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As Andrew greeted the shaking mess of a suit of armor that was Maxwell, he glanced over his shoulder and saw the puffed up cheeks of Badb. Luckily for his fellow Familia member he had indeed managed to step forward in time to spare him from the clutches of their mischievous goddess., that alone was enough for Andrew to let out a sigh of relief. Turning back to Maxwell with the terror obvious in his eyes Andrew dropped his smile as he took a seat. "You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to. Just eat quickly without chocking it down. " Andrew leaned back in his seat and began to look around the increasingly empty dinning hall. Now that Badb, Brandr, and the group of four were gone it left only the group that Krsitina had joined, Maxwell, Andrew himself and a late arrival of the girl named Sophia. Like Andrew she was also level one even if he didn't know her exact stats, well Andrew didn't know anyone elses stats nor was he supposed to, but he at least knew he was on the mid to higher tier of being level 1.

Having his mind go back on track he turned back to Maxwell. "There is no rule that says you have to actually talk to your table mate, just make sure you don't sit alone. Otherwise you will find yourself the target of more attention then just sitting at a table with someone. With that being said." Andrew turned back around and called out to Sophia. "Sophia if you have a minute can you come here please." Andrew still had that bit of fire in his gut from talking to Brandr earlier and wanted to get going which meant he didn't want to stay here too long. Plus the fact that he was here was very visibly freaking out Maxwell, so hopefully having someone... more agreeable at the table would help him calm down and free up Andrew to go off to the dungeon.

RageFactorXIII RageFactorXIII AxElKiNgHeArT13 AxElKiNgHeArT13
Kristina shook her head when Nesta asked if she needed anything, "No, I don't usually have enough to buy potions in large quantities but I always wear my armor. It's light enough." Kristina tilted her head a moment at the exchanger between Geir and Nesta, "Oh! I don't remember if I told you my name but it's Kristina." She rested her hands on her lap, "So, do you guys need anything? I'm ready to go whenever. I'm honestly kinda excited cause this is a first for me." Kristina gave them both a big smile.
That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
When Sophia was called over she jumped a little, apparently she was noticed. There goes that idea. She thought. Sophia has always been nervous around the other members within the familia. She doesn't know any of there stats, nor does she need to but they were all in past familias, so they have to be relatively decent. To her Sophia stats are pathetic, but that is the case since she joined only a few weeks ago and this is her first familia she ever joined. She turned and started to head over to Andrew and Maxwell. I wonder what he wants. She thought this to herself as reached the two adventures and looked at both of them. "Is there something wrong. I have somethings on my mind that I am trying to sort through. Wait a minute. I'm not in trouble am I? Did i do something to upset you." She said this with a little fear in her voice. She then stood there nervously and quietly waiting for him and expecting him to yell to her. What is he going to say. Does Maxwell think the same thing. Did I fail there expectations somehow. No... wait a minute. It cant be bad or else it would be the goddess talking to me right now not one of the others. I should be in the clear. Sophia was standing there and started to adjust the bow on her back. She then took a deep breath and waited their patiently.
Andrew sighed internally as Sophia made her way to the table where Maxwell and himself were sitting. Why were both her and Maxwell so nervous, he was a new guy too. Infact Andrew was pretty sure every one was new. It was a new familia, but you didn't see every one acting like this. Either way it was something similar to how new recruits into the Ares familia reacted. After all joining a nation wide army and serving as a grunt in a constantly losing army wasn't the easiest thing on the nerves. Pushing those thoughts out of the way he kept his annoyance from showing on his face and gestured towards the table. "No you didn't do anything to upset me. I just need a favor. Please sit here with Maxwell. I need to get going and can't wait around. " As he was talking he stood up from the table. "If you two keep sitting off on your own you are going to get pounced on by Badb at sometime or another. Better to sit quietly at a table with someone else then to fall prey to our goddess" he said the last part with a small smile.

Andrew started to head to the door giving the other two a quick wave. "Like I told Maxwell, you don't need to talk just don't be by yourself. Plus it's good bonding. Now if you will excuse me I have business to attend to." with that being said if he was uninterrupted he would keep heading to the door. If you asked Andrew if he felt bad shoving off Maxwell onto Sophia or Sophia onto Maxwell he would tell you no. From his experience putting the two nervous newbies together either made a strong bond between them or they hated eachother enough to be motivated to out do the other. Either result was fine in his book.

AxElKiNgHeArT13 AxElKiNgHeArT13 RageFactorXIII RageFactorXIII

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