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One x One Thieves are heroes too.

Name ~ Mali Fo

Male, 23, experienced in the art of thievery. Takes for himself and his family. He is black haired with a dark skin tone, he has blue eyes, he bears a large scar across his arm where he was attacked by guards and heavily wounded. That arm is much weaker and is used for small lifting; whenever he holds something in it his hand shakes, he'll then feel immense pain. Doesn't like guards, rich, people, or anyone who doesn't realize he's poor. Doesn't make you his friend if you start of on the wrong foot. His bloodshot eyes impair his sight slightly, but is awake for 18 hours of the day if need be; probably won't get enough sleep. He uses twin daggers called Asiaka. The sleek, short, 6-inch blades, with snakes engraved on them. He has black hair and simple body structure; not nimble nor strong. Has seemingly infinite pockets that are actually enlarged; hence, baggy pants.

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