• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern They Said We Could Be Anything


My mom said no.

Check in the Overview

If Liked then Accepted

Setting: Asden, New York

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-2_22-5-0.jpeg.c1f535e4c0a0c8990f2c98d45f16eaf9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147992" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-2_22-5-0.jpeg.c1f535e4c0a0c8990f2c98d45f16eaf9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name : Mariah Chanell

Age (19-24) : 21

Face Claim (If Able): Summerella

Gender Sexual and romantic orientations : Bi-Sexual

Side (Good or Evil):Good

Physical description (height, body type, etc)

Long hair, Thick body (curvaceous), nice smile, big a** and breast, Hypnotizing eyes, Long Legs, Basically irresistible!





Eye color:


Hair Color:

Changes colors but most of the time black/brown






~Hanging out with friends




!Working on stuff shes not interested in

!Being disrespected

!Carrots and Pineapples







-Over Emotional



Dad:Black Panther

Powers Gained: Strength, and super intelligence

Mom: Storm

Powers Gained:exceptional gymnastics and unarmed combat skills, and can manipulate weather.

Personality: Mariah is Witty, strong and very ambitious. Mariah is the sweetest girl you could ever meet, well unless you decide to crawl under her skin, thats when the claws come out and the storms arise. Just like her mom, when she's angry there's massive world disaters, so she tries to keep calm. Mariah is very talented besides the characteristics of being a superhero of course.

Ever since Mariah was little she's always wanted to become a superhero. One of the things Mariah has admired ever since she was little was how her mom would wake her up with a lulable and make Mariah's favorite foods for breakfast and then throughout the day tell stories of how her and her father had saved the world with help from their peers of course.

But, as Mariah reached adulthood and after she had her daughter (Naomi) she has fallen off her tracks of wanting to become a superhero, but she often dreams about it she's hoping that one day something or someone will give her a reason to jump right back in to her first love.



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Suede Wilson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/fc4f19c2ea13afd77f12c26aa996a98d.jpg.99512e3bd8e766ec99d2c1c44a5ef07a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/fc4f19c2ea13afd77f12c26aa996a98d.jpg.99512e3bd8e766ec99d2c1c44a5ef07a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Suede Wilson

Alias: Malgin

Age: 21

FC: Unkown

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Side: Evil

Parent: Wade Wilson (Dead Pool) & Gretchen Wilson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tumblr_n31ddd1wML1tsmf25o1_500.gif.ea2644ae71470089cd36502316d9b687.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tumblr_n31ddd1wML1tsmf25o1_500.gif.ea2644ae71470089cd36502316d9b687.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Personality: Suede has a very tell it as it is personality, never one to sugar coat anything. Though even because of this Suede can be a total flirt and never tries to hide it. She is unpredictable. And independent. She doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. Suede isn't one for loyalty though if someone is in need of help she is willing to help but not without a price.

Like:Cursive writing, Homecooked meal, Her Brother (At Times)

Dislike: Capital Letters, Chinese takeout, Goodie Two Shoes

Strengths: Swordsmanship, Telling Others What To Do, Flirting

Weaknesses: Second Guesses Herself, Bad with Others, Relying On Others

Digging Deeper

Bio: Suede was born in Ontario, Canada. Two years after her brother's birth. With both parents working as Mercenaries you can say their life was rather lively. Her mother decided to leave her job and raise the kids while her father went on and did his "thing" as he liked to call it.

When they turned 13 her father would start taking them out on his missions. Teaching them all there was to learn about the life of a Mercenaries. Now some could argue whether or not what Suede's father did was right, though Suede though what her father did was amazing. She quickly picked up what he was teaching and soon went on her own mission's though after all the backlash she got she decided to jump the fence and finally say she was evil.

Suede moved to Asden to follow her own path. Her father retired soon after and Suede decided to pick up where she left off. While her and her brother lived in the same area the didn't associate with each other often. Her brother jumping on the other side of the fence, making the divide clearer than it was before.



