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Realistic or Modern This is high school? {Always Accepting}



Ryan's eyes examined Jada's. He knew she was avoiding something, and he wasn't going to be like any other guy and let her off. If there was anything she was keeping a secret from him, he wanted to know. "So you skip school a lot? But where do you go?" The boy shoved his hands back into his pockets, before sensing Jada's eyes on him, but he just gave back a profound stare. "You must pick up a new guy every time, right?" But before she could answer, Ryan's phone rang off from a notification, "Sorry." He muttered before he pulled his phone out and checked his messages. Need outfit advice. Urgent! It was sent from Brittany; his friend. A wide grin formed onto his lips, Ryan typed back: I can't give advice for something I don't know is happening. The boy dropped his hand with the phone back into his pockets before proceeding to walk with Jada. "Carry on."

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After she saw the dancing, Luiza decided to go out of the school, and blushing, proceeded to go to the exit. She wonders if there is a pool next to the school.
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Vic looks at Green, "My sister was born with violet eyes, that's all I know, and only about .8 percent of the world's population have violet eyes and if I can find a girl with black hair and violet eyes that originated from France, I will have found my sister. Green, I lost her once, I can't take losing my sister again.


Hads smiles, "He IS?"

Hadley looks up at Green and smiles, she waves to him and giggles, "he's adorable, but my parents want to send me to private school so that I can get a private tutor for the rest of my life, I don't want to be set off from the others." Hadley looks down and fiddles with her fingers.

Tawny wanders through the hallways, her bag on her back and hands shoved in her jeans pockets. She considers checking if any of her siblings have text her from a gut feeling, however she shrugs it off and keeps walking.
Luiza slowly exits the school, as she looks around her. She looks like she's daydreaming about something, with hands in her pockets.
Elizabeth was a bit hungry herself. She didn't have much for breakfasts because she was in a rush to get ready. "Forever?" She scoffed, "Have you seen my grades? I'll be here for a while.."she admitted. Elizabeth didn't like the fact she wasn't the brightest because she really did try. @QueenOfDisaster
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"Yea, we have just must met but y'know, love at first sight?" Harrison said with a nod. Hearing her say yes caused his face to turn turn bright red. "G-great!" He started stammering. "And sure, I'm ok with that. I really want to see your music skills. You're probably amazing." Harrison complimented @RandomFoodGirl
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Stanley knew her face but just didn't have a name for her. ''I honestly don't do well with remembering names'' He admitted honestly. He decided to take a while guess at it though, ''Amber? Sounds like a common girl name. Is your name Amber>'' Stanley asked her. He then realized something. He was positive she had a brother, he remembered speaking to him at a party once and he mentioned his sister but he could of been wrong. ''You have a brother right?''He questioned, arching his brow. @AmRosey


Biting down onto her bottom, Sasha tried to stop herself from giggling her head off.
Amber? A brother? This boy was making the best guesses for today. Shaking her head while her eyes gave the boy an "are-you-serious" stare, Sasha pulled the hem of her shirt down. "Should I just save you from your own embarrassment or do you want another guess?"

Luiza slowly walks back into the school, as she starts to wander through it, humming some peacefull song.
Stanley felt his cheeks flush red with embarrassment. He chuckled softly, nodding his head, ''Yes, please.''He pleaded. He thought about his guesses for a while. Then who was Amber? He shook it off, not really caring much. ''You already know my name, don't you?'' He questioned her which was most likely she did. He had some what of a reputation around this place. @AmRosey


Tilting her head to the side, Sasha could sense the vibe of embarrassment overcome his ego. It was cute. "Sasha. My name's Sasha." The girl snickered before arching her brows up. "You already told me your name. Y'know, before you gave me that snide insult." Her eyes were looking up at Stanley's before they flit toward the empty hallways. "So, next time, I actually do suggest you use a bin. I don't want to be filing a report to the litter police just because of your stupidity." She revealed a light smirk.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_mf7iogGDO91rc1xpe.gif.555b94a10a5eda6517bcd4ae5f9d06e9.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106473" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_mf7iogGDO91rc1xpe.gif.555b94a10a5eda6517bcd4ae5f9d06e9.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Charlotte was awfully bored in school she could almost have the guts to hit her head on the wall until she got a concussion... But that would be a bit mental. She thought to herself with a small smile on her face.

Charlotte was just out of her gym class... They had swimming, "fun"... Not really. They all think its fun and games until you have to use the girls showers. Its absolutely disgusting.

Since Charlotte was terribly traumatized by the school showers she decided to take a little walk outside of the school.

