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Realistic or Modern To Those On The Streets IC

"Nice to meet you, I'm Isabella. But you can call me Ella." She was eager to meet this Bear guy and also happy that she'd made a new friend. In a city like this they were hard to come by.

"So how long have you lived here?"
Static Swarm Static Swarm
Ash allowed her eyes to mist over, as if growing distant for a moment. Her mind reeled back to the first day she went barreling out of her house, sobbing and afraid. Alone and cold. Her gaze finally refocused as she glanced at the slums of the city,

"I've been on the streets for around three years... Hard to keep track." A sad smile appeared on her lips. "I don't know what I would've done without uncle Bear. He's not related, but I consider him family. My third night on the street, I was exhausted and already out of money. I was in bad condition... Bear saw me shivering under a bridge during a rain storm. Offered me shelter in his auto garage. I began to help him with this old muscle car and ended up working for him."

Ash smirked at the sky, "I don't know if it was dumb luck, or fate... But uncle Bear saved my life. And for that, I feel the need to help others, just like Bear helped me."

HoneyMelon HoneyMelon
"What would I ask you?" X asked before starting to cough again. He wiped away sweat as it formed and made sure not to keep eye contact with Kai. He didn't want to upset Kai at all for fear that he will get hurt if he does.

MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Kai Clarke

"Anything," he said but frowned. X's illness seemed bad. He wanted to help but didn't know how without possibly overstepping boundaries so he just asked, "Are you sure you're okay?" He didn't want to push himself into X's personal life without permission so he hoped this was the best way possible.
Ella smiled . She could tell she was going to get along with Ash well. She too felt the need to help others even when she couldn't help herself. She remembered her first days living out on the streets. She almost didn't make it herself. But she was too stubborn to give up.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It's like spreading the kindness someone showed you."

She looked down at her feet as she remembered the little girl who helped her escape that horrible foster home. She couldn't even think of the consequences of that.

Static Swarm Static Swarm
Ash nodded silently, watching as the abandoned buildings of the slums soon melted into large, brick mansions of the nobility community. Already, Ash could feel hateful stares on the both of them- silently judging and watching as the two homeless girls meandered down the road.

"It's not much further. Bear'll chew my ear off for being so late again. Ah well..." Ash sighed as a cool gust blew through the rich area. "We're almost there."

HoneyMelon HoneyMelon
X nodded. "I get sick a lot because... well, I just do." He didn't want to open up, but he needed to if he was going to survive on his own. "I'm going to be just fine. I get sick, I get better. It's okay." X tucked his knees into his chest and buried his face in his legs. "How did you end up homeless?"
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
"Alright then. So, Echo-" Veronica spoke, but when they all noticed, the little girl was already gone. "Echo? Where did she go?!" She asked, worried. They all looked around the room, trying to find her. "My scream scared her. Sorry, Veronica, it wasn't my intention to-" Damian apologized, but Veronica seemed to be calm about it. "I know that. The last think you would ever do is scare a little girl to her death. But we got to find her and clear this misunderstanding." Veronica spoke. Soon, they separated and went through the corridors. But Damian already knew where she went, based on the direction. He went the stairs calmly and soon reached the room.

BGM: Beneath the Hollow Moon (Bravely Default)

He turned on the lights. The basement was a really clean place and everything was organized properly. There, he heard the crying and saw her hidden between the silk. He sat on a big box, far away from her. "... I'm a monster, right? Just like the others who mistreated you." He spoke. Damian was already in Kagura around the time Echo was slightly younger, so he knows a little about ther people who did such things to her. "I'm sorry if I screamed like that. It's just a way of discipline them, but the last thing I'd ever do is scream with a little girl such as you." He spoke, calmly while looking away.

"You'll probably ignore everything I say, since it's like I'm the rest of the scum who gave you those scars, flesh and heart, but I wanted to ask a favor of you. I want you to help me. Aid me on protecting Veronica." he asked, with his head low. "She's an angel for me. She descended to earth just to create a just world. To be honest, I thought that someone like me is fated to go to hell... but she saw something in me and gave a chance. Veronica saved me and that's what she wishes to do with you." For Damian, Veronica was the miracle he needed to pay for all his sins. But his brute spirit wasn't enough to protect her. There were certain points that he lacked. "It might be a lot to just put at your shoulder, but she doesn't know how the world is for us. Us, the filth of the town, know that sometimes this world plays on the eat or be eaten rule. As her friends, we have to make sure that she doesn't end up like us, filled with marks that will never leave us." He really wished nothing but the best for her.