Regenerative Healing Factor




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Micky Wilson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/enhanced-14290-1425310019-18.jpg.09bb14e6639d9017c0a444b9a4575dd6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/enhanced-14290-1425310019-18.jpg.09bb14e6639d9017c0a444b9a4575dd6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Micky "Mick" Wilson

Alias: Merc

Age: 23

FC: Cole Monahan

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Side: Good

Parent: Wade Wilson (Dead Pool) & Gretchen Wilson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/af8fd534b52e410b4b4067f13844fc2d.gif.29c4757554f952416c6b126d7dd2e075.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148041" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/af8fd534b52e410b4b4067f13844fc2d.gif.29c4757554f952416c6b126d7dd2e075.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Personality: Micky is almost the opposite of his sister. He takes things quite seriously and doesn't care to mess around. He rather lie and make someone feel good than tell them the truth and hurt them. He can sometimes be predictable and will follow orders to the t if necessary otherwise he will take lead and expects others to listen. He is all about loyalty and if you break his trust might as well ask for a beat down.

Like: Working Out, Messing with His Sister, Succulents

Dislike: His Father, Most Fruits, Coffee

Strengths: Technology, Most Combat, Regeneration

Weaknesses: Kids, Hard-Headed, Doesn't know When to Stop

Digging Deeper

Bio: When Micky was born there was almost a sigh of releif from his father that he looked normal instead of well...you know. Soon after his sister was born and they became the perfect Mercenary family.

Like his sister at the age of 13 his father took him out into the field and you can say he was less than impressed. While his sister took to the killing like a fish takes to water Micky was the exact opposite. From then on he stayed at home with his mom and trained. Was he angry that he couldn't be like his sister? Of course. He would have given anything to be like his sister. When Micky found out that there was an other side he could take other than killing Micky took it.

Now he's living Asden, moving there well before his sister. Becoming a law abiding citizen and loving every second. Though when his sister came to town it was like all hell broke loose. Now instead of living a peaceful life he had to make sure he was taking care of his sister's mess. You can say it puts a strain in their relationship.



Regenerative Healing Factor




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Name Daniel

Alias Interval

Age (19-24) 21

Face Claim (If Able)

Gender Male

Sexual and romantic orientations

Side (Good or Evil) Evil

Parent Kronos

Physical description (height, body type, etc) Fair hair.

Sky blue eyes.


Tall and lean.

Powers (If any) Subtle control over time, Teleportation, Telekinis.

Alias Outfit Generally wears a padded grey suit, with bronze gauntlets, belt, and boots. Tops outfit off with bronze sword, generally attached to his waist.

3 likes Superiority over an opponent in battle.


Mortals that can stand against against superpowered beings.

3 dislikes Arrogance (I know right, such a hypocrite)

His father, Kronos

Being looked down upon

3 strengths Intelligence

Prodigious Swordsman


3 weaknesses Excessive emotion


Doesn't always go for the kill in a battle. Extremely merciful for a villain.

Personality Daniel doesn't really understand emotion, at all. Which leads to him generally being closed off, cold, and distant. He is obsessed with power, due to his upbringing. He believes power holds the key to anything in life. However he is very honorable in obtaining power. He isn't a wimp. He gives chances, and rarely kills, and if he does, he doesn't kill children, the elderly, or pregnant women.

Biography 2+ paragraphs He was born the youngest son of Kronos to a human mother. His mother died giving birth to him, so Kronos took to him. He was trained early on as a warrior. He was treated as if he was a Titan by his father, and no sympathy was given to the human part of him. By eleven he learned that only those who were powerful could survive when the titans got overtaken by the newly minted Olympian Gods.

What the so called Gods didn't know was that Daniel managed to sneak away, and hide out in an abandoned cave somewhere in Europe. The Gods didn't know about his existence, until at age fifteen when he rebelled and tried taking on Zeus. He was beaten ruthlessly, and was about to be struck with Zeus's lightening bolt when he managed to escape. After that whole debacle, he decided to lay low and gain power so he could take down the Olympians. From that day on, he would scour the world searching for power, and people to join him in his rebellion and plan to take over the world. He is currently building up an army to challenge the Olympians, and rule the cosmos. (sorry if this sucks, its 2 am where I live, and I'm on a phone.)

