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Fandom To Boldly Go [Star Trek!]


Previously henohenomoheji
This is maybe my hundreth interest search thread, but I've decided this time I'm not gonna worry too hard about throwing a bunch of things into it, orbumping it a bunch. That probably means if you post here and I don't respond, I'm definitely not ignoring you. My Discord handle is up for you so don't feel shy about not posting at all and just jumping straight there.

What I'm looking for is actually super specific, but we'll talk about that in a second. I'm less specific with who I'm looking for, so let's start with that. I gel really well with people who are like me, so if I seem picky and you think we'd jive anyway, don't feel like you can't message me and tell me that!

People like me:
are over eighteen! I’m just way more comfortable writing with someone who’s closer to my age, but at the very least
are flexible with word counts! I don’t jive well with people who have hard-line requirements about how many words a reply needs to be. I write anywhere from 150 - 3000 words depending on where I am, and how I'm feeling. That being said, if you send over a 1500 reply, expect something like that from me! If I send a 1500 word reply, it’d be nice to get something back in that ballpark, or at least more than a few lines!
play a variety of characters! I have a bunch of interests, and I think it’s super fun when my partner does too. That’s not to knock people who are only comfortable playing something specific; I just won’t have fun if you only play F in M/F, only play OCs against canons, or don't do same-sex pairings!
like to develop worlds! Even though we’re focusing on a fandom universe, I think it’s always neat to add our own touch to canon worlds. I think it makes everything just a bit more engaging, and makes it feel a little more like it’s ours, you know?
can play canon characters and OCs! This would definitely be a canon-heavy plot, but don't think you can't use an OC, flesh out a canon that only appears in name, or make more developed canons your own. I'm definitely not looking to play Roddenberry's or Abrams' characters; I'm looking to play ours!
like to make friends! I love talking to my partners about headcanons, or hilarious/terrible things that happen in our day, or literally anything. I’ve found all of my best friends through roleplaying, so I hope to make a bunch more connections like that!

I do have a single plot idea fully-fleshed out, and I'm pretty keen on it. (That being said, it's definitely not the only thing I'll do!)
About five or so years ago, an enterprising (AWRIGHT) partner and I got it into our heads to rewrite the entirety of the first nuTrek movie with a female Kirk and Bones as the secondary antagonist (instead of Spock), and I would trade my actual soul for the chance to do that again.

The plot wasn't much changed. Kirk was still a bright but troubled cadet with a tendency to flirt with anything that moved, fight the system with inspired but (only technically) illegal ideas, and grin through it all. Bones, without the fast friendship of Kirk (If you remember the movie, Bones and Kirk met on the way to the Academy; presumably, they wouldn't have become friends if Kirk was a woman because the man was still working through his divorce and dealing with another woman who took what she wanted and rarely spared anyone else a second thought was probably not high on his to-do list.), remained a little harsher and withdrawn, and definitely suffered through going to school with Kirk.

The idea would be to work through the plot/events of the first movie (at least the initial events up to the destruction of Vulcan, if not more) and explore in what ways the nuTrek universe would be altered by a changed Kirk and Bones. Ideally, we'd take on multiple roles each, since the cast is fairly large. I'd very much prefer to play the genderswapped Kirk, and you take Bones, but I'm so incredibly willing to take other characters for you (If you like Spock/Uhura, I'd absolutely play either; honestly, throw a ship at me, and I'm there for you.), so that we all get what we want.

To be completely honest, if you did this with me, I would probably do anything you wanted, even if your ideas aren't on my lists!

My Discord is doki doki weed club#3408, so please contact me if this interests you!
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