Thinking of Quitting Roleplay

Dynasty Girl

Even those without Hearts can love
I'm seriously considering Calling Roleplay quits. Nobody replies to any interest checks,Partner Searches etc I post on here. Nobody Joins Roleplays I submit yet I see Roleplays in Similar Fandoms/Genres that have 1000+ ain't fair. I can't return to the app I left either the only thing on that app are people who want to have sex with animals which quite frankly makes me sick to my stomach. This Forum was my FINAL attempt at Roleplay and it was a bust. I don't get it why don't my Roleplays take off yet other Roleplays in the EXACT SAME Fandom are extremely active I don't get it......Sighs ima give this Forum another week and if SOMETHING I post doesn't take off I'm done,I Quit Roleplay.
It's surprisingly very hit and miss when you cast out an interest check for something. Honestly my best advice is to participate in other peoples' rps, and look at their interest checks for something you might enjoy doing. It can be frustrating to not get exactly what you want, but it's something to tide you over until you do. Plus, if you make friends in other rps, chances are that they'll be on board with trying out something that you want to do if it sounds interesting.

It isn't fair, and sometimes it's just coincidence or minor factors that lead to one thread getting a lot of hits and another one not getting hits, even for the same type of thing. If you engage in the popular roleplay though, you may be able to coerce some people into giving yours a chance too. If it's significantly different enough, there will likely be some people who do. (If it's essentially the same thing, you really may as well join in the popular one anyways).

It can be really really frustrating when people don't respond to your interest checks or when people drop out on you. I haven't had the best luck, but I can say for certain that if you keep at it, you can find something pretty fun.
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Is it really that hard to find a partner? I'm new here and it would be nice to have some type of advice :)
Do you have any examples of your role plays or the link to your interest check? I can point out some things if you want some comments or opinions ^^
Also, roleplaying is all about making connections and friendships. I would suggest try posting on other people's interest checks or joining other people's group roleplays. As you meet and roleplay with them, you're bound to find people you really enjoy roleplaying with who have similar interests. Reach out to those people and try and work on something together, or share your ideas with them.

Honestly? I only roleplay with 2-3 people total on the entire site, yet they invite me to their group roleplays, I invite them to mine, or they'll invite me to roleplays they're joining and I begin to meet new people who have similar interests to me. It's all about building a collection of friends, really. Instead of waiting around for people to reach out to you, try reaching out to them!
My roleplays have become significantly more popular since making friends. We met through one group and now they're in most of my groups!

Definitely try joining other people's roleplays, because not every roleplay will survive. I've had several die lately, despite getting quite a bit of interest. You've got to kind of ride the wave, and see where it takes you.
In my experience, joining other people's roleplays is a good start - you build links within the community and those people you've played with are more likely to check out your own RPs.
Joining others is a way to start. Also, you'll always have trouble while doing interest checks and sign ups threads, but only because it's taking long it doesn't mean it's good. It's all about connections and friends
Dear RpNation Role-players,

Once Upon a time there was a person called Jack who used Massivecraft forums, He Loved When People Joined his roleplays, but they never did. So he started trying to get people to join, but no one was interested so he thought for a while and let the summer days pass hoping, just someone would join. He tried making friends but non-successful, but he made one or two. Although he Loved roleplay he was never interested in any of the topics, only the ones he made. He Started Drawing and Invested so much time into getting people into his roleplay but non did... this made Jack feel sad that everything he did, was a mistake. This when he started RpNation, still no one liked his topics. All he wanted was roleplay viewers to play his content.
@ApfelSeine[/URL] said it's hit or miss but I've found that there are a lot of things that help you get interest.

Imagine you're selling a car. How do they sell cars? Do they say "This is a cheap car", "this car is blue and its engine is a PXB590", or "this is the fastest car on hte road, can go 0 to 60 in 3 seconds, it feels like you're flying, why don't you go try it out?"