She walked outside of the school a back way she liked to take... That was all badass she was, sneaking outside of an unlocked door which she was pretty sure it was fine to go out...

Charlotte walked around the fences, looking at the beautiful view they had, "Why do people take advantage of this..." She mumbled to herself, "Its... Beautiful..."

Sadly, Charlotte ended up smelling some smoke.

Her and Naomi's mother passed away from lung cancer due to smoking so she was very sensitive about that kind of stuff.

Charlotte made her way to the two people smoking and clasped her hands together and forced a smile onto her face, "Do you guys have to smoke around here... I'm pretty sure it says no smoking right in front of you..." She pointed to the sign on the school exterior wall.

"See." @simkimchild @Dannygirl900



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Naomi sighed to the girl and the boy that Danny tried to introduce to her... But that was okay, she didn't want to disturb them.

She leaned into Danny's ear and whispered, "How about we just get food first?" @iChaotic



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Luiza quietly exited the school, and started walking around it, passing by Charlotte, bored out of her mind. She slowly heads towards one of the benches, and sits down on it, biting her lip.

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Stopping he turned to look at Naomi, "I was honestly hoping you two could speak.." With a sigh he looked behind him to see Harrison speaking with the girl. He did indeed look really happy, and Danny didn't want to spoil it for him; Danny looked out for Harrison more than Harrison did for him, even though Danny was the younger, more arrogant one. Plus he thought the girl looked somewhat strange with her violet eyes. 'Never seen that colour before.' Danny also didn't want to go against what Naomi was asking - it wouldn't help his chances of getting with her. Turning back to her, "Well alright. If that's what you want." Giving her a smile, "What do you have in mind?" @QueenOfDisaster


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.59d2d995268db64d8129cd999ec9a968.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106476" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.59d2d995268db64d8129cd999ec9a968.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Oh." She said, hoping he would just decide. Plus, she thought he was just going to pay for her in the cafeteria, "I'm not sure... I was just hoping you would decide." She moved some of her blonde hair to her shoulder and smiled, "But you're paying," she winked, "So you can pick if I can choose..."

She tilted her head, tends to do that a lot when she's thinking, "Actually! There's his really cute cafe I know of!" @iChaotic



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"There is? Well then, I guess we'll go there. I don't really care if we miss part of school." Danny said with a cheeky grin. "Anyway, my car is outside if you don't have one. I'm guessing you'll like it, my dad spent a lot on it." He said as he took his car keys out of his pocket and span them round. "What'd you say?" @QueenOfDisaster

Jada Ivory


Jada was staring off into space, she wondered why this guy was so interested in her. She knew he won't let go on the idea, Jada had to go with it as much as she hates talking about herself. She was hoping the subject of her mom being missing didn't come rolling around but why not, it's something to tell about herself. "So you skip school a lot? But where do you go?" Ryan asked before reaching for his phone. She sighed racking her hair with her finger tips as he gestured her to wait a moment.

Jada saw the smile forming on his lips and looked to the side from across the street. She didn't notice when he placed the phone back into his pocket until he said, "Carry on." Jada turned back to look at him and licked her lips before sighing deeply, "Alright, I go up into the woods and sit around I have my own place... My hiding place. Nobody know where it is and where I am which is good also no I don't get a new guy every time, guys don't talk to me ever they think I'm weird. Anything else?" She said with crooked eyebrow.

"Oh, another thing is I moved here because my mother went missing and me, as well as my father don't have a clue were she went. We think she ran away it seems we always trying to find something better than the idea of her being murdered. It's possible though. We move around a lot for this reason, pretty soon in a few months I'll be out of this town." Jada couldn't believe she actually said all that, "Is that enough about myself?"

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Luiza slowly entered the school again, as she decided to go to cafeteria, maybe to make some new pals. She didn't count on it, though.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.39a9313190684e7439e1b480a80f760c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106491" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.39a9313190684e7439e1b480a80f760c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Oh so you're a rich British boy?" She raised an eyebrow and laughed, "I say lets go!" She said and grabbed his hand once again and ran out to the school parking lot, "So, which one is your car?" @iChaotic​



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Skylark said:
Lilian shrugged as she also finished her ice cream "sure" she said with a little smile.
Sky laughed "I'm a country folk but I also have a little bit of suburbs since I stay at my friends houses a lot." She said as she hopped down from the tree. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII


He started walking to where they have the swings, but still waiting for Lilian to follow him.


"I'm a city guy, being raised by a former sailor and marine (no idea which one was it
xD )." He shrugged to himself. "Using a knife or a baton and a stun gun or a small revolver is easy to use for me right now since he has them at home."
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