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Fantasy To Akilter Aishitol's Lofty Pedestals(Featuring ya boi and Meredith)

A blood bond, how archaic. Surely Edwin could oblige to such a serious, over-the-top measure to ensure cooperation. He surely would not have to resort to some trickery, some sleight of hand to give Devon the impression he was not buttering her up. So he decided to oblige. He took out his knife, and held it without flinching above his own palm. He wondered how it would feel, he knife just barely slicing his hand as blood dripped to the cobbled earth.

"A blood bond," he uttered, confidently yet of course with slight unease. Surely she was quite serious about all of this companionship. To a kilter the kingdom, one had to be such. He was just barely about to squeeze, until another voice rang up. The heavy sound of armor now filled the air as a new presence, a guardsmen, stumbled upon the duo in the alley. "State your business this instant," he bellowed, looking rather unusually opened. What could have set him off?

Perhaps it was Devon's not too quiet exit. I mean, to downgrade to an alleyway to discuss business? There were rooms in the tavern and beds above if they wished to kiss one another. It all appeared rather suspect, and the guard, if he were to catch rebels, could earn a nice pay and a promotion. It's not like anyone wished to work in the disgusting sewer of town anyways.

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