are quite fragile and easily broken.

Misc. Abilities:
He has a near encyclopedic knowledge of the alleyways of the 12th and 13th wards. Accustomed to running away at any threat of CCG presence, he has also taught himself an enhanced form of parkour aided by his ghoul abilities.
For some reason, likely genetic, he has found himself unaffected by the consumption of other ghouls' RC cells.

code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant

Takahashi Katsuo




2nd Class, Rank 2




Katsuo looks to be the reliable type in both his fashion choices and his manner of comportment. He dresses smartly, if not in a rather non-descript, 'Japanese government worker' way. A tie is a must on the job, but the color has to be blue, gray, or black for him. His suits are off the rack, so some suits are tight around the shoulders due to the higher than average muscle and bone mass he's accumulated there from physical training, while larger sizes make him look boxy. There's just no winning with off-the-rack suits -- not that the man himself particularly minds, since they are cheaper.

Katsuo is a stern man, the receiver of many 'You must be fun at a party' comments. Sometimes he wishes he weren't such a bore, but then again, what can you do? Occasionally he may try to tell a joke, but his reputation precedes him; half of the time the joke flies over his colleagues' heads because of his perpetually serious face. He is a man of habit and this trait of his has only intensified with his enrollment into the CCG. After all, with the irregular work hours and high stress, one must have some semblance of routine to anchor themselves. In the mornings, you can often find him at the coffee shop near his apartment, sipping a nice cup of tea and reading the daily paper. Once every few weeks, he visits the local florist to browse their new inventory.

Aside from the small pleasures that he occasionally partakes in, much of Katsuo's life is taken up by his job at the CCG. He is a workaholic of the highest caliber, not even to be deterred by the sensitive nature of CCG documents which prohibit him from taking paperwork home with him. He follows the news religiously in order to get wind of any irregularities that might indicate ghoul activity and often asks after his neighbors for any rumors that might have escaped official notice. The Internet has also been a good monitor for the general ebb and flow of the ghoul community. Let it be known that Takahashi Katsuo is a man of determination.

In interpersonal relationships, Katsuo is guarded and slow to trust others. Though this has yet been proven to be a problem in his work, he is unlikely to think of his colleagues as his friends or even as his comrades. If things were to go wrong in an operation, nine times of ten he'll be withdrawing or following protocol, regardless of whether or not somebody else were to be in dire need of aid or rescue. Likewise, he doesn't expect such courtesies from his colleagues. After all, every one of them should have been prepared for death the moment they crossed the Academy doors with their certifications in hand. His views could be interpreted as cold and unfeeling, but they come from a good place; he thinks that impartiality during crises is more likely to keep people alive than not in the end.

- Potted plants, especially flowering plants
- Green tea
- Meat skewers
- Sitting in the park at night

- Cut flowers
- Aquariums, zoos, parks during the daytime, playgrounds
- Being in pictures
- Text messaging

- His mother
- Being a disappointment
- Love (or rather, the loss of control and reason that sometimes comes with it)

Katsuo's early life was the picture of the perfect modern family: a hardworking businessman for a father, a loving housewife for a mother, and a healthy, diligent boy for their son. Because his father frequently came home late from work, Katsuo rarely saw him during the week, but instead spent most of his time with his mother, a sensitive and caring woman. During the weekends, the three of them would go on family excursions -- sometimes to the amusement park, sometimes to the zoo. This dream lasted for the first eleven years of Katsuo's life, before an event ripped away the blinds that had kept him in blissful ignorance.

That night, Katsuo returned home early from a school field trip and entered the house, ready to announce his return. He'd expected his father and mother to welcome him back warmly and gesture him to the dinner table, like they did everyday. What he was surprised to hear were the sounds of an argument coming from upstairs -- ugly noises of discord within what he thought was a happy family life. Crying, pleading, shattering glass and then the slam of a door. Silence. It was the day he learned that his father did not love his mother as he had always believed, and that his father had been having multiple affairs with other women. They showed it on the TV all the time, but it was never pleasant. He didn't tell his parents of what he had heard, and if they knew he knew, they never let on.

