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Tiamat's Awakening (D&D 5e Based Homebrew)


The Raven
Myrra, a small farming village on the road a few hours north of Stoneshore, has recently been seeing a series of strange events. At the top of the list is the disappearance of a local farmer. Those who have investigated his home haven't returned. A few months before our adventurers arrive in Mrra, the local baron had sent out word of these disappearances, a reward for their safe return being posted on every bounty list across Osnyae. The bounty stated that a meeting about putting a large scale investigation into effect would be held on the 22nd phase of Sanguiline in the Myrra village square.

Sanguilune. 22nd Phase. 964 TB

Throughout the day, the last few adventurers pour into town, the main wave of them having come any time between one to two weeks ago. At this point, the local inn doesn't have a vacant room, any excess adventurers being placed in the town barracks until the baron's gathering later in the evening. Upon arrival in the city, each adventurer checked in with the baron, who then relayed the info about when the exact time of this large gathering would be.


A large group of adventurers of all various races and fighting styles have gathered in the town square at the base of the temple steps. They wait patiently for the baron to come forth. A few guards walk around handing out colored pieces of paper, telling everyone to hold onto those and that the baron would explain. A few of those gathered look around and begin conversation with those who have a paper which has the same color as their own. Two Humans, an Aasimar, an Aarakocra, and a Drow all have received golden slips of paper.
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Valric Tashar stood apart from the main gaggle of adventurers that had gathered in the town square, leaning on his staff. Idly turning the piece of paper over in his free hand as he waited. He had been one of the last to arrive at this town, Mara? Myara? Something like that, Humans always named their villages strangely. He had arrived just a scant few hours before, traveling with all haste under that accursed sun to make sure he arrived on time. Thankfully it was nighttime now, the moon rising in the sky reassuring him that he wouldn't need to worry about daylight for quite some time.

Stretching boredly he glanced around the assortment of mercenaries that had gathered, quite a mixed lot, sword toting warriors, armored in chain and plate standing beside woodsmen and trackers with bows and leathers. Some, like him, would be here for the money, for personal use or some cause they were funding. Others for ideology, helping these people for no reason other than they needed help, naive ones those. Some were holding slips of paper the same color as his, presumably those would be the ones he'd be forced to work with, not being one for conversation he made no effort to acknowledge them, settling in to continue waiting for this Baron to arrive.
A bulky man sleeps face down on an outside table. One arm wrapped around his head while the other tightly clenches a tipped over mug of ale. He had been here, sleeping, since mid-day and not a single sound has stirred him. Since then his table had filled with random adventurers. Over the past hour they had shed their caution and began talking loudly about their excitement for what the Baron has in store.

Suddenly the man shot up right, screaming and wide-eyed. Small sparks of electricity surged from his hands burning the wooden table where his head had been. The adventurers around the table quickly got up and walked away. Groggily the man looked around. He couldn’t remember how he got here. He brought the mug to his lips and struggled to get a single drop of flat, day old, beer out of it. “gods be damned….” He muttered.

He licked his dry, crackled lips with an un-wet tongue and coughed. At this point he realized something was obscuring his vision. He winced and peeled something off his face. It was a golden colored ticket. “The fresh hell is this?” He groaned and looked it over on both sides. There was no fighting it now. He was awake. He stood to his feet and tucked the golden ticket into his inner coat pocket.

Everyone seemed to be grouping up and getting friendly with people of the same ticket color. This unexplained segregation made the big man a bit uncomfortable so he hesitated to fall in line. He could see a man with the same ticket color across the crowed. As much as he hated to blindly follow orders, it seemed like the next necessary step. He sighed and reluctantly approached Valric Tashar.

“Hey, my names LeviCi” He said, pulling the golden card from his coat pocket and flashing it. “This seems to mean something…” the sorcerer shrugged and put it back in his pocket. He listened incase the man introduced himself, but he set his eyes to scanning the crowed. If anyone else approached them with a golden card he wanted to see them coming.
Senya was quite surprised that the local baron had gotten so thoroughly involved with the fate of a farmer. She wasn't against that of course, but usually Nobles were corrupt, or two busy planning on how to exploit their people to fit their coin purses. At least... that's what she had believed for a large portion of her life. Was that a lie as well? The silver haired cleric would have to understand as she investigates. For all she knew, this could be to save face or prevent a riot.

