Thinking of Quitting Roleplay

JackMysticWolf said:
No, its that they dont like my stuff, i mean read this comment i had on one of my rp threads on a different forums a few days ago

You must have been born on a highway, because that's where most accidents happen.
Well that was rude but one person being rude doesn't mean everyone hates your content. There are hateful people all over the internet that doesn't make you a bad person or your ideas awful. That just means that someone forgot to use their manners when talking to you.

edit: Actually that might be considered harrassment so I might look into that by asking one of the Staff. I'm not a hundred percent sure but it seems like a pretty cruel and unacceptable way to talk to someone.
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nerdyfangirl said:
Well that was rude but one person being rude doesn't mean everyone hates your content. There are hateful people all over the internet that doesn't make you a bad person or your ideas awful. That just means that someone forgot to use their manners when talking to you.
I said 1 person out of loads
JackMysticWolf said:
I said 1 person out of loads
Well if they're all like that first comment I would talk to the Staff because that seems like harassment to me and not something you should allow to happen. People shouldn't be allowed to say hateful things like that without consequences.
Well, if you're not joining RPs it's harder to establish a group. I definitely think RPN has a more... hrm, cliquish community? I tend to see the same users again and again when I make Interest Checks (admittedly, primarily running traditional RPGs means I draw from a smaller pool of members) so I feel like people might attach a lot of stock to certain names, so if you don't get out there and make yourself known it can be a struggle.

NFG is also on the money about time of year - exam season is approaching or wrapping up for a lot of people. Early Summer is often the hardest time to garner interest.

While it could be argued the RPN community prefers specific things, you also have to take saturation into account. For example, I see a lot of zombie apocalypse RPs - it's incredibly rare that any distinguish themselves from the rest. This is in part down to the limits of the material; you can only do so much with the idea. It becomes necessary than to do a bit of research, so to speak - what is no one else doing? What do you think you can do best? For example, I can say with some confidence that when it comes to horror, I can think of only two or three users who can match me for quality, and we have very idiosyncratic styles that make us suited for different things. Cthulhu_Wakes is top of my list for almost poetic delivery and nightmarish subtlety, while I favour human ugliness juxtaposed with existential dread.

JackMysticWolf said:
You must have been born on a highway, because that's where most accidents happen.
That's a problem with that particular commenter - I would hope such cruel remarks don't reflect so strongly on the whole community. NFG is right again in that it seems worth reporting.

Do you have a link to an RP on RPN? I'm not inclined to join Massivecraft just to see them. But perhaps if I get a look, I might be able to spot a flaw in your method and advice you on correcting it.

EDIT: Remembered they're in your sig - having a look now.
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Also I've ATTEMPTED to join Roleplays. That didn't work out Either. I joined a Roleplay,made a detailed character sheet that the owner accepted. Got in ONE roleplay post then got a PM from the owner"this isn't working out the Others don't like your character I'm sorry" . I left and didn't look back. How exactly do you expect me to "join a Roleplay in the Genre I want" if when I do I don't get more than a single RP post in before the owner becomes a Snob because someone else didn't like my character?
[QUOTE="Dynasty Girl]Also I've ATTEMPTED to join Roleplays. That didn't work out Either. I joined a Roleplay,made a detailed character sheet that the owner accepted. Got in ONE roleplay post then got a PM from the owner"this isn't working out the Others don't like your character I'm sorry" . I left and didn't look back. How exactly do you expect me to "join a Roleplay in the Genre I want" if when I do I don't get more than a single RP post in before the owner becomes a Snob because someone else didn't like my character?

Has this happened consistently? That certainly doesn't sound like a constructive attitude from that GM. Generally people should make an effort to explain where a character might need adjustment rather than dismissing them outright.

