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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Third Wizarding War Character page


Dead Poet


Standard RPN rules ALWAYS apply.

I am more than willing to allow special snowflake characters (Animagi transformation, Flying (without support). Legilimency/Occlumency, Magical resistance, Metamorphmagi, Parseltongue, Seer, Veela charm) BUT please limit one snowflake per person and one special ability per snowflake. Please & Thank You (also keep in mind that a majority of these abilities require older characters)

Please PLEASE no perfect characters.

Please post 'Round Robin Style' in the order you were accepted to the rp.(not sure about anyone else but i have a tendency to fall behind when posting replies becomes a free for all... so for my sanity and anyone else like me please PLEASE post Round Robin so everyone gets equal opportunity to post.)

You have 24 hours to post when we reach your turn. If you don't post in 24 hours your turn will be skipped. (if someone has said they wont be on for a while we will skip their turn without waiting for a day)

Should you miss three turns in a row without informing the group that you need time away from the rp for whatever reason you WILL lose your spot in the group.

Also-not and actual rule but something to consider... I would prefer characters of all age groups if possible and if we last longer than a full school year any characters added at the beginning of the new year should (logically) be first years.

Posting order:
Dead Poet Dead Poet
2. duergar duergar
3. fancries1 fancries1
4. Just A Midget Just A Midget
5. SwordMaiden2845 SwordMaiden2845
6. _SweetCandy_ _SweetCandy_
7. Alveolar Exchanged Alveolar Exchanged
8. ShipsAndShit16 ShipsAndShit16

Admissions Office

My rules will be in the upper right hand corner of the first post of each thread and the directory on the right. Please, please please, read my rules, there is one thing specifically that I need to happen in this rp or I will lose my shit all over this rp and it will not be pretty. For those of you who are on mobile devices and cant read my rules because of the coding I will post it again here so there are no excuses.

Standard RPN rules ALWAYS apply.

I am more than willing to allow special snowflake characters (Animagi transformation, Flying (without support). Legilimency/Occlumency, Magical resistance, Metamorphmagi, Parseltongue, Seer, Veela charm) BUT please limit one snowflake per person and one special ability per snowflake. Please & Thank You (also keep in mind that a majority of these abilities require older characters)

Please PLEASE no perfect characters.

Please post 'Round Robin Style' in the order you were accepted to the rp.(not sure about anyone else but i have a tendency to fall behind when posting replies becomes a free for all... so for my sanity and anyone else like me please PLEASE post Round Robin so everyone gets equal opportunity to post.)

You have 24 hours to post when we reach your turn. If you don't post in 24 hours your turn will be skipped. (if someone has said they wont be on for a while we will skip their turn without waiting for a day)

Should you miss three turns in a row without informing the group that you need time away from the rp for whatever reason you WILL lose your spot in the group.

Also-not and actual rule but something to consider... I would prefer characters of all age groups if possible and if we last longer than a full school year any characters added at the beginning of the new year should (logically) be first years.

Posting order:
1. Dead Poet Dead Poet
2. duergar duergar
3. fancries1 fancries1
4. Just A Midget Just A Midget
5. SwordMaiden2845 SwordMaiden2845
6. _SweetCandy_ _SweetCandy_
7. Alveolar Exchanged Alveolar Exchanged
8. ShipsAndShit16 ShipsAndShit16

The following are first come first serve. Please call dibs or make a wip of a professor or claim a ghost character. For the moment please only claim one professor or ghost character if you are interested in one to give everyone a chance who wants one. If all the professors are taken and there is still interest I will open up more spots then. If we don't have enough professors by the time I want to start the rp then I will allow people to take more than one professor who want to do so.

I do want to play out the classes or at least try to at first, if it doesn't work then I will happily drop it and switch to just playing out their free time. I will post a schedule when I know how many characters there will be in each class.

I do need at least one CO-GM but will happily accept two. Only the CO-GMs and I can make the chimera student characters.

Head of House professors must double up with a class subject.

I will only accept 1 Head Boy and 1 Head Girl prefect students (7th year only) for each house the rest will be regular students (1st through 7th year).

You can create as many (student) characters as you know you can handle.

CS requirements at the end.