Nevertheless, as soon as she heard the news about a farmer going missing, she had rushed over as soon as she can. It wasn't really the disappearance that piqued her desire to help... though that HAD been a factor. What brought this matter to priority was how everyone had vanished that had tried to investigate. The celestial clenched her fist... was this the work of a cult? That's what she suspected at least, though she had little to no proof of it. She had made a promise to help those that ha been like her, an make those that preyed on weak minds suffer. THAT'S why she was here presently.

As she arrived at the appointed place, she was handed a piece of paper, and she examined it. Golden... did that mean anything? She looked around to where other people were gathering. They were divided up by color? Well, that was a natural assumption to make. This WAS a large scale operation so it made sense to be able to get with a group. But... it was just gut feeling, but Senya thought that might be more to it than that. It was handy sure but if all it took was to divide into groups it would be easier for them to just go with whoever was next to them. They had all checked in with the baron earlier. Could it possibly be.... the baron iddn't take all that time to split people up specifically to cover strengths and weaknesses did he?! If that was the case... she had a lot of respect for the meticulousness of this man

Well, all of of that was just conjecture anyway. Something for the woman to entertain herself with as she gathered around people with the same golden paper as it was. It was alreayd turning out to be a rather diverse looking group. "My name is Senya, Cleric of Akulla. It's an honor to meet you." She says.

...It was still odd to introduce herself as that. Would that ever change?
"Valric." the Drow grunted, looking over the pair of Humans that had approached him. "Valric Tashar." Turning away from their unwanted intrusion he looked back up at the temple, sadly the baron had still not arrived to spare him an inescapable conversation. With a sigh he turned back to the male Human, "I believe that it is safe to assume that these slips of paper mean something yes." He said, "Given that our hosts have gone to the trouble of making numerous sets of colored paper and carefully distributing them among the rather large group that has gathered here."

The thickness of surface dwellers amazed him some times, always stating the blitheringly obvious as if it was some closely guarded secret that they alone were aware of. Muttering in Undercommon he turned away from the male, Levy he said his name was?, instead regarding the female... Syna? Sanya? He hadn't been paying attention. Cleric she said she was, of that damnable Akulla, just his luck to get stuck with a Cleric of a Goddess of Light. "Watch where you're pointing that holy symbol Cleric, my people and your Goddess don't mix."
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The conversation is quickly interrupted by a man, a human with a very unkempt look and a ragged cloak hiding a pristine leather armor. Moving aside from his face a bit of his black hair he interjected while holding a golden paper "Does anyone happen to know what to do with this? Because now that I tried and failed this is not an entry ticket to the baron's house"

After a quick glance at the adventurers and their pieces of paper he resumed talking before anyone could answer "Oh, it's one of THOSE parties". The man then put the paper inside one of his leather gloves and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Greetings, I suppose"
Baron Roth stepped out of the temple, an elderly man in Selune priest robes at his side. He raised his hand, silencing the crowd. "Adventurers, warriors, and whatever other titles may fit, I welcome you to the village of Myrra. As you know, some strange disappearances have happened recently. However, I'll admit this is a bigger turnout than I expected. Whether you're here for money, glory, or just to help, I'm afraid we can only send five of you to investigate. So, I've devised a way for you all to still help out the town and possibly get to the bottom of these disappearances. Everyone was given a slip. Seeing the various people grouped together, I'm guessing you already know you're meant to work with those who have the same color. I've tried to group people up into the most well-rounded parties I could. Now, check in with the barkeep at The Dancing Satyr and she will assign your party to two or three rooms. She'll also hand your party a bounty that you will fulfill. The first party to return with their bounty gets to go with a few of my soldiers into the house of the missing farmer to investigate. I apologize to those who came expecting to just investigate, get it done, and then leave, but like I said, I can't send in all thirty something of you into one simple farm house. You will, of course, get a reward for however you help us and we have adjusted these rewards based on the knowledge that a 5 person party will be helping out. I bid you all good night and wish you luck on your various tasks." With this the baron turned, a handful of eloquently armored guards taking place around him as they escorted him in the direction of the barracks, and in turn, his keep.
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When the baron mentioned the disappearances LeviCi remembered what brought him here. It was a stretch of the imagination, but maybe this would put him one step closer to some answers. He needed to know what happened to his people, why it happened and who to set his revenge on.