Other info Anything :)



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@ThatOneCrazyAnimeFan I'm not sure of shes up for it since shes not on .-. But I'm pretty sure shes into RP's such as these

Lorna Rippleform







Gender Sexual and romantic orientations


Side (Good or Evil)



Kitty Pryde


Physical description (height, body type, etc)

She is 5'4" and quite slender. She appears taller though, as she doesn't walk normally, she sort of walks on air a couple of centimetres off of the ground.


Alias Name:


Powers (If any)

  • Can make her body intangible like her mother, except she can teleport when in that form.
  • Can turn individual parts of her body to steel, but not all at once

Alias Outfit


She often uses a long katana when fighting and is very agile.​



  • Rain
  • Music
  • Helping People

3 dislikes

  • Getting stuck in her intangible form
  • Being forced to talk to people
  • Arrogant people

3 strengths

  • She is innovative/imaginative
  • She is intelligent
  • She notices things others don't

3 weaknesses

  • She finds it hard to open up to people
  • She can get annoyed quickly
  • She can get stuck as intangible


She isn't a very talkative person, and often prefers to be alone. She is kind of mysterious and keeps to herself, but has an infectious giggle, if you can get her to laugh. She has an incredible imagination and loves fantasy stories. If she is annoyed with you she wil either snap or completely ignore you.


Biography 2+ paragraphs

Lorna's parents never properly introduced her to their world until she was 8. She grew up at a normal school, living a pretty much normal life, except they moved around a lot. She only usually lived with one parent at a time, as one parent was usually dead or in a coma or something - not that she knew that.

At the age of 8 her parents introduced her to their world. This was when her powers started developing and she was taught how to use them. She often went out to the field with her parents. She also learnt how to both fight with her fists which she can turn to metal, and how to use a katana. At the age of 16, she went off on her own to do what she could to help the world. When she isn't doing that she libes in an apartment and works at a pet centre.

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Name: Jamison Strange


Age: 21

Face Claim: Spencer Boldman

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Side: Good

Parent: Stephen Vincent Strange (Doctor Strange)

Physical description:

  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 170
  • Body Type: Very Toned and Cut.
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Electric Blue (unlike the picture.)

Powers: Like his father Jamison pulls his powers from three sources; the invocation of powerful mystic entities or objects, the manipulation of the universe's ambient magical energy, and his own psychic resources. He is able to use these sources through a book of spells he carries around with him.

Alias Outfit



  • Dogs, all breeds but especially pugs
  • Working out
  • Laying outside at night and staring at the sky.


  • His step-mom, Michelle and her two spoiled brats of kids.
  • Mushrooms
  • The thought of losing his dad


  • His abilities
  • Martial arts, has been doing it since he could walk.
  • Diffusing tense situations


  • Acts before he thinks
  • His little brother, he would do anything to make sure he was safe
  • His powers are strong but he is only human


Jamison is a very quite and shut off individual. He likes to keep things to himself. But he can have his moment of goofing off with is friends and having a grand ol' time. But he is also a very hot headed and brash individual which has gotten him into a lot of trouble with not just his abilities but at school.


Jamison is the oldest son of Stephen Vincent Strange and Madeline Strange. He has a younger brother named Connor. There family was happy for a while, they were well off and his family all got along, his parents never fought, they allowed for him to do all the extra curricular he could. Things changed when his mom left taking his younger brother with her. Nothing changed financially just the air and personality of the house changed. His dad started to focus on work. and became kind of shut off.

Once Jamison's mother left, Jamison found his father old stuff from his days as a powerful sorcerer. Jamison basically from that day on trained with his dad. Perfecting the art between classes and martial arts training. Lately tho, Jamison has been finding it hard to keep going even with everything he learned because his father is slowly disappearing on him. It used to e for a night here and there but now it is for days on end before he will see him again. Jamison thinks that it is because he is seeing someone else and doesn't know how to tell Jamison.

