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TiMER Roleplay one-on-one


Deviated septum
If a timer could count down to the second you meet your soulmate, would you want one? That's the sales pitch of the new TiMER, (btw is not real but still cool) which is put into your dominant hand and counts down from the days to hours to minutes to seconds before you will meet your soulmate. On the day you meet your soulmate, the timer zeroes out at midnight, then any time in the next 24 hours you can meet your soulmate. If it's blank then it means your soulmate hasn't gotten one yet. It could be years, months, days, hours before you meet him or her. You may love them at first sight, it could be your best friend, your enemy, or the person you're in a relationship with already.

(Seeing the movie is not required however it is on Netflix)


Character Form:




TiMER? (Yes or No):

Countdown Time? (Yes,No,wether it's blank, then what the time is specifically.):



Name: Evangeline

Age: 23

Gender: Female

TiMER? (Yes or No): Yes

Countdown Time? (Yes,No,wether it's blank, then what the time is specifically.): Blank

Looks: shoulder length curly dark brown hair, fair skin, 5'9, light green eyes, slightly hooked nose, small lips.

Personality: Sweet and funny, sarcastic, slightly adventurous

Backstory: Her parents met before the timer, but when they got one they were soulmates. She's an only child, and she's had a timer since she was 14, she hopes to find true love.
Mio was messing with her hair as the class started to file out of the room, her seeming to have a loose strand of hair refusing to stay out of her face. After a few moments and failed attempts she simply huffs and shakes her head as a fellow student walks up to her, "Mio, how about the three of us hang out for a while?"

She shakes her head and waves the three girls off, "Oh I'm sorry girls but I have to stop by the store later, maybe some other time."

The three of them looked at each other and shrugged, "Well okay," the girl pauses and adds with a nod, "Some other time then Mio." They walk out waving to her.

She cocks her head to the side as they leave thinking to herself as they do, 'Every day, they wana hang out...how do they ever find time to study.' Mio lets out a light sigh and then laughs lightly, saying aloud not knowing if anyone else was still in the room or not, "Party...party...all the time." With that she reaches down for her bag and places the books into it, getting ready to leave as she does so. With that in mind she thinks to herself as she gets ready to leave, 'Although maybe I will just go home and relax today...not like I have anything better to do...'
(I'm going to write in first person but may occasionally switch to third)

As the class ended, I picked up my things, ready to leave. I packed up my books and grabbed my bag, walking out of the classroom. It was around noon, so I might as well stop somewhere around the campus and get some food.

