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TiMER Roleplay one-on-one

"I've never thought about it," she simply said aloud as she handed her a soda, her making her way over to the couch and taking a seat after.
"I suppose so," she said and then took a sip of her soda after opening it and then sitting it down on the table infront of the couch. "You seem nice enough, I do not have a problem with it."
"You being my roommate," she simply said with a slight tilt to her head, her figuring she knew what Mio was saying earlier.
She replies to her with a double blink and a slight nod, "You don't have to if you do not want to though." Mio reaches for the remote to the tv and simply awaits her answer.
"It would be a pleasure to be your room mate, Mio Naga." I looked over at her and moved closer to her over the couch.
As she scooted closer to her Mio switched the TV on and let it settle on a random channel for now, "Okay then." With that said she glances over at Eva and simply says with a light nod, "I look forward to having you live with me Eva." This was something new for Mio, seeing as how ever since her mother left she has been largely alone in her living arrangements.
I just simply smiled at Mio and stared into her eyes for a while. "I look forward to living with you as well, Mio."
She double blinks as Eva sort of just stared at her for a good bit of time, her scratching her cheek uncomfortably after a few moments. "Ummm," she paused and then added, "Is there something you would like to watch?" Her figuring that she would eventually have to get her tings together and move it but she figured Eva already know that.
"Do you have Animal Planet?" I asked, looking over at the random channel on the television screen. "I like Animal Planet. Their channel is very diverse with a lot of different topics, ironically a lot of which have no relation to animals at all really..." I trailed off, and looked over at Mio. "I think you should stop me from talking because if you don't i'm going to annoy you."
"Um, I think I do," she says switching it to the apropriate channel, it having something on about tigers at the moment. Mio adds as the tigers come on the TV, her looking over at Eva, "It's really okay, I don't mind a good conversation Eva." She pauses and then adds with a light smile looking back at the TV, "Feel free to talk."
I let out a sigh of relief. "I've been holding my tongue since I ran into you earlier." I laughed lightly. "So, what kind of tv do you usually like to watch?" I asked, genuinely interested.
She simply shrugged and answered, "Usually random assortments of things," she pauses and then looks back over at Eva adding, "If I had to pick one thing I suppose it would have to be anime." That was one thing that most would not know about Mio by simply looking at her, seeing as how most contribute anime to be a little kids thing.
"Anime is pretty cool." I shrugged,"I haven't watched it that much, but I could probably get into it if I did. I know I could never create anime. I somehow manage to screw up stick figures." I laughed, covering my mouth with my hands out of habit, I hated my smile, and whenever I was aware of it I would cover my smile.
She watches as Eva covers her mouth for some reason or another, her cocking her head a small bit as she does so. Mio sat there for a moment and simply watched TV with Eva, the tension being quite awkward to say the least. Mio has never been one to just go with the way things are meant to be and being told that they are meant to be with each other sort of ate at her. She always thought that she would meet someone on her own terms and that it would be spontaneous, and in that moment she would know that they were meant to be together. Now however some pieces of technology is saying that they are meant to be.

Quite frankly she just didn't know how to deal with this, but it seems like Eva is an alright sort so she could at least see where this goes... With that in mind she glances over at Eva, "At the moment there is only one bed here so," she pauses and then adds, "I suppose we will share the one in my room tonight."
I choked on the soda I was drinking, but swallowed. "U-um okay, yeah that's fine. And since tomorrow we have off, maybe you could help me move my stuff in? If it makes it easier I can pay first months' rent up front..." I rambled.
"That's fine," she said with a light shake of her head, "This month has already been paid, you can just get next months I suppose." She pauses and then adds, "And I suppose I can help you move your stuff over tomorrow, I do not have anything planned." Quite frankly she hadn't figured on doing much of anything tomorrow but just relax at home so it wasn't much of a big deal.
"Um," I looked around the room. "Would you happen to have any spare clothes that I could wear? Like..to sleep in?" I blushed awkwardly and looked over at Mio, my eyes staying on her this time and not managing to sweep around the room like a S.W.A.T. unit.
Mio stands from the couch, "I should have an extra pair of pajamas that you can use." She pauses and walks away into the hall that lead to the bedrooms and bathroom, her walking back a bit later with a pair of pajamas them being her older pair that she does not use anymore. It's a red fabric that is quite soft and breaths well, which makes them very good to sleep in. She looks outside and then to Eva, handing the pajamas to her, "You can have these, they're kind of old but they should work out." When Mio walked back into the living area she was already wearing her sleeping attire, them being the same kind of pajamas but they were black in lou of red.
I took the pajamas. "Um, where should I change??" I rubbed my neck and laughed awkwardly as I kind of just stood there.
"I guess you could use the bathroom at the end of the hall," she simply states as she turns the TV off and sits the remote down on the table. With that she makes her way into the bedroom after pointing the bathroom out to Eva, Mio laying down on the bed under the covers on the right side.
I go into the bathroom and change into the pajamas, folding my clothes and putting them in a cabinet for the time being. I turned off the lights, and zombie armed walked my way over to (hopefully) my side of the bed.

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