With that fully out of the way, he got up and walked towards the door. "Once again, it wasn't my intention to scare you. I know that you want me far away from you, but I have a debt to pay and I won't be leaving so soon. It would make me happy if you were to help me with this, but I won't force you." He opened the door and prepared to leave. "And about love..." he spoke a little more. "I... really would like to be near her in that way. But I can't. She needs someone better than me, right?" He finished, saddened. He left Echo alone, in the clarified basement. He poured his heart to her, but somehow was sure that the last thing she would do right now is listen to him. Damian became another monster to her, so there wasn't much that he could do.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Kai Clarke

"I made myself homeless," he said. "I couldn't live in a house with a child abuser. He would kill me one day." He sighed, "It wasn't good. I didn't want to leave but I had to if there was any chance of me following my dreams and making my Mama proud of me." He clutched his guitar. The pain he felt when his mother died never left him but the faith he had that she was happy always drove him to continue with life. His mother was an amazing woman and he was glad to have the time he spend with her. It always felt too little though. He needed to have more time with her but life wasn't done with him left.
"Your mom is dead, too?" X asked, feeling awful because he didn't mean to prod at a painful past. He just didn't know what else to ask, he hasn't had a real life human friend for longer than he could remember. He then looked away. He didn't want to talk about this. He didn't want to talk. He wanted to go home and curl up with Indigo and fall asleep until the cold passed. But he did this to himself. He had to try to be a good person and it backfired on him. Or... did it? It was nice to be with someone instead of alone.
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
As they approached the richer part of town she became uneasy. She could see the scowls the nobles gave them as they walked past. Out of instinct she straightened her back and held her head a little higher.

She was scared as hell. But she refused to let then see that. She put a big smile on her face. She was relieved when Ash said they were almost there.

Static Swarm Static Swarm
The auto garage was a rusted building squashed between a fancy hotel and government building. The words; Bear's Auto Repair was labeled across the top of the small building. The garage was wide-open, as usual, an old SUV parked inside the garage, begging for much needed repairs. The scent of sweat and oil washing out from the auto repair. Bear sat in a wooden rocking chair outside the garage, the white paint chipped and peeling, but still rocking gently under the large old man.

"Uncle Bear!" Ash jogged up to the man, grinning feverishly. "Sorry I'm late- I ran into a guitar player."

Bear snorted roughly, nodding towards Isabella, "Who's that?"

Ash ushered towards her new friend, "This is Isabella, she's looking for a job."

Bear look towards her with intense eyes, "Know anything about cars, kid?"

HoneyMelon HoneyMelon
Echo seemed a bit concerned by Damian's behavior. One moment ago he was a yelling man not happy with anything, now he was begging for her help. It didn't make sense. He decided to leave her alone instead of trying to drag her away to some horrible torture room she was fairly sure they had. But Veronica wouldn't want that, would she? Yeah! Even if Damian caught her, Veronica would save her!

She needed to get to her new friend and protect her! Just like yelly man said, even if yelly man didn't think Echo would protect Vivi from him. Echo slowly came out of the room and began wandering the house to try and find her friend. If she was really as innocent as Damian said she was, Echo needed to save her.
Agni Blackheart Agni Blackheart
Kai Clarke

His voice cracked slightly, "Yeah." He cleared his throated and wiped away the tear forming at the corner of his eye. "I'm sorry that your Mom's dead. The heartache never goes away." He didn't want to pry too much but he had to know about X's mother, "How-How did it happen? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. It just seemed like the right thing to say."
"Syphilis." X answered easily. "Slow and painful. Just like she deserved." X's face flushed red for a moment before he started to cough again. When the coughing stopped, he buried his face in his hands and tried to catch his breath. He was shivering. He was on day eight of his normal 10-day cold. Day eight was always the worst. "How about you?"
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Isabella cleared her throat. "I know some,"she answered. "But I'm a quick learner," Ella added quickly. She tried not to crack under the man's intimidating gaze. But she could feel beads of sweat on her forehead.

Static Swarm Static Swarm
Hanah & Fayette Solo
Kyon Kyon Fazy Fazy

Hanah and Fayette leaved after man denyied them and girl didn't even look Hanah.
"What i said bad idea."
"It was more of that she didn't even look you and he was dump."
Girls continued their walk, not really sure to where.
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Bear looked between Ash and Isabella, nodding slightly as he glanced back into the garage, "There's a 2006 Chevy SUV in that garage. It has a broken taillight, broken axles and it's muffler broke off. Fix it by tonight and you're hired. Ash, you can help her. Teach her the ropes."

Ash grinned, "Thank you, sir! We won't let you down!"