Life went on as normal, but something fundamental had changed -- every interaction between them that had once been loving was now false. The boy wondered how they could feign it so naturally, and his confidence in them began to crumble. As a child, he had been naturally quiet and withdrawn, only opening up to his parents who were his whole world; now he began to close himself off even from them. If they noticed this change, they did not say.

At the end of his elementary school years, his father stopped coming home early during the weekends.

During Katsuo's junior high school years, his mother became increasingly strict on him. High school exams were coming up and she wanted him to excel both academically and athletically. She pushed him to be at the top of his class and expected him to attend judo lessons daily. It wasn't as if he liked judo or studying in particular, but he quietly complied. In the spring, he was enrolled into the first high school of his mother's choice yet he felt little joy at the occasion. By contrast, his mother was elated; her son's success was, to her, proof to the neighbors that their family was still perfect. Katsuo was the physical manifestation of the bond between her and her husband and she had raised the boy to be great -- with this, she hoped that her beloved would become faithful to her again. It was a delusion of desperation.

The second event that altered the trajectory of his life occurred during his second year in high school. The morning he woke up, his father was not sitting at the breakfast table, reading the paper and sipping his usual cup of tea. His mother was sitting at the couch her eyes red with exhaustion; she had been waiting there since last night. "He'll come home… he'll come home soon…" she muttered, wringing her hands in anxiety. At every ring of the phone, she jumped up to pick up the receiver. Katsuo didn't go to school that day because eventually the people in the white trench coats came to ask some questions. They bowed as they offered their condolences. Sometimes, in a slip of the tongue, they referred to his father as "the victim". Apparently, they initially had some trouble identifying the mangled corpse in the hotel bed. Luckily, the victim's identification card had been left on the night stand, so their search for the family members hadn't been difficult.

Neither of them cried at the funeral. Afterwards, Katsuo's mother hugged him with a figure that seemed fragile enough to blow into ash with a puff of the wind. "It was a ghoul that killed your father. They haven't caught her yet." There was an unspoken expectation there and a subtle coldness; it was then that Katsuo realized his place in her life, not as a son but as a way to reach the heart of a man who didn't love her -- who could no longer love her. He would become the instrument through which she would exact her revenge. If he succeeded, he would have killed the woman who'd permanently broken their home. If he died in the effort, she would be freed from the Takahashi name at the cost of his flesh.

When he graduated high school, he enrolled into the CCG Academy. Four years of grueling training, and he would be ready to fulfill his purpose.

- Highly adaptive
- Good combat instinct, honed by his years of experience in judo
- Team player, quick to anticipate his comrades' cues and needs
- Quick reflexes

- Overly cautious, tendency to be pushed to the defensive
- Inexperienced in fighting ghouls, as he is only a recent graduate of the academy
- Limited range with melee quinque
- Reliant on his team mates

Kagune/Quinque: A B-Ranked quinque of the bikaku type, officially named Ogawa 1/4 for the ghoul from which the kakuhou was extracted from. However, Katsuo hates that name because it reminds him of how it was once part of a being who, by all intents and purposes, moved through society as a human. He has since privately renamed it to Higanbana. It is a straight, single-edged blade fitted with a square guard.

Misc. Abilities:
Secretly a paperwork processor in human form. He used to serve on his high school's student council as the president, so he is used to bureaucracy and the headaches that usually come along with it.

code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant

Both accepted! Welcome!
he aint got no history
"A-Ah, please don't hit me with my mic stand..."


  • Name:
    "A-Aki. Call me... Aki."
    Akihiko "Aki" Hayakawa

    "Ah... Well..."
    His stage name is 'Sweet's Witch', having opted for a more typically feminine name

    "Twenty five..."

    "I'm a man, but why are you... asking...?"
    Fluffy Boi

    "... Is this... Relevant...? I'm a Witch, clearly...!"
    Ghoul despite the fact that he insists he's a witch.