LeviCi looked around at the rest of this golden ticket gang. "Guess its time to follow the masses" he pulled his coat back and tucked his hands into his pants pockets. As he merged into the crowed he began to moo like a cow. Mindlessly following orders with all these people made the mage uneasy, but he was willing to fall into a trap or two if it got him the knowledge he was seeking. He had faith in his ability to survive.
Senya had a little bit to process, mostly being the being who had told her to watch herself. Oh boy, an anti religious figure in the party. That was going to make her life anoying. She didn't need someone hating on her or her beliefs. "If you so wish i'll keep away from you... do i take that to mean you don't want any aid from me at all? I usually heal all i can but if you have a specific wish for me not to tell me and i will respect it." She says. She wasn't sure what his beef was with the goddess of Light and Music but... well, some people were odd like that.

As the baron came forth, she listened carefully. So she had been right: he had taken enough time to sort everyone out evenly. Still, the system he chose seeme kind of weird. She understood that not everone could investigate the farmhouse at once, but still splitting everyone into parties like that was a bit odd.

"Let's get moving then. We dont want to get the crummy rooms at the inn." She says with a slight smirk. She would watch, wait.. bide her time until an issue arose.That's just the kind of cleric she was.
The oblivious man stared at the party, a single thought flowing through his head: "I didn't do anything and they are already going at their throats secretly. The things that I endure for a quick coin". He remained silent for a second while thoroughly analyzing his would-be companions.

He quickly thought "A drow, no reason trying to rely on him. I'll be backstabbed before I get him to backstab someone if what they tell is true..." He turned his head to the leaving LeviCi "The bearded one: he is clearly as barmy as a Spire God, no reason to antagonize him. He may be a mage and I prefer myself not being on fire. That leaves me with..." He faced Senya and looked at her from head to toe. "Well, at least I have something attractive to look at while being lectured for my poor decisions. Better to play nice and hope to avoid the risk of being smitten by a Power, again. And I'd prefer to have someone to heal me should I screw things up rather than resorting to put the blame on the drow, or both if I can".

Realizing that thinking is not a free action and that he wasted time looking suspiciously at the party, he said to the Aasimar with a soothing and charming tone "Oh, don't you pay attention to him. It's common for drows to be... conflictive with the followers of most gods. My name's Sadim, but I haven't gotten yours, young lady...". He smiled warmly, part of his face covered in small scars, as if he was burned with boiling water a long time ago, or hit in the face with a spiked shrub recently.
LeviCi finally made his way through the crowd to the bar. He impatiently pushed his way up to the counter and attempted to get the barkeeps attention with a silver coin in the air. It wasn't much, but he hoped it would sway them into giving him information next. If the barkeep didnt take the bribe LeviCi would just use the silver to order two pints of ale. (8copper with 2 copper left over for tip.)
"I'm a Drow." Valric said, shaking his head at both the odd way the Cleric responded and the utter nonsense the man, Sadam? Sidam? Was sprouting. "If you're too stupid to understand why I might take umbrage with the Goddess of Light of all things, then I'm not going to waste my breath explaining it to you." With nothing left to say he simple turned away and marched towards the inn.

Were all surface dwellers this thick? It seems like every conversation he'd ever had with one of these people had only ever worsened his opinions of them as a whole. Lolth willing that situation will change.
"...You don't need to be rude, Drow." She said a bit offended by the man. "If you don't want me to bother with you then I won't, but don't come crying to me if you get injure." She said. Goddess, and she was just trying to be nice too... Well, she figuredd she would just leave the jerk be. Sometimes people just weren't fated to get along, an sometimes people were judgedd solely on what they followed. She knew that better than anyone.