At car dealers they do the third because they want you to (1) get hyped and (2) get as close to the car as you can without actually buying it. In the same way you want people in your interest checks to (1) get hyped and (2) get as close to RPing as they can without RPing.

There are a couple things that help "immerse" people in your interest check/RP ad.

1. Pictures, especially ones that bring people the 'feel' of your RP. If it's dark, gloomy pictures. If it's epic, heroic pictures. If it's futuristic, cyborg pictures.

2. As @Grey's guide mentions in the tutorials, describe all locations and overview some roles so people can imagine themselves actually in your world.

3. Put out heroic and big goals. Nobody's ever had a department of agriculture RP where the goal was to subsidize farmers and get promoted. (That would be dope though, if anyone's interested PM me)

4. Put in some formatting into your posts. Doesn't have to be a lot. For example, this is my most recent. I don't do a lot - I just put it in a box and change the font - but it goes a long way.

5. Most importantly, convey the action. Movie trailers always have the most dramatic or action packed scenes. If your RP's about war, describe visually and with vivid detail the way the war's fought, especially the kinds of weapons used. If your RP's about a high school, describe in vivid detail the social ladder and groups in the school. If your RP's about political plotting, describe vividly the plots that happened in the past. If it's about magic, put in pictures and describe spells.

Don't waste words though! Every word should count towards one of these goals or people might lose interest.

Not saying RPs have to have these, but your chances go way up. I've seen great RPs that are about hospitals, they're just harder to start if you don't know a lot of people on a site.

Some other things also help a ton for you to get RPs off the ground:

1. Connections: A good way to hack these (I'm kind of new here and not always active on this site so I feel your pain) is to invite everyone when you do launch an RP into a discord. I use skype and discord but discord is way better since people don't need the app to get invited into your channel. As long as you don't abandon your RP and you run it far, those people will follow you around.

2. Quantity: This sounds insane but if you want to be absolutely sure you'll get an RP of your own, make a to do list of 6 ideas each in whatever genres you're interested in, then spend 2-3 hours writing 2-3 paragraph intros with the same formatting for all of them. Post them 1 a day until you get enough ones that stick. You'll never need to write another RP advert for 3 weeks, just copy and paste. I did this a lot a couple years back, and I cringed, but it worked.
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Archie said:
Don't give up yet! Starting an RP is hit or miss. Over the years on a lot of sites I've had dozens of RPs work out but at least 100 fail early or never get off the ground. There's only one sure fire way to break in and that's to start as many as you can, ignore the ones that don't get interest and don't give up on the ones that get a crowd.
As @ApfelSeine said it's hit or miss but I've found that there are a lot of things that help you get interest.

Imagine you're selling a car. How do they sell cars? Do they say "This is a cheap car", "this car is blue and its engine is a PXB590", or "this is the fastest car on hte road, can go 0 to 60 in 3 seconds, it feels like you're flying, why don't you go try it out?"

At car dealers they do the third because they want you to (1) get hyped and (2) get as close to the car as you can without actually buying it. In the same way you want people in your interest checks to (1) get hyped and (2) get as close to RPing as they can without RPing.

There are a couple things that help "immerse" people in your interest check/RP ad.

1. Pictures, especially ones that bring people the 'feel' of your RP. If it's dark, gloomy pictures. If it's epic, heroic pictures. If it's futuristic, cyborg pictures.

2. As @Grey's guide mentions in the tutorials, describe all locations and overview some roles so people can imagine themselves actually in your world.

3. Put out heroic and big goals. Nobody's ever had a department of agriculture RP where the goal was to subsidize farmers and get promoted. (That would be dope though, if anyone's interested PM me)

4. Put in some formatting into your posts. Doesn't have to be a lot. For example, this is my most recent. I don't do a lot - I just put it in a box and change the font - but it goes a long way.