    "I uhm... Don't fight..."
    Aki isn't in the CCG Database due to the fact that he very rarely hunts or kills for himself, people around him having always done so for him. Currently, the person who hunts for him is his manager.

    "Oh, I'm gay- B-But don't tell anyone I said that!"

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General Info

Kemuri Lindahl
The butler


Kemuri has the appearance of a neatly put together, tall, and quite a handsome fellow with a complexion rivaling that of snow, leaving him looking quite ghostly. He has messy, shoulder-length black hair that partly hangs down in front of his face and dark, mat eyes. His shoulders are rather broad, but he tapers down quite drastically towards his waist and, overall, he has a relatively small frame.

He typically dresses in what can be described as a butlers outfit, consisting of black trousers, a double-breasted tailcoat, a vest, and a large ring with a rather big red gem.

Height:193 cm/6.3
Hair Color:Black, with a few hints dark browns.
Eye Color:Grey



Kagune: Koukaku

Kemuri's koukaku is a bone-white color and is quite rough looking with bumps, of shots and edges all over. It's not very durable and cannot take much punishment, but it makes up for it in adaptability, moveability, and regenerative properties.


Kemuri is a fair stern and mostly reserved man. He is primarily moved by logic and believes that it's more than possible for humans and ghouls to live side by side. He faithfully follows and carries out every order given to him without much, if any, hesitation, and finds pride in any job well done. He can come off as cold, apathetic, and impatient if there is something in his way or someone he doesn't like, and he can be quite vocal.

Despite his apathetic traits, Kemuri genuinely cares for the people close to him and will go to great lengths to protect them. He has shown on a few occasions that he is not completely devoid of joy or humor and often grins if anyone impresses him.

As a ghoul, a part of Kemuri's life is eating humans, and he does not care much for it. He prefers not having to kill to get a hold of food, often going to great lengths to avoid it. He hunts like a vulture, scavenging for leftover and the already dead.

Likes: Cats, coffee (he even has it specially imported), sleep, rain, thunder, and nights.

Dislikes: Hunting, cleaning, the CCG, ghouls that play with their food.

Strengths: Being a ghoul, having quite the network of contacts, strategic.

Weaknesses: His unwillingness to kill, often goes a while without eating so his rc count can be on the lower side at most times, and cats (they need to held, and petted).

Fears: The CCG, going hungry and subsequently lashing out.


There is no such thing as love at first sight; it is just a saying people use to fool themselves into believing that mister/misses right will come along one day. That one day they will get swept off their feet into some love story that rivaling even Romeo and Juliet. But, that day won't come, at least not for 99,9% of us. However, lust at first sight? Now that's a bit more believable, and Kemuri is the proof. But let's get this back on track.

Kemuri was born to a woman named Julia Lindahl, a woman with no clue of how to take care of herself, let alone the baby she had just brought into the world; but that didn't mean she was going to give up her little miracle. Every day had its own set of challenges, but by the time Kemu started elementary school, his mother had turned her life around. She worked her butt off, but Kemu never needed for anything. They had a roof over their head and food on the table. It was by no means a life of luxury, but it was enough.

As he grew, Kemuri kept asking about his dad, wanting to know everything there was to know about him, who he was, what he worked as, and what his name was. But around age 13, Kemu stopped asking; slowly learning that his mother had no info to give him. She could describe his father as a tall, handsome man, with blue eyes and brown hair, and then the next day he suddenly had brown eyes and blonde hair. It hurt knowing that he would never meet his father, the chances of stumbling across a man his mother couldn't even describe were astronomical, and so Kemu learned to live with it.

Kemuri excelled at school, but once he graduated he went stumbling into a job drought. Hardly anyone was hiring, and those who few who did had sky-high requirements, so Kemu had to start taking small jobs wherever he could find them. He did everything from flipping burgers to working nightshifts gas stations, but nothing could hold his interest for long. He grew bored of doing the same stuff day in and day out for people who hardly knew his name, but, he soon found a job that suited him perfectly, a position as a personal assistant for the head of a scientific development company.