I invite you to join any of my RPs that might appeal to you - if nothing else, I'll do you the courtesy of working with you as far as that effort might succeed.
[QUOTE="Dynasty Girl]Also I've ATTEMPTED to join Roleplays. That didn't work out Either. I joined a Roleplay,made a detailed character sheet that the owner accepted. Got in ONE roleplay post then got a PM from the owner"this isn't working out the Others don't like your character I'm sorry" . I left and didn't look back. How exactly do you expect me to "join a Roleplay in the Genre I want" if when I do I don't get more than a single RP post in before the owner becomes a Snob because someone else didn't like my character?

Again that's a problem that I would link to that specific person. As that wasn't the proper way to handle that situation at all. It was rude and I'm sorry you were subjected to it. But not everyone is going to act the same way. So for instance if it doesn't work out with one roleplay try another. If the roleplay is already started look for ones where you like the posts and the other characters.

And if something happens where someone says your character isn't up to snuff ask why and see if there is a way to fix the issue.

But yeah if someone is just going to be rude and kick you out without giving you a change to correct a problem that's a problem reflective of them not you.
nerdyfangirl said:
Again that's a problem that I would link to that specific person. As that wasn't the proper way to handle that situation at all. It was rude and I'm sorry you were subjected to it. But not everyone is going to act the same way. So for instance if it doesn't work out with one roleplay try another. If the roleplay is already started look for ones where you like the posts and the other characters.
And if something happens where someone says your character isn't up to snuff ask why and see if there is a way to fix the issue.

But yeah if someone is just going to be rude and kick you out without giving you a change to correct a problem that's a problem reflective of them not you.
The problem with that is the Owner had already accepted my character sheet,I had already edited it to fit within his specifics. I don't mind building a character to suit the Roleplay. He PM'D me we discussed how he wanted things changed. I changed them. He ACCEPTED my character into the Roleplay. I made one post. I followed the "Minimum 2 paragraph,7 lines each" posting rule. Then I get a PM "you know such and such doesn't like your character. I'm sorry but I have to ask you to leave,he was here first" . I get it you want to Roleplay with your friends I myself have done that but then DON'T list your roleplay as "Open and accepting new characters". To me "open and accepting new characters" means exactly that : it's an open Roleplay with available character slots that's available for anyone to join.
[QUOTE="Dynasty Girl]The problem with that is the Owner had already accepted my character sheet,I had already edited it to fit within his specifics. I don't mind building a character to suit the Roleplay. He PM'D me we discussed how he wanted things changed. I changed them. He ACCEPTED my character into the Roleplay. I made one post. I followed the "Minimum 2 paragraph,7 lines each" posting rule. Then I get a PM "you know such and such doesn't like your character. I'm sorry but I have to ask you to leave,he was here first" . I get it you want to Roleplay with your friends I myself have done that but then DON'T list your roleplay as "Open and accepting new characters". To me "open and accepting new characters" means exactly that : it's an open Roleplay with available character slots that's available for anyone to join.

As I said that was handled poorly but I wouldn't let that person's rudeness color your opinion of everyone on this site. I rarely join groups it's true - I don't have the consistency of a schedule or the attention span for them - but when I do join them the people are always very nice. For that matter this community on a whole is one of the nicest groups of people I've ever seen. I've been on other sites where the mods were jerks who all liked to play favorites - or non existence and you were left to fend for yourself entirely.

So yeah if someone was a jerk well ignore them ( figuratively and literally you can ignore them by going to their profile and click ignore ). And put that experience behind you. If they want to run their roleplay like that that's their prerogative but not everyone is going to do the same thing.

I'd try again with a different person. See if there is another roleplay or again make a thread in the general discussion about the genre you enjoy. See if you can't find fans of the show that way and then you can subtly ask if any of them would be interested in a roleplay.

The worst that happens is they say no. But it's always best to get your ideas out there. Ask for feedback just like your doing here. Just with this thread you've got tons of people offering you advice and helpful tips.