5. Most importantly, convey the action. Movie trailers always have the most dramatic or action packed scenes. If your RP's about war, describe visually and with vivid detail the way the war's fought, especially the kinds of weapons used. If your RP's about a high school, describe in vivid detail the social ladder and groups in the school. If your RP's about political plotting, describe vividly the plots that happened in the past. If it's about magic, put in pictures and describe spells.

Don't waste words though! Every word should count towards one of these goals or people might lose interest.

Not saying RPs have to have these, but your chances go way up. I've seen great RPs that are about hospitals, they're just harder to start if you don't know a lot of people on a site.

Some other things also help a ton for you to get RPs off the ground:

1. Connections: A good way to hack these (I'm kind of new here and not always active on this site so I feel your pain) is to invite everyone when you do launch an RP into a discord. I use skype and discord but discord is way better since people don't need the app to get invited into your channel. As long as you don't abandon your RP and you run it far, those people will follow you around.

2. Quantity: This sounds insane but if you want to be absolutely sure you'll get an RP of your own, make a to do list of 6 ideas each in whatever genres you're interested in, then spend 2-3 hours writing 2-3 paragraph intros with the same formatting for all of them. Post them 1 a day until you get enough ones that stick. You'll never need to write another RP advert for 3 weeks, just copy and paste. I did this a lot a couple years back, and I cringed, but it worked.
Dear RpNation Role-players,

Once Upon a time there was a person called Jack who used Massivecraft forums, He Loved When People Joined his roleplays, but they never did. So he started trying to get people to join, but no one was interested so he thought for a while and let the summer days pass hoping, just someone would join. He tried making friends but non-successful, but he made one or two. Although he Loved roleplay he was never interested in any of the topics, only the ones he made. He Started Drawing and Invested so much time into getting people into his roleplay but non did... this made Jack feel sad that everything he did, was a mistake. This when he started RpNation, still no one liked his topics. All he wanted was roleplay viewers to play his content.
Archie said:
Don't give up yet! Starting an RP is hit or miss. Over the years on a lot of sites I've had dozens of RPs work out but at least 100 fail early or never get off the ground. There's only one sure fire way to break in and that's to start as many as you can, ignore the ones that don't get interest and don't give up on the ones that get a crowd.
As @ApfelSeine said it's hit or miss but I've found that there are a lot of things that help you get interest.

Imagine you're selling a car. How do they sell cars? Do they say "This is a cheap car", "this car is blue and its engine is a PXB590", or "this is the fastest car on hte road, can go 0 to 60 in 3 seconds, it feels like you're flying, why don't you go try it out?"

At car dealers they do the third because they want you to (1) get hyped and (2) get as close to the car as you can without actually buying it. In the same way you want people in your interest checks to (1) get hyped and (2) get as close to RPing as they can without RPing.

There are a couple things that help "immerse" people in your interest check/RP ad.

1. Pictures, especially ones that bring people the 'feel' of your RP. If it's dark, gloomy pictures. If it's epic, heroic pictures. If it's futuristic, cyborg pictures.

2. As @Grey's guide mentions in the tutorials, describe all locations and overview some roles so people can imagine themselves actually in your world.

3. Put out heroic and big goals. Nobody's ever had a department of agriculture RP where the goal was to subsidize farmers and get promoted. (That would be dope though, if anyone's interested PM me)

4. Put in some formatting into your posts. Doesn't have to be a lot. For example, this is my most recent. I don't do a lot - I just put it in a box and change the font - but it goes a long way.

5. Most importantly, convey the action. Movie trailers always have the most dramatic or action packed scenes. If your RP's about war, describe visually and with vivid detail the way the war's fought, especially the kinds of weapons used. If your RP's about a high school, describe in vivid detail the social ladder and groups in the school. If your RP's about political plotting, describe vividly the plots that happened in the past. If it's about magic, put in pictures and describe spells.

Don't waste words though! Every word should count towards one of these goals or people might lose interest.

Not saying RPs have to have these, but your chances go way up. I've seen great RPs that are about hospitals, they're just harder to start if you don't know a lot of people on a site.