The job is hard, his boss is unforgiving and points out even the smallest of mistakes, but Kemuri wouldn't trade it for the world. He gets to travel the world, live a reasonably comfortable life, and although she is hard on him, his boss isn't that bad once you get past the snarky comments and the fact that she is a subcontractor for the CCG.

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he aint got no history
"A-Ah, please don't hit me with my mic stand..."


  • Name:
    "A-Aki. Call me... Aki."
    Akihiko "Aki" Hayakawa

    "Ah... Well..."
    His stage name is 'Sweet's Witch', having opted for a more typically feminine name

    "Twenty five..."

    "I'm a man, but why are you... asking...?"
    Fluffy Boi

    "... Is this... Relevant...? I'm a Witch, clearly...!"
    Ghoul despite the fact that he insists he's a witch.

    "I uhm... Don't fight..."
    Aki isn't in the CCG Database due to the fact that he very rarely hunts or kills for himself, people around him having always done so for him. Currently, the person who hunts for him is his manager.

    "Oh, I'm gay- B-But don't tell anyone I said that!"

General Info

Kemuri Lindahl
The butler


Kemuri has the appearance of a neatly put together, tall, and quite a handsome fellow with a complexion rivaling that of snow, leaving him looking quite ghostly. He has messy, shoulder-length black hair that partly hangs down in front of his face and dark, mat eyes. His shoulders are rather broad, but he tapers down quite drastically towards his waist and, overall, he has a relatively small frame.

He typically dresses in what can be described as a butlers outfit, consisting of black trousers, a double-breasted tailcoat, a vest, and a large ring with a rather big red gem.

Height:193 cm/6.3
Hair Color:Black, with a few hints dark browns.
Eye Color:Grey



Kagune: Koukaku

Kemuri's koukaku is a bone-white color and is quite rough looking with bumps, of shots and edges all over. It's not very durable and cannot take much punishment, but it makes up for it in adaptability, moveability, and regenerative properties.


Kemuri is a fair stern and mostly reserved man. He is primarily moved by logic and believes that it's more than possible for humans and ghouls to live side by side. He faithfully follows and carries out every order given to him without much, if any, hesitation, and finds pride in any job well done. He can come off as cold, apathetic, and impatient if there is something in his way or someone he doesn't like, and he can be quite vocal.

Despite his apathetic traits, Kemuri genuinely cares for the people close to him and will go to great lengths to protect them. He has shown on a few occasions that he is not completely devoid of joy or humor and often grins if anyone impresses him.

As a ghoul, a part of Kemuri's life is eating humans, and he does not care much for it. He prefers not having to kill to get a hold of food, often going to great lengths to avoid it. He hunts like a vulture, scavenging for leftover and the already dead.

Likes: Cats, coffee (he even has it specially imported), sleep, rain, thunder, and nights.

Dislikes: Hunting, cleaning, the CCG, ghouls that play with their food.

Strengths: Being a ghoul, having quite the network of contacts, strategic.

Weaknesses: His unwillingness to kill, often goes a while without eating so his rc count can be on the lower side at most times, and cats (they need to held, and petted).

Fears: The CCG, going hungry and subsequently lashing out.


There is no such thing as love at first sight; it is just a saying people use to fool themselves into believing that mister/misses right will come along one day. That one day they will get swept off their feet into some love story that rivaling even Romeo and Juliet. But, that day won't come, at least not for 99,9% of us. However, lust at first sight? Now that's a bit more believable, and Kemuri is the proof. But let's get this back on track.

Kemuri was born to a woman named Julia Lindahl, a woman with no clue of how to take care of herself, let alone the baby she had just brought into the world; but that didn't mean she was going to give up her little miracle. Every day had its own set of challenges, but by the time Kemu started elementary school, his mother had turned her life around. She worked her butt off, but Kemu never needed for anything. They had a roof over their head and food on the table. It was by no means a life of luxury, but it was enough.