Think how much better it will be with people that are already enthusiastic about your idea and have a better understanding of the fandom?
Yeah well that experience soured me to this site. It's why I had left for awhile. I joined a Roleplay app that was reccomended to me.the people on that app for the most part were friendly. The problem with that app was that it allowed for Sexual Roleplay. That in and of itself isn't nesscarily bad,it's kind of fun to do something naughty once in awhile but for every Normal Roleplay there was 10 that were bestiality Roleplays and in no way shape or form am I okay with that kind of thing. Another problem I have is perverts. I do get interest for my Roleplays,I'll use my pokemon one for an Example: I made a Pokémon Roleplay. People liked my Idea and wanted join. I'm like Yay okay go to the character Sheet Template,they do and come back with "there's no character sheet Template for Pokémon". So I say "of course not the Trainers,Gym Leaders,Professors etc are the characters not the pokemon". Then they ask "well is it okay if we are pokehumans and are in a relationship with Such and Such character? ". Again I say "no because bestiality is completely digusting".it's impossible to make a Pokémon Roleplay because all the pokemon Roleplayers are sickos who enjoy doing the deed with pokemon x.x yet if I post a Roleplay that specifically says "Absolutely no Human x Pokémon Romance allowed" nobody freaking joins x.x
[QUOTE="Dynasty Girl]Yeah well that experience soured me to this site. It's why I had left for awhile. I joined a Roleplay app that was reccomended to me.the people on that app for the most part were friendly. The problem with that app was that it allowed for Sexual Roleplay. That in and of itself isn't nesscarily bad,it's kind of fun to do something naughty once in awhile but for every Normal Roleplay there was 10 that were bestiality Roleplays and in no way shape or form am I okay with that kind of thing. Another problem I have is perverts. I do get interest for my Roleplays,I'll use my pokemon one for an Example: I made a Pokémon Roleplay. People liked my Idea and wanted join. I'm like Yay okay go to the character Sheet Template,they do and come back with "there's no character sheet Template for Pokémon". So I say "of course not the Trainers,Gym Leaders,Professors etc are the characters not the pokemon". Then they ask "well is it okay if we are pokehumans and are in a relationship with Such and Such character? ". Again I say "no because bestiality is completely digusting".it's impossible to make a Pokémon Roleplay because all the pokemon Roleplayers are sickos who enjoy doing the deed with pokemon x.x yet if I post a Roleplay that specifically says "Absolutely no Human x Pokémon Romance allowed" nobody freaking joins x.x

Are you speaking of this happening here or on the other site? The bestiality thing.

As for letting one bad experience spoil the lot well I'm going to give you a hard truth here that you might not like to hear. There are bad eggs literally everywhere. As you said perverts or trolls or people that are just rude in general.

There is sadly no magical utopia where only good and polite people congregate and there are never any argument or people never say things to hurt other peoples feelings. If there were that site would be so popular that I'm not sure how they would handle all the traffic.

Because this is an enjoyable hobby so naturally people want to spend time with people that they enjoy talking to and who are nice to them. That's perfectly fair.

But just because one person is rude that doesn't follow that every other person in that roleplay site is rude as well. Just the same way it doesn't follow that if one person likes to roleplay only with three paragraphs and anime pictures everyone in the whole site will be the same way.

People are all different. We all have different ideas, different interests, different schedules, etc.

So one bad egg shouldn't spoil the whole basket for you. For one thing it's not fair to all the other eggs in the basket. For another its giving that one person way too much power.

Because your saying well not only did that person hurt my feeling in this one instance. But they have hurt my chances of making new friends and enjoy myself on the entirety of the site afterward.

That isn't right. One person shouldn't have that much control over you. Instead the best way to get back at them for being rude is to make other friends. Later on down the road make your own pokemon roleplay where you treat other people with respect and courtesy. The best revenge is to live well after all.
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I like certain things,like you said everyone is different. I find Roleplays in the Things I like but the character sheet Template either is Too Simple,to complex or doesn't allow for the type of character I want. Or in the case of Pokémon I found one that's interesting but they are in their own universe so my character doesn't fit. Either that or its Disgusting Pokehuman crap. Believe me I've BEEN trying. I just don't think I'll be able to mesh well on this app.
Er... I have to say that most pokemon roleplayers aren't "sickos". And specifying "Absolutely no Human x Pokémon Romance allowed", comes off as negative, even though a lot of roleplayers don't want that. I think the statement might throw people off even if they agree, strangely enough. Psychology is a strange thing.

