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Realistic or Modern |They Walk, Among Us| (Bandits/Heroes Needed!)

Should Bandits Be Playable Characters?

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Victor rolled his eyes. "Oh what the fuck..." He dropped Danielle back to the ground and crossed his arms. "Way to ruin the fun... party poopers.." He pouted. Danielle got back to her feet and dusted the dirt off her. She didn't understand the situation but she didn't really knwo what to do. She just walked over to the girl and placed her hand on the gun. "Hey hey... no need to get carried away.."

Joe, at the sight of another one of the guy's he had met, who he had later identified as Victor. He was seemingly trying to kidnap this another girl. And that was kinda like the last straw, for him. He didn't know what the others thought about him, but he definitely looked at him as a villainous idiot, however he may portray himself as, he was stupid. Who kidnaps people like this? Was he using her as a hostage? Well, it quite looked like that. Nevertheless, Joe went for his AutoMag, which he quickly pulled out from his holster, or which you could define as, a quick draw. After removing it from his holster, he immediately pointed it at this 'Victor'. He knew this 'Victor' guy was somewhat off the records. And if he didn't have any explanation, he was literally going to be off the records.

"One more act like that and there's gonna be a piece of lead stuck in your head, get that? If you go around the place, doing some monkey business, and then you ought to get killed? RIGHT?" He said before lowering the gun a bit, before gesturing that he has his eyes on him. Sure enough, he wasn't kidding, he was really going to do what had to be done, a long time ago.
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Max glared at Victor before looking at his friends. "We should probably go now..." He whispered to them and turned back towards the river, beginning to walk away from both the Mansion and the new people. Zeke shrugged and followed. She didn't really care if anyone else followed too but she just wanted to make sure that Max didn't get in a sticky situation again.

@Nanax @xMellowmint @Elephantom
Victor frowned as if he was grumpy cat. He wasn't gonna do anything that bad to Danielle. He just didn't like how there were many nice people in this zombie apocalypse. Where's the fun in that? He sighed as he noticed all the guns were pointed at him and now lowered since they were just a warning. "You guys are no fun at all..."
She had just been following blindly behind Eden. She knew for a fact she shouldn't be on her leg at all. She moved carefully though it hurt. She tried not to let it show. She was just in a daze, didn't really know what was going on. Her leg must be bleeding because she felt faint, knowing that it wasn't good. She must have torn her stitches and has been bleeding for a while and didn't realize it, the work of the body's natural pain killer, adrenaline. Her face was pale and her eyes were distant. She couldn't process what was going on around her. "Eden maybe you were right, we should of stayed at the mans.." Her legs finally gave out beneath her. She remembers hitting the ground but then there was blackness.

@Eden Smithe
He turned around. "Shit, I knew it was too early!" Eden ran over to her. "Unconscious... and tore open the stitching." He looked around. "Zeke, Sarah, Max we gotta get her somewhere safe before the wound gets infected, or dead one show up!" He put down his gun and picked her up. "Sarah, will you get the gun please?" He asked, relieved that the girl was relatively light.

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Zeke and Max nodded in unison. "Don't worry about the undead, I'm prett alright with my sword... You shoulda seen it when a horde came to me when I was still with Lena... I took down nearly the whole thing!" He grinned and gave a thumbs up to say he could handle things. Zeke laughed and ran on ahead to see if there was any cabin like how Sarah was talking earlier.

@Everyone xD
She absent mindedly grabbed on to the front of his shirt tightly and not letting go. It was a reflex but she wasn't awake. She could almost feel the pain. She could here what was going on around her but couldn't reach up long enough to get back to consciousness it was almost like she was stuck in her own mind.

@Eden Smithe @anyone else that's there
"Hey hey hey, relax..." Eden whispering in a soothing tone, not knowing if she was awake or not. "We'll get you to safety soon, just gotta get to the cabin." He gave Sarah a look that said, 'we almost there or what?'

He heard his voice, softer than she had ever heard it to be. Her grip loosens slightly. She still couldn't open her eyes but all she knew was that it hurt like hell. Her head was spinning, probably from blood loss. She just didn't feel good at all.


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