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Fantasy To Reset the World (Accepting Again)

Cat shifted uncomfortably at all he had to say. "I only kill criminals," she insisted, a flicker of doubt grazing across her eyes as she fought to maintain her confidence. "And I would never harm a child," she stated adamantly. She knew what she was about, and she wasn't going to let Everyle of all people convince her otherwise. He was crazy after all. Right? She thought back to whenever she was assigned a mission of any sort, looking for a reason to believe him. From what she remembered, there wasn't a single assignment that wasn't about bringing justice to a criminal. The royals only brought to her the most vile of the kingdom because they deserved what was coming to them. She was sure of that. So why did he keep insisting that she was the one in the wrong? She thought about commenting on that, but knew better than to question Everyle about that.
Keline had gotten sick of the annoying conversations between Everyle and Cat, so she had moved away. In fact, she was feeling sorry for Cat. Everyle treated her so cruelly, and after all she wasn't evil. She was just really misled and dumb. Keline never condoned picking on people with low intelligence.

Keline went to the bartender's stand and asked if he knew about the man Lana had talked about. "Oh yeah," the bartender said, "He's an acquaintance of mine. He lives near the foothills of the mountain in a small fort." This was good news, now they could finally accomplish something. Before she headed back to them, she noticed a grotesque severed head of what looked vaguely human mounted on the wall as a trophy. Shocked, she realized it was a giant's head. Keline was beginning to understand more and more the depths of evil of the current social system. Hopefully Everyle doesn't see this, she thought, he would absolutely lose it.

"Okay," she said to the group. "It's time to head off now. Cat, if you want to come you can come, otherwise, good-bye."

@Lana Valentine @EXPMIRACLE @Silver Wolf @Leo Radomir @Kazehana
Hoturi was passing back and saw this giant's head and gritted his teeth in rage, thinking'I hate most humans and they hunt and kill anything that don't deem worthy of living'. With out a second thought he launched a dark fireball just enough to burn the trophy and says " this is why i hate most humans and this system, maybe i should kill a few thousand of them just for fun to show them what it's like but then again i wouldn't any better than them so i won't well at least not till given reason to".
Everyle had already seen the giant's head, but nothing could be done about it. He wasn't about to go on a murder spree over something already dead. He was actually quite sane right now. "Now then, where would your little underground pit be?" Everyle asked Hoturi. He was ready to find out what info they had.

@Lana Valentine @Pashpu @Kazehana @Lana Valentine @Lana Valentine @Lana Valentine @Lana Valentine @Lana Valentine @Lana Valentine @Lana Valentine @Lana Valentine @Lana Valentine @Lana Valentine @Lana Valentine (WHAERE ARE YOU?! @Lana Valentine)
Hoturi leans in and says in a calm voice" surely you don't expect me to show you my whole world before i even get to know some of your contacts at least, but what i will do is introduce you to one of the people from my group as a token of good faith".

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