As he grew, Kemuri kept asking about his dad, wanting to know everything there was to know about him, who he was, what he worked as, and what his name was. But around age 13, Kemu stopped asking; slowly learning that his mother had no info to give him. She could describe his father as a tall, handsome man, with blue eyes and brown hair, and then the next day he suddenly had brown eyes and blonde hair. It hurt knowing that he would never meet his father, the chances of stumbling across a man his mother couldn't even describe were astronomical, and so Kemu learned to live with it.

Kemuri excelled at school, but once he graduated he went stumbling into a job drought. Hardly anyone was hiring, and those who few who did had sky-high requirements, so Kemu had to start taking small jobs wherever he could find them. He did everything from flipping burgers to working nightshifts gas stations, but nothing could hold his interest for long. He grew bored of doing the same stuff day in and day out for people who hardly knew his name, but, he soon found a job that suited him perfectly, a position as a personal assistant for the head of a scientific development company.

The job is hard, his boss is unforgiving and points out even the smallest of mistakes, but Kemuri wouldn't trade it for the world. He gets to travel the world, live a reasonably comfortable life, and although she is hard on him, his boss isn't that bad once you get past the snarky comments and the fact that she is a subcontractor for the CCG.

Both accepted!

Takumi (工) Saitou (斎藤)


Nickname/Alias: His stage name is Sour Devil

Age: 26

Species: ghoul

"I'm a Ghoul, why do you care?"

Rank/Class: The CCG T
hinks he is a C. that's not true though.
"I have to admit, it was my mistake that i got spotted a few times, but it won't happen again."

Gender: male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 5'9

When hunting he wears sunglasses and face mask over the bottom half of his face.

Takumi is relatively self centered, he mostly only think of himself and his own well being. This of course both includes and makes an acceptation for Hayakawa, is partner on the stage. He only helps takes care of the guy to preserve is own identity, but in turn has taken a liking to the guy. Yes he might find him a bit annoying, but he can't bring himself to hate him either. And other then Hayakawa and his manager, he doesn't really seem to like anyone. He only acts nice on stage and to his fans, to keep up appearances, but he has a bit of an inferiority complex in truth. He sees himself better then most humans, and looks down on them. He is just, well, mean. Of course he gets annoyed easily too, and often scolds his partner for the stupid things he does. Though Once again, Hayakawa is the only one he acts this way too. On the other hand though, he is a tad on the crazy side. Yes, he may only kill humans when he needs to, but hen h does he picks out ones that appeal to him, and then take his time with them. Which is why he usually takes them deep into the wood where he won't be interrupted. though that's only when he is in either a really good or a terrible mood, anything in between or when he purely just needs to, he just gets it over with and takes off.

-Female meat, It's tastier "
Do you have a problem with my personal tastes?"

-Hayakawa's antics
-old people's meat. "I find it a bit to.... Rubbery for my tastes."
-Being disturbed

-Hayakawa getting caught, as it could risk him as well

Bio: He Grew up in a pretty average household, average income and all, his parents taught him everything he needed to know, and he live a lot like a human. After all, he had to learn how to fit in. When he was around nine years old, he started taking singing lessons. And there he met another Ghoul with his human classmates- a boy named Hayakawa Akihama. Even though they were of similar races and should've probably enjoyed each other's company, they didn't get along at all at first... Which led their instructor pairing them up together often to try and force them to get along. Oddly enough, this plan actually seemed to work, as the two slowly started to actually get along, and to this day Takumi is still a friend of Aki's, as well as his idol partner.

-Close combat

-Sword play (he decided to take some classes during his teenage years fir fun.)
-Cooking curry. It seems to be the only human food he can cook. By luck.

"I'm just worried about him. Do you have a problem with that?"

Kagune/Quinque: Koukaku


Misc. Abilities:

code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant
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Nindaime Chiruka








5" 4


Ruka is a sweet guy, but has an unfortunate habit of being mischievous and devious. He likes living on the edge at times and can be a real thrill seeker. Other times he’s rather lazy and lethargic and deceptively sweet and charming. He does have a bit of a short temper when it comes to his love for cross dressing. He has a witty and catty (pun intended) sense of humor and flirtatious nature that doesn’t discriminate between guys or girls.