She turned to the man that ha spoken with him, shortly after watching LeviCi had towards the bar. "Well, i get that he might now like me just because I follow Akulla, but he didn't need to be a dick about it. A pleasure Sadim. You may call me Senya." She says, flashing him a slight smile. At least SOMEONE gave her the time of day. Sometimes Clerics were not unnoticed by the masses. Well, she supposed not many clerics had goo stories to tell about healing or helping. Well, war clerics did... did she consier herself one of those? Probably not... besides, she wouldn't want to talk of her past anyhow.
As he was seeing Valric walk towards the inn, Sadim turned to Senya and shrugged. He was pursing his lips, trying to avoid a smirk in an attempt to hide his glee over the obvious frustration of the drow, his reaction being as predicted. But he knew it wouldn't be smart to keep kindling the flames, so he decided not to add anything to the conversation. Instead, he just replied to Senya: "The pleasure is mine, Senya. I am always happy to be welcomed by followers of gods, given it's not to a trial of course"

After glancing briefly to the groups of adventurers heading to the inn, he started walking towards it while saying: "Well, I'm not going to fight over a room again, so better get going."
Urreek soared through the sky above the little town of Myrra clutching his small colored strip of paper, he was late, again. Gods, why did the people of the material plain have to care so much about time? Why can't they all just fly around and just go with the flow, oh wait, they had no wings to fly... such sad folk. But none of that mattered now, all that mattered was getting to the square as fast as he possibly could, for all he knew, he was missing some crucial information. The square was in sight now, all he had to o was lock his wings in place and glide on down.

Unfortunate for him, the square was already filled with a large number of people, all of which seemed to be heading into the same building. Gross, does that mean he'd have to go in there too? Ugh, he hated buildings, so enclosed and cramped. He hoped that whoever invented them would suffer a fate worse than not being able to fly. It was strange though, everyone was split up into small groups. Every group had their own color of paper too. Was that what he was supposed to do, find whoever else had golden tickets? Well there were two of them outside about to walk right into the wooden deathtrap. He had to stop them now, or he could lose them in there forever.

He dove down as fast as he could and landed somewhat gracefully in front of Senya and Sadim with his back to them. He looked around, confused for a moment before turning around to face them. He looked at their faces for a minute studying their facial features down to the wrinkles. He cocked his head almost 90 degrees to the left and whistled before thrusting his golden ticket in Sadim's face.
Instinctively leaning backwards to avoid a fist to the face, Sadim took 3 seconds to appreciate the beautiful gleam of the golden paper in front of him. Clearly amused by the Aarakocra's entrance as shown by a small grin, he leaned to a side and stared him in the eyes for a second before deciding to drop some snark: "For me? Why thank you!"

Before the newcomer could even react, he yanked the paper from his hand and patted his shoulder gently as he walked by him, telling to Senya "How kind the people are here, don't you think? I didn't even have to ask the guard for another ticket"
Inside the Tavern

Patrons bustled about, LeviCi just barely getting a stool in time. Somewhere behind him, lost in the crowd, Valric waded in as well. The barmaid, a large half-orc woman with a mohawk and heavy armor grunted as she caught the flicker of silver in the corner of her eye. "Listen, I know you scrubs are new in town, and I may or may not recognize you if you've been staying here recently, but you hand me coin when I ask for it." With this she snatched the into a pouch and a moment later produced two flagons of ale. They sloshed over the edge a bit as she impatiently slammed the two containers down. "Look, I don't know what the baron's thinkin with this whole divide and conquer thing, but between you and me, baldy, I think he's just milking as much out of you so-called adventurers as he can." She shook her head and chuckled, putting a hand up to silence some patrons that were getting impatient. "Anyways, gold tickets meet at the temple. Somethin about a strange circle with magical properties in a cave they hit while expanding. I don't know the details, I just know that's what the gold bounty is. Now, I've got other patrons, you've got your drinks, I think it's time to let someone else have the bar. Your group will be staying in rooms on the third floor at the very back." She put three keys on the bar and nearly shoved them off into LeviCi's lap. She then turned, giving the next patron the same treatment she had given LeviCi, an odd silence becoming present as the sound of the tavern door shutting echoed throughout the building. In an almost seductive, yet simultaneously joking tone, a woman spoke. "So, what lucky boys have a red slip tonight?"