Equipment: Jamison's dad gave him all of his old equipment

  • the Eye of Agamotto, an amulet which can radiate light, pierce illusions, probe minds, open extradimensional portals, and perform other feats.
  • He has a Cloak of Levitation which enables him to fly without expending personal magical energy.
  • He possesses several other mystic artifacts, including the Orb of Agamotto, which he can use to observe events virtually anywhere in the multiverse.
  • He has a library of mystic tomes, some of which, such as the Book of the Vishanti and the Darkhold, can serve as power sources or weapons in their own right.

Other info: Let me know if this is okay, Anything!
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KingHalliwell said:

Name: Jamison Strange


Age: 21

Face Claim: Spencer Boldman

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Side: Good

Parent: Stephen Vincent Strange (Doctor Strange)

Physical description:

  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 170
  • Body Type: Very Toned and Cut.
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Electric Blue (unlike the picture.)

Powers: Like his father Jamison pulls his powers from three sources; the invocation of powerful mystic entities or objects, the manipulation of the universe's ambient magical energy, and his own psychic resources. He is able to use these sources through a book of spells he carries around with him.

Alias Outfit



  • Dogs, all breeds but especially pugs
  • Working out
  • Laying outside at night and staring at the sky.


  • His step-mom, Michelle and her two spoiled brats of kids.
  • Mushrooms
  • The thought of losing his dad


  • His abilities
  • Martial arts, has been doing it since he could walk.
  • Diffusing tense situations


  • Acts before he thinks
  • His little brother, he would do anything to make sure he was safe
  • His powers are strong but he is only human

Personality: Jamison is a very quite and shut off individual. He likes to keep things to himself. But he can have his moment of goofing off with is friends and having a grand ol' time. But he is also a very hot headed and brash individual which has gotten him into a lot of trouble with not just his abilities but at school.

Biography: Jamison is the oldest son of Stephen Vincent Strange and Madeline Strange. He has a younger brother named Connor. There family was happy for a while, they were well off and his family all got along, his parents never fought, they allowed for him to do all the extra curricular he could. Things changed when his mom left taking his younger brother with her. Nothing changed financially just the air and personality of the house changed. His dad started to focus on work. and became kind of shut off.

Once Jamison's mother left, Jamison found his father old stuff from his days as a powerful sorcerer. Jamison basically from that day on trained with his dad. Perfecting the art between classes and martial arts training. Lately tho, Jamison has been finding it hard to keep going even with everything he learned because his father is slowly disappearing on him. It used to e for a night here and there but now it is for days on end before he will see him again. Jamison thinks that it is because he is seeing someone else and doesn't know how to tell Jamison.

Equipment: Jamison's dad gave him all of his old equipment

  • the Eye of Agamotto, an amulet which can radiate light, pierce illusions, probe minds, open extradimensional portals, and perform other feats.
  • He has a Cloak of Levitation which enables him to fly without expending personal magical energy.
  • He possesses several other mystic artifacts, including the Orb of Agamotto, which he can use to observe events virtually anywhere in the multiverse.
  • He has a library of mystic tomes, some of which, such as the Book of the Vishanti and the Darkhold, can serve as power sources or weapons in their own right.

Other info: Let me know if this is okay
Just missing one thing dear. Check the overview:)
MariahChanell said:

View attachment 327356

Name : Mariah Chanell

Age (19-24) : 21

Face Claim (If Able): Summerella

Gender Sexual and romantic orientations : Bi-Sexual

Side (Good or Evil):Good

Physical description (height, body type, etc)

Long hair, Thick body (curvaceous), nice smile, big a** and breast, Hypnotizing eyes, Long Legs, Basically irresistible!