+cross dressing +makeup +yoga +dancing +pretty things +fruit +video games +emojis +big cats


+loud noises +bird crap +bird feathers +birds in general +snakes +bullies +Jerks +parakeets +tofu +arrogance

Drowning -dying -being eaten -bugs


Chiruka grew up with a stern mother and two siblings, his older sister Haley and younger brother Riichi. His mother Nindaime Kanako was a ghoul who had her first child Chiruka at 16 and later had Riichi at 34 to a American man ,and her husband at 22 ,Gale (42 ) unfortunately Gale Ritters died age 45 when his son was only 3 years old. Chiruka and Gale had a strained relationship as Gale believed Ruka should be more of a man, and generally more manly. Ruka loved his his family, from his stepsister Haley to his younger brother Riichi with a passion. To him his family was everything. And then there was the CCG. School, freedom, friends, they were all snatched away by the CCG. It wasn’t long before his mother just never came back from hunting. And then there were three.


Flexibility Dexterity Disguise Lying

Physical strength Easily distracted Stamina


Misc. Abilities:
Extraordinary chef and talented singer

code by Purity Purity , background edited by Inconstant Inconstant

Purity Purity
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Saitō Hideaki (斉藤秀明)

artist - yaoiworld
Family Name - 斉藤, Saitō
Given Name - 秀明, Hideaki

Nickname - Hide

Age - 28
Species - Ghoul

Gender - Male
Hair - Green, Curly, Shoulder Length, Tied at Ducktail
Eyes - Brown

Ethnicity - Caucasian

Height - 6'3" (191cm)
Weight - 202 lbs (91kg)
Physique - Athletic, (Lean/Muscular)

Clothing - Typically wears a dress shirt with rolled up sleeves, black slacks, black socks, and black shoes. Owns a leather jacket and winter beanie for cold weather.

Likes - Orchestras, String Instruments, Heavy/Death Metal, Video Entertainment, MMOs, Insects
Dislikes - CCG(Go Figure), Humans, Pretending to be Human, Cold
Fears - Reptiles, Humans, Enclosed Spaces, Desertion

Sexuality - Bisexual, Lean Straight

Strengths -
Physical Proficiency:
Hideaki possesses excellent physical talent, such as Speed, Stamina, Accuracy, and Durability.
Iron Will: An iron prison of mental strength. Breaking his mind with guilt or empathy is difficult, and perseverance through exhaustion is a small barrier.
Weaknesses -
As a Ghoul, he has lived in solitude for a while, not to mention with sadistic actions. He has developed little to no social skills and tends to ramble on or express improper emotions and such.
Impulsive: Hideaki has an impulsive nature, leading to little planning whenever acting.
Sloppy: Because of his impulsivity, he can get sloppy with his attacks. While accurate and strong and such, he is uncoordinated.
Intelligence: He isn't the smartest.
Disabilities -
Self Explanatory. Hideaki has severe ADHD, unmedicated. Due to this, he has developed an impulsive, loud behavior.

Personality - Hideaki is a pretty cynical person. With all the conflict between the CCG and Ghouls, especially lately, he's grown sour. He believes everyone has forgotten the humans are at fault here in the first place, creating the CCG to eliminate Ghouls anyway. Now, all of the sudden, we're all buddy-buddy? After decades of oppression and murder, we're supposed to feel good and be friends again? He doesn't think so. Now, while he doesn't actively murder humans or avoid them since he does need to function like a normal person, Hideaki still dislikes them. This doesn't mean he advocates for the terrorist groups, as peace through terrorism doesn't really exist. He just believes Ghouls need to handle the situation, on their own.

Alias - Wasp/Hornet
Mask - Futuristic Wasp (Image above)
Clothing - Wasp-Pattern trench coat and Black, Black Gloves, USA ACU pants, Combat Boots

Kagune - Ukaku/Koukaku
Kagune Appearance - An orange and red Ukaku that takes the form of two large wings on either shoulder. Rather than the typical wispy or firey look to an Ukaku, it is instead a more violent, spiky look with constantly changing elevation per-spike. It can also crystalize into a koukaku-esque form, wrapping tightly around his arm to make sturdy, orange armor in the form of a drill at the end. The wings usually shrink next to nothing, as doing this requires so many RC Cells. He can do this on command, even in combat in short succession. For example, he can boost himself flying towards a target, change midair, and attack using the drill.

