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Realistic or Modern |They Walk, Among Us| (Bandits/Heroes Needed!)

Should Bandits Be Playable Characters?

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[QUOTE="Eden Smithe](lol I kid, I kid... or do i... idk at this point...)

Victoria Sato Victoria nodded, as she followed him to the FOB, wiping off her face. "It's been a while, but I learned how to when I was younger, yeah." She looked at the radio setup. "What do you need me to do sergeant?"
"Alright, since I'm getting crickets from all y'all I'll go first." He smiled. "The name is Eden, Eden Smithe." He took off his hat, readjusting it. He never liked having the spotlight, it made him nervous. "And If ya'll couldn't tell from the accent, Im from the south. Southern Kentucky to be exact!" He put his hat back on. "I'm a good shot, and I hear im reall friendly." He paused and frowned for this part. "I... I've only ever killed one human... My Uncle Cletus." He sighed. "He was infected..." That was all he said. "Thats all you got to know 'bout me."

@KayIa @ScarlettRose16 @JustCallMeAimee @Vxnessa @KpopSenpai

Sarah Collins

Sarah plugged her headphones into her mp3, turning on some calming music to calm herself. She noticed that she was exposing herself too much and that she could be infected anytime soon. Her ugly makeup from before has been removed and she applied a cat eyeliner before leaving the empty theater. She quickly noticed a camp site, an army base perhaps? She slowly walked towards the base and peeked her head in, noticing a few other people, hopefully not infected. She held her revolver's handle that was under her dress, making sure that if anything happened, she was prepared.

Sarah Collins


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Phobos said:
Victoria Sato Victoria nodded, as she followed him to the FOB, wiping off her face. "It's been a while, but I learned how to when I was younger, yeah." She looked at the radio setup. "What do you need me to do sergeant?"
"Well, we've been dropping fliers recently, to switch to a radio channel." "We thought that maybe, since you had the experience as a survivor yourself: you could be the new radio announcer. You'll be telling them about how to survive and new events." Willy finished. "Sorry if this sounds kind of feminist, and feel free to decline if you want to."

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She sat down Ina chair putting her crutches to the side. She heard Eden introduce himself so she figured she would too. "I'm Izzy, and u have killed two people because they got bit." She says remembering the children she found in the hospital, they were alone and scared, and bit. It sends chills down her spine just thinking about it.

@i don't feel like tagging atm
Max raised his hand to answer, grinning. He loved telling people about himself minus the whole thing about him being a rich kid.
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Victoria Sato "Uh, no, it's not like a problem or anything." Victoria said. "I'm just not completely sure that I'm the best person for the job." She shrugged a little, adjusting her pack as she looked over the radio equipment. "I'll do it though, if you think it would help. At least for now I guess."
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"I'm Maximillian Yuri. I've never killed any of the living, but plenty of the undead. Only in self defense of course..." He pet his sword carefully as if it was his favorite pet and smiled brightly. Zeke shrugged and went next. "I'm Zeke Bast and I've never killed anyone. As one or two of you already know, I'm a pretty good runner- and freerunner at that. And don't laugh at my name or I'll kill you. Not seriously of course, but seriously please don't laugh- I've had enough of people laughing at my name." She shrugged and toyed with her cap, setting it gently on her head again.
Lee woke up and roamed around the house. She yawned and looked outside of the windows. Kyle slept soundly upstairs.
Willy said "Well, you'll receive a trial by fire today." "Anyone who got the flier, which was airdropped, should be listening." (@Nanax, @KpopSenpai, and @everyone else) "Alright, you have about 10 minutes." Willy handed her a piece of paper, saying the things she should say, and that she could edit anything that was inaccurate. Also containing the location of the evacuation zone.
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[QUOTE="Eden Smithe](they went around in a circle introducing themselves and telling if they have ever killed a human)


"Well.. Hi, I'm Lee.. I've never killed a human.. so yeah.. and neither has my brother Kyle."

(I'm just gonna jump in randomly because like... yea... ;- ;)

Lena laughed grotesquely as she continued stabbing the man in and out with her dagger. The feeling of piercing a sharp edge on something delicate was so pleasant to her. Victor just started going through their car, grabbing all the stuff they had for them. "Dude... this could last us for two days at the most..." He smiled as Lena just continued tenderizing the family. "Y-You can stop now..."

Lena turned her direction towards Victor and put down her mask with her bloody hand. "Don't tell me what to do..." She groaned, getting back up on her feet and rubbed the blood off her dagger with her bare fingers.
"Okay, now whoever has not spoken, I expect you to reveal this information at some point if you wanna stay in the group." He looked around. "Now, what do ya'll suppose we do about the military?" He asked. "We need gas, and they are in the city... where the gas is." He frowned. "I hear they can do some fucked up shit sometimes to civilians... plus we might get split up."

@KayIa @ScarlettRose16 @JustCallMeAimee @Vxnessa @KpopSenpai
Willy went over how he recommended she did it. First he said that she should introduce herself, then talk about the evacuation zone, then continue how she wanted. By then, the broadcast would happen in about 5 minutes.

James took a full gulps of water from his water bottle, which was now nearly empty. He had been running for quite a while trying to lose a big group of zombies he met while looting through a neighborhood. A quick look behind him revealed only a few strays at that point. There was enough distance for him to be able to take a quick break and just walk from there on out. His current location was relatively peaceful compared to the other parts of the city. Surprising since it was a park, which he would've assumed a lot of people would have been readily infected at. His weapon dropped out of his hand and right into the grass below him and he sat next to it. So much had changed in such a little amount of time. Rebecca was who he really wanted to see most, even more than his mom or dad, dare he say.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of helicopters, their raging blades starting out quietly and then into a raging roar as they passed overhead. James watched them as they flew a little deeper into the city before landing not quite far from him. He assumed they were the military, though it could be possible some random civilians somehow managed to take a few helicopters. He just noticed the fliers practically pouring out of the sky along the path of the helicopters. Once one reached near him he picked up and read it. 'Hurdur, military. 'Murica!' (Idkwhattoputsorrylmao.Just to go on the radio or whatever?) "Hm..." Jamed thought out loud. He decided he would go check them out. If anything he could leave, or so he hoped. Hopefully they didn't turn out to be the kind of military men that gun down their civilians. He got up and head off in their direction.

A little while after walking he saw where they were set up and kept walking, unsure whether or not he should be doing this.

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