CO-GM - duergar duergar

Gryffindor Head of House-
Slytherin Head of House-
Ravenclaw Head of House-
Hufflepuff Head of House-

Headmistress McGonagall - Dead Poet Dead Poet
Astronomy Professor -
Charms Professor -
DADA Professor -
Flying/Qudditch Coach -
Herbology Professor -
History of Magic Professor - duergar duergar
Potions Professor -
Transfiguration Professor -
Hagrid - Dead Poet Dead Poet

Nearly Headless Nick -
Bloody Baron -
Gray Lady -
Fat Friar -
Moaning Myrtle -

Peeves -

Gryffindor Head Boy -
Gryffindor Head Girl - Just A Midget Just A Midget
Slytherin Head Boy -
Slytherin Head Girl -
Ravenclaw Head Boy -
Ravenclaw Head Girl -
Hufflepuff Head Boy -
Hufflepuff Head Girl -

- X4 Dead Poet Dead Poet
- X2 duergar duergar
- X1 fancries1 fancries1
- X1 Just A Midget Just A Midget
- X1 SwordMaiden2845 SwordMaiden2845
- X2 _SweetCandy_ _SweetCandy_
- X1 Alveolar Exchanged Alveolar Exchanged
- X1 ShipsAndShit16 ShipsAndShit16

Professor CS requirements:
Name, Age, House Affiliation(Head of House if still available goes here. if not then there house from their school years), Personality, Background, and other important things like blood status, wand specs, pet and special ability if they have one.

Professors can be cannon so long as they didn't die in the original story (with the exception of Professor Binns … cause he's a ghost and already dead). If its wanted, we should be far enough in the future that 'The Next Gen' characters (James Albus, Teddy etc) should be old enough to take up teaching positions.

Ghosts: literally just call dibs on them. (if we end up wanting more than what is available then I'll open more spots, just throw in the basics for the new ones along with how they died and when)

Student CS requirements: OCs only
Name, Age, Year, House, Personality, Background, Blood Status, Wand, Pet, (special ability if they have one [or what animal(s) they are spliced with For GMs Only])

InfinitelyCreative InfinitelyCreative Danidify Danidify Oswin Oswin fancries1 fancries1 duergar duergar Wariforever14 Wariforever14 _SweetCandy_ _SweetCandy_

The Brothers Anemoi

Fraternal quadruplets, born of illicit magic, survived their disposal at the Ministry's command (for being abominations and the nefarious intentions of their parents) due to their parents sacrifice of their lives in the name of their twisted love for the infants. Due to the Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance immediately allowing the four admittance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the time of their births and the efforts of what was once S.P.E.W. (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare) that has now evolved to S.P.S.N.W. (Society for the Promotion of Sentient Nonhuman Welfare) the children have been allowed, to the indignation of many of the remaining pureblood families, to attend Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry with the class of 2042.

The children in question have been under the care of Care of Magical Creatures Professor and Hogwarts rounds keeper, Rubeus Hagrid who has been known to have a taste for dangerous creatures, has officially managed to adopt them last year after legal complications regarding their collective conditions. Each of the boys, who appear avian in nature with a pair of wings each among other things, are promised to be just like any other child exempting, of course, the aforementioned attachments to their persons.

no slide

Kieran Anemoi

Nickname: N/A
Age: 11
Year: 1
House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: 13 3/4 inches, Apple wood, Griffin flight feather
Orientation: Straight

Magically spliced with Griffin DNA

Physical Appearance: 4 foot 10 inches in height (147 cm), brown hair, hazel eyes, black and silver wings, black lion's tail w/ black tuft of fur at tip, notably sharper than normal incisors that are enlarged enough to look like medium sized fangs, especially when he smiles.

Personality: Easy Going • Open • Disorganized • Adventurous • Insensitive


Emrys Anemoi

Nickname: N/A
Age: 11
Year: 1
House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: 13 1/4 inches, Chesnut wood, Griffin flight feather
Orientation: Gay

Magically spliced with Griffin DNA

Physical Appearance: 4 foot 7 inches in height (140 cm), dark brown hair, brown eyes, tawny brown colored wings with darker spots, golden lion's tail w/ blond tuft of fur at tip, notably sharper than normal incisors that look like small fangs.