Honestly, I think it's worth considering that it may be just a luck factor that people join or don't join, or it may be how you phrase things. I myself would be totally down with a pokemon roleplay where you play trainers or gym leaders or other human characters. It's sheer coincidence that I haven't come across any of your interest checks. So there are people out there, people who would be decent rp buddies, who simply don't notice your thread. This isn't because they aren't out there, it's a matter of timing, how you phrase things, and other factors like that.

My advice for if you want to start a pokemon rp is to go into the fandom interest checks (or 1 on 1 if you want to look for partners) and title your thread "Pokemon Trainer rp". Then post that you want to start an rp where players play trainers who travel together or whatever you'd like to do. You can specify other human characters who players are allowed to play (like breeders or gym leaders). Keep as much negativity out of it as you can, since speaking negatively can turn people off even if they agree with you or want the same thing as you. Additionally, be as specific as you can. If you have a plot in mind, say so and give an overview. Say what region you're setting the rp. You can specify "rp focuses on the human characters", and that keeps the people who want to play pokemon characters out of it. If they ask if they can play a humanoid pokemon, simply specify "sorry, I want to keep this similar to the show/game". If you're polite and nice, it attracts friendly rpers and you give off good vibes. That will up the chance that people want to rp with you.
ApfelSeine said:
Er... I have to say that most pokemon roleplayers aren't "sickos". And specifying "Absolutely no Human x Pokémon Romance allowed", comes off as negative, even though a lot of roleplayers don't want that. I think the statement might throw people off even if they agree, strangely enough. Psychology is a strange thing.
Honestly, I think it's worth considering that it may be just a luck factor that people join or don't join, or it may be how you phrase things. I myself would be totally down with a pokemon roleplay where you play trainers or gym leaders or other human characters. It's sheer coincidence that I haven't come across any of your interest checks. So there are people out there, people who would be decent rp buddies, who simply don't notice your thread. This isn't because they aren't out there, it's a matter of timing, how you phrase things, and other factors like that.

My advice for if you want to start a pokemon rp is to go into the fandom interest checks (or 1 on 1 if you want to look for partners) and title your thread "Pokemon Trainer rp". Then post that you want to start an rp where players play trainers who travel together or whatever you'd like to do. You can specify other human characters who players are allowed to play (like breeders or gym leaders). Keep as much negativity out of it as you can, since speaking negatively can turn people off even if they agree with you or want the same thing as you. Additionally, be as specific as you can. If you have a plot in mind, say so and give an overview. Say what region you're setting the rp. You can specify "rp focuses on the human characters", and that keeps the people who want to play pokemon characters out of it. If they ask if they can play a humanoid pokemon, simply specify "sorry, I want to keep this similar to the show/game". If you're polite and nice, it attracts friendly rpers and you give off good vibes. That will up the chance that people want to rp with you.
but I don't like bestiality if I don't state "no bestiality" then how are people going to know that I don't want it in my pokemon Roleplay? That's the problem I don't want to come off as negative and unwelcoming but I also want to be clear that I'm not going to allow something that I find digusting into my Roleplay. Perhaps you can PM me and help me word what I'm looking for
@ApfelSeine hit it right on the money. If your looking for a specific thing try asking for it. For that matter in the cases of Character Sheets specifically that's actually an easy fix. If it's too simple ask if you can add things to it? If it's too complicated ask for help.

As @ApfelSeine says if you want to do a specific story I'd go to either the 1x1s ( which might be easiest as then your only looking for one person who fits your criteria rather than many ) or make a group with a specific idea.

Heck even I like the idea of a roleplay on pokemon trainer. I don't know the show that well but I thought the old cartoon was fun and I'm a sucker for slice of life style roleplays.