Eye color:


Hair Color:

Changes colors but most of the time black/brown






~Hanging out with friends




!Working on stuff shes not interested in

!Being disrespected

!Carrots and Pineapples







-Over Emotional



Dad:Black Panther

Powers Gained: Strength, and super intelligence

Mom: Storm

Powers Gained:exceptional gymnastics and unarmed combat skills, and can manipulate weather.

Personality: Mariah is Witty, strong and very ambitious. Mariah is the sweetest girl you could ever meet, well unless you decide to crawl under her skin, thats when the claws come out and the storms arise. Just like her mom, when she's angry there's massive world disaters, so she tries to keep calm. Mariah is very talented besides the characteristics of being a superhero of course.

Ever since Mariah was little she's always wanted to become a superhero. One of the things Mariah has admired ever since she was little was how her mom would wake her up with a lulable and make Mariah's favorite foods for breakfast and then throughout the day tell stories of how her and her father had saved the world with help from their peers of course.

But, as Mariah reached adulthood and after she had her daughter (Naomi) she has fallen off her tracks of wanting to become a superhero, but she often dreams about it she's hoping that one day something or someone will give her a reason to jump right back in to her first love.

Just missing one thing! Check the overview again :)
  • 52UjPFUm.jpg

    Name: Alyssa Cage

    Alias: Power Girl

    Age: 20

    Face Claim: Melissa Calma

    Gender Sexual and romantic orientations: Female and heterosexual

    Side: Good

    Parents: Luke Cage (Power Man) and Jessica Jones (Power Woman/Jewel)

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~Very big WIP~

(I'll add BBCode and the Rest Later)

Name: Sara Elizabeth Queen

Nickname/s: N/A

Alias: Shadow/ The Shadow

I know this already exists for a different character. Shh.

Face Claim: Margot Robbie

Age: 23

Gender: Female:

Sexuality: Bisexual

Side: Whichever she chooses, but most often Good (Anti-hero)

Mother: Felicity Smoak

Father: Oliver Queen

Powers: N/A

Abilities: Extreme flexibility & agility, Talented Liar/Good 'Poker Face'

Strengths: Marksmanship, Technology, Engineering/Mechanics, Compassionate, Loyal

Weaknesses: Children, Families, Her family, Cooking/Baking, Blind Rage, She is Human without Powers

Other: NO. SPOILERS. I'm only on season 3 of Arrow.

And don't get on me about the alias name, I am pretending Shadow the person didn't exist in the show.


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tomtom.gif.802f2f9f7005f28ce872d88dc1966f0b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148415" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tomtom.gif.802f2f9f7005f28ce872d88dc1966f0b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tomtom3.jpg.2983e2db91d57af5059a249174166e66.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148418" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tomtom3.jpg.2983e2db91d57af5059a249174166e66.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"I just

Name: "Alex" Alexander Rayla

Alias: Perseus

Age: 22

Face Claim: Thomas Cassel

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pan-sexual &


Side: Good

Parent: Poseidon

Physical description:

height- 6ft 2in.

weight- 166lbs

body type- mesomorph

Power: He can manipulate water and absorb power from it as well, but saltwater works best.

Alias Outfit: Alex only puts on a mask such as the following and carries it around in a secret pocket in his hoodie.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/mask.jpg.e68e97c054785f90f48c608bb361241f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/mask.jpg.e68e97c054785f90f48c608bb361241f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

want to

Likes & Dislikes:

+water, particularity the ocean


+helping others


-guns (minor fear)

-fire (major fear & weakness)

Strengths & Weaknesses

+he is more powerful when touching water

+quick thinker in combat due to ADD

+can control water to a certain degree

-easily angered

-too trusting & slightly naive

-being close enough to fire weakens him

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tomtom2.jpg.0dde1913a3db7e857764302f01572a6c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148417" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tomtom2.jpg.0dde1913a3db7e857764302f01572a6c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



Alex is seriously caring and because of that, he's also a little naive/trusting too easily. He's very protective and enjoys nature so long as that doesn't include fire. He is very afraid of fire because of his weakness to it and he's kind of afraid of guns but that's only because of common sense. Alex loves cracking jokes, being witty, or putting smiles on people's faces. He still acts like an early teenager often since he's hardly grown up.