Personality: Loner • Observer • Perfectionist • Private • Skeptical

Peregrine Anemoi

Nickname: Pip/Perry/Frightful
Age: 11
Year: 1
House: Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: 14 inches, Cedar wood, Griffin flight feather
Orientation: Ace

Magically spliced with Griffin DNA

Physical Appearance: 4 foot 2 inches in height (127 cm), bright red hair, blue eyes, freckles, red wings, strawberry blond lion's tail w/ red tuft of fur at tip, notably sharper than normal incisors that may by some be considered large fangs.

Personality: Creative • Idealist • Loner • Disorganized • Avoidant

Code by apolla apolla
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⠀♡coded by uxie♡

[div class=title][div class=titletext]Elizabeth Sharp
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[div class=tab1][div class=tabtitlec1][div class=tabtitle1]BASICS[/div][/div][/div][div class=tab2][div class=tabtitlec2][div class=tabtitle2]PERSONA[/div][/div][/div][div class=tab3][div class=tabtitlec3][div class=tabtitle3]HISTORY[/div][/div][/div]

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Elizabeth Sharp

Eliza, Lizzie and Beth

Slytherin, the hat debated between Slytherin and Ravenclaw

Hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core, 8 ¾" and unyielding

She has a burrowing owl named 'Sandy,' and a ferret named 'Jinx.'

Blood Status:
Eliza is pureblooded.

Any abilities:
She's a parsletounge, not that she knows that.
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Eliza is a hard person to decipher, hiding her true thoughts and feelings behind a carefully constructed mask. Something instilled in her from a young age as she was expected to behave like the perfect daughter at social events as her family tried to regain their fame and fortune, she was taught to nod and smile in all the right places and to never speak her mind around strangers. Though when she does speak her mind she thinks over what she says before she says it, thinking carefully about how her words would make others feel - though in a more manipulative than empathetic way.

At times she does have quite a sarcastic and dry sense of humor and enjoys hearing and laughing at other peoples jokes. She was raised around her brothers who were constantly playing jokes on her due to the fact that she was the youngest and she would love to follow in their footsteps whilst at Hogwarts. Though she does worry about the backlash she would receive from her parents if she decided to do that.

She does like people and hopes to make friends, being quite a sociable person when she wants to be, but ultimately will look out for herself and her family when it comes down to herself vs others.

Manipulative // Outgoing // Confident // Sociable // Good Sense of Humor // Stubborn // Logical

+ Animals.
+ Potions.
+ Dueling.
- Quidditch, or just flying in general.

- Licorice Wands.
- Fire.

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Eliza was born into a relatively new pureblood family, a mixture of the "traditional," families that survived the war and chose a new name in an attempt to rid themselves of the
Death Eater association with their family names. Some of her family members were genuinely good people working to better the family name whilst others were reluctant to denounce and forget about what they had been believing in for generations. Eliza's Mother was reluctant to forget the old ways, though this was a view always shared in private, whilst her Father became a vocal muggleborn advocate in the years after the war.

She has been raised to put her family first, they are desperately trying to build up a reputation and so they've instilled the importance of not ruining or tarnishing it to their children. Sometimes she resents her family for putting so much pressure onto herself and her siblings, expecting them to be the generation to save the family name but there isn't anything she can do about it. She's been treated like a doll since a young age, something to dress up nicely and smile at people during events and functions rather than be there because she wanted to be there. It's taught her how to lie and hide her feelings well but it's also caused her to resent the socialites of the wizarding world and her family.

Then there was her sister, three years her senior, who her family kept isolated from the rest of the world. Her sister, Isabella, never showed any magical potential and was dubbed a squib. Out of shame and anxiety about what it would mean for the family her parents kept her a secret once she got older, claiming to friends and family that she had been sent away to Beaubaxtons and told her children to tell that to anyone who asked. Though Eliza loves her parents she resents the way they've treated her sister, putting their pride before their daughter. And as much as she hates herself for it, she's kept the secret of her sisters lack of ability even if she wishes she could find a way to help her.


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⠀♡coded by uxie♡

[div class=title][div class=titletext]Evelyn Lance
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Evelyn Lance


Gryffindor, she's a Gryffindor Prefect and Head Girl of the House.

Rowan wood with a unicorn hair core, 10 ¾" and quite bendy flexibility

She has a barn owl named 'Mina,' and a black and white tabby cat named 'Merlin.'

