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Realistic or Modern |They Walk, Among Us| (Bandits/Heroes Needed!)

Should Bandits Be Playable Characters?

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xMellowmint said:
Lena felt disgusted as she felt the plump arms wrap around her legs. "There there.... There's no need to be lonely anymore... You'll be with your parents again!"
The little girl's eye were cheerful as she looked up at Lena. Her eyes were shimmering with delight. "How will you take me to them?!" She asked eagerly.

"Oh it's actually really quite simple." Lena's face was at 0 and now at one hundred. Her smile turned into an evil and devious look as the girl was frightened and screamed in her high pitch way but was cut off since her vocal cords ripped as Lena's dagger sliced through it. The girl fell on her back, hopeless, filled with pain everywhere, trying to gasp for some air.

"You're actually helping the world right now... It's over populating. Glad you were able to help!" The blood of the girl came leaking out her throat tremendously. She was tearing up, couldn't stop crying as she was still alive but slowly dying. She was suffering as Lena was glad. Her eyes were wide with fear and started to puff up with the many tears. Lena couldn't stop but laugh. She just felt so great and pushed he little girl off the bag. "Thanks for helping me... you were a great help." The girl laid there on the ground, now face first. and finally stopped breathing as her eyes became now soulless.

(Sorry if it's too much. I could've added more but I don't wanna be too explicit xD )
Evelyn stopped in her tracks close to both the now crimson soaked dead girl and the one who killed her. "And the need to do this was?" Eve lifted her head to stare at Lena her green eyes where empty almost as if anger has swallowed them whole and left behind a soulless pit, "is murder a game to you?" She asked bluntly hand reaching into the back of her belt for her own gun.

Eve didn't even flinch at the sight of the girls organs, in fact she'd become a custom to the sight. But that doesn't mean she enjoyed it. Eve gritted her teeth and took a step forward, but then stopped sighing slightly crazy bitch.
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Willy 'Deathwish' Eilerts

The reinforcement wave had arrived, along with a humvee. Willy was ordered to get into the humvee as they were going to investigate gunshots (Somehow) heard away from the gunfight. He offered Alexander to get in, and as soon as Alexander did get in, they took off.

Alexander Wilhelm

Alexander accepted the offer, and they began driving down the road. Alexander got into the position of the HMG turret.

Scotty Johnson

Scotty was driving the humvee at the time that Willy and Alexander they got in, they headed in the direction of the shots that were fired. They came across the position of @Eden Smithe and Willy ordered to stop, they disembarked and secured the area.
Zeke had been in the kitchen, making more tea since she liked it and it seemed to calm everyone efficiently. She put a few mugs on a tray and brought it out to the living room. "Tea's up if anyone wants some." She grabbed a mug herself and sat crisis cross applesauce on the soft carpeted floor, sipping away at her tea and thinking about what the new people in her life meant to her. She felt oddly protective, something that only happened with her brothers, and pretty fond of them. Guess they're what normal people call friends. She shrugged at her own thinking, figuring it might be true but she still wasn't entirely sure since she was so inexperienced in the matter.

Max grinned as tea was served. "I'm down for that anytime." He took a mug and practically chugged it halfway and then realizing it, he slowed down to small sips. He noticed Zeke's concentrated face and seemingly random shrug. He wanted to ask if she was okay but decided he better not. He figured if she really wanted his help with anything, or wanted to vent to him she'd do it on her own terms.
All Three of My Characters

"Hey, you know we're not going to do what you think we are, we're here to try to evacuate as many people as possible from this hellish city." Willy said, Alexander stepped out of the humvee and saw @Eden Smithe. his eyes opened.
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Lena heard voices in the background. It was the soliders, checking out the place to evacuate the city. "Shit..." She mumbled under her breath as she took the dagger off the little girl and grabbed her bag. She ran as quickly and quietly she could be, making her way back to the tent with Victor.
Alexander Just shrugged, and moved to check behind the building, Willy joined him, and the other three marines were ordered to stay inside the humvee. "Holy shit." Willy said as he saw @JustCallMeAimee do that. He raised his rifle.
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Eve watched the girl run and gritted her teeth, she didn't pursue. The damage had already been done. She moved forwards and leant down besides the dead girl who's eyes had begun to flicker, "sorry." She mumbled plunging a screwdriver into the soft tissue of her closed eye and straight into her brain. All movement stopped and it felt as of the wield had frozen around her until she violently ripped it back out of the girls head and shook the blood off her hand. Blood had pooled around her shoes and stained the grass.

Silently she glanced over her shoulder at the voices behind her and sighed, holding up her hands she turned slowly to face him, "I didn't do this, trust me?" She laughed at her own remark and shook her head, "scratch that. It was stupid of me to ask."