HoneyMelon HoneyMelon
Kai Clarke

"It was umm..." He paused to swallow. His throat felt dry. He continued, "It was Cancer. The doctors tried their best. I made my mom use my allowance to pay for medical bills. I still technically owe them money; but still, it wasn't enough to save the best person I knew." This was clearly a sensitive topic for Kai but he hadn't had anyone to talk about it to and so he was just slowly breaking down in front of X
X watched Kai carefully. Kai cared for his mother. A lot. That was strange to X. He felt nothing but contempt for his mother. She left him to fend for himself since he was born. "You liked your mother?" X asked, confused. "Why would you like your mother?"
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Vanessa Holbrook

Vanessa looked up from her phone to see two girls walking away. She hadn't noticed them until the man had spoken. She'd actually zoned out for a moment. She had, however, heard his response. Although she felt awful, she did not feel the urge to go after the two girls, even though her heart told her she should. She called up a mechanic and shook her head in response to his question, merely informing the man on the phone that her neighbor was Howard. Vanessa ended the call a few seconds later. "So, the mechanic will be here in a while to repair your car. He said the service would be anywhere from $50 to $200, depending on what needs to be fixed. If that's all..." she smiled and nodded his way. The blonde surveyed the area and then began to walk. She had entered the crowded, wealthier parts of the city. It was a beautiful day and it seemed that nothing could make her happy mood change. Vanessa had paused to look into a quaint yet expensive sweet shop. Pricey, even for her. Continuing, she locked eyes with a homeless boy who seemed to be about the same age as her, if not slightly older.

Her mind was telling her to leave. Get out before you get involved. But something made her stay. She watched and listened to his play, though her eyes didn't show pity, nor did they show disgust or coldness. It was the music that moved her. A small smile formed on her lips as she reached into her pocket. There was no better opportunity to show her appreciation, especially since this was genuine. She handed him $100, hoping he'd accept it.

Kyon Kyon Sizniche Sizniche
Damian walked through the corridor, heading back to the main hall. As he did it so, Veronica appeared, a little tired. "Haaah... I looked in the rooms... I ran through the house... and I couldn't find her..." She spoke, through breathings. "... I've found her. She's in the upper basement, but she refused to come with me... as expected." Damian said, pointing out to the room. "Really...?! Thank goodness...! I was worried she ran away and gave up..." Veronica said, relieved. Still, Damian looked a little sad. "Damian, you don't have to look like that. It was just a misunderstanding. Once she gets used to here, she'll get used to you too." She tried to comfort him. "This is a different occasion. She has scars given by horrible adults. The fear she felt from them will take a long time to pass... if it's going to, anyway. She'll never accept me around her and that's a fact." He spoke, looking away. "Oh, stop being such a downer! It's just a matter of time, right? And I'll be there with her, so she won't need to be scared of you!" The pride coming from Veronica's voice sounded reassuring, but that wasn't a 100% true. He still looked away, a little disappointed in himself. But then, she him a pat in the head. "V-Veronica...?!" Damian was surprised and his face blushed a little. Why she did that? "Blame your lost puppy face. You should trust in me more! We're friends, aren't we?" She asked. That argument made his solemn expression disappear and change into a smile. "... You're right. I do hope that happens, but at least it'll be fine if you're happy with it." It didn't matter if everything was bad for him. If Veronica was smiling, that was good enough.

A door started creaking on the distance and some steps were heard. When she looked, her little friend was walking around. "Oh, Echo! Finally I found you!" Veronica spoke, running towards her. She crouched and smiled at Echo. "If you wanted to play hide-and-seek, you should've just told me. Now tell me, why did you run away?" Veronica asked.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Declan was focused firmly on his guitar for a while, ignoring the world around him to focus on his song. He eventually broke his focus for a moment when he noticed a shadow of someone coming towards him. He looked up, but continued playing his song. A blonde girl, who must have been about the same age as him, approached him. Her dress served as an obvious sign of her class, being made of quality fabric, possibly even custom tailored. "Hello, ma'am," he said. Despite his opinion of the rich, he chose to be polite to her. He did need to eat, after all.

However, he was absolutely shocked when she handed him a one hundred dollar bill. As a result, his fingers loosened their grip on his guitar, and his next chord came out stunted. He reached out to accept the money. "Thank you," he said, after a momentary pause to regain his focus. Declan is a hard man to catch off guard, but he was utterly floored at that moment. He didn't expect anyone to be that generous, especially considering the amount of people in the neighborhood that would rather spit on him.

So, he smiled back at the girl, and then looked down at his guitar and started his song over.

Fazy Fazy
Isabella almost squealed with joy. Even thougb she didn't know the first thing about fixing broken axles or mufflers, she still had hope that she could learn. Especially if she had help from Ash. She seemed to know all about this stuff.

"Thanks sir, I won't dissapoint." She could help but give a. small smile.

Static Swarm Static Swarm
Vanessa Holbrook

As he accepted the bill, Vanessa saw a look of what appeared to be shock, or surprise. Funny, considering how good he was. She did know that the rich were horrible people and little to none would give the homeless respect (considering she herself frequently took on this behavior), but she was unaware of the extent of ignorance people had. Clearly, whoever this man was had talent. Vanessa did know that some of the homeless did fake smiles to get sympathy, but she felt that the one she'd gotten was legitimate and true. Listening for another moment to the wonderful song, she knew that she wanted to know what it was called. And perhaps she'd learn a bit more about this individual as well. She sat down next to him, adjusting her dress. Clearing her throat, she spoke: "I'm Vanessa Holbrook. You?"

Sizniche Sizniche

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