Alex was born to a kindhearted and beautiful woman and to a god of Olympus- Poseidon. He is a demigod although he didn't find out until he was around sixteen. That was the time that he started noticing weird things happening such as water acting funny around him and fire making him really lethargic. Alex had never known his father, he just had distant memories of seeing his mother hanging out on the docks late at night sometimes with a strange man. She always looked out at the sea since they lived near the ocean when he was younger.

In the past couple years was when people began noticing Alex and that he wasn't quite right. It wasn't that he really used his powers often since he never entirely understood them or anything, but he was someone that was hard to overlook once you pay any attention to his existence. A good number of people have tried to catch him to see what makes him tick and why he was the way he was, but none have been successful yet. Alex wants to show everyone that he isn't a bad person and that he could do some good in the world. That is what created his Alias. A superhero. His blue oceanic mask separated Alexander Rayla from Perseus.

Other info:

He hides his oceanic mask in a secret pocket inside of his hoodie so if he ever needs to help anyone, he can help them then and there. Also, in his spare time he likes to game in his apartment.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tomtom1.jpg.c144023cea93838bc9716d24e9afc5e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148416" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tomtom1.jpg.c144023cea93838bc9716d24e9afc5e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​




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Welp shit, I can't join cause everyone is using real people instead of 2d ppl.
Okay everyone! I'm gonna stop accepting heroes for now. Just until the villains catch up :)

@Smoaki I'll make an exception for you since you did have a cs up before the cap.
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First image here



Erik Darrow LeBeau





Face Claim

Matthew Daddario



Sexual and romantic orientations



Evil,although he can also help the good guys if he feels like it will favor him in some way. More of an anti-hero than anything.



Physical description


Erik is 6'1" and has an athletic build,although he falls more to the slim side. His chest,arms and necks are marked by tattoos that symbolize his powers.


Erik's power are much like the ones of his father. He has the ability to convert the potential energy stored in an inanimate object into pure light kinetic energy, thus “charging” that item with highly explosive results. Much like Gambit,Erik prefers to use small cards in his explosions. He also has superior agility than a normal human being.

Alias Outfit



+ His father

+ Stealing

+ Poker

3 dislikes

- Self-righteous heroes

- Boredom

- Sunlight

3 strengths

+ Extremely good liar

+ Agile

+ Intelligent

3 weaknesses

- Not physically strong

- Can't follow orders

- Selfish & Stubborn


Erik has many shades through his personality,although he keeps most of it well guarded. He has a great poker face that hides most of his emotions,only showing what he wants other people to see. He also has a mask of pure sarcasm,having an ironic retort to every thing people tell him.

But while Erik always puts himself first,he isn't completely selfish. The rare friendships he has usually can count on him. Unless he has something better to do.

Erik doesn't like to rely in emotions,being a completely rational person instead. This usually means that he is able to hold his temper even when being provoked,although he can turn violent when pushed enough. He has no time for weak people,staying on the side of the ones who can hold their own instead.

Biography 2+ paragraphs

Erik is the only son of Gambit,which is quite obvious considering the physical resemblance and even the completely alike personality. The boy was already running around and terrorizing the neighbors when he was five years old. It didn't take long for Erik to start stealing either. His father was completely approving of Erik's behavior,at least in the start. As Erik himself would say it,Gambit got "soft". He wasn't so willing to be a villain anymore,which made his relationship with Erik constantly harder.

The first time that Erik took the alias of "Rogue" was when he was fifteen. He involved himself into small robbery,mostly using magic tricks and his cards. Soon he was growing into bigger jobs,taking whatever he wanted from whoever he wanted. He always kept his stealing to the rich folk,though. It wasn't like they needed it,anyway. He tried to keep away from direct conflict,though. Fighting just wasn't Erik's thing.

They told Erik he could become anything. So he became a thief.

Other info

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