But if you come across as -- Don't ask to play pokemon you sickos this isn't about beastiality.

Well that's kind takes people aback. Because honestly having a minimal knowledge of the genre it wouldn't even occur to me that such a thing was possible.

So instead of telling people what you DON"T want and making it all about negatives just state what you do want and be firm about it.

If someone asks if they can play a pokemon or a pokehuman say that you are keeping true to the story or you want to focus on humans.

Remember you catch more flies with honey rather than vinegar.
[QUOTE="Dynasty Girl]but I don't like bestiality if I don't state "no bestiality" then how are people going to know that I don't want it in my pokemon Roleplay? That's the problem I don't want to come off as negative and unwelcoming but I also want to be clear that I'm not going to allow something that I find digusting into my Roleplay. Perhaps you can PM me and help me word what I'm looking for

Also something that might help is to not assume everyone actually wants bestiality. This is a very PG site so explicit sexual content is against the rules. So rather than saying no bestiality tell people that you want romance in general to remain within the site rules.

And that you are only accepting human characters.

Both are simple deterrents without being excessively negative.
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@nerdyfangirl hit the nail on the head with her posts. If you're straightforward with what you want, people tend to assume that if you don't say it you don't want it. You don't need to find a positive way of saying "no bestiality" when the site doesn't permit it in the first place. And if on the off chance people ask for it (which I would consider unlikely on this site) then just go with Nerdyfangirl's advice and say that you want romance to be within the site rules or to mimic what is portrayed in the show/game. The original show has nothing like that after all, so naturally a lot of fans are like you and are just looking for normal trainer to trainer interactions.

Many experiences that you may have on another site do not cross over onto this one. After all, this is an entirely different pool of people. Some overlap may exist, but more likely than not people are looking for more lighthearted, typical fluff with romance. If they want romance at all. If you're friendly and respectful, you make yourself appear more appealing to others. If you really want to avoid something because you find it distasteful, chances are many people do not want it either and will not even think that it's an option if you don't bring it up. Additionally, reacting in a respectful way, rather than calling someone a sicko, reflects better on you. Even something which is normal to react with a strong distaste towards, if you come off as firm but respectful, the people who are likeminded will find you more likable for it.
nerdyfangirl said:
Also something that might help is to not assume everyone actually wants bestiality. This is a very PG site so explicit sexual content is against the rules. So rather than saying no bestiality tell people that you want romance in general to remain within the site rules.
And that you are only accepting human characters.

Both are simple deterrents without being excessively negative.
thanks I'm truly not trying to be negative or mean and I have absolutely no problem with allowing Romance in my Roleplays in fact I encourage it,Romance (not sex) can help enrich a plot. I'm also one of the most tolerant and accepting people on the planet in regards to LGBT+ stuff. If people wanted Yaoi or Yuri I'd welcome it into my Roleplay with open arms. I just find the furry stuff absolutely Vomit inducing even if its clean Furry and following the PG guidelines of this forum.
ApfelSeine said:
@nerdyfangirl hit the nail on the head with her posts. If you're straightforward with what you want, people tend to assume that if you don't say it you don't want it. You don't need to find a positive way of saying "no bestiality" when the site doesn't permit it in the first place. And if on the off chance people ask for it (which I would consider unlikely on this site) then just go with Nerdyfangirl's advice and say that you want romance to be within the site rules or to mimic what is portrayed in the show/game. The original show has nothing like that after all, so naturally a lot of fans are like you and are just looking for normal trainer to trainer interactions.
Many experiences that you may have on another site do not cross over onto this one. After all, this is an entirely different pool of people. Some overlap may exist, but more likely than not people are looking for more lighthearted, typical fluff with romance. If they want romance at all. If you're friendly and respectful, you make yourself appear more appealing to others. If you really want to avoid something because you find it distasteful, chances are many people do not want it either and will not even think that it's an option if you don't bring it up. Additionally, reacting in a respectful way, rather than calling someone a sicko, reflects better on you. Even something which is normal to react with a strong distaste towards, if you come off as firm but respectful, the people who are likeminded will find you more likable for it.
yes people have asked for it. I had someone ON THIS forum ask if I would I be okay with "light Romance between a trainer and her Gallade" in the OOC chat part of a Pokémon Roleplay I tried to make . Gallade is a POKÉMON,pokemon are essentially the animals of the pokemon universe. No I will not allow even light romance between a human and a Pokémon
I think a lot of people are uncomfortable with the concept of furry stuff, but those who like it are people too. You're clearly a person who means well and can be very tolerant, so I'd advise that you just deal respectfully with people who ask about it. It's understandable to be uncomfortable with various things like that, but since you're dealing with a person you should always go with the position of "nice but firm". Even people who also dislike the same things as you will be impressed by how respectful and mature you are ^_^
@Dynasty Girl then as @ApfelSeine stated just be polite but firm. People are going to ask questions. Even if you make a six page document listing every single aspect of the roleplay and what is and isn't allowed. They will still ask questions. And you want to encourage that too. The more people feel they can ask questions and interact with you the more likely they are to stick around.