(My posts won't be long at first but over time I will make them longer as I get a feel for my character(s) )
On her way out of the classroom she bumps into one of her class mates, her turning and slightly bowing in apology, "I apologize." She looks over and double blinks having not seen her face before, then simply smiles over at the girl, "Mio Naga, and I guess I'm just a little out of it today." She extends her hand in a greeting, figuring that they could at least say hi to each other seeing as how she did just bump into her rather rudely.
I smiled weakly at the girl who bumped into me. "I'm Evangeline. Where ya headed?" I shook Mio Naga's hand politely.
She cocks her head as the girl asked where she was headed, Mio not able to place her in the class for some odd reason. Never-the-less Mio simply replied with a slight nod walking around the girl toward the exit, "Thought about getting a bite then heading to the store before I go home." She pauses for a moment and then asked looking over her shoulder at the girl, "Would you like to tag along for a bite?" Quite frankly she usually just went about it alone after school but she felt like she owed the girl something for just running in to her.
"Sure." I followed after the girl towards the exit. "What are you in the mood for? I know they don't have a lot of good food on campus but I think there are a couple of good places close by." I thought about places to eat, pretty hungry after half a day of classes.
She looks over at the girl and double blinks, her seeming to be alright with tagging along. With that in mind Mio walks out of the door and starts down the sidewalk, her saying, "There's a good pizza place down the block I usually go to." She usually went there after school when she didn't feel like making anything at her apartment, which was regularly.
"Pizza sounds great." I walked along the sidewalk with the girl for a moment before speaking. "So, are you from around here, or are you just staying around in the area for school?" I asked, curious about the girl's situation.
"No, I'm from out of town," she simply said not minding answering such questions, her adding looking over at the girl, "I'm just staying in the area for school." She paused for a moment as the pizza place came in to view, her stopping in front of the school and looking down at the girls wrist, "Oh you have one of those things." She smiled lightly and took a step inside, waving over at the guy behind the counter her holding up two fingers and him nodding with a smile. With that she sat at an available table and gestured for her to do the same.
I sat down in the comfortable booth, slightly shifting before settling in the seat. "Oh, the Timer? Yeah, I got it about,...eh 9 years ago? Yeah 9. It's been blank for a long time." I sighed heavily.
"Is that a problem?" She simply said, her never really even getting to know what the big deal with one of those things was. She knew that they were used to find a soulmate or something but she never really saw the relevance in such a thing, her believing that love was more of a spur of the moment discovery.
"Well, it's blank, so it means my soulmate doesn't have one. I'm just so sick and fed up with waiting, you know?"
She simply shakes her head, "No I do not know." With that said she pauses and then looks over at the girl who looked rather down at the moment, her saying with a nod, "As far as you know, you've already met them." She pauses as the pizza is placed in front of them and then she adds as she picks up a slice, "I don't have one, it's no big deal not knowing you know."
"My parents fell in love because of the timer. Is it so bad to want a guarantee? Of when you'll meet the one, so that you know you're not wasting your time? I guess you wouldn't understand." I picked up a slice of pizza and began to eat it. I swallowed. "This pizza is sooo good. Great call on the pizza."
It seemed that the girl was adamant about meeting the person that she would be with, although Mio never understood why knowing the exact time of your meeting would be so important. If you already know about that then well...would it still be magical and important to you? She simply shook that off and took a bite of the pizza, her nodding as she said the pizza was good. After a moment of silence she asked, "But if you already met them would the timer be pointless..?"
"Well, if you already met them then they didn't have a timer, if it was them and they got a timer then your timer would set for the next time you two meet."
"Hmmm," she simply says just before taking another bite of her pizza, then swallowing it. She paused for a moment and then added, "Knowing it's coming...doesn't that take all of the surprise of finding the one?" She figured that some people would find relief in having such a thing but those like her seemed to be just depressed seeing that their one doesn't have one.
"To me it makes it more exciting. Like, better than christmas exciting." I smiled like a fool. "I mean, it's a countdown to true love! If only mine wasn't blank.."
She scratches her cheek and leaves some pizza sauce behind, her replying to her with a light smile, "I'm sure you'll find them even if they don't have a timer!" She pauses and double blinks, her adding with a nod, "I've actually been thinking of getting one but I've been putting it off lately." With a slight frown she looks at the girl and realizes that someone somewhere was probably feeling just like Eva, and it was her fault. She bites her lower lip and then adds with a slight laugh, her voice a little sad at the moment, "Maybe I should..."
I noticed a bit of pizza sauce on Mio Naga's face and hand her a napkin. "You have something on your cheek." I realized what she was saying and smiled brightly. "Dude, we should totally go get one! There's one down the street!
She takes the napkin and wipes the sauce off of her cheek, her double blinking up as Eva said they should go get one. Mio didn't really know if she even really wanted one but after meeting the girl and seeing that she could possibly be causing someone the same kind of problems...she couldn't just simply ignore such a thing. With that in mind she simply nods and places some money on the table to pay for the food, "Yeah...oh...okay. Lead the way." She stood from the table and awaited her to show her the way.
I excitedly led Mio out of the building, and to the sidewalk. "It should just be around the corner. When I went, the cost was about, 20 dollars, but since you got the pizza, i'll pay."
This girl was quite nice to pay but she wasn't entirely sure about having this thing. Regardless she didn't want someone to feel the same way that Eva did so she figured she might as well get one, even if her's was blank she wouldn't care seeing as how she had been blank for the past nineteen years anyway. "Oh okay, thanks," she said being pulled along to the place, this day going quite different than usual.

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