Outside the Tavern

The strange bird man landing in front of Senya and Sadim effected more than just the three involved. Many passersby were cocking eyebrows at the strange creature that stood before them, a few letting out grumbles about it blocking the way to the tavern door as they shoved past. Before Sadim and Senya could get inside the tavern, however, a woman with striking purple hair and tight-fitting leather armor adorned with nearly three dozen daggers brushed past, a slight sway in her hips. As she passed, she turned and gave a smile to Sadim, offering a wink and waving a blood red slip in the air. Her voice came forth, giving off just that perfect tone Sadim didn't even know he liked, something buried deep in his subconscious, only now coming forth due to the smooth, sweet tone of the woman's voice. "And here I was reaaaallly looking forward to teaming up with you." She giggled, knowing fully that Sadim would have no clue who she was as she turned away, once again slowly rocking her hips as she walked, the tight leather armor accenting her curves perfectly. The tavern door shut behind her and the commotion inside seemed to halt as all the males apparently took notice of this stunning figure now standing in the tavern.
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LeviCi gave no response to the aggressive bartender. He wasn't sure what crawled up her green ass and died, but he didn't care to ask questions about it. A couple gulps of ale helped calm the sorcerer's temper. Unfortunately, the gulps also put him closer to the bottom of the mug. The barkeep must have spilled more than he realized.

When the seductive and mysterious rogue woman entered the bar LeviCi looked her head to toe. Her face was impressively cute and her tone was defiantly alluring. For a moment LeviCi contemplated handing over his spare mug of ale. Then he came to his senses. Women usually had trouble holding his attention when their breasts were smaller than their head. A nice, clean shaven, dwarven woman with a chest like two dragons eggs. That's what stroked his arcane focus and cradled his component pouch.

LeviCi finished off his first mug. Then he looked around the bar sizing up the competition. He would try to find the person least likely to handle their alcohol and slide them the second ale. "Let's keep this competition friendly, eh? Good luck to you and your team." Hopefully this extra drink would keep them sleeping late.

Once his hands were empty he would seek out the rest of his team and feed them the information from the barkeep. LeviCi would keep one key for himself, but he would hand the others out to what every team member got to him first.
Valric ignored the strutting whore that was now prancing about the bar room, if some Human wanted to walk into a nest of Hooked Horrors in 'armor' that, in all honesty, probably qualified as lingerie that was their death warrant to sign. Instead he gazed around the tables and barstools, looking for the only thus far competent member of his 'team'.

He spotted LeviCi after a moment's search, hard to miss a bald man with a Dwarve's beard after all. A few moments of shoving past gawking buffoons later and he had arrived next to his companion. "Learn anything useful?" He asked.
Senya nodde. "Yes that seems the best course of action." She says agreeing with Sadim as he suggests they move into the tavern. Doubtless the others were already trying to get information.... or get incredibly drunk. She hoped it wasn't the latter, they were supposed to be focusing ad preparing for their mission, whatever it happened to be.

Before they could, a woman came by , gave a short flirt with Sadim, then entered the tavern." Senya gave a slight blink, turning the man. "I'm guessing you two knew each other or the like?" She aske. She wasn't going to have to deal with a lovestruck moron on their mission, would they? Well, the man was nice so it was tolerable prbabbly. As long as he in't begin singing about this woman or some such.
If he was able to glare, you can certainly bet that's what Urreek would be doing at the moment. Everyone in this plain was so rude, always pushing and shoving. What was everyone in a hurry for? We're all going to the same place, just calm down. Instead however as the man walked past him, he ruffled up his feathers trying to make himself appear larger and more intimidating. He was this close to grabbing Sadim by the shoulder and spin him around, but the appearance of a lady that that meaner probably knew gave him a different opportunity.