Some other things also help a ton for you to get RPs off the ground:

1. Connections: A good way to hack these (I'm kind of new here and not always active on this site so I feel your pain) is to invite everyone when you do launch an RP into a discord. I use skype and discord but discord is way better since people don't need the app to get invited into your channel. As long as you don't abandon your RP and you run it far, those people will follow you around.

2. Quantity: This sounds insane but if you want to be absolutely sure you'll get an RP of your own, make a to do list of 6 ideas each in whatever genres you're interested in, then spend 2-3 hours writing 2-3 paragraph intros with the same formatting for all of them. Post them 1 a day until you get enough ones that stick. You'll never need to write another RP advert for 3 weeks, just copy and paste. I did this a lot a couple years back, and I cringed, but it worked.
I actually like your idea I'll give that a go thank you n.n my biggest problem is I want a Pokémon Roleplay more than anything else but the only People who want to join are the sicko yiffers who only want to join if they can "be a pokemon" and engage in romance with Either another pokemon or their trainer and I find that absolutely disgusting and deny their request so they leave. I'm the only Pokémon Roleplayer on sites like these who is NORMAL and not into bestiality
JackMysticWolf said:
Dear RpNation Role-players,
Once Upon a time there was a person called Jack who used Massivecraft forums, He Loved When People Joined his roleplays, but they never did. So he started trying to get people to join, but no one was interested so he thought for a while and let the summer days pass hoping, just someone would join. He tried making friends but non-successful, but he made one or two. Although he Loved roleplay he was never interested in any of the topics, only the ones he made. He Started Drawing and Invested so much time into getting people into his roleplay but non did... this made Jack feel sad that everything he did, was a mistake. This when he started RpNation, still no one liked his topics. All he wanted was roleplay viewers to play his content.
I think you might be helped a lot by making interest checks before RPs. Some forums don't offer them but they help a lot. When you do, it'll increase chances if you describe in detail the background, setting, and kinds of fights/struggles/tasks people will have to do. For example, "Most of the East Coasts' cities are deserted ghost towns, reclaimed by nature. Their buildings are rotting, and they're hiding grounds for the rebellion. Recently, BRS deployed task forces to sweep the area, engulfing the entire city of Boston in a bloody firefight in which the rebels had to drive all civilians into underground safehouses for safety. Artillery and machine gun fire rage overhead, as rebel command plans its counter offensive"
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[QUOTE="Dynasty Girl]I actually like your idea I'll give that a go thank you n.n my biggest problem is I want a Pokémon Roleplay more than anything else but the only People who want to join are the sicko yiffers who only want to join if they can "be a pokemon" and engage in romance with Either another pokemon or their trainer and I find that absolutely disgusting and deny their request so they leave. I'm the only Pokémon Roleplayer on sites like these who is NORMAL and not into bestiality

I don't know much about pokemon RPs but I'm sure there are people you'd want to RP with. Put a clear rule in your RPs that you will only let people play trainers and delete char sheets that don't fit.

If those people are hard to find, you might want to make an original world that mirrors pokemon. Alternatively, join some others and try to find people who play trainers, then invite them into your pokemon RP.

It's not my genre but those would be a good start to eventually getting an RP on.
Archie said:
I think you might be helped a lot by making interest checks before RPs. Some forums don't offer them but they help a lot. When you do, it'll increase chances if you describe in detail the background, setting, and kinds of fights/struggles/tasks people will have to do. For example, "Most of the East Coasts' cities are deserted ghost towns, reclaimed by nature. Their buildings are rotting, and they're hiding grounds for the rebellion. Recently, BRS deployed task forces to sweep the area, engulfing the entire city of Boston in a bloody firefight in which the rebels had to drive all civilians into underground safehouses for safety. Artillery and machine gun fire rage overhead, as rebel command plans its counter offensive"
Personally i think your getting wrong, I am never popular, or will be, i have tried my hardest to actually get people, but guess what, it never works. Cheak This Out

Click and after Click
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JackMysticWolf said:
Personally i think your getting wrong, I am never popular, or will be, i have tried my hardest to actually get people, but guess what, it never works.
Well try putting in:

1. Clear descriptions not just of the background but the action

2. Goals

3. Flesh out the world a bit: for hte first RP, who are the BRS? What is their structure? Are you going to let players join the BRS or only the rebels?

