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Fantasy This is how it ends [SimplexShiney and IceCreamMage]


New Member
One would think that in the modern day and age mythical creatures would have nowhere to hide. Unfortunately these people will get a bit of a shock when they find out that, what they thought was “myths and farietales”, actually lives amongst them. From dwarves to fairies to phoenixes they all live amongst humans, some in more peaceful manner than others.

That's when our guardians come in. [Guild Name] is a group of all sort of misfits and humans in the known that look after the peace on streets and make sure that mystical creatures don't cause any sort of world wide panic. They are everywhere, every city and town, little village and even less occupied islands. The Guild is huge and always looking out for the mistreated ones.

This story is fallowing a Guild stationed in London. The huge city itself has been divided for years between the Guild, pack of Lycans and an old family of Vampires. The three factions haven't managed to find common goal until few years back when The guild has first reached out to newly appointed Alpha. Then Vampires knew better than to oppose a powerful coalition, thus they started to talk about peace treaty themselves.

We begin this story a year into the treaty talks. Old Leader of the Guild, Sebastian Crawford, has been missing for over a month, and due to their customs a new Leader has been appointed, Ailee Marigold. Her young spirit and fresh ideas was what swayed the council to vote for her in hope that she could continue Sebastian's legacy in hope to have London united after centuries of living in division. Her second in command, Andrew Taxon, has been a strong candidate for a while and it has spread a lot of gossips and confusion as to why Ailee managed to snatch that "win" from under his nose. No one knows for certain. It's known though that Andrew as second in command has pledged to do his best in training Ailee in becoming the next great Leader.

IceCreamMage IceCreamMage (OOC: P.S. If you could think of a new name for our group, that would be great! :D Also let me know if you have any ideas to amend, add to this intro post.)
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