While he was distracted by her feminine form, he slowly walked up to Sadim and pilfered the man's original gold paper. He probably noticed, but it was to late now, the paper was already in his hand, and he started backing away slowly.
Sadim stood there, dumbfounded by the actions of the mysterious woman. His mind spinning wildly with a mixture of attraction, distrust, anger, and... determination. He knew the woman wouldn't be up to no good, his experience on the "job" letting him have the insight that the only good rogue is that on your own payroll. But he still felt an attraction to the lady, which caused him to boil inside. She was a better charmer than he was, she hit him with a metaphorical arrow straight through the chest, and worst of all: he liked it.

He tried to piece together the situation as fast as he could, his pride never letting him bear to be behind it. There were countless adventurers separated in groups, all given different orders to accomplish the same goal. This had to be a competition, and where there is a competition, there's a price. A price that he was determined to win, whatever it was.

"Well, I don't know her, Senya. But I have the feeling we will." He turned to Urreek and pointed to him with the hand he was holding the other golden paper with. "I don't know your name nor whether you talk, but get in there so we can find the other two barmies and maybe get to know a thing or two."

What seemed to be just a simple job for him suddenly got stakes much more higher.
LeviCi saw Valric first and handed him a key. "We are staying on the third floor. Last rooms in the hall." He tried to explain the gold ticket mission, but he noticed his voice was being drowned out by the rest of the people in the bar. He lowered his head in frustrated defeat. It was best to explain things when he was sure his teammates could hear him. "I will explain the rest up in our room!"

LeviCi continued through the crowed until he reached the rest of the party. When he noticed Urreek he drew back with wide eyes, "Hells horses!...Thats a big bird." He pushed a key towards the party, guessing that Sadim would snatch it quickly. "We're on the 3rd floor. In the back..." He said without taking his eyes of Urreek.

Once someone took the key LeviCi would disengage the party and make his way up to the room. If he passed that seductive woman on his way through the crowed he would give her another look. Stacked or not, she was still cute and looking for attention. It would be rude NOT to look.
Upon the mention of potentially having to go inside the crowded death trap, his head sunk down between his shoulders a little. Just the thought of walking in there made him feel as if he was being closed in a small box. He quickly shook the feeling off when he remembered the disrespectful man had questioned his intelligence.

"Of course I can speak!" He squawked. "What do you take me for, some simpleton?" He scoffed. "My name is *several chirps, whistles, and clicks * but you may call me by the name given to me by your kind, Urreek." He chirped proudly. "And I'd much rather stay out here, there's more room for, uh, activities." He said in a more hushed tone trailing off as he spoke the last few words.

Then yet another man approached the group, this one however was more, how should i put it, follicly challenged, yeah that's it. He felt that it was quite rude to just blurt out something like that, but then again Aarakocra rarely left their plain, so it was understandable. Still, he found himself feeling offended nonetheless He was talking about rooms and whatever, which led Urreek to believe he was also part of this mashed up group of different cultures.

"Yes I am indeed a rather large "bird" I believe we are colloquially known as Aarakocra. Now would you please stop staring at me, you're making me feel considerably uncomfortable." He said quite awkwardly.
With the agility of a beggar finding a coin, Sadim grabbed the key and put it inside his pocket. With a smug smile and while stretching his arms he said while inconspicuously walking behind Urreek: "Well, we've got our rooms so finally I'll get some sleep" With a mean grin he quickly told the Aarakocra "Oh, don't be chicken, get inside" and prepared to push him inside the tavern.

If only his bad intentions didn't match his bad luck.

Urreek, expecting his shenanigans stepped aside, grabbed his arm and kicked him in the back before releasing him, making the rogue look like a rag doll. Being flung with the speed of a cannonball, Sadim's impact on the tavern's door was strong enough to break it apart hinges and all. And in the ground he ended up, resting with his face almost buried inside the door's remains, his pride shattered in front of all the adventurers and tavern's patrons that turned his heads at the sound of the crash.

He got up, almost falling again over the dizziness caused by hitting his head against a door with the force of a bull. He added almost whimpering: "I asked for it! ... I'm going to sleep...". Turned into a tomato, partially for the blush, partially for the blood coming from his forehead; he went upstairs, tripping again in the meantime. His last thought being a mixture of "Ouch" and "Gotta kill that bird"
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