4. Pictures like this:

5. Descriptions of weapons in your RPs

I can't stress enough you should also make interest checks for these RPs.

Finally you put the first RP in fantasy, but it's really a realistic/modern RP.

It's not you I promise. There's no difference between new players except what they post. As long as you don't lose enthusiasm and keep making RPs with the right methods to advertise them you'll get RPs.

Success is going from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm
Winston Churchill
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Archie said:
Well try putting in:
1. Clear descriptions not just of the background but the action

2. Goals

3. Flesh out the world a bit: for hte first RP, who are the BRS? What is their structure? Are you going to let players join the BRS or only the rebels?

4. Pictures like this:

5. Descriptions of weapons in your RPs

I can't stress enough you should also make interest checks for these RPs.

Finally you put the first RP in fantasy, but it's really a realistic/modern RP.

It's not you I promise. There's no difference between new players except what they post. As long as you don't lose enthusiasm and keep making RPs with the right methods to advertise them you'll get RPs.

Success is going from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm
Winston Churchill
*!@£ Winston Churtchill, just click the links, also i found out when i post pictures, i get no one
JackMysticWolf said:
*!@£ Winston Churtchill, just click the links, also i found out when i post pictures, i get no one
It's not just pictures, it's the other four things

1. Pictures, especially ones that bring people the 'feel' of your RP. If it's dark, gloomy pictures. If it's epic, heroic pictures. If it's futuristic, cyborg pictures.
2. As @Grey's guide mentions in the tutorials, describe all locations and overview some roles so people can imagine themselves actually in your world.

3. Put out heroic and big goals. Nobody's ever had a department of agriculture RP where the goal was to subsidize farmers and get promoted. (That would be dope though, if anyone's interested PM me)

4. Put in some formatting into your posts. Doesn't have to be a lot. For example, this is my most recent. I don't do a lot - I just put it in a box and change the font - but it goes a long way.

5. Most importantly, convey the action. Movie trailers always have the most dramatic or action packed scenes. If your RP's about war, describe visually and with vivid detail the way the war's fought, especially the kinds of weapons used. If your RP's about a high school, describe in vivid detail the social ladder and groups in the school. If your RP's about political plotting, describe vividly the plots that happened in the past. If it's about magic, put in pictures and describe spells.
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Archie said:
It's not just pictures, it's the other four things
Do you Notice i have been at this on Massivecraft longer than you compared to RpNation, and nothing has worked out for me?
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JackMysticWolf said:
Do you Notice i have been at this on Massivecraft longer than you compared to RpNation, and nothing has worked out for me?
Do you do the same thing over and over, or do you feel you've made an effort to learn from the RPs that didn't catch on?

Do you join other RPs to establish a place in the community and build a playing group?
Grey said:
Do you do the same thing over and over, or do you feel you've made an effort to learn from the RPs that didn't catch on?
Do you join other RPs to establish a place in the community and build a playing group?
I Have been roleplaying with a giant group, they are on Massivecraft but they don't want to move to RpNation. I most likely might leave RpNation because i get more views on massivecraft than here, i wonder why, possibly because RpNation Doesn't

have that feel.
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JackMysticWolf said:
I Have been roleplaying with a giant group, they are on Massivecraft but they don't want to move to RpNation. I most likely might leave RpNation because i get more views on massivecraft than here, i wonder why, possibly because RpNation Doesn't
have that feel.
Forums that aren't specifically dedicated to writing and RPing are way easier to start RPs on, so it's up to you what you think is best. That said if you do get good RPs up on rpnation and iwaku you'll pretty much be able to anywhere else.
Archie said:
Forums that aren't specifically dedicated to writing and RPing are way easier to start RPs on, so it's up to you what you think is best. That said if you do get good RPs up on rpnation and iwaku you'll pretty much be able to anywhere else.
Not Necessarily, I Go On RpNation, Im not successful but on Other Major Rp websites i do just fine, i think its the community in RpNation.

