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Realistic or Modern This is high school? {Always Accepting}

Trevor actually wanted to laugh when she asked that question. He knew what it meant, but it could mean many things, so he wasn't sure if he should answer. "Mendokuse means troublesome or bothersome, I was trying to see if I could get to the sweets later this week so I kept the candy floss, but it's whatever." The other that was used for it was screw it or aw man but he used the most useful word to describe the candy floss.

@WhisperOnTheWind (got bore with the old written style)
Maeve eats some more candy floss. "Oh," Maeve comments her eyes darting away. "Sorry if I'm too much trouble." She looks back down at her hands briefly before looking back up shyly. "I can get you another packet of candy floss if you want." @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Trevor rolled his eyes before kissing her. "You're never too much trouble, the candy is troublesome Mae." He hugged her close once he finished saying that. Maeve meant a lot to him and he hated when she started feeling sad.

"Oh," Maeve mumbles. Her cheeks go red again with her embarrassment. There she was saying about how assumptions don't help and she assumes something later on. She rests her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist as she stands close to him. "Thank you." @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Trevor rubbed her hair with his free hand while again giving her a kiss. "You were always my special Mae ever since we met." She was someone who he treasured more than anyone else. She was that special someone who made him reveal his true self not the gamer side but his friendly side.

sky smiled at him after he kissed her

lilian continued to watch the movie.

(I'm back! sorry i didnt know what to say) (do you know what time it is in the rp and something interesting should probably happen besides us sitting around xD ) @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Skylark said:
sky smiled at him after he kissed her
lilian continued to watch the movie.

(I'm back! sorry i didnt know what to say) (do you know what time it is in the rp and something interesting should probably happen besides us sitting around xD ) @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
(No idea, do you want them to do anything?)

Dom wrapped his arm around her waist with a smile on his face. "Well this is interesting." He told her while kissing her neck.

Clyde raised an eyebrow as Lilian looked at him but decided to shrug it off. "What's the best part in the movie for you?" Clyde asked while placin one arm around her shoulder.
@Skylark (I'm done with colors xD it's either gray or black now)
sky bit her lip when he kissed her neck butterflies filled her stomach. "woah" she mumbled very quietly

"i dont really know i like it all" she said as she continued to watch the movie "what about you?" she asked (i was wondering how you could handle doing that all the time xD ) @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Dom looked at her with a smile before kissing her neck again. "You really are pretty Sky." He complimented her while smiling.

Clyde looked at her thinking about it. "The races and car show." Sometimes it was hard for him to decide but the one part that annoyed him more on the movie was when cars where destroyed. The fiends for destroying them.
@Skylark (I got bore of it xD I may go to my old writing style from when I started)
"and your really handsome" sky said. she kissed him on the lips slowly with her arms wrapped around his neck.

"cool" "i think the movie might be over soon what do you want to do after?" she asked with a smile (do you know what time it is in the rp?) @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Dom smiled as he kissed her back. He really liked Sky, that's why he kept himself from cursing like he did before.

Clyde actually though about that. He actually didn't know where they could go. "Mendosuke (every one of my character will say it
xD ), no idea at all." He said that word because it was too troublesome to think at times. @Skylark (no idea at all)
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As Sky kissed him someone was walking to the house. all of a sudden her parents came in. when the door opened it was silent so sky didnt hear it. they stood there shocked at the kissing.

"we could go to the mall if your up to it" she said with a smile @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Dom eyes shot open and he stopped kissing Sky. He stare at the new people that came while they watched the movie. "Umm, Sky.." He really didn't know what to say.

Clyde would had said yes right then and there, but something made him shiver. He really wanted to go ahead and get the new catalogue but he hoped that they wouldn't stay there that long.
skys eyes also shot opened once she turned around and saw her parents "h-h-h-i-i.." she said awkwardly. "What the heck was that!" Her father yelled her parents were overprotective when it came to guys. pretty much a kiss on the cheek was like making out to them. well at least when their daughters did it. her parents looked angry and confused.

"we dont have to" lilian said wondering if something was wrong @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Dom eyebrow twitched when Sky father yelled. What the hell was his problem? From what Sky told him, her parents spent most of their time arguing and now here they were. He kept his mouth shut but if they said anything that completely was out control, well 'may the force be with them' as Yoda said before.

Clyde quickly shook his head. "Eh,sure." He was still sleepy, but really didn't want to bother her with his habits. He closed his eyes a little bit before smiling at her. "Let's go." He stood up and held out his hand to her.
sky looked annoyed she stood up "you didn't have to yell!" she said her parents usually didn't yell when it came to her but for some reason they did. then a thought came to her head 'he might be drunk' he dad didn't drink a lot but it seemed like it. he was almost falling over and just the look he gave her. her dad shot her a terrifying look. her mom was in the back looking scared for her daughter. "why were you kissing him" he said moving closer to sky. "because i like him" she said back slowly but she wasn't afraid. soon her dad shot dom a look. then he turned back to sky and grabbed her wrist and pulled her upstairs. he shoved her away and looked at her. "Your to young" he said loudly. "I'm almost 18" she said back loudly "im almost an adult" "your still to young" he said moving closer 'yep hes drunk' sky thought. "Soon you wont have authority over me." she said giving him a look. he looked angry "and you need to stop drinking" she said. the moment she realized what she said she regretted it she knew nothing good was going to happen to her. "you think im drunk" he said with a drunken laugh. "man a few beers and people think your drunk" his expression soon went from laughing drunkenly to angry. "I'm not drunk." he said he slapped her on the face pretty hard and sky wasn't expecting it so she all of a sudden fell down. she looked up at him as he looked up at her. she was now full of fear.

lilian took his hand and headed outside. she still was wondering if everything was alright. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Dom quickly jumped up and kicked Sky father away from her. He bent down and checked before turning to look at the man who hurt his own daughter. "You son of a bitch, who the fucking hell are you to hit your own daughter." He growled out at him. "I could fucking call child service right now and force them to take you to jail for harassment." He growled out. He could freaking take certain things from others parent but when it came down to hitting your own kid, that was the line. "I could even send you to a freaking shitting hospital but I'm controlling anger as to not hurt Sky." He whispered making sure Sky would hear him. He could had used that move but he didn't want to break his ribs.

Clyde got out and went to his bike, actually ignoring the yelling that he heard. "Ignore it, okay?" He sent her a pleading look, telling her to not pay attention to it.

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