Blood Status:
Eve is a half-blood, her Mother is a Wizard whilst her Father is a muggle.

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Eve was raised to believe in doing the right thing and following her heart. These principals were instilled in her by her parents whilst her elder brothers taught her the importance of standing up for herself and hard work, being the youngest of five meant that she became very competitive very quickly.

Her brothers were all in Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, her oldest brother was the Head Boy of Hogwarts when he attended and that was what inspired Eve to become a Prefect. She wanted to prove that she was as good as them, so her start as a Prefect began with somewhat selfish reasons but she grew into it and found that she loved helping people. Especially first-years as she could remember being in their position as if it was yesterday. This position brought out the more kind and caring side of her, though it occasionally tested her patience, she wasn't in Gryffindor because of her saint-like patience and cool head.

Though it was a fatal flaw of hers Eve tended to be a hot head, something she has tried to change as she's gotten older. In her first year her temper got her into a lot of trouble as it mixed with her magic and caused magical outbursts and if the Professors who taught her then had been told she'd end up as the Head of House and a Prefect they would have asked who'd hexed you. But she did grow and change and become a better person, now she aspires to help others in her house do the same.

Hot Headed // Kind // Passionate // Determined // Outgoing // Brave / Selfless // Stubborn
+ Quidditch.
+ Magical Creatures.
+ Fireworks.
+ Flying.
+ Pranks, though she has to refrain from being involved in them now she's a Prefect.
- Deep water.
- Wasps.
- Potions, she always ends up with something that smells like it's from the black lake or something that blows up.
- Clowns, though most of her friends don't understand why. (Luckily muggleborns tend to agree emphatically.)
- The Knightbus, she finds apparating much easier.

Best Subject(s):
Charms, Transfiguration and Astrology

Worst Subject(s):
Herbology and Potions

White Stallion

She took Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies as her extra subjects.

She's a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
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Eve was raised in a world of literal magic and the small muggle things that wizards would claim to be magic, her childhood was a happy one full of colour and laughter. Her parents were kind and loving and she couldn't have asked for a better family. Although the statue of secrets made attending muggle primary school awkward, especially when she was younger and hadn't quite grasped the concept of lying. Luckily teachers tended to chalk things down to her imagination.

Her brothers all told her tales about Hogwarts and how magical it was, Eve being four years younger than her closet sibling and generally being regarded as the baby of the family, so she dreamed of going there and experiencing it all for herself. Though she'd imagined she'd end up in Hufflepuff rather than Gryffindor.


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Name: Maggie Sherwood

Brief Description: short straight black hair, green eyes, skinny, short.
personality: is very suspicious of everything. knows if something seems too good to be true, it isn't true. her loyalty is hard to gain, and harder to lose.

House: slytherin
her dad left before she was born, mom died in childbirth. was placed into the foster care system but soon ran away because she hated it there and didn't really think ahead. she grew up on the streets, taking what she needed to survive. one day, a staff member came and told her she was a witch. she didn't believe them, and thought they were crazy. when they showed her magic, her mind was blown. they decided they couldnt leave her on the streets, so they took her to hogwarts despite her protests. she is happy there now, as the promise of food and shelter turned out to not be a lie
Name: Marjorie French
Nickname: Mara
Age: Sixteen
Year: 6
House: Ravenclaw
Pet: Female Barn Owl names Freya
Ability: She is an Animagus.
Patronus: Falcon
Blood-status: Pureblood

Name: Morgana Ashford
Nickname: Ana (Only her mother calls her Ana.)
Age: Eleven
Year: 1
House: Slytherin
Pet: Male Siamese Cat named Bayo
Patronus: Ocelot
Blood-status: Pure Blood
Identity -
Name: Martha Poirier, also "little Marty" by her mother.
Age: 11.
Sex: Female.
Blood Status: Half-blood (debatable, as her deceased mother had wizarding ancestry).
Wand: Beechwood with White River Monster spine core, 19,52 inches, sleek and hard. Equipped with a special holster.