Misc - Has the ability to do a shotgun blast barrge rather than the standard crstal barrage by most Ukaku.

Rank - S-


Larvae - Born on the 15th of April, 1990, he was abandoned by his parents at an age before he could remember them. He was left with a group of Ghouls, who were a major factor in human deaths throughout the years. It is because of their influence that he is so cynical. Together, the members taught him that humans think of him as garbage, even if he was a cute baby or a wise old man. Humans hated him and should be thought of as nothing more than animals. After all, that's how they thought of people like himself. This involved his first murder at seven years old, which a member brought a dying human to the group and encouraged Hideaki to finish off the pleading man. Of course, with how long he was trained to think like this, it wasn't hard. Hideaki didn't receive much education apart from that, unfortunately. It wasn't at fault of the ghouls he was with, but he didn't want to learn to begin with. So, they didn't force it on him.

Pupae - At this stage of his life, he was 13 years old. By now, Hideaki has gained a true grasp on his Kagune and life in general. The oppression of humans is still prevalent and has just begun to try and function like a normal person. Whenever he did this, people would often describe him as an ass. The only reason he ever did go out was to just walk around and lower suspicion on his part. This also marked the beginning of his hunting; the first mask that he used was as a simple hockey mask. Cheap, intimidating, and durable. He never utilized the ranged part of his kagune very much either, rather, he stabbed his victims to death. His first encounter with a Ghoul Investigator was at the age of 17, who just so happened to be a First Class Investigator. This was lucky for him because at this age Hideaki wasn't the most experienced. That didn't mean it was a cake walk, he wasn't used to exhausting himself so much against prey or an opponent. Neither person died, but Hideaki returned home seriously injured, being taken care of by the rest of his group. From thereon, he received training from his peers.

He also took an interest in Entomology, asking his peers to go out and buy some books and such on the subject. Being their child, so to speak, they complied and bought him two books on insects. His personal favorite were Bees and Wasps, eusocial insects that built nests to support an entire colony, collecting resources, and so on. He went as far as to relate to the creatures, realizing that humans hated Wasps and Bees like they hated ghouls, even getting special people out to go and exterminate them. After realizing this, he painted his Hockey Mask to be similar to the pattern of Wasps.

Adult - Now older, at the age of 20 he began to distance from his group of ghouls. He went out hunting more often, started working, and even attempted to fit into society. The group didn't like this one bit as he was helping the humans by just working for him, however, they tried their best to understand. Once he saved up the cash, he went as far as to rent out his own apartment and started spending most of his time there. After a few more years of this, he eventually seperated from the group entirely. After this, he took up becoming a proficient murderer, not even for the sake of eating. Of course, he ate about half of his victims, but he was so angry and enraged with the human race for the longest time and it only got worse. He killed about 3 per week, but only ate 1 or 2 of the victims. Even with that, he managed to evade CCG forces.

Of course, with the recent oppression coming from the CCG, he had to cut down on his antics. All the way from 3 per week to only 2 a month, six times less than before. He was fine with the changes, as long as he was able to kill humans and survive, he was happy. However, something happened to the world. He started seeing humans and ghouls! Together! He was astonished at the sight. Seeing the two main rivals, joining up together against the CCG? The very same thing that the humans created, supported, and relied on for the past two decades are now deciding to join with these scum? For the longest time, he refused, going on a rampage the next day. In one night, he took the lives of 12 humans that he knew attended these rallys and tricked them into trust. Then, murdering them. He hoped this would help the humans realize that most of the Ghouls didn't want their help, that they don't trust these dirty fucking humans anymore. And yet, they continued these rallys, even when the CCG retaliated.

Now, he has a lot of self conflict to deal with. He hates humans, but they don't seem to hate him. Is he in the wrong?
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