@Invalid User
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JustCallMeAimee said:
Eve watched the girl run and gritted her teeth, she didn't pursue. The damage had already been done. She moved forwards and leant down besides the dead girl who's eyes had begun to flicker, "sorry." She mumbled plunging a screwdriver into the soft tissue of her closed eye and straight into her brain. All movement stopped and it felt as of the wield had frozen around her until she violently ripped it back out of the girls head and shook the blood off her hand. Blood had pooled around her shoes and stained the grass.
Silently she glanced over her shoulder at the voices behind her and sighed.

@Invalid User
(Sorry, made an Edit, to my previous thing.)
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Lena didn't turn back. She knew she would be in trouble if she stopped. But, her curiosity got the best of her. She hid behind a tree and found that there was someone there, with the dead body and a solider. She smirked. "Thanks for taking the blame for me..." And continued running towards the tent. "So someone saw me.... But she didn't do anything..." Lena grinned and after twenty five minute worth of non-stop running, she finally made it back to the tent. She threw the bag on top of Victor who was napping. "There.... Here's something we can add onto the pile of supplies.."
"Yeah, like I- he saw something moving through the forest, and raised his rifle at that, he squeezed off a few rounds, and one nailed the figure's leg, he patted @JustCallMeAimee to come with him, and took off in the direction of the figure that was on the ground, and Alexander followed. (Sorry, made this just as you left and started running.)
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Iris grabbed some tea off the tray and sipped on it, she liked the flavour, it reminded her of her mothers tea she used to drink. "This is so good, it makes me feel at home and that everything's alright." She said before looking at the ground. "But everything's not alright..." She added feeling a year run down her face. She wiped it away and tried to look happy. She looked back up at the girl and boy. "do you guys like cake?" She asked randomly with a smile worn on her face.

@JustCallMeAimee[/URL] to come with him, and took off in the direction of the figure that was on the ground, and Alexander followed. (Sorry, made this as you left)
Evelyn quickly turned and grabbed his shoulder pulling him back a little, "I wouldn't go after...her if I where you." She stated bluntly before dropping her arm. She shook her head silently, "you're too sane to see the sort of person that would do this." She arched an arm out the the seven year old, "and you're not ready to fight her." Eve shrugged stuffing her hands into her pockets, "but o suppose all I can do is warn you." Her ginger locks whipped around behind her in the sight wind and her expression was stern.
Zeke gave a polite smile as she shook her head slowly. "Sorry, I've never been one for cake unless it's cheesecake." Max's eyes, however, lit up at the mere mention. "I love cake!" He grinned like a little kid.
Alexander thanked her, but ran behind Willy despite her warning. Willy had already restrained her.
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Lena groaned as she felt arms being wrapped around her. "Let me go! What do you think you're doing?!" She yelled as she tried to escape his arms. "If you think I killed her! She just randomly grabbed me and I attacked her thinking it was a zombie!" She groaned, insisting to be put back down to the ground.

@Invalid User
xMellowmint said:
Lena groaned as she felt arms being wrapped around her. "Let me go! What do you think you're doing?!" She yelled as she tried to escape his arms. "If you think I killed her! She just randomly grabbed me and I attacked her thinking it was a zombie!" She groaned, insisting to be put back down to the ground.
@Invalid User
Evelyn followed and stopped to lean down in front of the girl, she scowled softly, "bullshit." Eve looked over Lena and reached forwards to snatch the block soaked bag she'd stolen. "She was a seven year old asking you for your help, you crazy bitch." Eve took her other hand and gripped her shirt, "your story would be much more believable if you hadn't cut the poor kid up."
JustCallMeAimee said:
Evelyn followed and stopped to lean down in front of the girl, she scowled softly, "bullshit." Eve looked over Lena and reached forwards to snatch the block soaked bag she'd stolen. "She was a seven year old asking you for your help, you crazy bitch." Eve took her other hand and gripped her shirt, "your story would be much more believable if you hadn't cut the poor kid up."
Lena knew it was a time to show what her father told her to do to be known innocent. "I didn't know she was seven!" Lena exclaimed, as her voice started to break. Her eyes watered up, making her heart sank. "She only asked for help after I attacked her! I didn't know she was all alone!" Lena shook. She started to breathe deeply, acting as if she's trying to restrain her pain. "We're struggling in an apocalypse! Why wouldn't I be so paranoid!?"
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Willy agreed. "Who the hell would carve it, even if it WAS a zombie?" Alexander pulled out a pair of handcuffs, and pulled her up, then put them on. He started pushing @xMellowmint towards the humvee, Willy saw Victor and picked him up.

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