So again as I said in the rules just put only human characters and keep the romance to the site rules.

Then when someone asks for a pokemon x trainer pairing point to the rule and say

"I'm sorry but I'm only looking for human characters. Thank you for your input was there anything else you had questions about?"

Or well something to that effect. I work in customer service and one of the things they stress the most is always be helpful and polite. Even if someone is screaming at you and using the worst language in the books. Even if they throw something at you.

You never get angry back. You never loose your cool.

You just remain calm and when possible polite. If politeness isn't cutting it ( and with some people being nice will only encourage their bad behavior ) be firm. Make your rules and you stick to them.

If they don't like the rules well thats too bad. Your not changing them. And on this site that's perfectly fine. So if they start up this nonsense with well I'm gonna report you to the Staff or Mods or whatever for not doing what I want ( and yeah people will do this too cuz their idiots )

Well you tell them to go right ahead. Because as long as your polite and you stand by your rules. Guess what you've done nothing wrong.
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ApfelSeine said:
I think a lot of people are uncomfortable with the concept of furry stuff, but those who like it are people too. You're clearly a person who means well and can be very tolerant, so I'd advise that you just deal respectfully with people who ask about it. It's understandable to be uncomfortable with various things like that, but since you're dealing with a person you should always go with the position of "nice but firm". Even people who also dislike the same things as you will be impressed by how respectful and mature you are ^_^
Thanks for the advice. I'm extremely tolerant of all Sexualities. If you wanted to have a gay trainer who is trying to get over his crush on a certain Gym leader in order to be able to battle said gym leader for a badge as a back story I'd be perfectly comfortable with that. If you wanted to be a lesbian trainer travelling with her girlfriend I'd welcome that character with open arms. People assume I think because you're anti-furry that it means you are a close-minded and intolerant person and I'm anything but lol how's this "unfortunately I'd prefer to stick with Human characters,Trainers,Gym Leaders and the like for my Roleplay but if you'd like I can link you to a Pokémon Roleplay that allows for People to play Pokemon" for someone who asks if they can be a pokemon?
[QUOTE="Dynasty Girl] "unfortunately I'd prefer to stick with Human characters,Trainers,Gym Leaders and the like for my Roleplay but if you'd like I can link you to a Pokémon Roleplay that allows for People to play Pokemon" for someone who asks if they can be a pokemon?

Perfect. The right mix of firm and polite.
I agree with nerdyfangirl, that's a perfect response ^_^ You come off a firm, but also nice and helpful. People really love helpful people since they can feel comfortable asking questions. I wish you lots of luck in your search for rp buddies, and I hope you decide to stick with the site and find lots of nice friends to enjoy rping with ^_^
And for someone who wants a Human and Pokémon Romance how's this "unfortunately that makes me uncomfortable,I'd rather not have that but I've seen Pokémon Roleplays that allow for that and can you a link to a Roleplay that better suits your tastes"

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