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Realistic or Modern Those Among Us or ʰᵉʳᵒᵉˢ


Old soul


The Letter / “Dear Mr. President”

Mr. President,

I am seeking to speak to you about a matter of utmost importance, a matter which has been left unsolved since the genesis of our country, but now particularly strange occurrences and social injustices are leading to me asking you this question, sir. Do you believe in [for lack of a better term] magic? Sir, the creatures practicing these devilish arts parade among us even now, wearing human skin to conceal the filth underneath. They've been around for centuries, lurking just beneath the radar at the only place they can survive - among us. They're the businessman, the student, the mother, even our children. And they're a threat that needs to be pacified at any cost. Why, you wonder, do our own "citizens" need to be detained and placed away from the general population? - For the good of our citizens and the for guarantee of a future for our country.

If this isn't enough of a reason for you, allow me to provide an example of some of these creatures incriminates. September 2011, the Pacific Diner, an sinkhole of mass proportions occurred, taking down the whole building and killing three while injuring a predicted twenty United States citizens. The sinkhole was first thought to be of natural occurrences, but further supernatural inquiry into the matter led to the suspicion being placed onto a certain individual by the name of Joe Freeman. The man in question was placed into custody, and tempted into another expose of his deformity, causing another incident which led to the deaths of six policeman, two detectives, and the predicted three United States citizens. He's still in the run, hiding among us with all of those unjustified deaths on his head. No crime can go unpunished - that's something you said when you were elected into office, is it not? The abilities of these people make "punishing" impossible without brutal and lethal force.

If this isn't enough, why not bring into question the infamous carbon monoxide incident of 2009 that took out a whole school? Further inquiry into that matter in particular revealed the perpetrator in question to be a six year old who's deformity led to a seeping of the life force of others. Said child is still in custody for the safety of others. And then let's address the most infamous of the criminals - a ring of savages who go by the name of the Incendiaries, who wreck havoc upon our innocent citizens, raking in blood and fear from wherever they lurk. They're dangerous, yes, but the problem has not yet become impossible to solve. With the right funding and the most men we can spare for the honorable task of defending our country, I'm sure the problem will never escalate to those heights.

Unfortunately our department is not properly funded nor quite so influential enough to deal with this problem without the aid of our commander of chief of our country's coin of approval. We ask not just for money, but for permission to deal with this problem with any force necessary - for the good of our country.

Lakin Goverace

New York is a population dense city. The streets are crowded with warm bodies, some of these people pulsing with a strange energy caused by a mutation of the DNA. The only word we humans have to describe this occurrence is as an act of magic. Of course the term to authorities of the city is one a little more... Subjective - a deformity. And perhaps it is. It seems the more power a person possesses the more reckless they get. The more reckless they get the more dangerous the city becomes for those possessing of even the slightest touch of magic. 

And it's not difficult for one of us to be painted in a light just as evil as they wish we could be depicted. They've forgotten that we're just like them. We have emotions, feelings, goals, family even. They've forgotten that our differences should unite us rather then pull us apart.

Any interest? This would be a Heroes (if any of you have seen the series - on Netflix if your interested, it's amazing - it's loosely based off of it) sort of role-play with magic and realism mixed together. I'll develop it more if there's any real interest, and if anyone's interested in helping me out that would be amazing :-)
I assume not. The letter straight up said for the lack of a better word. Otherwise count me out. I don't do well with magic
I have a question how do the powers work what are they like? Are they actually magic like or what? 

This role-play is not going to be magic-based at all I'm afraid, haha. "Powers" are going to be DNA based and little is going to be known for a bit on what exactly causes them. But the most that's going to be known is its a mutation of the DNA and it's mainly genetic. Like if someones parents had powers they will as well most likely, and there powers would be similar. That's not to say that normal humans couldn't have children with powers as that's mainly where it starts.
This role-play is not going to be magic-based at all I'm afraid, haha. "Powers" are going to be DNA based and little is going to be known for a bit on what exactly causes them. But the most that's going to be known is its a mutation of the DNA and it's mainly genetic. Like if someones parents had powers they will as well most likely, and there powers would be similar. That's not to say that normal humans couldn't have children with powers as that's mainly where it starts.

Okay  :D
Role-play should surface sometime later this week ~ just as a headsup to everyone. If you'd like to start getting started on a character sheet here it is .. You can message it to me before-hand if you'd like to get it pre-approved..


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][Please put a picture in a spoiler here. REALISTIC ONLY PLEASE][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Face Claim: **if you need an explanation, this is basically the realistic persons face of whom you’ve chosen to use.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Alive || Dead[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] ([/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]underline[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] the correct value)[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Nickname: **optional[/SIZE]




[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Sexuality: **optional[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]**This could all just be summed up with one paragraph if preferred.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Hair Color:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Eye Color:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Defining Features: (scars, tattoos, birthmarks?)[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Conditions/ Disorders: **optional[/SIZE]




[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Side Effects: **just for an explanation of this, the more powerful a person is, the more handicaps could be added. For instance, a speedy character could be weakened by the cold, or a character with a resilience over fire could be particularly weakened when exposed to moisture.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Pre-established - **this may be left empty for now.[/SIZE]

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