Personal details -
Biography: Born to a pureblood Amis Poirier and a squib Urania Black, Martha had grown up knowing she was a part of the world of magic. Although most of her British relatives and some of her French relatives wanted to know nothing about a pesky halfblood, her childhood was filled with warmth and love, as they were the only things that both her parents could give her. Her father was a ministry wizard, a member of the Committee on Experimental Charms, and tried his very best to explain magic to Martha. Her mother, a Black in exile and a magical geographer in disguise, taught her a traditionalist view on blood status, etiquette and a portion of every subject associated with traveling, taking her on some trips to broaden her outlook. Everything seemed sweet and precious, but there was an end to it. Just before Martha's 11th birthday, Urania fell sick, and she had to be transported to a muggle hospital, since she didn't possess any magical powers. Seeing that the whole situation was going to depress little Marty, Amis, through his connections in wizarding world, ordered a famed Quintana wand to be picked for her (since there were some of them stored and Quintana no longer alive to create a new one), and Urania organised her daughter's trip to USA, as a last gift to her beloved Marty.
With a passed away mother, a caring father and an American wand, Martha arrived to Hogwarts, a place of her childhood dreams and a battleground with the inequality imposed by her pureblood relatives.
Appearance: A pretty short girl, bearing quite young appearance for her age. Usually ties her hair up in some ways that her mother taught her, but, otherwise, goes with her hair down.
Personality: Marty is a great representation of a bond between wizarding intelligence and muggle inclusiveness. Growing up to accept not only her status, but also the nature of her mother, she is tolerant of most differences and will never turn down her friends only because they differ from the rest. As taught by Urania, she modulates her behaviour based on her surroundings, afraid of the prejudice of conservative and pureblood witches and wizards. Martha is quite wise and intelligent for her age, not rushing into something without thinking twice and basing her own judgement both on her experience and facts present. Her mindset is flexible, influenced by both her parents, as she easily changes her views if they prove to be wrong to herself. As attuned by her mother, who was powerless, she does not refrain from muggle technology and weapons and wouldn't rely on her magic solely.
House: Slytherin.
Year: Going to attend 1st year at Hogwarts.

Other -
Pet: A female red Siberian cat nicknamed "Ilya".
Special trait: Possesses a magical hyperpolyglotism, enabling her to learn almost any language in very short periods of time, muggle or magic alike (possibly including parseltongue, although that would be difficult).
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Name: Marjorie French
Nickname: Mara
Age: Sixteen
Year: 6
House: Ravenclaw
Pet: Female Barn Owl names Freya
Ability: She is an Animagus.
Patronus: Falcon
Blood-status: Pureblood

Name: Morgana Ashford
Nickname: Ana (Only her mother calls her Ana.)
Age: Eleven
Year: 1
House: Slytherin
Pet: Male Siamese Cat named Bayo
Patronus: Ocelot
Blood-status: Pure Blood
Luna I'd like both characters personalities filled in ( at minimum ) before we start
Please and thank you

And to everyone I'd like the 4 head of house teachers claimed and done before we start and all other CSs finished as well
Name: Harper Glenn
Nickname: N/A
Age: Thirteen
Appearance: Harper is short for his age. He has freckles everywhere. Harper's hair is brown, and it's always a mess. No matter what. Sometimes it changes color to match his mood. He has steely grey eyes that make him hard to read.
Year: 3
House: Slytherin
Wand: Sycamore Wood with a Phoenix feather core 12 ¾" and Unbending Flexibility
Pet: Black Kneazle named Glaedr (Male)
Ability: He is a metamorphmagus
Patronus: He's unable to cast the spell yet, but it is a kneazle
Blood-status: Pureblood
Personality: Harper is very stiff. He was an only child, raised within his little pureblood world. He doesn't open up easily, and often comes across as cold.
Bio: Harper was raised very strictly, but he does sometimes have a flash of mischief. He is great at sneaking around, and often uses this to get into the kitchen or restricted section at night. He is already questioning his sexuality (as the character develops, he'll go through stages of anger and revulsion at himself before finally coming to peace with being gay) and soaking up all the knowledge he can. Harper struggles with anxiety and bouts of depression that he hides well. He hardly wears short sleeve shirts, though, to hide his scarred wrists. Who knows, maybe someone can crack open his hard exterior to find the sad boy inside?

//I don't know if you wanted us to post in the other thread first, but I got really excited when I saw this and I just made up this character and I'm reallyyy happy with it! If you need me to, I can write up a teacher character as well!

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