Because All the things i am not interested are on here, so when i post things i am interested i get hate. I think it is because this Forum's is more for younger kids, like yeah
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Also something I haven't seen mentioned yet - that I'm aware of it could have been buried in someone's post and if so I apologies for missing it.

But this is a hectic time of the year. People are hitting the end of the school year or gearing up for summer work months. That means that a lot of people are just busy and can't get on all the time. Or can only afford to do one roleplay at a time because of time constraints.

So in that sense it really honestly might have nothing whatsoever to do with you @Dynasty Girl and @JackMysticWolf. It could just honestly be people don't have the time to devote to new roleplays period not just that they don't like your ideas specifically.

As has been mentioned getting friends is a good way to start. Also maybe making a thread about the genre itself might be a good place to start when it comes to networking. Example : in the general discussion make a thread for pokemon fans to discus the series.

Not everyone in the thread will be able to join a new roleplay but you'll at least get a feel for how big the fandom is on here. And maybe those people might know people interested in new roleplays themselves.

Also never compare yourself to other people. I see this a lot with new players. Well Susie is doing better than me so that means that people like Susie better.

Not necessarily. Maybe Susie just has more friends because she's been on the site and has had a chance to network with others. Maybe Susie has more lax rules than you.

So in other words Susie is not in the same position that you are. Maybe she has different interests or just a large group of friends. But rather than worrying about people liking Susie more than you why don't you make friends with Susie yourself.

In other words if you see a roleplay in a genre your interested in that's really successful try contacting the GM for some suggestions specific to that genre. Maybe they have some friends that they can steer in your direction. I know I do this all the time. When I make a new roleplay friend and they tell me they are looking for more roleplays I always ask them what their interested in to see if any of my other friends might make good partners for them as well.
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nerdyfangirl said:
Also something I haven't seen mentioned yet - that I'm aware of it could have been buried in someone's post and if so I apologies for missing it.
But this is a hectic time of the year. People are hitting the end of the school year or gearing up for summer work months. That means that a lot of people are just busy and can't get on all the time. Or can only afford to do one roleplay at a time because of time constraints.

So in that sense it really honestly might have nothing whatsoever to do with you @Dynasty Girl and @JackMysticWolf. It could just honestly be people don't have the time to devote to new roleplays period not just that they don't like your ideas specifically.

As has been mentioned getting friends is a good way to start. Also maybe making a thread about the genre itself might be a good place to start when it comes to networking. Example : in the general discussion make a thread for pokemon fans to discus the series.

Not everyone in the thread will be able to join a new roleplay but you'll at least get a feel for how big the fandom is on here. And maybe those people might know people interested in new roleplays themselves.

Also never compare yourself to other people. I see this a lot with new players. Well Susie is doing better than me so that means that people like Susie better.

Not necessarily. Maybe Susie just has more friends because she's been on the site and has had a chance to network with others. Maybe Susie has more lax rules than you.

So in other words Susie is not in the same position that you are. Maybe she has different interests or just a large group of friends. But rather than worrying about people liking Susie more than you why don't you make friends with Susie yourself.

In other words if you see a roleplay in a genre your interested in that's really successful try contacting the GM for some suggestions specific to that genre. Maybe they have some friends that they can steer in your direction. I know I do this all the time. When I make a new roleplay friend and they tell me they are looking for more roleplays I always ask them what their interested in to see if any of my other friends might make good partners for them as well.
No, its that they dont like my stuff, i mean read this comment i had on one of my rp threads on a different forums a few days ago


You must have been born on a highway, because that's where most accidents happen.

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